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Research Policy

1971 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray

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Volume 38, issue 10, 2009

Government centrality to university-industry interactions: University research centers and the industry involvement of academic researchers pp. 1505-1516 Downloads
P. Craig Boardman
Behavioural additionality of R&D subsidies: A learning perspective pp. 1517-1533 Downloads
Bart Clarysse, Mike Wright and Philippe Mustar
Impact analysis for national R&D funding in science and technology using quantification method II pp. 1534-1544 Downloads
Jin Young Choi, Jong Ha Lee and So Young Sohn
The relational antecedents of project-entrepreneurship: Network centrality, team composition and project performance pp. 1545-1558 Downloads
Simone Ferriani, Gino Cattani and Charles Baden-Fuller
What do business models do?: Innovation devices in technology entrepreneurship pp. 1559-1570 Downloads
Liliana Doganova and Marie Eyquem-Renault
A structural equation model of the impact of the "fuzzy front end" on the success of new product development pp. 1571-1581 Downloads
Birgit Verworn
The role of lead users in knowledge sharing pp. 1582-1589 Downloads
Lars Bo Jeppesen and Keld Laursen
Sticky information and heterogeneous needs as determining factors of R&D cooperation with customers pp. 1590-1603 Downloads
Gloria Sánchez-González, Nuria González-Álvarez and Mariano Nieto
Estimates of patent rents from firm market value pp. 1604-1616 Downloads
James Bessen
How to play the "Names Game": Patent retrieval comparing different heuristics pp. 1617-1627 Downloads
Julio Raffo and Stephane Lhuillery
E.G. Carayannis, D. Assimakopoulos and M. Kondo, Editors, Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters: Findings and Insights from the US, EU and Japan, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS, England (2008) 432 pp., £64.00, Hardcover, ISBN: 9781403942456. E.G. Carayannis and P. Formica, Editors, Knowledge Matters: Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS, England (2008) 288 pp., £58.00, Hardcover, ISBN: 9781403998729 pp. 1628-1629 Downloads
Odile E.M. Janne

Volume 38, issue 9, 2009

Pyramiding: Efficient search for rare subjects pp. 1397-1406 Downloads
Eric von Hippel, Nikolaus Franke and Reinhard Prügl
Reconsidering the Bayh-Dole Act and the Current University Invention Ownership Model pp. 1407-1422 Downloads
Martin Kenney and Donald Patton
Patent validation at the country level--The role of fees and translation costs pp. 1423-1437 Downloads
Dietmar Harhoff, Karin Hoisl, Bettina Reichl and Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie
Measuring the returns of R&D--An empirical study of the German manufacturing sector over 45 years pp. 1438-1445 Downloads
Günter Lang
An economic evaluation of Iranian public agricultural R&D policy: The case of sugarbeet pp. 1446-1452 Downloads
S.S. Hosseini, E. Hassanpour and S.Y. Sadeghian
Dynamics of R&D networked relationships and mergers and acquisitions in the smart card field pp. 1453-1467 Downloads
Zouhaïer M'Chirgui
Technology cross-fertilization and the business model: The case of integrating ICTs in mechanical engineering products pp. 1468-1477 Downloads
Joakim Björkdahl
If you cannot block, you better run: Small firms, cooperative innovation, and appropriation strategies pp. 1478-1488 Downloads
Aija Leiponen and Justin Byma
Whether and how: Effects of international joint ventures on local innovation in an emerging economy pp. 1489-1503 Downloads
Ishtiaq P. Mahmood and Weiting Zheng

Volume 38, issue 8, 2009

Implementing Bayh-Dole-like laws: Faculty problems and their impact on university patenting activity pp. 1217-1224 Downloads
Nicola Baldini
Empirical observations on New Public Management to increase efficiency in public research--Boon or bane? pp. 1225-1234 Downloads
Torben Schubert
Innovation on demand--Can public procurement drive market success of innovations? pp. 1235-1247 Downloads
Birgit Aschhoff and Wolfgang Sofka
How national institutions influence technology policies and firms' knowledge-building strategies: A study of fuel cell innovation across industrialized countries pp. 1248-1259 Downloads
Gurneeta Vasudeva
Research productivity in the era of the internet revisited pp. 1260-1268 Downloads
Eleftheria Vasileiadou and Rens Vliegenthart
Has the Internet accelerated the diffusion of new products? pp. 1269-1277 Downloads
Jeffrey Prince and Daniel H. Simon
The impact of virtual technologies on knowledge-based processes: An empirical study pp. 1278-1287 Downloads
Antonino Vaccaro, Francisco Veloso and Stefano Brusoni
When does community participation enhance the performance of open source software companies? pp. 1288-1299 Downloads
Wouter Stam
The open kimono: How Intel balances trust and power to maintain platform leadership pp. 1300-1312 Downloads
Robert K. Perrons
Intellectual capital or signal? The effects of scientists on alliance formation in knowledge-intensive industries pp. 1313-1325 Downloads
Xiaowei Luo, Kenneth W. Koput and Walter W. Powell
The intra-firm diffusion of complementary innovations: Evidence from the adoption of management practices by British establishments pp. 1326-1339 Downloads
Giuliana Battisti and Alfonsina Iona
The roles of product lead-users and product experts in new product evaluation pp. 1340-1349 Downloads
Muammer Ozer
The performance impact of intra-firm organizational design on an alliance's NPD projects pp. 1350-1364 Downloads
Yuosre F. Badir, Bettina Büchel and Christopher Tucci
Quality-oriented technical change in Japanese wheat breeding pp. 1365-1375 Downloads
Yoko Saito, Hisamitsu Saito, Takumi Kondo and Fumio Osanami
Resource allocations, knowledge network characteristics and entrepreneurial orientation of multinational corporations pp. 1376-1387 Downloads
Christopher Williams and Soo Hee Lee
Innovative R&D and optimal investment under uncertainty in high-tech industries: An implication for emerging economies pp. 1388-1395 Downloads
Yingyi Tsai, Justin Lin and Lucia Mytna Kurekova

Volume 38, issue 7, 2009

Highly cited leaders and the performance of research universities pp. 1079-1092 Downloads
Amanda Goodall
Why business schools do so much research: A signaling explanation pp. 1093-1101 Downloads
Damien Besancenot, Joao Faria and Radu Vranceanu
The economics of universities in a new age of funding options pp. 1102-1116 Downloads
Richard Just and Wallace E. Huffman
Political aspects of innovation pp. 1117-1124 Downloads
Jerry Courvisanos
The impact on innovation performance of different sources of knowledge: Evidence from the UK Community Innovation Survey pp. 1125-1135 Downloads
Marion Frenz and Grazia Ietto-Gillies
The challenge of managing boundary-spanning research activities: Experiences from the Swedish context pp. 1136-1149 Downloads
Niclas Adler, Maria Elmquist and Flemming Norrgren
A real options perspective on R&D portfolio diversification pp. 1150-1158 Downloads
Sjoerd van Bekkum, Enrico Pennings and Han Smit
Do firms in clusters invest in R&D more intensively? Theory and evidence from multi-country data pp. 1159-1171 Downloads
Chang-Yang Lee
The effects of new technologies on productivity: An intrafirm diffusion-based assessment pp. 1172-1180 Downloads
Lucio Fuentelsaz, Jaime Gómez and Sergio Palomas
Transfers of user process innovations to process equipment producers: A study of Dutch high-tech firms pp. 1181-1191 Downloads
Jeroen P.J. de Jong and Eric von Hippel
Components, systems and discontinuities: The case of magnetic recording and playback equipment pp. 1192-1202 Downloads
Jeffery Funk
Exploring the cross-country gap in patenting: A Stochastic Frontier Approach pp. 1203-1213 Downloads
Xiaolan Fu and Qing Yang
L. Leydesdorff, The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton, FL (2006) ISBN 1-58112-937-8 385 pp., Price: $18.95 pp. 1214-1215 Downloads
Martin Meyer

Volume 38, issue 6, 2009

Researchers' perceptions of citations pp. 895-905 Downloads
Dag W. Aksnes and Arie Rip
What drives the formation of 'valuable' university-industry linkages?: Insights from the wine industry pp. 906-921 Downloads
Elisa Giuliani and Valeria Arza
Academics or entrepreneurs? Investigating role identity modification of university scientists involved in commercialization activity pp. 922-935 Downloads
Sanjay Jain, Gerard George and Mark Maltarich
The determinants of academic research commercial performance: Towards an organizational ambidexterity perspective pp. 936-946 Downloads
Yuan-Chieh Chang, Phil Y. Yang and Ming-Huei Chen
What drives scientists to start their own company?: An empirical investigation of Max Planck Society scientists pp. 947-956 Downloads
Stefan Krabel and Pamela Mueller
The contribution of (not so) public research to commercial innovations in the field of combinatorial chemistry pp. 957-970 Downloads
Stéphane Malo
How agricultural research systems shape a technological regime that develops genetic engineering but locks out agroecological innovations pp. 971-983 Downloads
Gaëtan Vanloqueren and Philippe V. Baret
The fog of innovation: Innovativeness and deviance in developing new clinical testing equipment pp. 984-993 Downloads
Maria Höyssä and Sampsa Hyysalo
Measuring knowledge spillovers: What patents, licenses and publications reveal about innovation diffusion pp. 994-1005 Downloads
Andrew Nelson
Claiming more: the Increased Voluminosity of Patent Applications and its Determinants pp. 1006-1020 Downloads
Nicolas van Zeebroeck, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie and Dominique Guellec
Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D activity: Evidence from firm-level data for France pp. 1021-1031 Downloads
Olivier Bertrand
New forms of organisation and R&D internationalisation among the world's 100 largest food and beverages multinationals pp. 1032-1043 Downloads
Fragkiskos Filippaios, Marina Papanastassiou, Robert Pearce and Ruth Rama
The role of team behavioral integration and cohesion in shaping individual improvisation pp. 1044-1053 Downloads
Massimo Magni, Luigi Proserpio, Martin Hoegl and Bernardino Provera
Can Taiwan's second movers upgrade via branding? pp. 1054-1065 Downloads
Wan-wen Chu
Technological innovations and sectoral change: Transformative capacity, adaptability, patterns of change: An analytical framework pp. 1066-1076 Downloads
Ulrich Dolata
J. Bessen and M.J. Meurer, Patent Failure. How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovators at Risk, Princeton University Press (2008) ISBN 978-0691134918 352 pp pp. 1077-1078 Downloads
Andrea Filippetti

Volume 38, issue 5, 2009

EES and the continuing evolution of Research Policy pp. 695-699 Downloads
Ben Martin, Martin Bell, Michel Callon, Hariolf Grupp, Fumio Kodama, Stefan Kuhlmann, Lee Fleming, Nick von Tunzelmann and Walter Powell
Demand-pull, technology-push, and government-led incentives for non-incremental technical change pp. 700-709 Downloads
Gregory Nemet
Regulatory dependence and Scientific Advisory Boards pp. 710-725 Downloads
Jay Inghwee Chok
Learning for learning economy and social learning pp. 726-735 Downloads
Sampsa Hyysalo
Professional guilds, tension and knowledge management pp. 736-745 Downloads
Ram Mudambi and Tim Swift
Does spatial proximity to customers matter for innovative performance?: Evidence from the Dutch software sector pp. 746-755 Downloads
Anet Weterings and Ron Boschma
How do collaborations with universities affect firms' innovative performance? The role of "Pasteur scientists" in the advanced materials field pp. 756-764 Downloads
Yasunori Baba, Naohiro Shichijo and Silvia Rita Sedita
Collaborative networks and product innovation performance: Toward a contingency perspective pp. 765-778 Downloads
Kuen-Hung Tsai
A policy insight into the R&D-patent relationship pp. 779-792 Downloads
Gaétan de Rassenfosse and Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie
Reforming intellectual property rights and the Bt cotton seed industry in China: Who benefits from policy reform? pp. 793-801 Downloads
Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Cunhui Fan and Caiping Zhang
Innovation strategy and performance during economic transition: Evidences in Beijing, China pp. 802-812 Downloads
Jian Cheng Guan, Richard C.M. Yam, Esther P.Y. Tang and Antonio K.W. Lau
Manufacturing dynamics and spillovers: The case of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (HKMT) pp. 813-828 Downloads
Can Huang and Naubahar Sharif
Latecomer firms and the emergence and development of knowledge networks: The case of Petrobras in Brazil pp. 829-844 Downloads
Eva Dantas and Martin Bell
Drivers of national innovation in transition: Evidence from a panel of Eastern European countries pp. 845-860 Downloads
Sorin Krammer
Competition favors the prepared firm: Firms' R&D responses to competitive market pressure pp. 861-870 Downloads
Chang-Yang Lee
Positive and negative feedback effects in competition for dominance of network business systems pp. 871-884 Downloads
Antti Sillanpää and Tomi Laamanen
Environmental management systems and technological environmental innovations: Exploring the causal relationship pp. 885-893 Downloads
Andreas Ziegler and Jazmin Seijas Nogareda

Volume 38, issue 4, 2009

Emerging challenges for science, technology and innovation policy research: A reflexive overview pp. 571-582 Downloads
Piera Morlacchi and Ben Martin
Developing science, technology and innovation indicators: What we can learn from the past pp. 583-589 Downloads
Christopher Freeman and Luc Soete
Gender-specific patterns in patenting and publishing pp. 590-599 Downloads
Rainer Frietsch, Inna Haller, Melanie Funken-Vrohlings and Hariolf Grupp
Post-Soviet science: Difficulties in the transformation of the R&D systems in Russia and Ukraine pp. 600-609 Downloads
Igor Yegorov
Organizational and institutional influences on creativity in scientific research pp. 610-623 Downloads
Thomas Heinze, Philip Shapira, Juan D. Rogers and Jacqueline M. Senker
Science, risk and governance: Radical rhetorics and the realities of reform in food safety governance pp. 624-636 Downloads
Erik Millstone
Regulatory policy as innovation: Constructing rules of engagement for a technological zone of tissue engineering in the European Union pp. 637-646 Downloads
Alex Faulkner
Accounting for change in national systems of innovation: A friendly critique based on the U.S. case pp. 647-654 Downloads
David M. Hart
Prospective analysis of technological innovation systems: Identifying technological and organizational development options for biogas in Switzerland pp. 655-667 Downloads
Jochen Markard, Martin Stadelmann and Bernhard Truffer
Evolutionary approaches for sustainable innovation policies: From niche to paradigm? pp. 668-680 Downloads
Jan Nill and Rene Kemp
Science, technology and innovation for economic growth: Linking policy research and practice in 'STIG Systems' pp. 681-693 Downloads
Philippe Aghion, Paul David and Dominique Foray

Volume 38, issue 3, 2009

Innovation in low- and medium-technology industries pp. 441-446 Downloads
Paul Robertson, Keith Smith and Nick von Tunzelmann
Innovation paths and the innovation performance of low-technology firms--An empirical analysis of German industry pp. 447-458 Downloads
Eva Kirner, Steffen Kinkel and Angela Jaeger
Embodied knowledge and sectoral linkages: An input-output approach to the interaction of high- and low-tech industries pp. 459-469 Downloads
Johan Hauknes and Mark Knell
Brave old world: Accounting for 'high-tech' knowledge in 'low-tech' industries pp. 470-482 Downloads
Sandro Mendona
Innovation patterns and location of European low- and medium-technology industries pp. 483-494 Downloads
Martin Heidenreich
Search patterns and absorptive capacity: Low- and high-technology sectors in European countries pp. 495-506 Downloads
Christoph Grimpe and Wolfgang Sofka
Beyond formal R&D: Taking advantage of other sources of innovation in low- and medium-technology industries pp. 507-517 Downloads
Llus Santamara, Mara Jess Nieto and Andrés Barge-Gil
External technology sourcing and innovation performance in LMT sectors: An analysis based on the Taiwanese Technological Innovation Survey pp. 518-526 Downloads
Kuen-Hung Tsai and Jiann-Chyuan Wang
Learning through informal local and global linkages: The case of Taiwan's machine tool industry pp. 527-535 Downloads
Liang-Chih Chen
Investments in modernization, innovation and gains in productivity: Evidence from firms in the global paper industry pp. 536-547 Downloads
Vivek Ghosal and Usha Nair-Reichert
The integration of old and new technological paradigms in low- and medium-tech sectors: The case of mechatronics pp. 548-558 Downloads
Daniela Freddi
The role of corporate technology strategy and patent portfolios in low-, medium- and high-technology firms pp. 559-569 Downloads
Ulrich Lichtenthaler

Volume 38, issue 2, 2009

Hariolf Grupp: 3rd July 1950-20th January 2009 pp. 217-217 Downloads
Ben Martin
Innovation studies--The emerging structure of a new scientific field pp. 218-233 Downloads
Jan Fagerberg and Bart Verspagen
Some critical episodes in the progress of medical innovation: An Anglo-American perspective pp. 234-242 Downloads
Nathan Rosenberg
Why are some independent inventors 'heroes' and others 'hobbyists'? The moderating role of technological diversity and specialization pp. 243-254 Downloads
Christopher Lettl, Katja Rost and Iwan von Wartburg
Absorptive capacity and the search for innovation pp. 255-267 Downloads
Kira R. Fabrizio
A national systems view of university entrepreneurialism: Inferences from comparison of the German and US experience pp. 268-280 Downloads
Mark Lehrer, Phillip Nell and Lisa Gärber
Is commercialization good or bad for science? Individual-level evidence from the Max Planck Society pp. 281-292 Downloads
Guido Buenstorf
Funding incentives, collaborative dynamics and scientific productivity: Evidence from the EU framework program pp. 293-305 Downloads
Daniela Defazio, Andy Lockett and Mike Wright
Research collaboration and research output: A longitudinal study of 65 biomedical scientists in a New Zealand university pp. 306-317 Downloads
Zi-Lin He, Xue-Song Geng and Colin Campbell-Hunt
Who's right, Marshall or Jacobs? The localization versus urbanization debate pp. 318-337 Downloads
Catherine Beaudry and Andrea Schiffauerova
China's regional innovation capacity in transition: An empirical approach pp. 338-357 Downloads
Xibao Li
An empirical investigation of knowledge management and innovative performance: The case of alliances pp. 358-368 Downloads
Xu Jiang and Yuan Li
Multinational firms, global value chains and the organization of knowledge transfer pp. 369-381 Downloads
Federica Saliola and Antonello Zanfei
Inter-generational transitions in socio-technical systems: The case of mobile communications pp. 382-392 Downloads
Shahzad Ansari and Raghu Garud
Location, collocation and R&D alliances in the European ICT industry pp. 393-403 Downloads
Rajneesh Narula and Grazia D. Santangelo
Monetary donations to an open source software platform pp. 404-414 Downloads
Sandeep Krishnamurthy and Arvind K. Tripathi
Applicant and examiner citations in U.S. patents: An overview and analysis pp. 415-427 Downloads
Juan Alcácer, Michelle Gittelman and Bhaven Sampat
The influence of strategic patenting on companies' patent portfolios pp. 428-436 Downloads
Knut Blind, Katrin Cremers and Elisabeth Mueller
Jan Fagerberg, David Mowery and Richard Nelson, Editors, The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2004) 656 pp., £30.00 paperback, £95.00 hardback, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-926455-1 pp. 437-440 Downloads
Daniele Archibugi and Andrea Filippetti

Volume 38, issue 1, 2009

Have university knowledge flows narrowed?: Evidence from patent data pp. 1-13 Downloads
Carlos Rosell and Ajay Agrawal
US faculty patenting: Inside and outside the university pp. 14-25 Downloads
Jerry Thursby, Anne W. Fuller and Marie Thursby
Heterogeneity of patenting activity and its implications for scientific research pp. 26-34 Downloads
Dirk Czarnitzki, Wolfgang Glänzel and Katrin Hussinger
R&D, knowledge spillovers and company productivity performance pp. 35-44 Downloads
Mary O'Mahony and Michela Vecchi
R&D cooperation and failures in innovation projects: Empirical evidence from French CIS data pp. 45-57 Downloads
Stephane Lhuillery and Etienne Pfister
Corporate venturing and value creation: A review and proposed framework pp. 58-76 Downloads
V.K. Narayanan, Yi Yang and Shaker A. Zahra
Are new technology-based firms located on science parks really more innovative?: Evidence from Taiwan pp. 77-85 Downloads
Chih-Hai Yang, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Jong-Rong Chen
Understanding the timing of 'fast-second' entry and the relevance of capabilities in invention vs. commercialization pp. 86-95 Downloads
Gwendolyn K. Lee
Managing external knowledge flows: The moderating role of absorptive capacity pp. 96-105 Downloads
Alvaro Escribano, Andrea Fosfuri and Josep Tribó
The effect of financial constraints, absorptive capacity and complementarities on the adoption of multiple process technologies pp. 106-119 Downloads
Jaime Gómez and Pilar Vargas
Long-run versus short-run decisions: R&D and market structure in Spanish firms pp. 120-132 Downloads
Joaquín Artés
e-Business usage across and within firms in the UK: profitability, externalities and policy pp. 133-143 Downloads
Giuliana Battisti, Alessandra Canepa and Paul Stoneman
Antecedents and trajectories of AMT adoption: The case of Greek manufacturing SMEs pp. 144-155 Downloads
Yiannis E. Spanos and Irini Voudouris
The launch of innovative product-related services: Lessons from automotive telematics pp. 156-169 Downloads
Sylvain Lenfle and Christophe Midler
The French defence industry in the knowledge management era: A historical overview and evidence from empirical data pp. 170-180 Downloads
Sarah Guillou, Nathalie Lazaric, Christian Longhi and Sylvie Rochhia
Do 'liberal market economies' really innovate more radically than 'coordinated market economies'?: Hall and Soskice reconsidered pp. 181-191 Downloads
Dirk Akkermans, Carolina Castaldi and Bart Los
Is a higher rate of R&D tax credit a panacea for low levels of R&D in disadvantaged regions? pp. 192-205 Downloads
Richard Harris, Qian Li and Mary Trainor
Allocative efficiency in public research funding: Can bibliometrics help? pp. 206-215 Downloads
Giovanni Abramo, Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and Alessandro Caprasecca
M. Sanders, Technology and the Decline in Demand for Unskilled Labour--A Theoretical Analysis of the US and European Labour Markets, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2005) (245 pp., £ 65.00, ISBN: 1-84542-132-9) pp. 216-216 Downloads
Mariacristina Piva
Page updated 2025-03-28