Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 39, issue 10, 2010
- The economic impact of technological and organizational innovations. A firm-level analysis pp. 1253-1263

- Rinaldo Evangelista and Antonio Vezzani
- The innovation-economic growth nexus: Global evidence pp. 1264-1276

- Iftekhar Hasan and Christopher Tucci
- Global health social technologies: Reflections on evolving theories and landscapes pp. 1277-1288

- Joanna Chataway, Rebecca Hanlin, Julius Mugwagwa and Lois Muraguri
- Knowledge coherence, variety and economic growth: Manufacturing evidence from Italian regions pp. 1289-1302

- Francesco Quatraro
- Variety in the knowledge base of Knowledge Intensive Business Services pp. 1303-1310

- Davide Consoli and Dioni Elche-Hortelano
- Working with distant researchers--Distance and content in university-industry interaction pp. 1311-1320

- Anders Broström
- Are patents with multiple inventors from different countries a good indicator of international R&D collaboration? The case of ABB pp. 1321-1334

- Anna Bergek and Maria Bruzelius
- Globalization of R&D by US-based multinational enterprises pp. 1335-1347

- Prema-chandra Athukorala and Archanun Kohpaiboon
- Venture capital as a catalyst to commercialization pp. 1348-1360

- Sampsa Samila and Olav Sorenson
- Government R&D subsidies as a signal for private investors pp. 1361-1374

- Robin Kleer
- Assessing the effectiveness of the Eureka Program pp. 1375-1386

- Cristina Bayona-Sáez and Teresa García-Marco
- Evidence on how academics manage their portfolio of knowledge transfer activities pp. 1387-1403

- Réjean Landry, Malek Saïhi, Nabil Amara and Mathieu Ouimet
Volume 39, issue 9, 2010
- Rethinking the role of the state in technology development: DARPA and the case for embedded network governance pp. 1133-1147

- Erica R.H. Fuchs
- R&D investment and financing choices: A comprehensive perspective pp. 1148-1159

- Taiyuan Wang and Stewart Thornhill
- Performance of Spanish universities in technology transfer: An empirical analysis pp. 1160-1173

- Aida Caldera and Olivier Debande
- Relational mechanisms governing multifaceted collaborative behavior of academic scientists in six fields of science and engineering pp. 1174-1184

- Yamini Jha and Eric W. Welch
- Technological joint venture formation under the real options approach pp. 1185-1197

- Isabel Estrada, Gabriel de la Fuente and Natalia Martín-Cruz
- Under the radar: Industry entry by user entrepreneurs pp. 1198-1213

- Stefan Haefliger, Peter Jäger and Georg von Krogh
- Founder's human capital, external investment, and the survival of new high-technology ventures pp. 1214-1226

- Eli Gimmon and Jonathan Levie
- Heterogeneous MNC subsidiaries and technological spillovers: Explaining positive and negative effects in India pp. 1227-1241

- Anabel Marin and Subash Sasidharan
- Market information approaches, product innovativeness, and firm performance: An empirical study in the fashion industry pp. 1242-1252

- Paola Cillo, Luigi M. De Luca and Gabriele Troilo
Volume 39, issue 8, 2010
- Technology policy and global warming: Why new policy models are needed (or why putting new wine in old bottles won't work) pp. 1011-1023

- David C. Mowery, Richard Nelson and Ben Martin
- Technology policy and global warming: Why new innovation models are needed pp. 1024-1026

- Andrew Hargadon
- An energy system transformation: Framing research choices for the climate challenge pp. 1027-1029

- Mark Huberty and John Zysman
- Comment on Mowery, Nelson and Martin pp. 1030-1031

- Charles Perrow
- A response to our commentators pp. 1032-1033

- David C. Mowery, Richard Nelson and Ben Martin
- Proliferation dynamics in new sciences pp. 1034-1050

- Andrea Bonaccorsi and Juan Vargas
- The technological origins of radical inventions pp. 1051-1059

- Wilfred Schoenmakers and Geert Duysters
- Inside or outside the IP system? Business creation in academia pp. 1060-1069

- Riccardo Fini, Nicola Lacetera and Scott Shane
- The internationalization of inventive activity: A gravity model using patent data pp. 1070-1081

- Lucio Picci
- Cooperation in innovation activities: The importance of partners pp. 1082-1092

- Pedro de Faria, Francisco Lima and Rui Santos
- The effects of owner identity and external governance systems on R&D investments: A study of Western European firms pp. 1093-1104

- Federico Munari, Raffaele Oriani and Maurizio Sobrero
- Do high technology acquirers become more innovative? pp. 1105-1121

- Panos Desyllas and Alan Hughes
- Economic perspectives on the development of complex products for increasingly demanding customers pp. 1122-1132

- Peter Earl and Tim Wakeley
Volume 39, issue 7, 2010
- Academic inventors as brokers pp. 843-857

- Francesco Lissoni
- Investigating the factors that diminish the barriers to university-industry collaboration pp. 858-868

- Johan Bruneel, Pablo D'Este and Ammon Salter
- Career patterns and competences of PhDs in science and engineering in the knowledge economy: The case of graduates from a UK research-based university pp. 869-881

- Hsing-fen Lee, Marcela Miozzo and Philippe Laredo
- Organizing links with science: Cooperate or contract?: A project-level analysis pp. 882-892

- Bruno Cassiman, Maria Chiara Di Guardo and Giovanni Valentini
- Initiating private-collective innovation: The fragility of knowledge sharing pp. 893-906

- Simon Gächter, Georg von Krogh and Stefan Haefliger
- How top management team diversity affects innovativeness and performance via the strategic choice to focus on innovation fields pp. 907-918

- Katrin Talke, Sören Salomo and Katja Rost
- The local/global integration of MNC subsidiaries and their technological behaviour: Argentina in the late 1990s pp. 919-931

- Anabel Marin and Martin Bell
- Innovative path dependence: Making sense of product and service innovation in path dependent innovation processes pp. 932-944

- Sof Thrane, Steen Blaabjerg and Rasmus Hannemann Møller
- Demand and innovation in services: The case of mobile communications pp. 945-955

- Nicoletta Corrocher and Lorenzo Zirulia
- Knowledge protection strategies of multinational firms--A cross-country comparison pp. 956-968

- Pedro de Faria and Wolfgang Sofka
- German employee inventors' compensation records: A window into the returns to patented inventions pp. 969-984

- Jesse Giummo
- Propensity to patent, competition and China's foreign patenting surge pp. 985-993

- Albert Guangzhou Hu
- The private value of software patents pp. 994-1009

- Bronwyn H. Hall and Megan MacGarvie
Volume 39, issue 6, 2010
- How open is innovation? pp. 699-709

- Linus Dahlander and David M. Gann
- Learning at the boundaries in an "Open Regional Innovation System": A focus on firms' innovation strategies in the Emilia Romagna life science industry pp. 710-721

- Fiorenza Belussi, Alessia Sammarra and Silvia Rita Sedita
- The determinants of regional innovation in Europe: A combined factorial and regression knowledge production function approach pp. 722-735

- Mikel Buesa, Joost Heijs and Thomas Baumert
- The economic impacts of academic spin-off companies, and their implications for public policy pp. 736-747

- P.S. Vincett
- Who are the researchers that are collaborating with industry? An analysis of the wine sectors in Chile, South Africa and Italy pp. 748-761

- Elisa Giuliani, Andrea Morrison, Carlo Pietrobelli and Roberta Rabellotti
- Co-operative ties and innovation: Some new evidence for UK manufacturing pp. 762-775

- Philip Tomlinson
- Learning dynamics in research alliances: A panel data analysis pp. 776-789

- Tomaso Duso, Enrico Pennings and Jo Seldeslachts
- Productivity impact of technology spillover from multinationals to local firms: Comparing China's automobile and electronics industries pp. 790-798

- Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yuan Yuan
- Innovation and Employment: a Reinvestigation using Revised Pavitt classes pp. 799-809

- Francesco Bogliacino and Mario Pianta
- Knowledge sources, patent protection, and commercialization of pharmaceutical innovations pp. 810-821

- Christian Sternitzke
- University research funding and publication performance--An international comparison pp. 822-834

- Otto Auranen and Mika Nieminen
- Tackling undue concentration of federal research funding: An empirical assessment on NSF's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) pp. 835-841

- Yonghong Wu
Volume 39, issue 5, 2010
- Government as entrepreneur: Reframing a dimension of science and technology policy pp. 565-566

- Albert Link
- Entrepreneurial experiments in science policy: Analyzing the Human Genome Project pp. 567-582

- Kenneth G. Huang and Fiona E. Murray
- Does policy influence the commercialization route? Evidence from National Institutes of Health funded scientists pp. 583-588

- T. Aldridge and David Audretsch
- Government as entrepreneur: Evaluating the commercialization success of SBIR projects pp. 589-601

- Albert Link and John T. Scott
- University capabilities in facilitating entrepreneurship: A longitudinal study of spin-off ventures at mid-range universities pp. 602-612

- Einar Rasmussen and Odd Jarl Borch
- Influencing scientists' collaboration and productivity patterns through new institutions: University research centers and scientific and technical human capital pp. 613-624

- Branco L. Ponomariov and P. Craig Boardman
- Determinants of industry-academy linkages and, their impact on firm performance: The case of Korea as a latecomer in knowledge industrialization pp. 625-639

- Boo-Young Eom and Keun Lee
- Longitudinal trends in networks of university-industry-government relations in South Korea: The role of programmatic incentives pp. 640-649

- Han Woo Park and Loet Leydesdorff
- Technology adoption, training and productivity performance pp. 650-661

- Daniel Boothby, Anik Dufour and Jianmin Tang
- Research collaboration at a distance: Changing spatial patterns of scientific collaboration within Europe pp. 662-673

- Jarno Hoekman, Koen Frenken and Robert J.W. Tijssen
- Towards understanding integration in research and research policy pp. 674-686

- Terttu Luukkonen and Maria Nedeva
- The role of ICT knowledge flows for international market share dynamics pp. 687-697

- Keld Laursen and Valentina Meliciani
Volume 39, issue 4, 2010
- Innovation studies and sustainability transitions: The allure of the multi-level perspective and its challenges pp. 435-448

- Adrian Smith, Jan-Peter Voß and John Grin
- 'Energy regions': The transformative power of regional discourses on socio-technical futures pp. 449-458

- Philipp Späth and Harald Rohracher
- Destination unknown: Pursuing sustainable mobility in the face of rival societal aspirations pp. 459-470

- Maurie J. Cohen
- Governing transitions in the sustainability of everyday life pp. 471-476

- Elizabeth Shove and Gordon Walker
- Can cities shape socio-technical transitions and how would we know if they were? pp. 477-485

- Mike Hodson and Simon Marvin
- Sustainable transition of electronic products through waste policy pp. 486-494

- Erik Hagelskjær Lauridsen and Ulrik Jørgensen
- Ontologies, socio-technical transitions (to sustainability), and the multi-level perspective pp. 495-510

- Frank W. Geels
- Embeddedness, social epistemology and breakthrough innovation: The case of the development of statins pp. 511-522

- Yasunori Baba and John P. Walsh
- Does Europe perform too little corporate R&D? A comparison of EU and non-EU corporate R&D performance pp. 523-536

- Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello, Constantin Ciupagea, Keith Smith, Alexander Tübke and Mike Tubbs
- Related diversification and R&D intensity dynamics pp. 537-548

- César Alonso-Borrego and Francisco Forcadell
- Public selection and financing of R&D cooperative projects: Credit versus subsidy funding pp. 549-563

- Lluís Santamaría, Andrés Barge-Gil and Aurelia Modrego
Volume 39, issue 3, 2010
- Experimental methods in innovation research pp. 313-322

- Flemming Sørensen, Jan Mattsson and Jon Sundbo
- Technological regimes and the variety of innovation behaviour: Creating integrated taxonomies of firms and sectors pp. 323-334

- Michael Peneder
- Human capital, R&D, trade, and long-run productivity. Testing the technological absorption hypothesis for the Portuguese economy, 1960-2001 pp. 335-350

- Aurora Teixeira and Natércia Fortuna
- Applying open innovation in business strategies: Evidence from Finnish software firms pp. 351-359

- Elad Harison and Heli Koski
- Close, but not the same: Locally headquartered organizations and agglomeration economies in a declining industry pp. 360-374

- Pino G. Audia and Christopher I. Rider
- Brokerage in SME networks pp. 375-385

- Yvonne Kirkels and Geert Duysters
- The dynamics of R&D network in the IT industry pp. 386-399

- Nobuyuki Hanaki, Ryo Nakajima and Yoshiaki Ogura
- Antecedents of cooperative commercialisation strategies of nanotechnology firms pp. 400-410

- Marina Fiedler and Isabell Welpe
- Commodification of science and the production of public goods: Plant protection research in Kazakhstan pp. 411-421

- Kazbek Toleubayev, Kees Jansen and Arnold van Huis
- A taste for science? PhD scientists' academic orientation and self-selection into research careers in industry pp. 422-434

- Michael Roach and Henry Sauermann
Volume 39, issue 2, 2010
- Academic spin-off's transfer speed--Analyzing the time from leaving university to venture pp. 189-199

- Kathrin Müller
- The grace period in international patent law and its effect on the timing of disclosure pp. 200-213

- Chiara Franzoni and Giuseppe Scellato
- Patents and the survival of Internet-related IPOs pp. 214-228

- Stefan Wagner and Iain Cockburn
- A hidden cost of strategic alliances under Schumpeterian dynamics pp. 229-238

- Jeho Lee, Seung Ho Park, Young Ryu and Yoon-Suk Baik
- How can clusters sustain performance? The role of network strength, network openness, and environmental uncertainty pp. 239-253

- Andreas B. Eisingerich, Simon J. Bell and Paul Tracey
- External knowledge sourcing in biotechnology through acquisition versus alliance: A KBV approach pp. 254-267

- Sofy Carayannopoulos and Ellen R. Auster
- Understanding the development of technology-intensive suppliers in resource-based developing economies pp. 268-277

- Carlos Torres-Fuchslocher
- A theory of firm growth: Learning capability, knowledge threshold, and patterns of growth pp. 278-289

- Chang-Yang Lee
- Open innovation in SMEs--An intermediated network model pp. 290-300

- Sungjoo Lee, Gwangman Park, Byungun Yoon and Jinwoo Park
- The limits of capital: Transcending the public financer-private producer split in industrial R&D pp. 301-312

- Dan Breznitz and Amos Zehavi
Volume 39, issue 1, 2010
- In defence of the linear model: An essay pp. 1-13

- Margherita Balconi, Stefano Brusoni and Luigi Orsenigo
- Tracing the links between science and technology: An exploratory analysis of scientists' and inventors' networks pp. 14-26

- Stefano Breschi and Christian Catalini
- Mobility versus job stability: Assessing tenure and productivity outcomes pp. 27-38

- Laura Cruz-Castro and Luis Sanz-Menéndez
- The three facets of knowledge: A critique of the practice-based learning theory pp. 39-46

- Ali Yakhlef
- Absorptive capacity and the reach of collaboration in high technology small firms pp. 47-54

- Jeroen P.J. de Jong and Mark Freel
- Determinants of proactive and reactive technology licensing: A contingency perspective pp. 55-66

- Ulrich Lichtenthaler
- Review and new evidence on composite innovation indicators for evaluating national performance pp. 67-78

- Hariolf Grupp and Torben Schubert
- Analyzing interdisciplinarity: Typology and indicators pp. 79-88

- Katri Huutoniemi, Julie Thompson Klein, Henrik Bruun and Janne Hukkinen
- Categorical coherence, classification volatility and examiner-added citations pp. 89-102

- David Tan and Peter W. Roberts
- Determinants of R&D investment: The Extreme-Bounds-Analysis approach applied to 26 OECD countries pp. 103-116

- Eric C. Wang
- Innovation investments, market engagement and financial performance: A study among Australian manufacturing SMEs pp. 117-125

- Tung-Shan Liao and John Rice
- Assessing the contribution to innovation of private equity investors: A study on European buyouts pp. 126-140

- Elisa Ughetto
- Is firm-specific innovation associated with greater value appropriation? The roles of environmental dynamism and technological diversity pp. 141-154

- Heli Wang and Wei-Ru Chen
- Openness and innovation--Home and export demand effects on manufacturing innovation: Panel data evidence for Ireland and Switzerland pp. 155-164

- Martin Woerter and Stephen Roper
- Who contributes voluntarily to OSS? An investigation among German IT employees pp. 165-172

- Jürgen Bitzer and Ingo Geishecker
- What really matters: Regional versus individual determinants of the digital divide in Germany pp. 173-185

- Katrin Schleife
- C. Edquist and L. Hommen, Small Country Innovation Systems. Globalization, Change and Policy in Asia and Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2008) ISBN: 1-84542-584-5 (544 pp., £125.00) pp. 186-187

- Cristina Chaminade
- P.C. Ensign, Knowledge Sharing Among Scientist: Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms, Palgrave Macmillan, New York (2009) (220 pp., ISBN 0-230-61173-7) pp. 187-188

- William H.A. Johnson
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