Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 6, 1990
- The diffusion of synthetic materials in the automobile industry: Towards a major breakthrough? pp. 485-500

- Giovanni Amendola
- Rethinking the telecommunication infrastructure: The new "black box" pp. 501-515

- Robin Mansell
- Behind the scenes of performance: Performance, practice and management in medical research pp. 517-534

- Ad A. M. Prins
- Morphological analysis, diffusion and lockout of technologies: Ferrous casting in France and the FRG pp. 535-550

- Dominique Foray and Arnulf Grubler
- University-industry relationships: How does the Belgian academic community feel about it? pp. 551-566

- Roland van Dierdonck, K. Debackere and B. Engelen
Volume 19, issue 5, 1990
- Task partitioning: An innovation process variable pp. 407-418

- Eric von Hippel
- The behaviour of the innovative firm: Relations to the environment pp. 419-433

- Mario Amendola and Sergio Bruno
- Characteristics of businesses with high R&D investment pp. 435-445

- J. Zif, D. McCarthy and A. Israeli
- The United States, Japan and the changing technological balance pp. 447-455

- J. Davidson Frame and Francis Narin
- Utility of bibliometric analysis for research policy: A case study of Spanish research in neuroscience pp. 457-466

- I. Gomez, E. Sanz and A. Mendez
- Scientific and Technological Information Banks for the network management of research pp. 467-475

- W. A. Turner, B. Michelet and J. P. Courtial
- Quantification of the performance of research units: A simple mathematical model pp. 477-480

- H. Englisch and H. -J. Czerwon
- Organization of innovation: East-West perspectives: J. Child and P. Bate (Eds.), (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1987) pp x + 236, DM 110 pp. 481-482

- Malcolm R. Hill
- Perceptions of technological risks and benefits: L.C. Gould, G.T. Gardner, D.R. DeLuca, A.R. Tiemann, L.W. Doob and J.A.J. Stolwijk, (Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1988) pp. 277 pp. 482-483

- Chris Hope
- Microelectronic product applications in Great Britain and West-Germany: Adrian Campbell, Arndt Sorge and Malcolm Warner, (Gower, Aldershot, 1989) pp. xi + 143, [UK pound]21.00 pp. 483-484

- Norman Gabriel and Peter Senker
Volume 19, issue 4, 1990
- International technology transfer: A review pp. 285-307

- N. Mohan Reddy and Liming Zhao
- Transputers and transputer-based parallel computers: Sociotechnical constituencies and the build-up of British-European capabilities in information technologies pp. 309-333

- A. H. Molina
- Universities as engines of R&D-based economic growth: They think they can pp. 335-348

- Irwin Feller
- The economic impact of industry-funded university R&D pp. 349-355

- Evan M. Berman
- Quality evaluations in the management of basic and applied research pp. 357-368

- Terttu Luukkonen and Bertel Stahle
- The commercialization of government-sponsored technologies: Canadian evidence pp. 369-378

- A. Bhanich Supapol
- Between accommodation and orchestration: The implementation of the science policy priority for biotechnology in the Netherlands pp. 379-386

- A. J. Nederhof
- Demand and innovation: Schmookler re-examined pp. 387-394

- Alfred Kleinknecht and Bart Verspagen
- Managing technological development: U.G. Gattiker and L. Larwood, (de Gruyter, Berlin, 1988) pp. 232, $34.95 pp. 395-395

- Ray Loveridge
- Small countries facing the technological revolution: C. Freeman and B.-A. Lundvall (eds), (Pinter, London, 1988) pp. 303, [UK pound]28 pp. 396-398

- Francisco Sercovich
- Microcircuits of capital: Kevin Morgan and Andrew Sayer, (Polity Press, Cambridge, 1988) pp. 321, [UK pound]35 pp. 398-399

- Edward J. Malecki
- Windows on creativity and invention: Jacques G. Richardson (Ed.), (Lomond, Mt. Airy, MD, 1987) pp. 388, $34.75 pp. 399-400

- Brian C. Twiss
- Managing technology in the decentralised firm: Albert H. Rubenstein, (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1989) pp. 476, [UK pound]35.85 pp. 400-401

- Mark Dodgson
- Made in America: Regaining the productive edge: M.L. Dertouzos, R.K. Lester, R.M. Solow and the MIT commission on industrial productivity, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989) pp. 344, $17.95 pp. 401-403

- Christopher Freeman
- Innovation for the 1990s: New challenges for technology policy and strategy: Australia, department of industry, technology and commerce, (Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1988) pp. 80 plus appendices pp. 403-404

- Guy Steed
- How to successfully keep R&D projects on track!: Robert Szakonyi et al., (Lomond, Mt. Airy, MD, 1988) pp. 103, $29.00 pp. 404-405

- John G. D. Carpenter
Volume 19, issue 3, 1990
- Capitalism as an engine of progress pp. 193-214

- Richard Nelson
- Interactive innovation in financial and business services: The vanguard of the service revolution pp. 215-237

- Richard Barras
- Prediction of scientific performance in clinical medicine pp. 239-255

- John F. A. Spangenberg, Richard Starmans, Yvonne W. Bally, Bert Breemhaar and Frans J. N. Nijhuis
- Innovation and productivity: An analysis of the chemical, textiles and machine tool industries in the U.S pp. 257-269

- Alok K. Chakrabarti
- Product use and product improvement pp. 271-283

- Karl F. Habermeier
Volume 19, issue 2, 1990
- Non-linear learning in large technological firms: Period four implies chaos pp. 97-115

- Patricia W. Meyers
- U.S. technological leadership: Where did it come from and where did it go? pp. 117-132

- Richard Nelson
- The location and organisation of research and development: New horizons pp. 133-146

- Jeremy Howells
- The cost of commercializing energy inventions pp. 147-155

- Marilyn A. Brown
- Issues in measuring industrial R&D pp. 157-163

- Frank Lichtenberg
- Why do firms do basic research (with their own money)? pp. 165-174

- Nathan Rosenberg
- Multinationals and the internationalization of R&D: New developments in German companies pp. 175-183

- Michael Wortmann
- The measurement of innovation performance in the firm: An overview pp. 185-192

- Rene Cordero
Volume 19, issue 1, 1990
- The dynamics of technological innovation: The case of the chemical industry pp. 1-34

- Basil Achilladelis, Albert Schwarzkopf and Martin Cines
- Managing innovation in multi-technology corporations pp. 35-60

- Ove Granstrand and Soren Sjolander
- An exploration of the science base of recent technology pp. 61-81

- B. G. van Vianen, H. F. Moed and A. F. J. van Raan
- Product tying and innovation in U.S. wire preparation equipment pp. 83-96

- Pieter A. Vanderwerf
Volume 18, issue 6, 1989
- Evaluation of government innovation programs: Introduction pp. 309-312

- J. David Roessner
- Evaluations of innovation programmes in selected European countries pp. 313-332

- Frieder Meyer-Krahmer and Philippe Montigny
- Nordic experiences of the evaluation of technical research and development pp. 333-342

- Erkki Ormala
- Evaluating government innovation programs: Lessons from the U.S. experience pp. 343-359

- J. David Roessner
- Japanese-style evaluation systems for R&D projects: The MITI experience pp. 361-378

- Masami Tanaka
- Evaluation of programs promoting technological innovation--The Australian experience pp. 379-388

- R. McKeon and J. A. Ryan
Volume 18, issue 5, 1989
- Keichi Oshima pp. 253-253

- Christopher Freeman, Helmut Krauch and Keith Pavitt
- University research performance indicators in practice: The University Grants Committee's evaluation of British universities, 1985-86 pp. 255-271

- A. J. Phillimore
- The role of technological expectations in a mixed model of international diffusion of process innovations: The case of open-end spinning rotors pp. 273-288

- Cristiano Antonelli
- U.S. agricultural research deflators: 1890-1985 pp. 289-296

- Philip Pardey, Barbara Craig and Michelle L. Hallaway
- The sources of innovation: Eric von Hippel, Oxford University Press, 1988 pp. 297-297

- Keith Pavitt
- The challenge of new technology: J. Liebenau (Ed.), (Gower, 1988) pp. 150, [UK pound]23.50 pp. 297-298

- Anna Guagnini
- Innovation and competition. The global management of petrochemical products: R. Stobaugh, (Harvard Business School Press, Boston MA, 1988) pp. 298-299

- Cristiano Antonelli
- Management of innovation in high technology small firms: R.Oakey, R. Rothwell, & C.Cooper, (Pinter Publishers, 1988) pp. 198. [UK pound]27.50 pp. 299-300

- D. Storey
- Patents and productivity: (The University of Chicago Press, 1984) pp. 512, [UK pound]15.25. (paperback edition, 1987.) pp. 300-301

- Nick von Tunzelmann
- Towards full employment: A policy appraisal: C. Driver, (Routledge, 1987) pp. 238, [UK pound]16.50 pp. 302-302

- Christopher Freeman
- Communicating science to the public: D. Evered and M. O'Connor (Eds.), (John Wiley & Sons, 1987) pp. 302-304

- Michael Kenward
- Targeting the computer: K. Flamm, (The Brookings Institution, Washington, 1987) pp. 304-305

- Erik Arnold
- Government innovation policy: Design, implementation, evaluation: D. Roessner (Ed.), (Macmillan, 1988) pp. 208, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 305-305

- P. Stoneman
- Generating technological innovation: E.B. Roberts (Ed.), (Oxford University Press, 1987) pp. 299, $18.95 pp. 305-306

- Mark Dodgson
Volume 18, issue 4, 1989
- The diffusion of industrial robots in Japan and the United States pp. 183-192

- Edwin Mandfield
- A comparison of Census/NSF R&D data vs. Compustat R&D data in a financial decision-making model pp. 193-208

- Alden S. Bean and John Guerard
- Words and co-words as indicators of intellectual organization pp. 209-223

- Loet Leydesdroff
- Corporate strategies in the international semiconductor industry pp. 225-238

- Michael Hobday
- Measuring the technological intensity of the industrial sector: A methodological and empirical approach pp. 239-252

- Daniel Felsenstein and Raphael Bar-El
Volume 18, issue 3, 1989
- Tax incentives and R&D spending: A review of the evidence pp. 119-133

- Joseph Cordes
- Regularities in the growth of high technology industries in regions pp. 135-153

- Hajime Eto and Mamoru Fujita
- Knowhow trading as economic exchange pp. 155-163

- Anne P. Carter
- Exploring the cost-efficiency of basic research funding in chemistry pp. 165-172

- Harvey A. Averch
- Harnessing the capabilities of CIM: The critical role of senior management pp. 173-181

- Bela Gold
Volume 18, issue 2, 1989
- An evolutionary pattern of innovation diffusion. The case of flexible automation pp. 59-86

- Gian Carlo Cainarca, Massimo G. Colombo and Sergio Mariotti
- Characterizing the "technological position" of firms, with application to quantifying technological opportunity and research spillovers pp. 87-97

- Adam Jaffe
- Public support for civil R&D in the U.K.: Limitations of recent policy debate pp. 99-109

- Keith Smith
- Technology, competition and the Soviet bloc in the world market: K.Z. Poznanski, (Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, 1987) pp. 226, $13.95 pp. 111-112

- R. Amann
- Innovation and the productivity crisis: M.N. Baily and A.K. Chakrabarti, (Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., 1988) pp. 130 (plus index) pp. 112-114

- Christopher Freeman
- Technology and global industry: Companies and nations in the world economy: Bruce R. Guile and Harvey Brooks (Eds.), (National Academy Press, Washington, D.C, 1987) pp. 114-115

- Richard Nelson
- Economics and institutions: G.M. Hodgson, (Cambridge Polity Press, Cambridge, 1988) pp. 274 (plus notes, bibliography and index) pp. 115-116

- Norman Clark
- Innovation: A cross-disciplinary perspective: Kjell Gronhaug and Geir Kaufmann, (Norwegian University Press, Oslo, 1988) pp. 529 pp. 116-117

- Rod Coombs
Volume 18, issue 1, 1989
- Full circle: The diffusion of technology pp. 1-18

- George F. Ray
- Collaborative ventures between U.S. and foreign manufacturing firms pp. 19-32

- David C. Mowery
- Policy options for government funding of advanced technology-- the case of international collaboration in the European Telecommunication Satellite Programme pp. 33-50

- Joachim Muller
- Strategic conferencing: A new approach in science policy pp. 51-57

- Cornelis M. Vos and Cor L. Balfoort
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