Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 6, 1988
- Modelling the determination of research output in British universities pp. 315-328

- Paul Hare and Geoffrey Wyatt
- The contribution of university research to the technological innovation of the German economy: Societal auto-dynamic and political guidance pp. 329-340

- Uwe Schimank
- Linking university and industry: An organizational experience in Mexico pp. 341-347

- Mario Waissbluth, Gustavo Cadena and Jose Luis Solleiro
- Islands, archipelagoes and continents: Progress on the road to computer-integrated manufacturing pp. 349-362

- John Bessant and Bill Haywood
- Government and the decentralization of R&D pp. 363-373

- Robert Lacroix and Fernand Martin
- Innovation expenditures and the role of government in Belgium pp. 375-379

- Benni Holemans and Leo Sleuwaegen
Volume 17, issue 5, 1988
- Implementation as mutual adaptation of technology and organization pp. 251-267

- Dorothy Leonard-Barton
- The value of technology: A survey of the Chinese theoretical debate and its policy implications pp. 269-282

- Erik Baark
- Research evaluation in the U.S. Forest Service: Opinions of research managers pp. 283-292

- Pamela J. Jakes
- The limits of science and the scientific method pp. 293-299

- Michael J. Moravcsik
- The interpretation and measurement of R&D intensity -- A note pp. 301-307

- Kirsty Hughes
- Technology policy and economic performance; lessons from Japan: Christopher Freeman, (Frances Printer Publishers, London, New York, 1987) pp. 155, [UK pound]20.00 pp. 309-310

- Ronald Dore
- Benetton: Information Technology in Production and Distribution: A case study of the innovative potential of traditional sectors: F. Belussi, (SPRU occational papers no. 25) (SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1987) pp. 91, [UK pound]6.00 pp. 310-310

- Donald Harris
- Technology and economic development: Martin Fransman, (Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1986) pp. 161, [UK pound]20.00 pp. 311-311

- Frances Stewart
- Research and development, tax incentives and the structure of production and financing: J.I. Bernstein, (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1987) pp. 107, [UK pound]7.00 pb pp. 312-313

- D. L. Bosworth
- The management of technological change: An annotated bibliography: D. Hurley, (Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., 1987) pp. 113, [UK pound]8.95 pp. 313-314

- Colin Thirtle
Volume 17, issue 4, 1988
- A theory of white elephants: Asymmetric information in government support for technology pp. 187-201

- Otto Keck
- The national self-preoccupation of American scientists: An empirical view pp. 203-212

- J. Davidson Frame and Francis Narin
- Towards a cognitive model for technology-oriented R&D processes pp. 213-224

- Henk Bodewitz, Gerard De Vries and Pieter Weeder
- Towards the "cognitive management" of a research institute pp. 225-233

- J. -P. Courtial and J. C. Remy
- Biotechnology development in India: Some policy issues pp. 235-244

- A. H. Lachke, J. V. Rajan, M. C. Srinivasan and S. A. Tambe
- Innovation and market structure: Lessons from the computer and semiconductor industries: Nancy S. Dorfman, (Harper and Row, New York, 1986) pp. 263 pp. 245-246

- Mike Hobday
- Ceramics and civilization III: High-technology ceramics--Past, present and future: W.D. Kingery, (The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, 1987) pp. 404, $48.00 pp. 246-247

- Robert W. Chan
- The internationalisation of clerical work: A study of offshore services in the Carribbean: Annie Posthuma, Science policy research unit occasional paper no 24, University of Sussex, pp. 72, [UK pound]6 pp. 247-249

- Juliet Webster
- Industrial policies and structural change: Christopher T Saunders (ed.), (MacMillan, in association with the Vienna Institute for comparative studies, Houndmills, London, 1987) pp. 369, [UK pound]30 pp. 249-250

- Pavel Pelikan
Volume 17, issue 3, 1988
- Venture capital-financed innovation and technological change in the USA pp. 119-137

- Richard L. Florida and Martin Kenney
- Bibliometric analysis of U.S. pharmaceutical industry research performance pp. 139-154

- Francis Narin and Richard P. Rozek
- The commercial application of a scientific discovery: The case of the hybridoma technique pp. 155-170

- Michael Mackenzie, Alberto Cambrosio and Peter Keating
- Determinants of research output in economics departments in British universities pp. 171-178

- Geraint Johnes
- Modern Soviet economic performance: T. Buck and J. Cole, (Basil Blackwell, 1987) pp. 192, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 179-180

- Christopher Saunders
- Innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development: G.P. Sweeney, (Frances Pinter, 1987) pp. 271, [UK pound]18.50 pp. 180-181

- Ray Oakey
- The competitive challenge: Strategies for industrial innovation and renewal: David J. Teece, (Ballinger Publishing Company, 1987) pp. 256, $26.95 pp. 181-182

- Mark Dodgson
- Management of high-technology research and development: John H. Dumbleton, (Elsevier, 1986) pp. 399, US$89.00 pp. 181-181

- Roy Rothwell
- Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, (U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1986) pp. 144, including index pp. 182-183

- Edward Yoxen
Volume 17, issue 2, 1988
- Implementation: A key issue in manufacturing technology: The need for a field of study pp. 55-63

- C. A. Voss
- Citations in patents to the basic research literature pp. 65-74

- Peter Collins and Suzanne Wyatt
- Options for mission-orientation in ecology pp. 75-88

- Jacqueline Cramer
- Information, variety and entropy in technoeconomic development pp. 89-103

- P. P. Saviotti
- The "incentive subsidy" for government support of private R&D pp. 105-112

- Stefan Folster
- Biomass stoves: Engineering design, development and dissemination: S.F. Baldwin (VITA, U.S.A., 1987) pp. 287, $35.75 pp. 113-114

- Matthew S. Gamser
- Post-innovation performance: Technological development and competition: L. Georghiou, J.S. Metcalfe, M. Gibbons, T. Ray and J. Evans, (Macmillan 1986) pp. 301, [UK pound]29.50 pp. 114-116

- J. Langrish
- The Cambridge case for diversification planning: Towards stability in an R & D economy: Economic security committee, (Cambridge peace commission, 1986) pp. 16, $3.00 pp. 114-114

- Philip Gummett
- Ballistic missile defense technologies: Congress of the U.S., office of technical Assessment (U.S. Govt. printing office, 1985) pp. 325, $12.00 pp. 116-117

- Philip Gummett
Volume 17, issue 1, 1988
- Sectoral patterns of production and use of innovations in the UK: 1945-1983 pp. 1-14

- M. Robson, J. Townsend and K. Pavitt
- Technology and industrial innovation in Sweden: A study of technology-based firms formed between 1965 and 1980 pp. 15-26

- James M. Utterback, Marc Meyer, Edward Roberts and Goren Reitberger
- Federally supported commercial technology development: Solar thermal technologies 1970-1982 pp. 27-42

- William Gates
- An exploration of production problems in the initial commercial manufacture of products pp. 43-54

- Nan S. Langowitz
Volume 16, issue 6, 1987
- Cooperation between rivals: Informal know-how trading pp. 291-302

- Eric von Hippel
- Innovation can be taught pp. 303-314

- Jan A. Buijs
- The new agricultural research and technology transfer policy agenda pp. 315-325

- Irwin Feller, Patrick Madden, Lynne Kaltreider, Dan Moore and Laura Sims
- University-industry relationships in the life sciences: Implications for students and post-doctoral fellows pp. 327-336

- Michael E. Gluck, David Blumenthal and Michael A. Stoto
- Social assessment of workplace technology--some experiences with the German program " Humanization of work" pp. 337-352

- Ben Dankbaar
Volume 16, issue 5, 1987
- R&D laboratory classification and public policy: The effects of environmental context on laboratory behavior pp. 229-258

- Michael Crow and Barry Bozeman
- Innovation in China's semiconductor components industry: The case of Shanghai pp. 259-277

- Denis Fred Simon and Detlef Rehn
- The distribution of benefits from technical change among classes of consumers and producers: An ex anteanalysis of beans in Brazil pp. 279-285

- Douglas Pachico, John K. Lynam and Peter G. Jones
- The uneasy alliance: Managing the productivity-technology dilemma: Kim B. Clark, Robert H. Hayes and Christopher Lorenz (eds.),(Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1985) pp. xii + 485, $32.95 pp. 287-288

- G. N. von Tunzelmann
- Project management: An introduction to issues in industrial research and development: S.A. Bergen, (Blackwell, Oxford, 1986) pp. 194, [UK pound]8.50 pp. 288-289

- J. G. D. Carpenter
- UK military R&D: Council for science and society working party, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986) pp. 65 pp. 289-290

- William Walker
Volume 16, issue 2-4, 1987
- Introductory note pp. 57-58

- J. Marcum
- Is Western Europe losing the technological race? pp. 59-85

- Pari Patel and Keith Pavitt
- A technology gap approach to why growth rates differ pp. 87-99

- Jan Fagerberg
- The impact of technological innovation on international trade patterns: The evidence reconsidered pp. 101-130

- Luc Soete
- Patents and the measurement of technological change: A survey of the literature pp. 131-141

- Bjørn Basberg
- Patents as indicators of corporate technological strength pp. 143-155

- Francis Narin, Elliot Noma and Ross Perry
- Patents and inventors: An empirical study pp. 157-174

- Giorgio Sirilli
- A study of innovation in the pesticide industry: Analysis of the innovation record of an industrial sector pp. 175-212

- Basil Achilladelis, Albert Schwarzkopf and Martin Cines
- Assessing basic research: Reappraisal and update of an evaluation of four radio astronomy observatories pp. 213-227

- John Irvine, Ben Martin, John Abraham and Tim Peacock
Volume 16, issue 1, 1987
- Problems of adoption and adaptation of energy-conserving innovations in UK beverage and dairy industries pp. 1-15

- S. D. Fawkes and J. K. Jacques
- Environmental research in Israel: On the need for a novel organizational change pp. 17-27

- Shmuel Amir
- Communication within a national R&D-system: A study of iron and steel in Sweden pp. 29-37

- Lars Hoglund and Olle Persson
- Focussing a co-operative industrial research institute: A case study pp. 39-48

- Rias J. van Wyk and Jacobus P. H. Wessels
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