Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 10, 2003
- Obituary: 13th January 1937 - 20th December 2002 pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Obituary: Roy Rothwell 1941-2003 pp. iv-iv

- Walter Zegveld
- Determinants of biotechnology utilization by the Canadian industry pp. 1719-1735

- Namatie Traore and Antoine Rose
- Three steps in knowledge communication: the emergence of knowledge transformers pp. 1737-1751

- Tsutomu Harada
- Profiting from voluntary information spillovers: how users benefit by freely revealing their innovations pp. 1753-1769

- Dietmar Harhoff, Joachim Henkel and Eric von Hippel
- Youngsters and technology pp. 1771-1781

- Andries de Grip and Ed Willems
- Science-technology flows in Spanish regions: An analysis of scientific citations in patents pp. 1783-1803

- Manuel Acosta and Daniel Coronado
- Autarkic drug discovery in Japanese pharmaceutical companies: insights into national differences in industrial innovation pp. 1805-1827

- Robert Kneller
- Articulation and codification of collective know-how in the steel industry: evidence from blast furnace control in France pp. 1829-1847

- Nathalie Lazaric, Pierre-André Mangolte and Marie-Laure Massue
- Policy learning in Swiss research policy--the case of the National Centres of Competence in Research pp. 1849-1863

- Dietmar Braun and Martin Benninghoff
- Institutional frameworks and innovation in the German and UK pharmaceutical industry pp. 1865-1879

- Steven Casper and Catherine Matraves
- The economic effects of basic research: evidence for embodied knowledge transfer via scientists' migration pp. 1881-1895

- Christian Zellner
- An international comparison of sectoral knowledge bases: persistence and integration in the pharmaceutical industry pp. 1897-1912

- Stefano Brusoni and Aldo Geuna
Volume 32, issue 9, 2003
- Obituary: 13th January 1937 - 20th December 2002 pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Can creative destruction be destroyed? Military IR&D and destruction along the value-added chain pp. 1537-1554

- Allen Kaufman, Christopher Tucci and Mark Brumer
- Entrepreneurial transformations in the Swedish University system: the case of Chalmers University of Technology pp. 1555-1568

- Merle Jacob, Mats Lundqvist and Hans Hellsmark
- Networks of innovators: a longitudinal perspective pp. 1569-1588

- Pek-Hooi Soh and Edward B. Roberts
- Three attempts at "de-Wintelization": Japan's TRON project, the US government's suits against Wintel, and the entry of Java and Linux pp. 1589-1606

- Takuma Takahashi and Fujio Namiki
- Edwin Mansfield's contributions to the economics of technology pp. 1607-1617

- Arthur Diamond
- The determinants of success of R&D projects: evidence from American-Israeli research alliances pp. 1619-1640

- Oded Bizan
- Inter- and intra-firm effects in the diffusion of new process technology pp. 1641-1655

- Giuliana Battisti and Paul Stoneman
- Indicators of the relative importance of IPRs in developing countries pp. 1657-1680

- Sanjaya Lall
- Agricultural science and technology policy in Africa pp. 1681-1694

- S. W. Omamo and J. K. Lynam
- The expanding role of university patenting in the life sciences: assessing the importance of experience and connectivity pp. 1695-1711

- Jason Owen-Smith and Walter W. Powell
- Science, Technology, and Democracy: Daniel Lee Kleinman (Ed.), State University of New York Press, New York, 2000, 174 pp., [UK pound]12.00 (paperback), ISBN 07914-4708-1 pp. 1713-1714

- Yannick Barthe
- Networks of Innovation: Change and Meaning in the Age of the Internet: I. Tuomi, Oxford University Press, 2002, 251 pp., Price [UK pound]25.00, ISBN: 0-19-025698 pp. 1714-1716

- Georg von Krogh
- Innovation in the Service Economy: The New Wealth of Nations: Faiz Gallouj, Edward Elgar Publisher Limited, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, 2002, 226 pp., Price [UK pound]55.00, ISBN 1-84064-670-5 pp. 1716-1717

- Maria Savona
Volume 32, issue 8, 2003
- Obituary for Keith Pavitt: 13th January 1937 - 20th December 2002 pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Coping with environmental pressures: public research organisations responses to funding crises pp. 1293-1308

- Luis Sanz-Menendez and Laura Cruz-Castro
- Sources of ideas for innovation in engineering design pp. 1309-1324

- Ammon Salter and David Gann
- Standards, dominant designs and preferential acquisition of complementary assets through slight information advantages pp. 1325-1341

- Jeffrey L. Funk
- Citations, family size, opposition and the value of patent rights pp. 1343-1363

- Dietmar Harhoff, Frederic M. Scherer and Katrin Vopel
- Measuring innovative performance: is there an advantage in using multiple indicators? pp. 1365-1379

- John Hagedoorn and Myriam Cloodt
- Optimal dispersion of R&D activities in multinational corporations with a genetic algorithm pp. 1381-1396

- Jan Hendrik Fisch
- Short-term economic incentives in new product development pp. 1397-1420

- Antonio Davila
- Effect of R&D programmes on the formation of university-industry-government networks: comparative analysis of Japanese R&D programmes pp. 1421-1442

- Takayuki Hayashi
- The evolution of local production systems: the emergence of the "invisible mind" and the evolutionary pressures towards more visible "minds" pp. 1443-1462

- Mauro Lombardi
- Differences between learning processes in small tigers and large dragons: Learning processes of two color TV (CTV) firms within China pp. 1463-1479

- Wei Xie and Guisheng Wu
- Co-operative R&D: why and with whom?: An integrated framework of analysis pp. 1481-1499

- Egidio Miotti and Frederique Sachwald
- Modes of governance of new service development for mobile networks: A life cycle perspective pp. 1501-1518

- Jan van den Ende
- Science policy in changing times: are governments poised to take full advantage of an institution in transition? pp. 1519-1531

- Lisa G. A. Beesley
- Ivory Bridges: Connecting Science and Society: Gerhard Sonnert with the assistance of Gerald Holton, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002, 227 pp., Price: [UK pound]20.95, ISBN 0-262-19471-6 pp. 1534-1535

- David Z. Robinson
Volume 32, issue 7, 2003
- Obituary; Keith Pavitt pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Special issue on open source software development pp. 1149-1157

- Georg von Krogh and Eric von Hippel
- Motivation of software developers in Open Source projects: an Internet-based survey of contributors to the Linux kernel pp. 1159-1177

- Guido Hertel, Sven Niedner and Stefanie Herrmann
- Guarding the commons: how community managed software projects protect their work pp. 1179-1198

- Siobhan O'Mahony
- Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits: the case of Apache security software pp. 1199-1215

- Nikolaus Franke and Eric von Hippel
- Community, joining, and specialization in open source software innovation: a case study pp. 1217-1241

- Georg von Krogh, Sebastian Spaeth and Karim R. Lakhani
- Why Open Source software can succeed pp. 1243-1258

- Andrea Bonaccorsi and Cristina Rossi
- How open is open enough?: Melding proprietary and open source platform strategies pp. 1259-1285

- Joel West
- Gift economies in the development of open source software: anthropological reflections pp. 1287-1291

- David Zeitlyn
Volume 32, issue 6, 2003
- Obituary; Keith Pavitt pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Objectives, agreements and matching in science-industry collaborations: reassembling the pieces of the puzzle pp. 887-908

- Nicolas Carayol
- On the uneven evolution of human know-how pp. 909-922

- Richard Nelson
- How open source software works: "free" user-to-user assistance pp. 923-943

- Karim R. Lakhani and Eric von Hippel
- Does foreign direct investment facilitate technological progress?: Evidence from Chinese industries pp. 945-953

- Xiaohui Liu and Chengang Wang
- Civilian-military co-operation strategies in developing new technologies pp. 955-970

- Haico te Kulve and Wim A. Smit
- Mapping technological trajectories of the Green Revolution and the Gene Revolution from modernization to globalization pp. 971-990

- Govindan Parayil
- Measuring the economic benefits from R&D: improvements in the MMI model of the United Kingdom National Measurement System pp. 991-1002

- Steven Bowns, Ian Bradley, Paula Knee, Fiona Williams and Geoffrey Williams
- R&D and the growth of firms: empirical analysis of a panel of Italian firms pp. 1003-1014

- Alfredo Del Monte and Erasmo Papagni
- Competition and pluralism in the public sciences: the impact of institutional frameworks on the organisation of academic science pp. 1015-1029

- Richard Whitley
- Technological dynamism in Asia pp. 1031-1054

- Ishtiaq P. Mahmood and Jasjit Singh
- Convergence and polarization in global income levels: a review of recent results on the role of international technology diffusion pp. 1055-1079

- Guan Gong and Wolfgang Keller
- From separate systems to a hybrid order: accumulative advantage across public and private science at Research One universities pp. 1081-1104

- Jason Owen-Smith
- Patterns of preservation, restructuring and survival: science and technology policy in Russia in post-Soviet era pp. 1105-1124

- Slavo Radosevic
- Shaping the national system of inter-industry knowledge exchange: Vertical integration, licensing and repeated knowledge transfer in the German plastics industry pp. 1125-1140

- Jochen Streb
- The Dynamics of Knowledge Regimes: Technology, Culture and Competitiveness in the USA and Japan: Dengjian Jin, Continuum, ISBN: 0826454534 (November 15, 2001) pp. 1141-1141

- Juan Enriquez-Cabot
- The Network Society: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. I; Manuel Castells; The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, MA; Oxford, UK, 1996, Price: [UK pound] 16.99 (paperback), ISBN 1-55786-616-3: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. II; Manuel Castells; The Power of Identity, Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA; Oxford, UK, 1997, Price: [UK pound] 16.99 (paperback), ISBN 1-55786-873-5: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. III; Manuel Castells; End of Millennium, Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA; Oxford, UK, 1998, Price: [UK pound] 16.99 (paperback), ISBN 1-55786-871-9 pp. 1141-1145

- Paul Nightingale
- The Microdynamics of Technological Change: Cristiano Antonelli (Ed.), Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1999, 286 pp., [UK pound]60.00, ISBN 0415-190-525 pp. 1145-1146

- Suma Athreye
- The Associational Economy: Firms, Regions and Innovation: Philip Cooke and Kevin Morgan (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999, 247 pp., [UK pound]42.50/[UK pound]14.99, ISBN 019-829018-7 pp. 1146-1148

- Jan Fagerberg
Volume 32, issue 5, 2003
- Obituary; Keith Pavitt pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Internal factors determining a firm's innovative behaviour pp. 715-736

- Jesus Galende and Juan Manuel de la Fuente
- Alliances are not enough explaining rapid growth in biotechnology firms pp. 737-750

- Jorge Niosi
- Sectoral patterns of small firm innovation, networking and proximity pp. 751-770

- Mark Freel
- Impact of the length of relationships upon the use of research institutes by SMEs pp. 771-788

- Hiro Izushi
- No project is an island: linking projects to history and context pp. 789-808

- Mats Engwall
- Experience, experimentation, and the accumulation of knowledge: the evolution of R&D in the semiconductor industry pp. 809-825

- Jonathan West and Marco Iansiti
- A growing trend toward knowledge work in Canada pp. 827-844

- Marie Lavoie, Richard Roy and Pierre Therrien
- Innovation modes in the Swiss service sector: a cluster analysis based on firm-level data pp. 845-863

- Heinz Hollenstein
- Cross-over, thresholds, and interactions between science and technology: lessons for less-developed countries pp. 865-885

- Americo Tristao Bernardes and Eduardo Albuquerque
Volume 32, issue 4, 2003
- Obituary; Keith Pavitt pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Intrafirm diffusion of new technologies: an empirical application pp. 533-551

- Lucio Fuentelsaz, Jaime Gómez and Yolanda Polo
- A new approach to assessing the technological complexity of different categories of R&D (with examples from Singapore) pp. 553-572

- Alice H. Amsden and F. Ted Tschang
- Research and technology policies in innovation systems: zero tillage in Brazil pp. 573-586

- Javier M. Ekboir
- Performance effects of partnership between manufacturers and suppliers for new product development: the supplier's standpoint pp. 587-603

- Chung, Seungwha (Andy) and Gyeong Mook Kim
- Evaluating the NASA small business innovation research program: preliminary evidence of a trade-off between commercialization and basic research pp. 605-619

- Robert B. Archibald and David H. Finifter
- Development of SMEs and heterogeneity of trajectories: the case of biotechnology in France pp. 621-638

- Vincent Mangematin, Stéphane Lemarié, Jean-Pierre Boissin, David Catherine, Frederic Corolleur, Roger Coronini and Michel Trommetter
- Bottom-up versus top-down policies towards the commercialization of university intellectual property pp. 639-658

- Brent Goldfarb and Magnus Henrekson
- Environmental influences upon firm entry into new sub-markets: Evidence from the worldwide hard disk drive industry conditionally pp. 659-678

- Henry W. Chesbrough
- The emergence of S&T indicators: why did governments supplement statistics with indicators? pp. 679-691

- Benoit Godin
- Choosing among alternative technological strategies: an empirical analysis of formal sources of innovation pp. 693-713

- Pilar Beneito
Volume 32, issue 3, 2003
- Obituary; Keith Pavitt pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Modeling the adoption rates of manufacturing technology innovations by small US manufacturers: a longitudinal investigation pp. 351-366

- Paul M. Swamidass
- Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry pp. 367-390

- Manel Antelo
- Governing the virtual academic commons pp. 391-401

- Tomas Hellstrom
- The governance and performance of Xerox's technology spin-off companies pp. 403-421

- Henry Chesbrough
- Hardware gimmick or cultural innovation? Technological, cultural, and social foundations of the Japanese video game industry pp. 423-444

- Yuko Aoyama and Hiro Izushi
- Freerider behaviour and the public finance of R&D activities in enterprises: the case of the Spanish low interest credits for R&D pp. 445-461

- Joost Heijs
- From a corporate venture to an independent company: a base for a taxonomy for corporate spin-off firms pp. 463-481

- Annaleena Parhankangas and Pia Arenius
- Does co-location matter for formal knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmaceutical sector? pp. 483-501

- Maureen McKelvey, Hakan Alm and Massimo Riccaboni
- Go with the flow--a conceptual framework for supply relations in the era of the extended enterprise pp. 503-523

- Tony Kinder
- Mobilizing the Information Society: Strategies for Growth and Opportunity: Robin Mansell and W. Edward Steinmeuller, Oxford University Press, 2000, 516 pages, [UK pound]65.00, hardback, ISBN 0-19-829556-1 pp. 525-526

- G. Muller
- The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society: Manuel Castells, Oxford University Press, London, 2001, 292 pp., [UK pound]14.99, ISBN 0-19-924153-8 pp. 526-527

- Robin Mansell
- From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence Measuring Technological, Market and Organisational Innovation, Series on Technology Management, Vol. 3: Joe Tidd (Ed.), Imperial College Press, London, 2000, 350 pp., ISBN 1-86094-188-5 pp. 527-528

- Guido Reger
- Building Innovation: Complex Constructs in a Changing World: David M. Gann, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, 2000, 275 pp., ISBN: 0-7277-2673-0 pp. 528-529

- Guido Reger
- Learning and Knowledge Management in the Firm: Gabriela Dutrenit, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Northhampton, 2000, 352 pp., ISBN 1-84064-204-1 pp. 529-531

- Guido Reger
Volume 32, issue 2, 2003
- Obituary; Keith Pavitt pp. iii-iii

- Richard Nelson
- Guest editors' introduction to the special issue on technology entrepreneurship pp. 181-184

- Scott Shane and S. Venkataraman
- Environmental jolts, institutional change, and the creation of entrepreneurial opportunity in the US electric power industry pp. 185-207

- Wesley D. Sine and Robert J. David
- Why do some universities generate more start-ups than others? pp. 209-227

- Dante Di Gregorio and Scott Shane
- The geography of opportunity: spatial heterogeneity in founding rates and the performance of biotechnology firms pp. 229-253

- Toby Stuart and Olav Sorenson
- Improvising firms: bricolage, account giving and improvisational competencies in the founding process pp. 255-276

- Ted Baker, Anne S. Miner and Dale T. Eesley
- Bricolage versus breakthrough: distributed and embedded agency in technology entrepreneurship pp. 277-300

- Raghu Garud and Peter Karnoe
- Startup size and the mechanisms of external learning: increasing opportunity and decreasing ability? pp. 301-315

- Paul Almeida, Gina Dokko and Lori Rosenkopf
- Exploiting technological opportunities: the timing of collaborations pp. 317-332

- Riitta Katila and Paul Y. Mang
- The product market and the market for "ideas": commercialization strategies for technology entrepreneurs pp. 333-350

- Joshua Gans and Scott Stern
Volume 32, issue 1, 2003
- 'Libre' software: turning fads into institutions? pp. 1-11

- Jean-Michel Dalle and Nicolas Jullien
- What determines patent value?: Insights from the semiconductor industry pp. 13-26

- Markus Reitzig
- Assessing the impact of organizational practices on the relative productivity of university technology transfer offices: an exploratory study pp. 27-48

- Donald S. Siegel, David Waldman and Albert Link
- The transformation of technological regimes pp. 49-68

- Ibo van de Poel
- Knowledge-relatedness in firm technological diversification pp. 69-87

- Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni and Franco Malerba
- Developmental financial institutions as technology policy instruments: implications for innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging economies pp. 89-108

- Gerard George and Ganesh N. Prabhu
- Research groups as 'quasi-firms': the invention of the entrepreneurial university pp. 109-121

- Henry Etzkowitz
- The evolution of research activity in Spain: The impact of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) pp. 123-142

- Evaristo Jimenez-Contreras, Felix de Moya Anegon and Emilio Delgado Lopez-Cozar
- Explaining Australia's increased share of ISI publications--the effects of a funding formula based on publication counts pp. 143-155

- Linda Butler
- How communities support innovative activities: an exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users pp. 157-178

- Nikolaus Franke and Sonali Shah
- The Cambridge Phenomenon Revisited: Parts One and Two: Segal Quince Wicksteed, Cambridge, UK, 2000, 76, 116 p., [UK pound]50.00, ISBN: Part 1, 0951020218; Part 2, 0951020226 pp. 179-180

- Martin Kenney
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