Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 44, issue 10, 2015
- Technology and costs in international competitiveness: From countries and sectors to firms pp. 1795-1814

- Giovanni Dosi, Marco Grazzi and Daniele Moschella
- Strategic switchbacks: Dynamic commercialization strategies for technology entrepreneurs pp. 1815-1826

- Matt Marx and David H. Hsu
- What is an emerging technology? pp. 1827-1843

- Daniele Rotolo, Diana Hicks and Ben Martin
- The impact of R&D subsidies during the crisis pp. 1844-1855

- Martin Hud and Katrin Hussinger
- Market failure in the diffusion of consumer-developed innovations: Patterns in Finland pp. 1856-1865

- Jeroen P.J. de Jong, Eric von Hippel, Fred Gault, Jari Kuusisto and Christina Raasch
- ‘Indigenous’ innovation with heterogeneous risk and new firm survival in a transitioning Chinese economy pp. 1866-1876

- Anthony Howell
- Broadening, deepening, and governing innovation: Flemish technology assessment in historical and socio-political perspective pp. 1877-1886

- Michiel van Oudheusden, Nathan Charlier, Benedikt Rosskamp and Pierre Delvenne
- Persistence of various types of innovation analyzed and explained pp. 1887-1901

- Sam Tavassoli and Charlie Karlsson
- Institutions and diversification: Related versus unrelated diversification in a varieties of capitalism framework pp. 1902-1914

- Ron Boschma and Gianluca Capone
- Why do SMEs file trademarks? Insights from firms in innovative industries pp. 1915-1930

- Joern Block, Christian O. Fisch, Alexander Hahn and Philipp G. Sandner
- A revealed preference analysis of PhD students’ choices over employment outcomes pp. 1931-1947

- Annamaria Conti and Fabiana Visentin
- Just-in-time patents and the development of standards pp. 1948-1961

- Byeongwoo Kang and Rudi Bekkers
- Explaining export diversification through firm innovation decisions: The case of Brazil pp. 1962-1973

- Xavier Cirera, Anabel Marin and Ricardo Markwald
- Situated novelty: Introducing a process perspective on the study of innovation pp. 1974-1984

- M. Janssen, A.M.V. Stoopendaal and K. Putters
Volume 44, issue 9, 2015
- The New Data Frontier pp. 1629-1632

- Maryann Feldman, Martin Kenney and Francesco Lissoni
- Bringing the lab back in: Personnel composition and scientific output at the MIT Department of Biology pp. 1633-1644

- Annamaria Conti and Christopher C. Liu
- SiSOB data extraction and codification: A tool to analyze scientific careers pp. 1645-1658

- Aldo Geuna, Rodrigo Kataishi, Manuel Toselli, Eduardo Guzmán, Cornelia Lawson, Ana Fernandez-Zubieta and Beatriz Barros
- New linked data on research investments: Scientific workforce, productivity, and public value pp. 1659-1671

- Julia Lane, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca F. Rosen and Bruce Weinberg
- Seeing the non-stars: (Some) sources of bias in past disambiguation approaches and a new public tool leveraging labeled records pp. 1672-1701

- Samuel L. Ventura, Rebecca Nugent and Erica R.H. Fuchs
- Does involvement in patenting jeopardize one’s academic footprint? An analysis of patent-paper pairs in biotechnology pp. 1702-1713

- Tom Magerman, Bart Van Looy and Koenraad Debackere
- Mapping digital businesses with big data: Some early findings from the UK pp. 1714-1733

- Max Nathan and Anna Rosso
- Dynamic patterns of industry convergence: Evidence from a large amount of unstructured data pp. 1734-1748

- Namil Kim, Hyeokseong Lee, Wonjoon Kim, Hyunjong Lee and Jong Hwan Suh
- Identifying geographic clusters: A network analytic approach pp. 1749-1762

- Roberto Catini, Dmytro Karamshuk, Orion Penner and Massimo Riccaboni
- Tracking the internationalization of multinational corporate inventive activity: national and sectoral characteristics pp. 1763-1772

- Floortje Alkemade, Gaston Heimeriks, Antoine Schoen, Lionel Villard and Patricia Laurens
- Gender, ethnicity and entrepreneurship in initial public offerings: illustrations from an open database* pp. 1773-1784

- Martin Kenney and Donald Patton
- Triangulating regional economies: Realizing the promise of digital data pp. 1785-1793

- Maryann Feldman and Nichola Lowe
Volume 44, issue 8, 2015
- National innovation systems and the intermediary role of industry associations in building institutional capacities for innovation in developing countries: A critical review of the literature pp. 1407-1418

- Andrew Watkins, Theo Papaioannou, Julius Mugwagwa and Dinar Kale
- Solver engagement in knowledge sharing in crowdsourcing communities: Exploring the link to creativity pp. 1419-1430

- Marian Garcia Martinez
- Another cluster premium: Innovation subsidies and R&D collaboration networks pp. 1431-1444

- Tom Broekel, Dirk Fornahl and Andrea Morrison
- Identifying the sources of technological novelty in the process of invention pp. 1445-1461

- Deborah Strumsky and José Lobo
- Assessing an experimental approach to industrial policy evaluation: Applying RCT+ to the case of Creative Credits pp. 1462-1472

- Hasan Bakhshi, John S. Edwards, Stephen Roper, Judy Scully, Duncan Shaw, Lorraine Morley and Nicola Rathbone
- The direction of firm innovation: The contrasting roles of strategic alliances and individual scientific collaborations pp. 1473-1487

- Jan Hohberger, Paul Almeida and Pedro Parada
- How novelty in knowledge earns recognition: The role of consistent identities pp. 1488-1500

- Denis Trapido
- Inside the black box of outcome additionality: Effects of early-stage government subsidies on resource accumulation and new venture performance pp. 1501-1512

- Anna Söderblom, Mikael Samuelsson, Johan Wiklund and Rickard Sandberg
- Selling science: Resource mobilization strategies in the emerging field of nanotechnology pp. 1513-1526

- Jade Yu-Chieh Lo
- European risk governance of nanotechnology: Explaining the emerging regulatory policy pp. 1527-1536

- Ronit Justo-Hanani and Tamar Dayan
- Knowledge goods, ordinary goods, and the effects of trade between leading and lagging regions pp. 1537-1542

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- Conceptualising multi-regime interactions: The role of the agriculture sector in renewable energy transitions pp. 1543-1554

- Lee-Ann Sutherland, Sarah Peter and Lukas Zagata
- Disruption in the US machine tool industry: The role of inhouse users and pre-disruption component experience in firm response pp. 1555-1565

- Raja Roy and Susan K. Cohen
- Co-owner relationships conducive to high quality joint patents pp. 1566-1573

- Kristie Briggs
- Companies learning to innovate in recessions pp. 1574-1583

- Mario Amore
- The bureaucratization of science pp. 1584-1600

- John P. Walsh and You-Na Lee
- Does the outsourcing of prior art search increase the efficiency of patent examination? Evidence from Japan pp. 1601-1614

- Isamu Yamauchi and Sadao Nagaoka
- Who captures value from science-based innovation? The distribution of benefits from GMR in the hard disk drive industry pp. 1615-1628

- Jason Dedrick and Kenneth L. Kraemer
Volume 44, issue 7, 2015
- How European public sector agencies innovate: The use of bottom-up, policy-dependent and knowledge-scanning innovation methods pp. 1271-1282

- Anthony Arundel, Luca Casali and Hugo Hollanders
- How do firms develop capabilities for scientific disclosure? pp. 1283-1295

- Markus Simeth and Stephane Lhuillery
- A comparative study of technological learning and organizational capability development in complex products systems: Distinctive paths of three latecomers in military aircraft industry pp. 1296-1313

- Joosung J. Lee and Hyungseok Yoon
- Impact of stronger patent regimes on technology transfer: The case study of Thai automotive industry pp. 1314-1326

- Patarapong Intarakumnerd and Peera Charoenporn
- Knowledge stocks, knowledge flows and innovation: Evidence from matched patents and innovation panel data pp. 1327-1340

- Stephen Roper and Nola Hewitt-Dundas
- Determinants of university–firm R&D collaboration and its impact on innovation: A perspective from a low-tech industry pp. 1341-1359

- Ornella Maietta
- Composition of inventor teams and technological progress – The role of collaboration between academia and industry pp. 1360-1375

- Friedrich Dornbusch and Peter Neuhäusler
- Reorganising global value chains and building innovation capabilities in Brazil and India pp. 1376-1386

- Rasmus Lema, Ruy Quadros and Hubert Schmitz
- Multilevel innovation policy mix: A closer look at state policies that augment the federal SBIR program pp. 1387-1402

- Lauren Lanahan and Maryann P. Feldman
Volume 44, issue 6, 2015
- Project selection in NIH: A natural experiment from ARRA pp. 1145-1159

- Hyunwoo Park, Lee, Jeongsik (Jay) and Byung-Cheol Kim
- The double-edged sword of industry collaboration: Evidence from engineering academics in the UK pp. 1160-1175

- Albert Banal-Estanol, Mireia Jofre-Bonet and Cornelia Lawson
- The engagement gap pp. 1176-1191

- Valentina Tartari and Ammon Salter
- Protecting aesthetic innovations? An exploration of the use of registered community designs pp. 1192-1206

- Rainer Filitz, Joachim Henkel and Bruce S. Tether
- The role of home country demand in the internationalization of new ventures pp. 1207-1225

- Johann Peter Murmann, Salih Zeki Ozdemir and Deepak Sardana
- Big from the beginning: Assessing online contributors’ behavior by their first contribution pp. 1226-1239

- Sylvain Dejean and Nicolas Jullien
- Latecomer firm strategies in complex product systems (CoPS): The case of Iran’s thermal electricity generation systems pp. 1240-1251

- Mehdi Kiamehr, Mike Hobday and Mohsen Hamedi
- Understanding the emergence of new science and technology policies: Policy entrepreneurship, agenda setting and the development of the European Framework Programme pp. 1252-1265

- Jakob Edler and Andrew D. James
- The big consequences of small biases: A simulation of peer review pp. 1266-1270

- Theodore Eugene Day
Volume 44, issue 5, 2015
- How does information technology improve aggregate productivity? A new channel of productivity dispersion and reallocation pp. 999-1016

- Hyunbae Chun, Jung-Wook Kim and Jason Lee
- Transition pathways revisited: Established firms as multi-level actors in the heavy vehicle industry pp. 1017-1028

- Christian Berggren, Thomas Magnusson and Dedy Sushandoyo
- Climate change and the slow reorientation of the American car industry (1979–2012): An application and extension of the Dialectic Issue LifeCycle (DILC) model pp. 1029-1048

- Caetano Penna and Frank W. Geels
- Quality signals? The role of patents, alliances, and team experience in venture capital financing pp. 1049-1064

- Daniel Hoenig and Joachim Henkel
- Internal and external effects of R&D subsidies and fiscal incentives: Empirical evidence using spatial dynamic panel models pp. 1065-1079

- Benjamin Montmartin and Marcos Herrera
- The open eco-innovation mode. An empirical investigation of eleven European countries pp. 1080-1093

- Claudia Ghisetti, Alberto Marzucchi and Sandro Montresor
- Smart innovation policy: How network position and project composition affect the diversity of an emerging technology pp. 1094-1107

- Frank J. van Rijnsoever, Jesse van den Berg, Joost Koch and Marko P. Hekkert
- Which factors drive the decision to opt out of individual research rankings? An empirical study of academic resistance to change pp. 1108-1115

- Michael Berlemann and Justus Haucap
- A taxonomy of multi-industry labour force skills pp. 1116-1132

- Davide Consoli and Francesco Rentocchini
- Open data partnerships between firms and universities: The role of boundary organizations pp. 1133-1143

- Markus Perkmann and Henri Schildt
Volume 44, issue 4, 2015
- Do the effects of R&D tax credits vary across industries? A meta-regression analysis pp. 819-832

- Fulvio Castellacci and Christine Lie
- Knowledge flows and the absorptive capacity of regions pp. 833-848

- Ernest Miguelez and Rosina Moreno
- How does public agricultural research impact society? A characterization of various patterns pp. 849-861

- A. Gaunand, A. Hocdé, Stéphane Lemarié, Mireille Matt and Turckheim
- Management of science, serendipity, and research performance: Evidence from a survey of scientists in Japan and the U.S pp. 862-873

- Kota Murayama, Makoto Nirei and Hiroshi Shimizu
- An organizational perspective to funding science: Collaborator novelty at DARPA pp. 874-887

- Phech Colatat
- Layers of co-existing innovation systems pp. 888-910

- Johannes Meuer, Christian Rupietta and Uschi Backes-Gellner
- Exploring the relationship between multiple team membership and team performance: The role of social networks and collaborative technology pp. 911-924

- Fabiola Bertolotti, Elisa Mattarelli, Matteo Vignoli and Diego Maria Macrì
- Does governmental venture capital spur invention and innovation? Evidence from young European biotech companies pp. 925-935

- Fabio Bertoni and Tereza Tykvova
- Impact-oriented science policies and scientific publication practices: The case of life sciences in Japan pp. 936-950

- Sotaro Shibayama and Yasunori Baba
- Intellectual property protection in plant varieties: A worldwide index (1961–2011) pp. 951-964

- Mercedes Campi and Alessandro Nuvolari
- Measuring the impact of innovative human capital on small firms’ propensity to innovate pp. 965-976

- Helen McGuirk, Helena Lenihan and Mark Hart
- R&D outsourcing and intellectual property infringement pp. 977-989

- Philipp Buss and Christian Peukert
- Scientific yield from collaboration with industry: The relevance of researchers’ strategic approaches pp. 990-998

- Julie Callaert, Paolo Landoni, Bart Van Looy and Roberto Verganti
Volume 44, issue 3, 2015
- The impact of multilevel networks on innovation pp. 545-559

- Jiancheng Guan, Jingjing Zhang and Yan Yan
- The user dominated technology era: Dynamics of dispersed peer-innovation pp. 560-576

- Sampsa Hyysalo and Svetlana Usenyuk
- Demand-pull and technology-push public support for eco-innovation: The case of the biofuels sector pp. 577-595

- Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi, Chiara Martini and Luca Pennacchio
- Foreign multinationals and domestic innovation: Intra-industry effects and firm heterogeneity pp. 596-609

- Riccardo Crescenzi, Luisa Gagliardi and Simona Iammarino
- Organizational design of University laboratories: Task allocation and lab performance in Japanese bioscience laboratories pp. 610-622

- Sotaro Shibayama, Yasunori Baba and John P. Walsh
- Can R&D subsidies counteract the economic crisis? – Macroeconomic effects in Germany pp. 623-633

- Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Jutta Günther, Brigitte Loose, Udo Ludwig and Nicole Nulsch
- Non-tenured post-doctoral researchers’ job mobility and research output: An analysis of the role of research discipline, department size, and coauthors pp. 634-650

- Agnes Bäker
- The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data pp. 651-668

- Andrea Morescalchi, Fabio Pammolli, Orion Penner, Alexander M. Petersen and Massimo Riccaboni
- Linking emission trading to environmental innovation: Evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry pp. 669-683

- Simone Borghesi, Giulio Cainelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- Creativity in scientific teams: Unpacking novelty and impact pp. 684-697

- You-Na Lee, John P. Walsh and Jian Wang
- Crossing the innovation threshold through mergers and acquisitions pp. 698-710

- Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili
- Internal capabilities, network resources and appropriation mechanisms as determinants of R&D outsourcing pp. 711-725

- Andre Spithoven and Peter Teirlinck
- Demand-side vs. supply-side technology policies: Hidden treatment and new empirical evidence on the policy mix pp. 726-747

- Marco Guerzoni and Emilio Raiteri
- Economic impact of entrepreneurial universities’ activities: An exploratory study of the United Kingdom pp. 748-764

- Maribel Guerrero, James A. Cunningham and David Urbano
- The rate and motives of the internationalisation of large firm R&D (1994–2005): Towards a turning point? pp. 765-776

- Patricia Laurens, Christian Le Bas, Antoine Schoen, Lionel Villard and Philippe Larédo
- Rapid improvements with no commercial production: How do the improvements occur? pp. 777-788

- Jeffrey L. Funk and Christopher L. Magee
- Competition for talent. Country and organizational-level effects in the internationalization of European higher education institutions pp. 789-802

- B. Lepori, M. Seeber and A. Bonaccorsi
- Academic collaborations and firm innovation performance in China: The role of region-specific institutions pp. 803-817

- Mario Kafouros, Chengqi Wang, Panagiotis Piperopoulos and Mingshen Zhang
Volume 44, issue 2, 2015
- And the winner is—Acquired. Entrepreneurship as a contest yielding radical innovations pp. 295-310

- Joachim Henkel, Thomas Rønde and Marcus Wagner
- The geographic origins of radical technological paradigms: A configurational study pp. 311-327

- Brett Anitra Gilbert and Joanna Tochman Campbell
- When less can be more – Setting technology levels in complementary goods markets pp. 328-339

- Jörg Claussen, Christian Essling and Tobias Kretschmer
- Trust and the market for technology pp. 340-356

- Paul Jensen, Alfons Palangkaraya and Elizabeth Webster
- The modern drivers of productivity pp. 357-369

- Francesco Venturini
- Access to finance for innovative SMEs since the financial crisis pp. 370-380

- Neil Lee, Hiba Sameen and Marc Cowling
- The production function of top R&D investors: Accounting for size and sector heterogeneity with quantile estimations pp. 381-393

- Sandro Montresor and Antonio Vezzani
- Regional disadvantage? Employee non-compete agreements and brain drain pp. 394-404

- Matt Marx, Jasjit Singh and Lee Fleming
- Global talent, local careers: Circular migration of top Indian engineers and professionals pp. 405-420

- Fei Qin
- University technology transfer offices: The search for identity to build legitimacy pp. 421-437

- O’Kane, Conor, Vincent Mangematin, Will Geoghegan and Ciara Fitzgerald
- How do alumni faculty behave in research collaboration? An analysis of Chang Jiang Scholars in China pp. 438-450

- Feng Li, Yajun Miao and Chenchen Yang
- Bibliometric evaluation vs. informed peer review: Evidence from Italy pp. 451-466

- Graziella Bertocchi, Alfonso Gambardella, Tullio Jappelli, Carmela A. Nappi and Franco Peracchi
- Does massive funding support of researchers work?: Evaluating the impact of the South African research chair funding initiative pp. 467-482

- Johannes Fedderke and M. Goldschmidt
- Essential intellectual property rights and inventors’ involvement in standardization pp. 483-492

- Byeongwoo Kang and Kazuyuki Motohashi
- An examination of the antecedents and implications of patent scope pp. 493-507

- Elena Novelli
- Measuring patent's influence on technological evolution: A study of knowledge spanning and subsequent inventive activity pp. 508-521

- Rafael A. Corredoira and Preeta M. Banerjee
- Forecasting technological discontinuities in the ICT industry pp. 522-532

- Karin Hoisl, Tobias Stelzer and Stefanie Biala
- Corporate governance practices and companies’ R&D intensity: Evidence from European countries pp. 533-543

- Florence Honoré, Federico Munari and Bruno van Pottelsberghe de La Potterie
Volume 44, issue 1, 2015
- “Open” disclosure of innovations, incentives and follow-on reuse: Theory on processes of cumulative innovation and a field experiment in computational biology pp. 4-19

- Kevin Boudreau and Karim R. Lakhani
- Who is afraid of pirates? An experiment on the deterrence of innovation by imitation pp. 20-33

- Christoph Engel and Marco Kleine
- The evolving state-of-the-art in technology transfer research: Revisiting the contingent effectiveness model pp. 34-49

- Barry Bozeman, Heather Rimes and Jan Youtie
- Markets versus spillovers in outflows of university research pp. 50-66

- David C. Mowery and Arvids A. Ziedonis
- Societal problems and industry reorientation: Elaborating the Dialectic Issue LifeCycle (DILC) model and a case study of car safety in the USA (1900–1995) pp. 67-82

- Frank W. Geels and Caetano Penna
- Assessing the practical application of social knowledge: A survey of six leading Canadian Universities pp. 83-95

- Richard Hawkins, Cooper H. Langford and Chad Saunders
- From practice to collaborative community in interdisciplinary research contexts pp. 96-107

- Frank Siedlok, Paul Hibbert and John Sillince
- Migrant scientists and international networks pp. 108-120

- Giuseppe Scellato, Chiara Franzoni and Paula Stephan
- Mobility and innovation: A cross-country comparison in the video games industry pp. 121-137

- Cornelia Storz, Federico Riboldazzi and Moritz John
- Recruitment, knowledge integration and modes of innovation pp. 138-153

- Sverre J. Herstad, Tore Sandven and Bernd Ebersberger
- The Renaissance Man is not dead! The role of generalists in teams of inventors pp. 154-167

- Eduardo Melero and Neus Palomeras
- Embedded lead users—The benefits of employing users for corporate innovation pp. 168-180

- Tim G. Schweisfurth and Christina Raasch
- Network dynamics in constellations of cultural differences: Relational distance in innovation processes in legal services and biotechnology pp. 181-194

- Oliver Ibert and Felix C. Müller
- The Emerging Clusters Model: A tool for identifying emerging technologies across multiple patent systems pp. 195-205

- Anthony Breitzman and Patrick Thomas
- A cross-country index of intellectual property rights in pharmaceutical inventions pp. 206-216

- Ming Liu and Sumner La Croix
- The fateful triangle: Complementarities in performance between product, process and organizational innovation in France and the UK pp. 217-232

- Gérard Ballot, Fathi Fakhfakh, Fabrice Galia and Ammon Salter
- Assessing policy strategies for the promotion of environmental technologies: A review of India's National Solar Mission pp. 233-243

- Rainer Quitzow
- Environmental regulation and the cross-border diffusion of new technology: Evidence from automobile patents pp. 244-257

- Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Eric Neumayer and Richard Perkins
- Compact organizational space and technological catch-up: Comparison of China's three leading automotive groups pp. 258-272

- Kyung-Min Nam
- Effects of government financial incentives on firms’ innovation performance in China: Evidences from Beijing in the 1990s pp. 273-282

- JianCheng Guan and Richard C.M. Yam
- The choice between standard and non-standard FDI production strategies for Taiwanese multinationals pp. 283-293

- Hui-Lin Lin, Yi-Chi Hsiao and Eric Lin
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