Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 28, issue 8, 1999
- Innovation and inter-firm linkages: new implications for policy pp. 793-805

- Bart Nooteboom
- The microeconomics of manufacturing modernization programs pp. 807-818

- Irwin Feller and Jon Nelson
- Do innovative activities matter to small firms in non-R&D-intensive industries? An application to export performance pp. 819-832

- Alessandro Sterlacchini
- Technological transformations in history: how the computer regime grew out of existing computing regimes pp. 833-851

- Jan van den Ende and Rene Kemp
- The rise of clusters of innovative industries in Belgium during the industrial epoch pp. 853-871

- Ron Boschma
- Making sense of diversity and reluctance: academic-industrial relations and intellectual property pp. 873-890

- Brian Rappert, Andrew Webster and David Charles
- A resource-based analysis of the factors determining a firm's R&D activities pp. 891-905

- Jesus Galende Del Canto and Isabel Suarez Gonzalez
Volume 28, issue 7, 1999
- Determinants of the adoption of Information Technology: a case study of electrical and electronic goods manufacturing firms in India pp. 667-680

- Kaushalesh Lal
- Shaping Cyberspace--interpreting and transforming the Internet pp. 681-698

- Graham Thomas and Sally Wyatt
- Environmental policies and innovation: A knowledge-based perspective on cooperative approaches pp. 699-717

- Franck Aggeri
- Systems option for sustainable development--effect and limit of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's efforts to substitute technology for energy pp. 719-749

- Chihiro Watanabe
- New perspectives on the innovation strategies of multinational enterprises: lessons for technology policy in Europe pp. 751-776

- Frieder Meyer-Krahmer and Guido Reger
- The construction of the techno-economic: networks vs. paradigms pp. 777-792

- Ken Green, Richard Hull, Andrew McMeekin and Vivien Walsh
Volume 28, issue 6, 1999
- An integrated network approach to systems of innovation--the case of robotics in Japan pp. 563-585

- Nageswaran Kumaresan and Kumiko Miyazaki
- R&D dynamics of creating patents in the Japanese industry pp. 587-600

- Masayuki Kondo
- The rise and fall of 'Supernet': a case study of technology transfer policy for smaller firms pp. 601-614

- John Bessant
- Innovative output, and a firm's propensity to patent.: An exploration of CIS micro data pp. 615-624

- Erik Brouwer and Alfred Kleinknecht
- Organizing international technological collaboration in subcontractor relationships: an investigation of the knowledge-stickiness problem pp. 625-642

- Poul Houman Andersen
- Technological entry, exit and survival: an empirical analysis of patent data pp. 643-660

- Franco Malerba and Luigi Orsenigo
Volume 28, issue 5, 1999
- Interdependencies between the science and technology infrastructure and innovation activities in German regions: empirical findings and policy consequences pp. 451-468

- Knut Blind and Hariolf Grupp
- Variety and niche creation in aircraft, helicopters, motorcycles and microcomputers pp. 469-488

- Koen Frenken, Paolo P. Saviotti and Michel Trommetter
- The efficacy of different modes of funding research: perspectives from Australian data on the biological sciences pp. 489-499

- Paul Bourke and Linda Butler
- The self-similar science system1 pp. 501-517

- J. Sylvan Katz
- In search of the European Paradox: an international comparison of Europe's scientific performance and knowledge flows in information and communication technologies research pp. 519-543

- Robert J. W. Tijssen and Erik van Wijk
- Territorial concentration and evolution of science and technology activities in the European Union: a descriptive analysis pp. 545-562

- M. Zitt, R. Barre, A. Sigogneau and F. Laville
Volume 28, issue 4, 1999
- Failure and success: the fate of industrial policy in Latin America and South East Asia pp. 337-350

- Henry Etzkowitz and Sandra N. Brisolla
- Patterns of restructuring in research, development and innovation activities in central and eastern European countries: an analysis based on S&T indicators1 pp. 351-376

- Slavo Radosevic and Laudeline Auriol
- Patent statistics in the age of globalisation: new legal procedures, new analytical methods, new economic interpretation pp. 377-396

- Hariolf Grupp and Ulrich Schmoch
- Public research and industrial innovations in Germany pp. 397-422

- Marian Beise and Harald Stahl
- The implications of network use, production network externalities and public networking programmes for firm's productivity pp. 423-439

- Heli Koski
Volume 28, issue 2-3, 1999
- Editorial pp. 107-117

- Unknown
- Technological globalisation and innovative centres: the role of corporate technological leadership and locational hierarchy1 pp. 119-144

- John Cantwell and Odile Janne
- Patterns of internationalisation of corporate technology: location vs. home country advantages1 pp. 145-155

- Parimal Patel and Modesto Vega
- Decentralised R&D and strategic competitiveness: globalised approaches to generation and use of technology in multinational enterprises (MNEs) pp. 157-178

- Robert D. Pearce
- Foreign direct investment in industrial research in the pharmaceutical and electronics industries--results from a survey of multinational firms pp. 179-193

- Walter Kuemmerle
- How do you mean 'global'? An empirical investigation of innovation networks in the multinational corporation pp. 195-213

- Ivo Zander
- Canadian R&D abroad management practices pp. 215-230

- Jorge Niosi and Benoit Godin
- New concepts and trends in international R&D organization pp. 231-250

- Oliver Gassmann and Maximilian von Zedtwitz
- Globalization of R&D: recent changes in the management of innovation in transnational corporations pp. 251-274

- Alexander Gerybadze and Guido Reger
- Internationalization of corporate R&D: a study of Japanese and Swedish corporations1 pp. 275-302

- Ove Granstrand
- Globalization of industrial R&D: an examination of foreign direct investments in R&D in the United States pp. 303-316

- Manuel G. Serapio and Donald H. Dalton
- The policy implications of the globalisation of innovation pp. 317-336

- Daniele Archibugi and Simona Iammarino
Volume 28, issue 1, 1999
- What is behind the recent surge in patenting?1 pp. 1-22

- Samuel Kortum and Josh Lerner
- Overseas R&D and the strategic evolution of MNEs: evidence from laboratories in the UK pp. 23-41

- Robert Pearce and Marina Papanastassiou
- Transnational cooperation and policy networks in European science policy-making pp. 43-61

- Edgar Grande and Anke Peschke
- Make and buy in innovation strategies: evidence from Belgian manufacturing firms pp. 63-80

- Reinhilde Veugelers and Bruno Cassiman
- Designing the future: the culture of new trends in science and technology pp. 81-98

- Jon Guice
Volume 27, issue 9, 1998
- Technological innovation in services and manufacturing: results from Italian surveys pp. 881-899

- Giorgio Sirilli and Rinaldo Evangelista
- The impact of transaction costs on the institutional structuration of collaborative academic research pp. 901-913

- Rejean Landry and Nabil Amara
- In search of project classification: a non-universal approach to project success factors pp. 915-935

- D. Dvir, S. Lipovetsky, A. Shenhar and A. Tishler
- Passing the European Patent Office: evidence from the data-processing industry pp. 937-946

- Theon van Dijk and Geert Duysters
- Why has the investment performance of technology-specialist, European venture capital funds been so poor? pp. 947-976

- Gordon C. Murray and Richard Marriott
Volume 27, issue 8, 1998
- Mediation in the Dutch science system pp. 757-769

- Barend van der Meulen and Arie Rip
- Research institutions in France: between the Republic of science and the nation-state in crisis pp. 771-780

- Pierre Papon
- Socialist academies of sciences: the enforced orientation of basic research at user needs pp. 781-791

- Renate Mayntz
- The social shaping of the national science base pp. 793-805

- Keith Pavitt
- The role of funding agencies in the cognitive development of science pp. 807-821

- Dietmar Braun
- The norms of entrepreneurial science: cognitive effects of the new university-industry linkages pp. 823-833

- Henry Etzkowitz
- Science-based technologies: university-industry interactions in four fields pp. 835-851

- Frieder Meyer-Krahmer and Ulrich Schmoch
- Experimental implementation as a linking mechanism in the process of innovation pp. 853-868

- Wolfgang van den Daele and Wolfgang Krohn
- Science and the media pp. 869-879

- Peter Weingart
Volume 27, issue 7, 1998
- Technical change and incorporated R&D in the service sector pp. 655-675

- Bruno Amable and Stefano Palombarini
- The economic impact of Canadian university R&D pp. 677-687

- Fernand Martin
- A cognitive model of innovation pp. 689-709

- Paul Nightingale
- Innovation policies within the framework of internationalization pp. 711-724

- Dany Jacobs
- Small and large firms: sources of unequal innovations? pp. 725-745

- Bruce Tether
Volume 27, issue 6, 1998
- The inevitable limits of EU R&D funding pp. 559-568

- Keith Pavitt
- Competitiveness and cohesion--are the two compatible? pp. 569-588

- Margaret Sharp
- The networks promoted by the framework programme and the questions they raise about its formulation and implementation pp. 589-598

- Philippe Laredo
- The difficulties in assessing the impact of EU framework programmes pp. 599-610

- Terttu Luukkonen
- Global cooperation in research pp. 611-626

- Luke Georghiou
- Global interdependence or the European fortress? Technology policies in perspective pp. 627-637

- Raimo Vayrynen
- The changing structure of the US national innovation system: implications for international conflict and cooperation in R&D policy pp. 639-654

- David C. Mowery
Volume 27, issue 5, 1998
- Does technological convergence imply convergence in markets? Evidence from the electronics industry pp. 445-463

- Alfonso Gambardella and Salvatore Torrisi
- Towards a theory of the technology-based firm1 pp. 465-489

- Ove Granstrand
- The entry mode choice of MNEs: an evolutionary approach pp. 491-506

- Marco Mutinelli and Lucia Piscitello
- Technological overlap and interfirm cooperation: implications for the resource-based view of the firm pp. 507-523

- David C. Mowery, Joanne Oxley and Brian S. Silverman
- Do firms in clusters innovate more? pp. 525-540

- Rui Baptista and Peter Swann
- Patterns of internationalization of Spanish innovatory firms pp. 541-558

- Jose Molero
Volume 27, issue 4, 1998
- Economic analyses of Industrial Research Institutes in developing countries: the Indian experience pp. 337-347

- Homi Katrak
- On the structuring of variation in innovation processes: a case of new product development in the crop protection industry pp. 349-367

- Frank den Hond
- Organizational processes to meet new performance criteria: Chinese pharmaceutical firms in transition pp. 369-383

- Steven White and Xielin Liu
- The relevance of science and technology indicators: the case of pulp and paper pp. 385-395

- Staffan Laestadius
- Science policies as principal-agent games: Institutionalization and path dependency in the relation between government and science pp. 397-414

- Barend Van der Meulen
- A typology of networks: flexible and evolutionary firms pp. 415-428

- Fiorenza Belussi and Enzo Arcangeli
- Analysis of in-house R&D centres of innovative firms in India pp. 429-433

- Pawan Sikka
Volume 27, issue 3, 1998
- 'Knowledge management practices' and path-dependency in innovation pp. 237-253

- Rod Coombs and Richard Hull
- A comparison of networks between industry and public sector research in materials technology and biotechnology pp. 255-271

- Lois Peters, Peter Groenewegen and Nico Fiebelkorn
- The benefits and costs of strong patent protection: a contribution to the current debate pp. 273-284

- Roberto Mazzoleni and Richard Nelson
- Assessment of Flemish R&D in the field of information technology: A bibliometric evaluation based on publication and patent data, combined with OECD research input statistics pp. 285-300

- E. C. M. Noyons, M. Luwel and H. F. Moed
- Domestic and international product-embodied R&D diffusion pp. 301-314

- G. Papaconstantinou, N. Sakurai and A. Wyckoff
- Modes of experimentation: an innovation process--and competitive--variable pp. 315-332

- Stefan Thomke, Eric von Hippel and Roland Franke
Volume 27, issue 2, 1998
- Optimal scale for research and development in foreign environments--an investigation into size and performance of research and development laboratories abroad pp. 111-126

- Walter Kuemmerle
- What percentage of innovations are patented? empirical estimates for European firms pp. 127-141

- Anthony Arundel and Isabelle Kabla
- The occupational dynamics of recent Canadian engineering graduates inside and outside the bounds of technology pp. 143-158

- Marie Lavoie and Ross Finnie
- Managing innovation: The pursuit of competitive advantage and the design of innovation intense environments pp. 159-175

- Rhonda Roberts
- Partnerships in transition economies: international strategic technology alliances in Russia pp. 177-185

- John Hagedoorn and Judith B. Sedaitis
- Fiscal incentives to consumer innovation: the use of unleaded petrol in Europe pp. 187-213

- Paul Stoneman and Giuliana Battisti
- Technology acquisition, de-regulation and competitiveness: a study of Indian automobile industry pp. 215-228

- Krishnan Narayanan
Volume 27, issue 1, 1998
- Industrial research as a source of important patents pp. 1-15

- Holger Ernst
- The evolution of technological capabilities in the multinational corporation--dispersion, duplication and potential advantages from multinationality pp. 17-35

- Ivo Zander
- A dynamic analysis of the relations between the structure and the process of National Systems of Innovation using computer simulation; the case of the Dutch biotechnological sector pp. 37-54

- Felix H. A. Janszen and Grada H. Degenaars
- Simulation, learning and R&D performance: Evidence from automotive development pp. 55-74

- Stefan H. Thomke
- The nature of long-run technological change: innovation, evolution and technological systems pp. 75-93

- Riccardo Leoncini
- Comparative analysis of a set of bibliometric indicators and central peer review criteria: Evaluation of condensed matter physics in the Netherlands pp. 95-107

- E. J. Rinia, Th. N. van Leeuwen, H. G. van Vuren and A. F. J. van Raan
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