Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 26, issue 9, 1998
- New technology-based firms in the European union: an introduction pp. 933-946

- D. J. Storey and Bruce Tether
- Smaller firms and Europe's high technology sectors: a framework for analysis and some statistical evidence pp. 947-971

- Bruce Tether and D. J. Storey
- New, technology-based firms in small open economies--An analysis based on the Finnish experience pp. 973-987

- Erkko Autio and Helena Yli-Renko
- NTBFs--the French case pp. 989-1003

- Michel Delapierre, Bernadette Madeuf and Arlene Savoy
- New technology-based firms in Germany: a survey of the recent evidence pp. 1005-1022

- Georg Licht and Eric Nerlinger
- Creative adaptation: the role of new technology based firms in Portugal pp. 1023-1036

- Manuel Laranja and Margarida Fontes
- Public policy measures to support new technology-based firms in the European Union pp. 1037-1057

- D. J. Storey and Bruce Tether
Volume 26, issue 7-8, 1998
- The drivers of cooperation between buyers and suppliers for product innovation pp. 719-732

- Francis Bidault, Charles Despres and Christina Butler
- Location of innovating activities, industrial structure and techno-industrial clusters in the French economy, 1985-1990. Evidence from US patenting pp. 733-751

- Sophie Bergeron, Stephane Lallich and Christian Le Bas
- The influence of local search and performance heuristics on new design introduction in a new product market pp. 753-771

- Xavier Martin and Will Mitchell
- Academic research and industrial innovation: An update of empirical findings1 pp. 773-776

- Edwin Mansfield
- Does sticky information affect the locus of innovation? Evidence from the Japanese convenience-store industry pp. 777-790

- Susumu Ogawa
- Quantitative assessment of large heterogeneous R&D networks: the case of process engineering in the Netherlands1 pp. 791-809

- Robert J. W. Tijssen
- International diffusion of a new tool: the case of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the retailing sector pp. 811-827

- Julio Jimenez-Martinez and Yolanda Polo-Redondo
- Innovation and export behaviour at the firm level pp. 829-841

- Katharine Wakelin
- On the dynamics of appropriability, of tacit and of codified knowledge pp. 843-856

- Pier Paolo Saviotti
- Innovation systems and technological specialization in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 857-881

- Ludovico Alcorta and Wilson Peres
- Combining technology and corporate strategy in small high tech firms pp. 883-895

- Maureen M. J. Berry and James H. Taggart
Volume 26, issue 6, 1998
- Modeling systems of innovation: An enterprise-centered view pp. 605-624

- Tim Padmore, Hans Schuetze and Hervey Gibson
- Modelling systems of innovation: II. A framework for industrial cluster analysis in regions pp. 625-641

- Tim Padmore and Hervey Gibson
- Towards knowledge-based product development: the 3-D CAD model of knowledge creation pp. 643-659

- Yasunori Baba and Kentaro Nobeoka
- Improving the effectiveness of public-private R&D collaboration: case studies at a US weapons laboratory pp. 661-675

- Rose Marie Ham and David C. Mowery
- Determinants of university participation in EU-funded R & D cooperative projects pp. 677-687

- Aldo Geuna
- Product complexity, innovation and industrial organisation pp. 689-710

- Mike Hobday
- Institutions and the map of science: matching university departments and fields of research pp. 711-718

- Paul Bourke and Linda Butler
Volume 26, issue 4-5, 1997
- Patents, licensing, and market structure in the chemical industry pp. 391-403

- Ashish Arora
- Learning and path-dependence in the diffusion of innovations: comparative evidence on numerically controlled machine tools pp. 405-428

- Roberto Mazzoleni
- Present at the biotechnological revolution: transformation of technological identity for a large incumbent pharmaceutical firm pp. 429-446

- Lynne Zucker and Michael Darby
- Evaluating government-sponsored R&D consortia in Japan: who benefits and how? pp. 447-473

- Mariko Sakakibara
- Regional innovation systems: Institutional and organisational dimensions pp. 475-491

- Philip Cooke, Mikel Gomez Uranga and Goio Etxebarria
- Why has Britain had slower R&D growth? pp. 493-507

- John van Reenen
- Nature and impact of innovation in manufacturing industry: some evidence from the Italian innovation survey pp. 521-536

- Rinaldo Evangelista, Giulio Perani, Fabio Rapiti and Daniele Archibugi
- Innovation in services pp. 537-556

- Faïz Gallouj and Olivier Weinstein
- On the organisation of agricultural research in the United Kingdom, 1945-1994: A quantitative description and appraisal of recent reforms pp. 557-576

- Colin Thirtle, Paolo Palladino and Jenifer Piesse
- Research joint ventures in the US pp. 577-595

- Nicholas S. Vonortas
- The technology of transition: Science and technology policies for transition countries, Budapest: Dyker, David A. (ed.): Central European University Press, 1997 pp. 597-598

- Ulrike Bross
- The development factory: Unlocking the potential of process innovation: G.F. Pisano. Publication date: 4/11/96, Price: $35 hard cover, Length: 368 pages, ISBN: 0-87584-650-5, Publisher: Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Mass. USA pp. 600-601

- John Bessant
- Technology and Industrial Development in Japan: Building Capabilities by Learning, Innovation, and Public Policy: Hiroyuki Odagiri and Akira Goto pp. 602-603

- Rene Belderbos
Volume 26, issue 3, 1997
- New, technology-based firms in innovation networks symplectic and generative impacts pp. 263-281

- E. Autio
- Determinants of patent rights: A cross-national study pp. 283-301

- Juan C. Ginarte and Walter Park
- Internal R & D expenditures and external technology sourcing pp. 303-315

- Reinhilde Veugelers
- The increasing linkage between U.S. technology and public science pp. 317-330

- Francis Narin, Kimberly S. Hamilton and Dominic Olivastro
- Growth and inventiveness in technology-based spin-off firms pp. 331-344

- Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand
- From technological potential to product performance: an empirical analysis pp. 345-365

- Marco Iansiti
- Which way to go? Defence technology and the diversity of 'dual-use' technology transfer pp. 367-385

- Jordi Molas-Gallart
- The geography of innovation: by Maryann P. Feldman, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1994, 154 pp., ISBN 0-7923-2698-9. Innovation, Networks and Learning Regions? James Simmie (ed.), Jessica Kingsley, London, 1997, 250 pp., ISBN 1-85302-402-3 pp. 387-388

- Jacqueline Senker
- Communication by design: The politics of information and communication technologies: R. Mansell and R. Silverstone (eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, 278 pp pp. 388-389

- Sally Wyatt
- Technological infrastructure policy: An international perspective: M. Teubal, D. Foray, M. Justman and E. Zuscovitch (eds.), Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, xvi + 372 pp., ISBN 0-7923-3835-9 pp. 389-390

- Slavo Radosevic
Volume 26, issue 2, 1997
- The technological competencies of the world's largest firms: Complex and path-dependent, but not much variety pp. 141-156

- Parimal Patel and Keith Pavitt
- Policy for science for policy: A commentary on Lambright on ozone depletion and acid rain pp. 157-168

- Roger Pielke and Michele M. Betsill
- Managing large-scale technology and inter-organizational relations: The case of the Channel Tunnel pp. 169-189

- Audley Genus
- Research consortia as a vehicle for basic research: The case of a fifth generation computer project in Japan pp. 191-207

- Hiroyuki Odagiri, Yoshiaki Nakamura and Minoru Shibuya
- Technological diversification in the multinational corporation--historical evolution and future prospects pp. 209-227

- Ivo Zander
- From market magic to calypso science policy a review of Terence Kealey's The economic laws of scientific research pp. 229-255

- Paul David
- Technological innovation and network evolution: Anders Lundgren, (Routledge, London and New York, 1995) xiv + 266 pp., ISBN 0-415-08219-6 pp. 257-258

- Esben Andersen
- Coping with trouble: How science reacts to political disturbances of research conditions: Uwe Schimank and Andreas Stucke (Editors), (Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/St. Martin's Press, New York, 1994), 404 pp., ISBN 3-593-35020-3, Campus Verlag; ISBN 0-312-12240-3, St. Martin's Press pp. 258-260

- Alan Irwin
- Information and communication technologies. Vision and realities: by William H. Dutton (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, 464 pp. + xx pp. 260-261

- Cristiano Antonelli
Volume 26, issue 1, 1997
- What is research collaboration? pp. 1-18

- J. Sylvan Katz and Ben Martin
- Smaller enterprises and innovation in the UK: the SPRU innovations database revisited pp. 19-32

- Bruce Tether, I. J. Smith and A. T. Thwaites
- How persistently do firms innovate? pp. 33-48

- Paul Geroski, John van Reenen and Chris Walters
- Getting round the lock-in in electricity generating systems: the example of the gas turbine pp. 49-66

- Jorge Islas
- Multi-mode interaction among technologies pp. 67-84

- C. W. I. Pistorius and J. M. Utterback
- The globalization of R&D: Results of a survey of foreign-affiliated R&D laboratories in the USA pp. 85-103

- Richard Florida
- The role of flexibility in the development of new products: An empirical study pp. 105-119

- Stefan H. Thomke
- Decision-making in research and development collaboration pp. 121-135

- Shin-Horng Chen
- Building competencies in the firm: Lessons from Japanese and European optoelectronics: Kumiko Miyazaki, (Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1995), 205 pp., [UK pound]42.50, ISBN: 0333 616731 pp. 137-138

- Staffan Jacobsson
- Bicycles, bakelites and bulbs: Toward a theory of sociotechnical change: Wiebe Bijker, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995). [UK pound]26.50, 290 + pp., ISBN 0 262 02376 8 pp. 138-139

- Richard Nelson
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