Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue 10, 2008
- Knowledge dynamics out of balance: Knowledge biased, skewed and unmatched pp. 1657-1658

- Wilfred Dolfsma, Cristina Chaminade and Jan Vang
- The technology clubs: The distribution of knowledge across nations pp. 1659-1673

- Fulvio Castellacci and Daniele Archibugi
- Uneven domestic knowledge bases and the success of foreign firms in the USA pp. 1674-1683

- Helena Barnard
- Globalisation of knowledge production and regional innovation policy: Supporting specialized hubs in the Bangalore software industry pp. 1684-1696

- Cristina Chaminade and Jan Vang
- Resolving the knowledge paradox: Knowledge-spillover entrepreneurship and economic growth pp. 1697-1705

- David Audretsch and Max Keilbach
- Currents and sub-currents in innovation flows: Explaining innovativeness using new-product announcements pp. 1706-1716

- Wilfred Dolfsma and Gerben van der Panne
- Network embeddedness and the exploration of novel technologies: Technological distance, betweenness centrality and density pp. 1717-1731

- Victor Gilsing, Bart Nooteboom, Wim Vanhaverbeke, Geert Duysters and Ad van den Oord
- Growing through copying: The negative consequences of innovation on franchise network growth pp. 1732-1741

- Gabriel Szulanski and Robert J. Jensen
- Organizational knowledge creation and the generation of new product ideas: A behavioral approach pp. 1742-1750

- Anja Schulze and Martin Hoegl
- Against the odds: Small firms in Australia successfully introducing new technology on construction projects pp. 1751-1764

- Karen Manley
- Commercialization strategies of young biotechnology firms: An empirical analysis of the U.S. industry pp. 1765-1777

- Silja Kasch and Michael Dowling
- Product innovation and the decision to invest in fixed capital assets: Evidence from an SME survey in six European Union member states pp. 1778-1789

- Dimitris Skuras, Kyriaki Tsegenidi and Kostas Tsekouras
- Corporate governance and technological dynamism of Chinese firms in mobile telecommunications: A quantitative study pp. 1790-1811

- Jing Cai and Andrew Tylecote
- Do subsidiaries of foreign MNEs invest more in R&D than domestic firms? pp. 1812-1828

- C. Annique Un and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra
- Measuring the change in R&D efficiency of the Japanese pharmaceutical industry pp. 1829-1836

- Akihiro Hashimoto and Shoko Haneda
- Analysing knowledge transfer channels between universities and industry: To what degree do sectors also matter? pp. 1837-1853

- Rudi Bekkers and Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas
- Close enough but not too far: Assessing the effects of university-industry research relationships and the rise of academic capitalism pp. 1854-1864

- Rick Welsh, Leland Glenna, William Lacy and Dina Biscotti
- University-industry knowledge and technology transfer in Switzerland: What university scientists think about co-operation with private enterprises pp. 1865-1883

- Spyros Arvanitis, Ursina Kubli and Martin Woerter
- Engaging the scholar: Three types of academic consulting and their impact on universities and industry pp. 1884-1891

- Markus Perkmann and Kathryn Walsh
- Does it matter where patent citations come from? Inventor vs. examiner citations in European patents pp. 1892-1908

- Paola Criscuolo and Bart Verspagen
- Research tool patents and free-libre biotechnology: A suggested unified framework pp. 1909-1921

- Julien Pénin and Jean-Pierre Wack
- J. Atkinson-Grosjean, Public Science, Private Interests. Culture and Commerce in Canada's Networks of Centres of Excellence, University of Toronto Press (2006) 269 pp., ISBN 13: 978-0-8020-8005-9, ISBN 10: 0-8020-8005-7 pp. 1922-1923

- Alma Rocha-Lackiz
- Gregory Tassey, The Technology Imperative, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2007) pp. xii + 329, $135.00 pp. 1923-1923

- Irene C. Makar
- J. Whitford, The New Old Economy: Networks Institutions and the Organizational Transformation of American Manufacturing, Oxford University Press Inc., NY, USA (2005) ISBN 978-0-19-928601-0 228 pp., £35.00 Hardback pp. 1924-1925

- Yari Borbon-Galvez
Volume 37, issue 9, 2008
- National innovation systems, capabilities and economic development pp. 1417-1435

- Jan Fagerberg and Martin Srholec
- Rethinking the multi-level perspective of technological transitions pp. 1436-1445

- Audley Genus and Anne-Marie Coles
- Mapping public support for innovation: A comparison of policy alignment in the UK and France pp. 1446-1464

- Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas and Nick von Tunzelmann
- China's national innovative capacity pp. 1465-1479

- Mei-Chih Hu and John A. Mathews
- Dynamics in innovation systems: Evidence from Japan's game software industry pp. 1480-1491

- Cornelia Storz
- Complementarities of innovation activities: An empirical analysis of the German manufacturing sector pp. 1492-1503

- Claudia Schmiedeberg
- Controlling innovative projects with moral hazard and asymmetric information pp. 1504-1514

- Rouven Bergmann and Gunther Friedl
- The effect of technological knowledge assets on performance: The innovative choice in Spanish firms pp. 1515-1529

- Diaz-Diaz, Nieves Lidia, Aguiar-Diaz, Inmaculada and Petra De Saá-Pérez
- Managing the protection of innovations in knowledge-intensive business services pp. 1530-1547

- Nabil Amara, Réjean Landry and Namatié Traoré
- Licensing or not licensing? An empirical analysis of the strategic use of patents by Japanese firms pp. 1548-1555

- Kazuyuki Motohashi
- Close to you? Bias and precision in patent-based measures of technological proximity pp. 1556-1567

- Mary Benner and Joel Waldfogel
- On estimating a knowledge production function at the firm and sector level using patent statistics pp. 1568-1578

- Shyama Ramani, Mhamed-Ali El-Aroui and Myriam Carrère
- The role of SME entrepreneurs' innovativeness and personality in the adoption of innovations pp. 1579-1590

- Alberto Marcati, Gianluigi Guido and Alessandro M. Peluso
- Memory objects in project environments: Storing, retrieving and adapting learning in project-based firms pp. 1591-1601

- Eugenia Cacciatori
- Digital disciplinary differences: An analysis of computer-mediated science and 'Mode 2' knowledge production pp. 1602-1615

- Gaston Heimeriks, Peter van den Besselaar and Koen Frenken
- Implications of managerial control on performance of Dutch academic (bio)medical and health research groups pp. 1616-1629

- Inge van der Weijden, Dick de Gilder, Peter Groenewegen and Eduard Klasen
- Technology, security, and policy implications of future transatlantic partnerships in space: Lessons from Galileo pp. 1630-1642

- Vasilis Zervos and Donald S. Siegel
- M. Kogan, M. Henkel and S. Hanney, Government and Research: Thirty Years of Evolution, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2006) 247 p., £71.50, ISBN: 978-1-4020-4444-1 pp. 1643-1644

- Josie Ellis
- T. Gossling, L. Oerlemans and R. Jansen, Editors, Inside Networks: A Process View on Multi-organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA (2007) ISBN 978-1-84542-784-9 320 pp., Hardback, Price: £69.95 pp. 1645-1646

- Elisa Giuliani
- Localised Technological Change, Towards the Economics of Complexity Cristiano Antonelli. Routledge (2008). 405 pp., Price: £85.00 (hbk), ISBN: 10-0415426839 pp. 1647-1648

- Christian Le Bas
- Bengt Hultqvist, Space, Science and Me ESA Publications Division, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2003) 180 pp., Price: [euro]30, ISBN: 92-9092-996-0 pp. 1649-1650

- Carol White
- A. Jasinski, Editor, Transition Economies in the European Research and Innovation Area. New Challenges for their Science and Technology, WWZ, Warzaw (2004) 332 pp., ISBN: 83-89069-96-2 pp. 1651-1652

- Rossitza Rousseva
- Corrigendum to "Beyond industry-university links: Sourcing knowledge for innovation from consultants, private research organisations and the public science-base" [Res. Policy 37 (2008) 1079-1095] pp. 1653-1654

- Bruce Tether and Abdelouahid Tajar
Volume 37, issue 8, 2008
- Introduction to special section on university-industry linkages: The significance of tacit knowledge and the role of intermediaries pp. 1165-1166

- Fumio Kodama, Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima
- Intermediating knowledge exchange between universities and businesses pp. 1167-1174

- Shahid Yusuf
- Universities and regional economic development: The entrepreneurial University of Waterloo pp. 1175-1187

- Allison Bramwell and David A. Wolfe
- Building an innovation hub: A case study of the transformation of university roles in regional technological and economic development pp. 1188-1204

- Jan Youtie and Philip Shapira
- Mid-range universities' linkages with industry: Knowledge types and the role of intermediaries pp. 1205-1223

- Mike Wright, Bart Clarysse, Andy Lockett and Mirjam Knockaert
- The role of intermediation and absorptive capacity in facilitating university-industry linkages--An empirical study of TAMA in Japan pp. 1224-1240

- Toshihiro Kodama
- University-industry engagement: The formation of the Knowledge Integration Community (KIC) model at the Cambridge-MIT Institute pp. 1241-1254

- Edward B. Acworth
- A resource-based view on the interactions of university researchers pp. 1255-1266

- Frank J. van Rijnsoever, Laurens K. Hessels and Rens L.J. Vandeberg
- Academic organizations and new industrial fields: Berkeley and Stanford after the rise of biotechnology pp. 1267-1282

- Simcha Jong
- Sources of innovation and industry-university interaction: Evidence from Spanish firms pp. 1283-1295

- Segarra-Blasco, Agusti and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod
- The power of integrality: Linkages between product architecture, innovation, and industry structure pp. 1296-1316

- Sebastian K. Fixson and Jin-Kyu Park
- The relationship between technology, innovation, and firm performance--Empirical evidence from e-business in Europe pp. 1317-1328

- Philipp Koellinger
- The role of inter-organizational relationships in the development of patents: A knowledge-based approach pp. 1329-1336

- Mona Weck and Kirsimarja Blomqvist
- Formal and informal interorganizational learning within strategic alliances pp. 1337-1355

- Martyna Janowicz-Panjaitan and Niels Noorderhaven
- Revealing dynamics and consequences of fit and misfit between formal and informal networks in multi-institutional product development collaborations pp. 1356-1370

- J. Kratzer, Hans G. Gemuenden and Christopher Lettl
- Geographical amplitude in the international generation of technology: Present situation and business determinants pp. 1371-1381

- María de los Ángeles Quintás, Xosé Vázquez, Garcia, José M. and Gloria Caballero
- Financial constraints in innovation projects: When is less more? pp. 1382-1391

- Martin Hoegl, Michael Gibbert and David Mazursky
- The private finance initiative, project form and design innovation: The UK's hospitals programme pp. 1392-1402

- James Barlow and Martina Köberle-Gaiser
- The effectiveness of subsidies revisited: Accounting for wage and employment effects in business R&D pp. 1403-1412

- Guntram Wolff and Volker Reinthaler
- M. Fransman, The New ICT Ecosystem: Implications for Europe, Kokoro, Edinburgh (2008) 260 pp., Price: £18.90, ISBN: 0955771013 pp. 1413-1414

- Cristiano Antonelli
Volume 37, issue 6-7, 2008
- Modelling the innovation value chain pp. 961-977

- Stephen Roper, Jun Du and James H. Love
- Technological paradigms, regimes and trajectories: Manufacturing and service industries in a new taxonomy of sectoral patterns of innovation pp. 978-994

- Fulvio Castellacci
- Liberalisation and R&D in network industries: The case of the electricity industry pp. 995-1008

- Tooraj Jamasb and Michael Pollitt
- Attitudes to innovation in peripheral economic regions pp. 1009-1021

- Daniel Coronado, Manuel Acosta and Ana Fernández
- R&D intensity, value appropriation and integration patterns within organizational boundaries pp. 1022-1034

- Niron Hashai and Tamar Almor
- Pendency and grant ratios of invention patents: A comparative study of the US and China pp. 1035-1046

- Deli Yang
- Antecedents of corporate spin-offs in Spain: A resource-based approach pp. 1047-1056

- Félix López Iturriaga and Martin Cruz, Natalia
- Public policies towards Research Joint Venture: Institutional design and participants' characteristics pp. 1057-1065

- Marin, Pedro L. and Georges Siotis
- Knowledge translation and research careers: Mode I and Mode II activity among health researchers pp. 1066-1078

- Carole A. Estabrooks, Peter Norton, Judy M. Birdsell, Mandi S. Newton, Adeniyi J. Adewale and Richard Thornley
- Beyond industry-university links: Sourcing knowledge for innovation from consultants, private research organisations and the public science-base pp. 1079-1095

- Bruce Tether and Abdelouahid Tajar
- R&D, higher education and regional growth: Uneven linkages among European regions pp. 1096-1107

- Alessandro Sterlacchini
- Inventive and uninventive clusters: The case of Canadian biotechnology pp. 1108-1131

- Barak S. Aharonson, Joel A.C. Baum and Anne Plunket
- 'The tyranny of distance': Biotechnology networks and clusters in the antipodes pp. 1132-1144

- Michael Gilding
- Linda Jakobson, Editor, Innovation with Chinese Characteristics, High-Tech Research in China, Palgrave Macmillan/Finish Institute of International Affairs, Hampshire UK/New York, USA (2007) ISBN 978-0-230-00692-8 172 pp., Hardback, Price: £55 pp. 1145-1146

- Shulin Gu
- How much do specialists have to learn from each other when they jointly develop radical product innovations? pp. 1148-1163

- Christina Schmickl and Alfred Kieser
Volume 37, issue 5, 2008
- The performativity of routines: Theorising the influence of artefacts and distributed agencies on routines dynamics pp. 769-789

- Luciana D'Adderio
- Thinking about technology: Applying a cognitive lens to technical change pp. 790-805

- Sarah Kaplan and Mary Tripsas
- Two for the price of one?: Additionality effects of R&D subsidies: A comparison between Flanders and Germany pp. 806-822

- Kris Aerts and Tobias Schmidt
- Policies for science, technology and innovation: Translating rationales into regional policies in a multi-level setting pp. 823-835

- Manuel Laranja, Elvira Uyarra and Kieron Flanagan
- The dispersion of technology and income in Europe: Evolution and mutual relationship across regions pp. 836-848

- Carlos Mulas-Granados and Ismael Sanz
- A regional approach to study technology transfer through foreign direct investment: The electronics industry in two Mexican regions pp. 849-860

- Ramón Padilla-Pérez
- Regional knowledge spillovers: Fact or artifact? pp. 861-874

- Gottfried Tappeiner, Christoph Hauser and Janette Walde
- Enhancing research collaborations: Three key management challenges pp. 875-887

- Gabriele Bammer
- Across institutional boundaries?: Research collaboration in German public sector nanoscience pp. 888-899

- Thomas Heinze and Stefan Kuhlmann
- University research centers and the composition of research collaborations pp. 900-913

- P. Craig Boardman and Elizabeth A. Corley
- Commercializing the laboratory: Faculty patenting and the open science environment pp. 914-931

- Kira R. Fabrizio and Alberto Di Minin
- The value of U.S. patents by owner and patent characteristics pp. 932-945

- James Bessen
- Internal sequential innovations: How does interrelatedness affect patent renewal? pp. 946-953

- Kun Liu, Jonathan Arthurs, John Cullen and Roger Alexander
- G.M. de Castro, P.L. Sáez, J.E.N. López and R.G. Dorado, Knowledge Creation Processes: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Knowledge-intensive Firms, Palgrave Macmillan (2007) ISBN 0230013627 256 pp., £55.00 pp. 954-955

- Dave Francis
- E. Lorenz and B.-A. Lundvall, How Europe's Economies Learn. Coordinating Competing Models, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2006) 470 pp., £68.00, ISBN: 13: 978-0199203192 pp. 956-957

- Stefano Sirilli
- R.J. DeFillipi, M.B. Arthur and V.J. Lindsay, Knowledge at Work: Creative Collaboration in the Global Economy, Blackwell Publishing (2006) ISBN 1-4051-0756-1 276 pp., Price: £19.99 retail price pp. 958-959

- Matias Ramirez
Volume 37, issue 4, 2008
- An empirical study of scientific production: A cross country analysis, 1981-2002 pp. 565-579

- Gustavo Crespi and Aldo Geuna
- Decline of the center: The decentralizing process of knowledge transfer of Chinese universities from 1985 to 2004 pp. 580-595

- Wei Hong
- Technological innovation systems and the multi-level perspective: Towards an integrated framework pp. 596-615

- Jochen Markard and Bernhard Truffer
- The effect of external and internal factors on firms' product innovation pp. 616-632

- Jaider Vega-Jurado, Antonio Gutiérrez-Gracia, Ignacio Fernández-de-Lucio and Manjarrés-Henriquez, Liney
- Innovation and firm growth in high-tech sectors: A quantile regression approach pp. 633-648

- Alex Coad and Rekha Rao-Nicholson
- A neo-Schumpeterian model of health services innovation pp. 649-672

- Paul Windrum and Garcia-Goñi, Manuel
- Regulatory policy, value of knowledge assets and innovation strategy: The case of the Orphan Drug Act pp. 673-689

- Zaur Rzakhanov
- From transaction to transformation costs: The case of Polaroid's SX-70 camera pp. 690-705

- Raghu Garud and Kamal Munir
- The diffusion of ADSL and costs of switching Internet providers in the broadband industry: Evidence from the French case pp. 706-719

- Jackie Krafft and Evens Salies
- The organisational-cooperation mode of innovation and its prominence amongst European service firms pp. 720-739

- Bruce Tether and Abdelouahid Tajar
- Re-thinking new knowledge production: A literature review and a research agenda pp. 740-760

- Laurens K. Hessels and Harro van Lente
- International patent protection: 1960-2005 pp. 761-766

- Walter Park
- Peter W.B. Phillips, Governing Transformative Technological Innovation: Who's in Charge?, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA (2007) 310 pp., Hardback, Price: £75, ISBN: 987 1 84720 237 6 pp. 767-768

- Erik Millstone
Volume 37, issue 3, 2008
- Do public subsidies stimulate private R&D spending? pp. 371-389

- Xulia González and Consuelo Pazó
- The maturation of global corporate R&D: Evidence from the activity of U.S. foreign subsidiaries pp. 390-406

- Deepak Hegde and Diana Hicks
- Analyzing the functional dynamics of technological innovation systems: A scheme of analysis pp. 407-429

- Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Bo Carlsson, Sven Lindmark and Annika Rickne
- The evolving nature of Taiwan's national innovation system: The case of biotechnology innovation networks pp. 430-445

- Mark Dodgson, John Mathews, Tim Kastelle and Mei-Chih Hu
- Trade-related influences, foreign intellectual property rights and outbound international patenting pp. 446-459

- Chih-Hai Yang and Nai-Fong Kuo
- Institutionalizing end-user demand steering in agricultural R&D: Farmer levy funding of R&D in The Netherlands pp. 460-472

- Laurens Klerkx and Cees Leeuwis
- How much do specialists have to learn from each other when they jointly develop radical product innovations? pp. 473-491

- Christina Schmickl and Alfred Kieser
- Innovative competence, exploration and exploitation: The influence of technological diversification pp. 492-507

- Quintana-Garcia, Cristina and Carlos A. Benavides-Velasco
- Technological paradigms and complex technical systems--The case of Smart Homes pp. 508-529

- Alexander Peine
- What determines overseas R&D activities? The case of Japanese multinational firms pp. 530-544

- Satoshi Shimizutani and Yasuyuki Todo
- Inter- and intra-firm diffusion of technology: The example of E-commerce: An analysis based on Swiss firm-level data pp. 545-564

- Heinz Hollenstein and Martin Woerter
Volume 37, issue 2, 2008
- Harnessing the hackers: The emergence and exploitation of Outlaw Innovation pp. 177-193

- Stephen Flowers
- Technology acquisition channels and industry performance: An industry-level analysis of Chinese large- and medium-size manufacturing enterprises pp. 194-209

- Guo Bin
- Speciation through entrepreneurial spin-off: The Acorn-ARM story pp. 210-224

- Elizabeth Garnsey, Gianni Lorenzoni and Simone Ferriani
- Under what conditions do firms benefit from the research efforts of other organizations? pp. 225-239

- Mario I. Kafouros and Peter J. Buckley
- The impact of firm participation in R&D programmes on R&D partnerships pp. 240-257

- Isabel Busom and Andrea Fernández-Ribas
- R&D support programs in developing countries: The Turkish experience pp. 258-275

- Emre Özçelik and Erol Taymaz
- Academic capabilities in developing countries--A conceptual framework with empirical illustrations from Thailand pp. 276-293

- Ingo Liefner and Daniel Schiller
- R&D internationalization, R&D collaboration and public knowledge institutions in small economies: Evidence from Finland and the Netherlands pp. 294-308

- Cees van Beers, Pii Berghäll and Tom Poot
- Innovation spaces: Workspace planning and innovation in U.S. university research centers pp. 309-329

- Umut Toker and Denis O. Gray
- Galileo's stream: A framework for understanding knowledge production pp. 330-352

- J.Y. Tsao, K.W. Boyack, M.E. Coltrin, J.G. Turnley and W.B. Gauster
- Knowing in action: Beyond communities of practice pp. 353-369

- Ash Amin and Joanne Roberts
Volume 37, issue 1, 2008
- What enables rapid economic progress: What are the needed institutions pp. 1-11

- Richard Nelson
- In search of a useful theory of the productive potential of intellectual property rights pp. 12-28

- Birgitte Andersen and Sue Konzelmann
- The Bayh-Dole Act and university research and development pp. 29-40

- Matthew Rafferty
- The effect of government contracting on academic research: Does the source of funding affect scientific output pp. 41-58

- Brent Goldfarb
- First- and second-order additionality and learning outcomes in collaborative R&D programs pp. 59-76

- Erkko Autio, Sami Kanninen and Robin Gustafsson
- Distributed R&D, cross-regional knowledge integration and quality of innovative output pp. 77-96

- Jasjit Singh
- Technological flows and choice of joint ventures in technology alliances pp. 97-114

- Esteban Garcia-Canal, Ana Valdes-Llaneza and Pablo Sanchez-Lorda
- The development of a user network as a way to re-launch an unwanted product pp. 115-130

- Debbie Harrison and Alexandra Waluszewski
- Sources of differences in the pattern of adoption of organizational and managerial innovations from early to late 1990s, in the UK pp. 131-148

- Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas
- Innovation persistence: Survey and case-study evidence pp. 149-162

- Stephen Roper and Nola Hewitt-Dundas
- Determinants of environmental innovation--New evidence from German panel data sources pp. 163-173

- Jens Horbach
- E. Lee and M. Vivarelli, Editors, Globalization, Employment and Income Distribution in Developing Countries, Palgrave McMillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire (UK) and New York (USA) (2006) ISBN 978-0230007833 272 pp., Hardcover, Price: [pound sign]65.00 pp. 174-175

- Raquel Ortega-Argiles
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