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Research Policy

1971 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray

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Volume 34, issue 10, 2005

Innovation and network structural dynamics: Study of the alliance network of a major sector of the biotechnology industry pp. 1457-1475 Downloads
Brigitte Gay and Bernard Dousset
Endogenous technical advance and the stochastic trend in output: A neoclassical approach pp. 1476-1490 Downloads
Gordon Reikard
The governance of sustainable socio-technical transitions pp. 1491-1510 Downloads
Adrian Smith, Andy Stirling and Frans Berkhout
Copyright or copyleft?: An analysis of property regimes for software development pp. 1511-1532 Downloads
Paul B. de Laat
The industrial dynamics of Open Innovation--Evidence from the transformation of consumer electronics pp. 1533-1549 Downloads
Jens Froslev Christensen, Michael Holm Olesen and Jonas Sorth Kjaer
Innovators and imitators: Organizational reference groups and adoption of organizational routines pp. 1550-1569 Downloads
Silvia Massini, Arie Y. Lewin and Henrich R. Greve
Technological development and political stability: Patenting in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 1570-1590 Downloads
David Matthew Waguespack, Johanna Kristin Birnir and Jeff Schroeder
Inventive progress measured by multi-stage patent citation analysis pp. 1591-1607 Downloads
Iwan von Wartburg, Thorsten Teichert and Katja Rost
Network structure, self-organization, and the growth of international collaboration in science pp. 1608-1618 Downloads
Caroline Wagner and Loet Leydesdorff
The diffusion of ideas in the academy: A quantitative illustration from economics pp. 1619-1632 Downloads
Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap and Ashok Parikh

Volume 34, issue 9, 2005

Emergent innovation systems and the delivery of clinical services: The case of intra-ocular lenses pp. 1283-1304 Downloads
John Metcalfe, Andrew James and Andrea Mina
The impact of virtual simulation tools on problem-solving and new product development organization pp. 1305-1321 Downloads
Markus C. Becker, Pasquale Salvatore and Francesco Zirpoli
National innovative capacity in East Asia pp. 1322-1349 Downloads
Mei-Chih Hu and John Mathews
On the road again: Researcher mobility inside the R&D network pp. 1350-1365 Downloads
Paola Criscuolo
Policy entrepreneurship in the co-evolution of institutions, preferences, and technology: Comparing the diffusion of totally chlorine free pulp bleaching technologies in the US and Sweden pp. 1366-1384 Downloads
Andreas Reinstaller
Do financial constraints hold back innovation and growth?: Evidence on the role of public policy pp. 1385-1403 Downloads
Ari Hyytinen and Otto Toivanen
Opportunity knocks pp. 1404-1418 Downloads
Thomas Astebro and Kristina B. Dahlin
Modularity and innovation in knowledge-intensive business services: IT outsourcing in Germany and the UK pp. 1419-1439 Downloads
Marcela Miozzo and Damian Grimshaw
Technology and the generation of international knowledge spillovers: An application to Spanish manufacturing firms pp. 1440-1452 Downloads
Isabel Alvarez and Jose Molero
In: W.A.H. Thissen and P.M. Herder, Editors, Critical Infrastructures: State of the Art in Research and Application, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London (2003) (304 pp., [UK pound] 81.00, ISBN 1-4020-7601-0) pp. 1453-1454 Downloads
Tim Brady
A. Grubler, N. Nakicenovic and W.D. Nordhaus, Editors, Technological Change and the Environment, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC (2002) (388 pp., Price US$ 49.00, ISBN 1 891853 465) pp. 1454-1456 Downloads
Frans Berkhout

Volume 34, issue 8, 2005

Regionalization of innovation policy--Introduction to the special issue pp. 1123-1127 Downloads
Michael Fritsch and Andreas Stephan
Regionally asymmetric knowledge capabilities and open innovation: Exploring 'Globalisation 2'--A new model of industry organisation pp. 1128-1149 Downloads
Phil Cooke
Innovation in regions: What does really matter? pp. 1150-1172 Downloads
Patrick Ronde and Caroline Hussler
Knowledge bases and regional innovation systems: Comparing Nordic clusters pp. 1173-1190 Downloads
Bjørn Asheim and Lars Coenen
Does the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship hold for regions? pp. 1191-1202 Downloads
David Audretsch and Erik Lehmann
One size fits all?: Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach pp. 1203-1219 Downloads
Franz Tödtling and Michaela Trippl
Innovation and regional economic development: A matter of perspective? pp. 1220-1234 Downloads
Jeremy Howells
Constructing jurisdictional advantage pp. 1235-1249 Downloads
Maryann Feldman and Roger Martin
How to institutionalize innovative clusters? Comparing explicit top-down and implicit bottom-up approaches pp. 1250-1268 Downloads
Martina Fromhold-Eisebith and Gunter Eisebith
Contests for cooperation--A new approach in German innovation policy pp. 1269-1282 Downloads
Alexander Eickelpasch and Michael Fritsch

Volume 34, issue 7, 2005

The creation of spin-off firms at public research institutions: Managerial and policy implications pp. 981-993 Downloads
Andy Lockett, Donald Siegel, Mike Wright and Michael D. Ensley
Entrepreneurial orientation, technology transfer and spinoff performance of U.S. universities pp. 994-1009 Downloads
Rory P. O'Shea, Thomas J. Allen, Arnaud Chevalier and Frank Roche
Institutional change and resource endowments to science-based entrepreneurial firms pp. 1010-1027 Downloads
Nathalie Moray and Bart Clarysse
Policy orientation effects on performance with licensing to start-ups and small companies pp. 1028-1042 Downloads
Joshua B. Powers and Patricia McDougall
Resources, capabilities, risk capital and the creation of university spin-out companies pp. 1043-1057 Downloads
Andy Lockett and Mike Wright
Innovation speed: Transferring university technology to market pp. 1058-1075 Downloads
Gideon D. Markman, Peter T. Gianiodis, Phillip Phan and David B. Balkin
Incubator firm failure or graduation?: The role of university linkages pp. 1076-1090 Downloads
Frank Rothaermel and Marie Thursby
A comparative study of new venture top management team composition, dynamics and performance between university-based and independent start-ups pp. 1091-1105 Downloads
Michael D. Ensley and Keith M. Hmieleski
Opening the ivory tower's door: An analysis of the determinants of the formation of U.S. university spin-off companies pp. 1106-1112 Downloads
Albert Link and John T. Scott
University spillovers and new firm location pp. 1113-1122 Downloads
David Audretsch, Erik Lehmann and Susanne Warning

Volume 34, issue 6, 2005

Knowledge diffusion, market segmentation and technological catch-up: The case of the telecommunication industry in China pp. 759-783 Downloads
Qing Mu and Keun Lee
Peering inside research networks: Some observations on the effect of the intensity of collaboration on the variability of research quality pp. 784-794 Downloads
John Rigby and J. Edler
Founders' human capital and the growth of new technology-based firms: A competence-based view pp. 795-816 Downloads
Massimo G. Colombo and Luca Grilli
Mapping innovation dynamics in hospitals pp. 817-835 Downloads
Faridah Djellal and Faïz Gallouj
Why do firms acquire technology?: The example of DSM's ammonia plants, 1925-1970 pp. 836-851 Downloads
Arjan van Rooij
Digital copyright and the "new" controversy: Is the law moulding technology and innovation? pp. 852-871 Downloads
Puay Tang
Characteristics of Brazilian innovative firms: An empirical analysis based on PINTEC--industrial research on technological innovation pp. 872-893 Downloads
Sergio Kannebley, Geciane S. Porto and Elaine Toldo Pazello
Financing new ventures in China: System antecedents and institutionalization pp. 894-913 Downloads
Steven White, Jian Gao and Wei Zhang
Schumpeter's legacy: A new perspective on the relationship between firm size and R&D pp. 914-931 Downloads
Chang-Yang Lee and Taeyoon Sung
Industry funding and university professors' research performance pp. 932-950 Downloads
Magnus Gulbrandsen and Jens-Christian Smeby
User-innovators and "local" information: The case of mountain biking pp. 951-965 Downloads
Christian Luthje, Cornelius Herstatt and Eric von Hippel
Does R&D performance decline with firm size?--A re-examination in terms of elasticity pp. 966-976 Downloads
Kuen-Hung Tsai and Jiann-Chyuan Wang
In: E. Lee and M. Vivarelli, Editors, Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction, Palgrave Macmillan (2004) (p. 408, Price [UK pound]65.00, ISBN 1-4039-4149-1) pp. 977-978 Downloads
Andrea Vaona
R. Narula, Globalization and Technology: Interdependence, Innovation Systems and Industrial Policy, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2003) (243 pp., price [UK pound]16.99, ISBN 0 74562 457 X) pp. 978-980 Downloads
M. Frenz

Volume 34, issue 5, 2005

University-industry collaborations in Japan: The role of new technology-based firms in transforming the National Innovation System pp. 583-594 Downloads
Kazuyuki Motohashi
Do knowledge conditions make a difference?: Investment, finance and ownership in German industries pp. 595-613 Downloads
David Audretsch and Jurgen Weigand
When do incumbents learn from entrepreneurial ventures?: Corporate venture capital and investing firm innovation rates pp. 615-639 Downloads
Gary Dushnitsky and Michael J. Lenox
Patents versus ex post rewards: A new look pp. 641-656 Downloads
Julien Pénin
Partnering to explore: The Renault-Nissan Alliance as a forerunner of new cooperative patterns pp. 657-672 Downloads
Blanche Segrestin
FDI, transfer pricing and the measurement of R&D intensity pp. 673-681 Downloads
Frank Barry
Exploring the role of proximity in SME knowledge-acquisition pp. 683-701 Downloads
Sally Davenport
Highly innovative small firms in the markets for technology pp. 703-716 Downloads
Diana Hicks and Deepak Hegde
When is an invention really radical?: Defining and measuring technological radicalness pp. 717-737 Downloads
Kristina B. Dahlin and Dean M. Behrens
The renewal of regional capabilities: Experimental regionalism in Germany pp. 739-757 Downloads
Martin Heidenreich

Volume 34, issue 4, 2005

Foreign direct investment in industrial research and development: A study of German MNCs pp. 395-410 Downloads
Bjorn Ambos
Towards "meta-innovation" in Brazil: The evolution of the incubator and the emergence of a triple helix pp. 411-424 Downloads
Henry Etzkowitz, Jose Manoel Carvalho de Mello and Mariza Almeida
A dynamic analytic approach to national innovation systems: The IC industry in Taiwan pp. 425-440 Downloads
Ting-Lin Lee and Nick von Tunzelmann
Liberalization, outward orientation and in-house R&D activity of multinational and local firms: A quantitative exploration for Indian manufacturing pp. 441-460 Downloads
Nagesh Kumar and Aradhna Aggarwal
The dynamics of technological change in UK retail banking services: An evolutionary perspective pp. 461-480 Downloads
Davide Consoli
Relationships between open source software companies and communities: Observations from Nordic firms pp. 481-493 Downloads
Linus Dahlander and Mats G. Magnusson
On research efficiency: A micro-analysis of Dutch university research in Economics and Business Management pp. 495-516 Downloads
Laurens Cherchye and P. Vanden Abeele
Innovation in the service sector: The demand for service-specific innovation measurement concepts and typologies pp. 517-535 Downloads
Christiane Hipp and Hariolf Grupp
Fostering entrepreneurship: Changing role of government and higher education governance in Hong Kong pp. 537-554 Downloads
Ka Ho Mok
Variability in organisational forms of biotechnology firms pp. 555-570 Downloads
Terttu Luukkonen
Does being R&D intensive still discourage outsourcing?: Evidence from Dutch manufacturing pp. 571-582 Downloads
Michael J. Mol

Volume 34, issue 3, 2005

University-based technology initiatives: Quantitative and qualitative evidence pp. 253-257 Downloads
Albert Link and Donald S. Siegel
Scientific teams and institutional collaborations: Evidence from U.S. universities, 1981-1999 pp. 259-285 Downloads
James Adams, Grant Black, J. Roger Clemmons and Paula E. Stephan
The disaggregated technology production function: A new model of university and corporate research pp. 287-303 Downloads
Gregory Tassey
University-incubator firm knowledge flows: assessing their impact on incubator firm performance pp. 305-320 Downloads
Frank Rothaermel and Marie Thursby
The role of academic technology transfer organizations in improving industry science links pp. 321-342 Downloads
Koenraad Debackere and Reinhilde Veugelers
Do University policies make a difference? pp. 343-347 Downloads
David Audretsch and Erik Lehmann
Academic careers, patents, and productivity: industry experience as scientific and technical human capital pp. 349-367 Downloads
James S. Dietz and Barry Bozeman
Assessing the relative performance of U.K. university technology transfer offices: parametric and non-parametric evidence pp. 369-384 Downloads
Wendy Chapple, Andy Lockett, Donald Siegel and Mike Wright
Universities as partners in U.S. research joint ventures pp. 385-393 Downloads
Albert Link and John T. Scott

Volume 34, issue 2, 2005

Dependency, resource depth, and supplier performance during industry downturn pp. 125-140 Downloads
Tomi Laamanen
The skill bias effect of technological and organisational change: Evidence and policy implications pp. 141-157 Downloads
Mariacristina Piva, Enrico Santarelli and Marco Vivarelli
Lock in, the state and vaccine development: Lessons from the history of the polio vaccines pp. 159-173 Downloads
Stuart S. Blume
Measuring technological capabilities at the country level: A survey and a menu for choice pp. 175-194 Downloads
Daniele Archibugi and Alberto Coco
The impact of M&A on the R&D process: An empirical analysis of the role of technological- and market-relatedness pp. 195-220 Downloads
Bruno Cassiman, Massimo G. Colombo, Paola Garrone and Reinhilde Veugelers
Commuters and the regional assignment of innovative activities: A methodological patent study of German districts pp. 221-234 Downloads
Hanno-G. Deyle and Hariolf Grupp
Dual market structures and the likelihood of repeated ties - evidence from pharmaceutical biotechnology pp. 235-245 Downloads
Nadine Roijakkers, John Hagedoorn and Hans van Kranenburg
In: L. D'Adderio, Editor, Inside the Virtual Product. How Organizations Create Knowledge through Software, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northhampton, MA, USA (2004) (224 pp. + index, [Ukpound] 55.00, ISBN 1-84376-210-2) pp. 247-248 Downloads
S. Kimpeler
David J. Teece, Essays in Technology Management and Policy, World Scientific, 2003 (p. 511, price [Ukpound]30, ISBN: 9-81024-446-0) pp. 249-250 Downloads
John Kay
In: J.D. Wiskerke and J.D. van der Ploeg, Editors, Seeds of Transition: Essays on Novelty Production, Niches and Regimes in Agriculture, Royal van Gorcum, Assen Netherlands (2004) (356 pp., [euro] 35, ISBN 90-232-3988-1) pp. 251-252 Downloads
Norman Clark
A.N. Link and D.S. Siegel, Technological Change and Economic Performance, Routledge (2003) (176 pp., [Ukpound] 65.00, ISBN 0415 271398) pp. 253-254 Downloads
Bhaven N. Sampat

Volume 34, issue 1, 2005

Bootlegging and path dependency pp. 1-11 Downloads
Peter Augsdorfer
Empirical analysis of evolution of product architecture: Fanuc numerical controllers from 1962 to 1997 pp. 13-31 Downloads
Tomoatsu Shibata, Masaharu Yano and Fumio Kodama
How do firms' knowledge bases affect intra-industry heterogeneity?: An analysis of the Spanish pharmaceutical industry pp. 33-45 Downloads
Pablo D'Este
The micro-determinants of meso-level learning and innovation: evidence from a Chilean wine cluster pp. 47-68 Downloads
Elisa Giuliani and Martin Bell
Towards a dynamic (Schumpeterian) welfare economics pp. 69-82 Downloads
Wilfred Dolfsma
Accounting for core and extra-core relationships in technological systems: a methodological proposal pp. 83-100 Downloads
Riccardo Leoncini and Sandro Montresor
Termination outcomes of research alliances pp. 101-115 Downloads
Jeffrey J. Reuer and Maurizio Zollo
Communication Researchers and Policy-Making, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2003) (pp. 605, price [Ukpound]28.95, ISBN 0-262-52340-X) pp. 117-119 Downloads
Robin Mansell
Ross Knox Bassett, To the Digital Age: Research Labs, Start-Up Companies, and the Rise of MOS Technology, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2002 (420 pp., $44.95, ISBN 0801868092) pp. 119-121 Downloads
Jonathan Sapsed
Mario Calderini, Paola Garrone and Maurizio Sobrero, Corporate Governance, Market Structure and Innovation, Edward Edgar, UK (2003) (320 pp., [Ukpound] 55, ISBN 1840648767) pp. 121-122 Downloads
L. Striukova
H. Chesbrough, Open Innovation: The New Imperative For Creating And Profiting From Technology, Harvard Business School Press, 2003 (272 pp., $35.00, ISBN: 1-57851-837-7) pp. 122-123 Downloads
David M. Gann
Page updated 2025-03-28