Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 13, issue 6, 1984
- CERN: Past performance and future prospects: III. CERN and the future of world high-energy physics pp. 311-342

- Ben Martin and John Irvine
- Sectoral patterns of technical change: Towards a taxonomy and a theory pp. 343-373

- Keith Pavitt
Volume 13, issue 5, 1984
- CERN: Past performance and future prospects: II. The scientific performance of the CERN accelerators pp. 247-284

- John Irvine and Ben Martin
- Technological innovation and industrial research in Japan pp. 285-301

- Keichi Oshima
- India's technological capability: An analysis of its achievements and limits pp. 303-310

- Ashok V. Desai
Volume 13, issue 4, 1984
- CERN: Past performance and future prospects: I. CERN's position in world high-energy physics pp. 183-210

- Ben Martin and John Irvine
- Invention and innovation in the chemical industry: Demand-pull or discovery-push? pp. 211-234

- Vivien Walsh
- Commercializing solar technology: The government role pp. 235-246

- J. David Roessner
Volume 13, issue 3, 1984
- International technology transfers and international technology payments: Definitions, measurement and firms' behaviour pp. 125-140

- Bernadette Madeuf
- A theoretical approach to the construction of technological output indicators pp. 141-151

- P. P. Saviotti and John Metcalfe
- Technological change and trade unions pp. 153-164

- Loet Leydesdorff and Sjerp Zeldenrust
- Governmental innovation support in Norway: Micro- and macro-level effects pp. 165-173

- Kjell Gronhaug and Tor Fredriksen
- Recent results in measuring innovation output pp. 175-182

- Frieder Meyer-Krahmer
Volume 13, issue 2, 1984
- The innovative activities of researchers in Italian industry pp. 63-83

- Giorgio Sirilli
- Pricing research and development services in the USSR pp. 85-100

- Morris Bornstein
- Interpersonal communication patterns among Swedish and Boston-area entrepreneurs pp. 101-114

- Dorothy Leonard-Barton
- Foreign patent flows to and from the United Kingdom pp. 115-124

- Derek L. Bosworth
Volume 13, issue 1, 1984
- Editorial comment pp. 1-1

- Christopher Freeman and Keith Pavitt
- The science/technology relationship, the craft of experimental science, and policy for the improvement of high technology innovation pp. 3-20

- Derek deS. Price
- Tax incentives for R&D: a critical evaluation pp. 21-31

- Barry Bozeman and Albert Link
- Promoting technological capability in the capital goods sector: the case of singapore pp. 33-54

- Martin Fransman
- Government research and its utilization by industry: The case of industrial civil research in India pp. 55-61

- Ghayur Alam and John Langrish
Volume 12, issue 6, 1983
- Route 128: The development of a regional high technology economy pp. 299-316

- Nancy S. Dorfman
- Peer review and national need pp. 317-327

- I. D. Chapman and C. Farina
- Patenting and inventive activity on synthetic fibre intermediates pp. 329-339

- P. Wiseman
- Career patterns of scientists in peripheral communities pp. 341-349

- Arnold J. Herzog
Volume 12, issue 5, 1983
- Policy implications of the innovation process in the U.S. food sector pp. 239-267

- John E. Ettlie
- Foreign technology in the Spanish economy: An analysis of the recent evolution pp. 269-286

- Jose Molero
- The role of science in technology transfer pp. 287-296

- Michael J. Moravcsik
Volume 12, issue 4, 1983
- Innovation, market structure, and government policy in the American semiconductor electronics industry: A survey pp. 183-197

- David C. Mowery
- Transferring technology to the small manufacturing firm: A study of technology transfer in three countries pp. 199-211

- Thomas J. Allen, Diane B. Hyman and David L. Pinckney
- Innovation behavior of small and medium-scale firms: Reform possibilities for R&D policy-making on the federal state level in the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 213-225

- Wolfgang Bruder
- Foreign patenting in the U.S. as a technology indicator: The case of Norway pp. 227-237

- Bjørn Basberg
Volume 12, issue 3, 1983
- University-to-industry advanced technology transfer: A case study pp. 121-152

- Richard S. Goldhor and Robert T. Lund
- Impacts of government incentives towards industrial innovation: An analysis of the federal programme funding R&D personnel in the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 153-169

- Frieder Meyer-Krahmer, Gisela Gilelow and Uwe Kuntze
- The measurement of goal attainment of governmental R&D support pp. 171-182

- Klaus Brokhoff
Volume 12, issue 2, 1983
- Assessing basic research: Some partial indicators of scientific progress in radio astronomy pp. 61-90

- Ben Martin and John Irvine
- Technological balance of payments and international competitiveness: The case of the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 91-103

- Ernst-Jurgen Horn
- R&D price indexes and real R&D expenditures in the United States pp. 105-112

- Edwin Mansfield, Anthony Romeo and Lorne Switzer
- The influence of Ministry of Defence funding on semiconductor research and development in the United Kingdom pp. 113-120

- Keith Dickson
Volume 12, issue 1, 1983
- A review of literature and hypotheses on new technology-based firms pp. 1-14

- Lynn Bollinger, Katherine Hope and James M. Utterback
- A bibliometric analysis of pharmaceutical research pp. 15-36

- Michael E. D. Koenig
- Monitoring and control in agricultural research systems: Maize in Northern India pp. 37-59

- Stephen D. Biggs
Volume 11, issue 6, 1982
- The R&D performance through time of young, high-technology firms: Methodology and an illustration pp. 333-346

- Morris Teubal
- The evaluation of technology R&D: A continuing dilemma pp. 347-357

- Peter deLeon
- R&D effort and US exports and foreign affiliate production of manufactures pp. 359-372

- Reuven Glick
- Research priorities and science policy objectives for the management of soils in arid lands pp. 373-383

- E. G. Hallsworth
Volume 11, issue 5, 1982
- Government policy, innovation and economic growth: Lessons from a study of satellite communications pp. 271-287

- Morris Teubal and Edward Steinmueller
- Innovation and technical change: A case study of the U.K. tractor industry, 1957 1977 pp. 289-310

- M. Gibbons, R. Coombs, P. Saviotti and P. C. Stubbs
- The role of government in supporting measurement standards for high-technology industries pp. 311-320

- Gregory Tassey
- Farmers' financing of agricultural research in Israel pp. 321-327

- Ehud Gelb and Yoav Kislev
Volume 11, issue 4, 1982
- The climate for innovation in industry: The role of management attitudes and practices in consumer electronics pp. 209-225

- Richard S. Rosenbloom and William J. Abernathy
- Inter-industry technology flows in the United States pp. 227-245

- F. M. Scherer
- International comparisons of R&D effort: The case of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry pp. 247-259

- Kristian S. Palda and Bohumir Pazderka
- An assessment of the benefits of the diffusion of an innovation pp. 261-266

- W. Duncan Reekie
Volume 11, issue 3, 1982
- Technological paradigms and technological trajectories: A suggested interpretation of the determinants and directions of technical change pp. 147-162

- Giovanni Dosi
- Technological change in the Norwegian whaling industry: A case-study in the use of patent-statistics as a technology indicator pp. 163-171

- Bjørn Basberg
- The commercialization of federally sponsored technological innovations pp. 173-192

- John E. Ettlie
- Characteristics of research and development performing firms in Canadian manufacturing pp. 193-203

- U. K. Ranga Chand
Volume 11, issue 2, 1982
- Some determinants of cost distributions in the process of technological innovation pp. 83-94

- J. Y. Kamin, I. Bijaoui and R. Horesh
- Appropriability of innovation benefit as a predictor of the source of innovation pp. 95-115

- Eric Von Hippel
- Influential factors in manufacturing innovation pp. 117-132

- J. R. Bessant
- A note on the time lag between the life cycle of a discipline and resource allocation in Japan pp. 133-140

- Shuichi Tsukahara and Keiichi Yamada
Volume 11, issue 1, 1982
- Editorial statement pp. 1-1

- Christopher Freeman and Keith Pavitt
- Measuring the contribution of biomedical research to the production of health pp. 3-13

- Charles L. Vehorn, J. Landefeld and Douglas P. Wagner
- The funding of university research: A comparative study of the United Kingdom and Canada pp. 15-31

- I. D. Chapman, C. Farina and M. Gibbons
- R&D, patenting and innovative activities: A statistical exploration pp. 33-51

- Keith Pavitt
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