Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 8, 1997
- A catalytic and evolutionary approach to horizontal technology policies (HTPs) pp. 1161-1188

- Morris Teubal
- National technology gaps and trade -- an empirical study of the influence of globalisation pp. 1189-1207

- Peter L. Daniels
- Rethinking the market-technology relationship for innovation pp. 1209-1219

- John Howells
- Sociotechnical constituencies, game theory, and the diffusion of compact discs. An inter-disciplinary investigation into the market for recorded music pp. 1221-1234

- Matthias Klaes
- Measuring the unmeasurable: a country's non-R&D expenditure on product and service innovation pp. 1235-1242

- Erik Brouwer and Alfred Kleinknecht
- The French system of innovation in the oil industry some lessons about the role of public policies and sectoral patterns of technological change in innovation networking pp. 1243-1259

- Andre Furtado
- Technological competencies and product's evolutionary dynamics a case study from the aero-engine industry pp. 1261-1276

- Andrea Prencipe
- Unravelling the cognitive and interorganisational structure of public/private R&D networks: A case study of catalysis research in the Netherlands pp. 1277-1293

- Robert J. W. Tijssen and Joke C. Korevaar
Volume 25, issue 7, 1996
- Features of policy-making processes in Japan's Council for Science and Technology pp. 999-1011

- Yoichi Tanaka and Ryo Hirasawa
- Innovation and employment in Italian manufacturing industry pp. 1013-1026

- Marco Vivarelli, Rinaldo Evangelista and Mario Pianta
- An analysis of innovation strategies and industrial differentiation through patent applications: the case of plant biotechnology pp. 1027-1046

- Pierre-Benoit Joly and Marie-Angele de Looze
- The modern university: contributor to industrial innovation and recipient of industrial R&D support pp. 1047-1058

- Edwin Mansfield and Jeong-Yeon Lee
- The determinants of overseas R&D by Japanese firms: an empirical study at the industry and company levels pp. 1059-1079

- Hiroyuki Odagiri and Hideto Yasuda
- Industrial innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa: the manufacturing sector in Nigeria pp. 1081-1096

- Oyebanji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, G. O. A. Laditan and A. O. Esubiyi
- Learning-before-doing in the development of new process technology pp. 1097-1119

- Gary P. Pisano
- Horizontal diversification in the Danish national system of innovation: the case of pharmaceuticals pp. 1121-1137

- Keld Laursen
- A comparison of the dynamics of industrial clustering in computing and biotechnology pp. 1139-1157

- Peter Swann and Martha Prevezer
- Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Managers: H. Jackson Knight, (John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1996) [UK pound]32.50, 166 pp., ISBN 0 4196095 0 pp. 1159-1159

- S. M. Scott
Volume 25, issue 6, 1996
- 'Technology transfer' and the research university: a search for the boundaries of university-industry collaboration pp. 843-863

- Yong S. Lee
- The social shaping of technology pp. 865-899

- Robin Williams and David Edge
- Profile of public laboratories, industrial partnerships and organisation of R & D: the dynamics of industrial relationships in a large research organisation pp. 901-922

- P. B. Joly and Vincent Mangematin
- Technological cooperative agreements and firm's R & D intensity. A note on causality relations pp. 923-932

- Massimo G. Colombo and Paola Garrone
- An evolutionary approach to technological innovation in agriculture: some preliminary remarks pp. 933-945

- Mario Luiz Possas, Sergio Salles-Filho and JoseMaria da Silveira
- Spinning off and spinning on(?): the federal government role in the development of the US computer software industry pp. 947-966

- David C. Mowery and Richard Langlois
- Technology transfer and absorption: an 'R & D value-mapping' approach to evaluation pp. 967-995

- Gordon Kingsley, Barry Bozeman and Karen Coker
- Firms, markets and economic change: a dynamic theory of business institutions: Richard N. Langlois and Paul L. Robertson, (Routledge, London and New York. 1995) pp. 997-998

- G. N. von Tunzelmann
Volume 25, issue 5, 1996
- Modeling the persistence of organizations in an emerging field: the case of hepatitis C pp. 671-687

- Bart Clarysse, K. Debackere and M. A. Rappa
- Analyzing literature-based innovation output indicators: the Italian experience pp. 689-711

- Enrico Santarelli and Roberta Piergiovanni
- Firm size, opportunities for adaptation and in-house R & D activity in developing countries: the case of Indian manufacturing pp. 713-722

- Nagesh Kumar and Mohammed Saqib
- Trade policy and learning by doing: the case of semiconductors pp. 723-739

- Harald Gruber
- Government R & D expenditure and space: empirical evidence from five industrialized countries pp. 741-758

- Rolf Sternberg
- Strategies for technological development in South Korea and Taiwan: the case of semiconductors pp. 759-783

- Cheng-Fen Chen and Graham Sewell
- Business strategies in more- and less-innovative firms in Canada pp. 785-804

- John Baldwin and Joanne Johnson
- Evaluation of national R&D projects in Korea pp. 805-818

- Mushin Lee, Byoungho Son and Kiyong Om
- The publication output and impact of academic chemistry research in the Netherlands during the 1980s: bibliometric analyses and policy implications pp. 819-836

- H. F. Moed and F. Th. Hesselink
- Expertise and innovation: Information technology strategies in the financial services sector: R. Fincham, J. Fleck, R. Proctor, H. Scarbrough, M. Tierney and R. Williams, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994, 334 pp.), [UK pound]35.00, ISBN 0 19 828904 9 pp. 837-838

- Andreas Crede
- National innovation systems. A comparative analysis: Richard R. Nelson (Editor), (Oxford University Press, New York and London, 1993) xii + 541 pp pp. 838-842

- Daniele Archibugi
Volume 25, issue 4, 1996
- The role of user firms in the innovation of machine tools: The Japanese case pp. 491-507

- Kong Rae Lee
- Design, innovation and the boundaries of the firm pp. 509-529

- Vivien Walsh
- Transaction costs and technological development: the case of the Danish fruit and vegetable industry pp. 531-547

- Kirsten Foss
- Innovation and the international diffusion of environmentally responsive technology pp. 549-571

- Jean Lanjouw and Ashoka Mody
- Indicators of technological activities -- comparing educational, patent and R & D statistics in the case of Sweden pp. 573-585

- Staffan Jacobsson, Christer Oskarsson and Joakim Philipson
- Research and the practice of publication in industries pp. 587-606

- Benoit Godin
- Toward a typological theory of project management pp. 607-632

- Aaron J. Shenhar and Dov Dvir
- A composite indicator of a firm's innovativeness. An empirical analysis based on survey data for Swiss manufacturing pp. 633-645

- Heinz Hollenstein
- Patterns of technological change among Spanish innovative firms: the case of the Madrid region pp. 647-663

- Jose Molero and Mikel Buesa
- Knowledge and frontiers: Wendy Faulkner and Jacqueline Senker, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995) 265 pp., Price [UK pound]30, ISBN 0 19 828833 6 pp. 665-666

- Richard Nelson
- The strategic management of technology in the chemical and petrochemical industries: Rogerio H. Quintella, (Pinter, London, 1993) [UK pound]45.00 ISBN 1 85567 146 pp. 665-665

- Keith Pavitt
- New technologies and the firm: Peter Swann (Editor) (Routledge, London, 1993) 383 pp., [UK pound]45.00, ISBN 0415 08128 8 pp. 666-668

- Salvatore Torrisi
Volume 25, issue 3, 1996
- Effectiveness of R & D subsidies -- a sceptical note on the empirical literature pp. 321-323

- Karlo Kauko
- Assessing value-added contributions of university technology business incubators to tenant firms pp. 325-335

- Sarfraz A. Mian
- R & D strategy in a techno-economic network: Alzheimer's disease therapeutic strategies pp. 337-358

- H. Penan
- A morphology of Japanese and European corporate research networks pp. 359-378

- Diana M. Hicks, Phoebe A. Isard and Ben Martin
- The innovation of agrochemicals: regulation and patent protection pp. 379-395

- Gaynor Hartnell
- On the classification of industrial R & D pp. 397-401

- Albert Link
- A literature-based innovation output indicator pp. 403-413

- R. Coombs, P. Narandren and A. Richards
- Intersectoral innovation flows and national technological systems: network analysis for comparing Italy and Germany pp. 415-430

- Riccardo Leoncini, Mario Maggioni and Sandro Montresor
- The evaluation of national performance in selected priority areas using scientometric methods pp. 431-450

- Loet Leydesdorff and Elaine Gauthier
- Schumpeterian patterns of innovation are technology-specific pp. 451-478

- Franco Malerba and Luigi Orsenigo
- Research grants: Management and funding: F.Q. Wood and V.L. Meek (Editors) (Bibliotech, Canberra, 1993) vii + 212 pp., price stated AU$22.50, ISBN 0 7315 1894 2 pp. 479-480

- Peter Collins
- Europe in space 1960-1973: John Krige and Arturo Russo, (ESA Noordwijk, NL, 1994), 122 pp. Dfl. 70, ISBN 92 9092 125 0 pp. 479-479

- Hermann Bondi
- Beyond business process reengineering: Towards the holonic enterprise: P. McHugh, G. Merli, W.A. Wheeler, (Wiley, Chichester, 1995) 212 pp., [UK pound]24.95 pp. 480-482

- M. Hobday
- From lab to market. Commercialization of public sector technology: Suleiman K. Kassicieh and H. Raymond Radosevich (Editors) (Plenum Press, New York 1994) 336 pp., ISBN 0 306 44717 7 pp. 482-484

- Jacqueline Senker
- Regional advantage: Culture and competition in Silicon Valley and route 128: AnnaLee Saxenian, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994) 226 pp; Price [UK pound]19.95, ISBN 0 674 75339 9 pp. 484-485

- Kevin Morgan
- Evolutionary economics and chaos theory: New directions in technology studies: (Pinter, London, 1994) xiii + 215 pp., [UK pound]35.00, paperback [UK pound]14.99. Loet Leydesdorff, Peter Van den Besselaar (Editors) pp. 485-486

- Esben Andersen
- Prometheus bound: J.M. Ziman, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994) 289 pp., [UK pound]16.95, ISBN 0 521 43430 0 pp. 486-488

- John Krige
Volume 25, issue 2, 1996
- Evaluating industrial modernization: Introduction to the theme issue pp. 181-183

- Philip Shapira and J. David Roessner
- Current practices in the evaluation of US industrial modernization programs pp. 185-214

- Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie and J. David Roessner
- Does manufacturing extension matter? An evaluation of the industrial technology extension service in New York pp. 215-232

- Eric Oldsman
- Performance benchmarking and measuring program impacts on customers: lessons from the Midwest Manufacturing Technology Center pp. 233-246

- Dan Luria and Edith Wiarda
- Does cooperation enhance competitiveness? Assessing the impacts of inter-firm collaboration pp. 247-263

- Stuart A. Rosenfeld
- The role of institution-building in US industrial modernization programs pp. 265-279

- Maryellen Kelley and Ashish Arora
- A measure of federalism: assessing manufacturing technology centers pp. 281-307

- Charles F. Sabel
- Issues and perspectives on evaluating manufacturing modernization programs pp. 309-319

- Irwin Feller, Amy Glasmeier and Melvin Mark
Volume 25, issue 1, 1996
- Internationalization of corporate technology through strategic partnering: an empirical investigation pp. 1-12

- Geert Duysters and John Hagedoorn
- Testing a model of technological trajectories pp. 13-23

- Mario De Marchi, Giovanni Napolitano and Piero Taccini
- Sources of technical innovation in the network of companies providing chemical process plant and equipment pp. 25-41

- P. Hutcheson, A. W. Pearson and D. F. Ball
- The role of information in licensing contract design pp. 43-57

- Ines Macho-Stadler, Xavier Martinez-Giralt and David Perez-Castrillo
- Supplier involvement in automotive component design: are there really large US Japan differences? pp. 59-89

- Jeffrey K. Liker, Rajan R. Kamath, S. Nazli Wasti and Mitsuo Nagamachi
- Linking technology and institutions: the innovation community framework pp. 91-106

- Leonard H. Lynn, N. Mohan Reddy and John D. Aram
- Reforming Romania's national research system pp. 107-131

- Thomas Owen Eisemon, Ileana Ionescu-Sisesti, Charles H. Davis and Jacques Gaillard
- Flexibility trap: a case analysis of U.S. and Japanese technological choice in the digital watch industry pp. 133-162

- Tsuyoshi Numagami
- The shift to knowledge-intensive production in the plastics-processing industry and its implications for infrastructure development: three case studies-- New York State, England and Israel pp. 163-179

- A. Tamar Yinnon
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