Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 22, issue 5-6, 1993
- Foreign research and development in Swedish multinationals pp. 373-396

- Lars Hakanson and Robert Nobel
- Determinants of foreign R&D in Swedish multinationals pp. 397-411

- Lars Hakanson and Robert Nobel
- Internationalization of R&D -- a survey of some recent research pp. 413-430

- Ove Granstrand, Lars Hakanson and Soren Sjolander
- Technological learning and entrepreneurial behaviour: A taxonomy of the chemical industry in Venezuela pp. 431-453

- Arnoldo Pirela, Rafael Rengifo, Alexis Mercado and Rigas Arvanitis
- On high tech snobbery pp. 455-462

- Noe van Hulst and Beverly Olds
- The battle for biotechnology: Scientific and technological paradigms and the management of biotechnology in Britain in the 1980s pp. 463-478

- Brian Balmer and Margaret Sharp
- In search of insights into the generation of techno-economic trends: Micro- and macro-constituencies in the microprocessor industry pp. 479-506

- Alfonso H. Molina
- Funding for innovation in small firms: The role of government pp. 507-519

- Ian Moore and Elizabeth Garnsey
- New technology adoption in US telecommunications: The role of competitive pressures and firm-level inducements pp. 521-536

- Sumit K Majumdar and S. Venkataraman
- Lessons from an economy with limited market functions: R&D in Hungary in the 1980s pp. 537-552

- K. Balazs
- John von Neumann and the origins of modern computing: William Aspray, (the MIT Press, Cambridge, MA/London, 1990) pp. 376, $47.25 in Europe, ISBN: 0-262-01121-2 pp. 553-553

- Chunglin Kwa
- Networks machines and portfolios: Technology decision-making in large corporations: Jose Allouche and Gerard Pogorel, (Franco Angeli, Milano, 1990) pp. 154, US $15 pp. 554-555

- Cristiano Antonelli
- Science technology and free trade: J. De L. Motte and L.M. Ducharme (Editors), (Francis Pinter, London, 1990) pp. 156 + ix, [UK pound]37.50, ISBN 0-861-87728-4 pp. 555-557

- Cristiano Antonelli
Volume 22, issue 4, 1993
- The dynamics of technological innovation: The sector of antibacterial medicines pp. 279-308

- Basil Achilladelis
- Patterns of collaborative innovation in the US telecommunications industry after divestiture pp. 309-325

- Antonello Zanfei
- Government's research policy and economic growth: Capital, knowledge and economic pp. 327-336

- Wei-Bin Zhang
- Estimating the impact of the R&D tax credit on strategic groups in the pharmaceutical industry pp. 337-351

- William McCutchen
- A bibliometric analysis of six economics research groups: A comparison with peer review pp. 353-368

- A. J. Nederhof and A. F. J. van Raan
- Scientists in the third world: Jacques Gaillard, (The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 1991) 190 pp pp. 369-370

- Léa Velho
- Unavoidable industrial restructuring in Latin America: Fernando Fajnzelber, (Duke University Press, Durham and London, 1990), pp. xvi + 207, US$25 pp. 370-372

- Cristiano Antonelli
Volume 22, issue 3, 1993
- Adaptability and product development in the Danish plastics industry pp. 181-194

- Povl A. Hansen and Goran Serin
- Research and development,human capital and trade performance in technology-intensive manufactures: A cross-country analysis pp. 207-241

- Peter Daniels
- Assessing the performance of European collaborative R&D policy: The case of Eureka pp. 243-264

- John Peterson
- Multinational companies and technological change: Basic traits and taxonomy of the behaviour of German industrial companies in Spain pp. 265-278

- Jose Molero and Mikel Buesa
Volume 22, issue 2, 1993
- Introductory note pp. 99-99

- A. S. Bean, M. Callon, R. Coenen, C. Freeman, F. Meyer-Krahmer, K. L. R. Pavitt, D. Roessner and J. M. Utterback
- Government influence on the process of innovation in Europe and Japan pp. 101-101

- T. J. Allen
- Interactive innovation in financial and business services: The vanguard of the service revolution pp. 101-102

- Richard Barras
- Technological paradigms and technological trajectories: A suggested interpretation of the determinants and directions of technical change pp. 102-103

- Giovanni Dosi
- Innovation: Mapping the winds of creative destruction pp. 102-102

- William J. Abernathy and Kim B. Clark
- The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process pp. 103-104

- Eric von Hippel
- A technology gap approach to why rates differ pp. 103-103

- Jan Fagerberg
- The roles of science in technological innovation pp. 103-103

- Michael Gibbons and Ron Johnston
- Technological innovation in a corporatist state: The case of biotechnology in the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 104-104

- Sheila Jasanoff
- Government policy and technical choice in the West German reactor programme pp. 104-105

- Otto Keck
- Stages of development of industrial tecnology in a developing country: A model pp. 105-105

- Linsu-Kim
- The diffusion of industrial robots in Japan and the United States pp. 105-105

- Edwin Mansfield
- Evaluations of innovation programmes in selected European countries pp. 106-107

- Frieder Meye-Krahmer and Philippe Montigny
- Assessing basic research: Some partial indicators of scientific progress in radio astronomy pp. 106-106

- Ben Martin and John Irvine
- The influence of market demand upon innovation: A critical review of some recent empirical studies pp. 107-108

- David Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg
- The consequences of dissent: sociological reflections on the controversy of the low dose effects pp. 108-109

- Helga Nowotny
- Patents as indicators of corporate technological strength pp. 108-108

- Francis Narin, Elliot Noma and Ross Perry
- In search of useful theory of innovation pp. 108-108

- Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter
- Centres of decision in French science policy: The contrasting influences of scientific experts and administrators pp. 109-109

- P. Papon
- A study of technical innovation in Polish industry pp. 109-110

- K. Poznanski
- SAPPHO updated -- project SAPPHO phase II pp. 110-110

- R. Rothwell, C. Freeman, A. Horsley, V. T. P. Jervis, A. B. Robertson and J. Townsend
- Technological guideposts and innovation avenues pp. 110-111

- Devendra Sahal
- The innovative activities of researchers in Italian industry pp. 111-112

- Giorgio Sirilli
- Inter-industry technology flows in the United States pp. 111-111

- F. M. Scherer
- The science/technology relationship, the craft of experimental science, and policy for the improvement of high technology innovation pp. 112-112

- Derek de Solla Price
- Japanese-style evaluation systems for R&D projects: The MITI experience pp. 112-112

- Masami Tanaka
- Profiting from technological innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy pp. 112-113

- David Teece
- Analysis of R&D failure pp. 113-113

- Pablo T. Spiller and Morris Teubal
- Technology and industrial innovation in Sweden: A study of technology-based firms formed between 1965 and 1980 pp. 113-113

- James M. Utterback, Marc Meyer, Edward Roberts and Goran Reitberger
- Government policies towards industrial innovation: a review pp. 114-115

- K. Pavitt and W. Walker
- Invention and innovation in the chemical industry: demand-pull or discovery-push? pp. 115-116

- Vivien Walsh
- The rhetoric of consensus politics: a critical review of technology assessment pp. 116-116

- Brian Wynne
Volume 22, issue 1, 1993
- Innovation, competition, and industry structure pp. 1-21

- James M. Utterback and Fernando F. Suarez
- Co-word-based science maps of chemical engineering. Part I: Representations by direct multidimensional scaling pp. 23-45

- H. P. F. Peters and A. F. J. van Raan
- Co-word-based science maps of chemical engineering. Part II: Representations by combined clustering and multidimensional scaling pp. 47-71

- H. P. F. Peters and A. F. J. van Raan
- Estimating demand for SDI-related spin-off technologies pp. 73-80

- Hans W. Gottinger
- Innovation and learning during implementation: a comparison of user and manufacturer innovations pp. 81-95

- Sarah Slaughter
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