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Research Policy

1971 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray

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Volume 21, issue 6, 1992

Trends in the substitution of production factors to technology--empirical analysis of the inducing impact of the energy crisis on Japanese industrial pp. 481-505 Downloads
Chihiro Watanabe
Top managers education and R&D investment pp. 507-511 Downloads
F. M. Scherer and Keun Huh
High temperature superconductivity research in the USSR pp. 513-532 Downloads
M. J. Berry
The effect of network structure in industrial diffusion processes pp. 533-552 Downloads
David F. Midgley, Pamela D. Morrison and John H. Roberts
Viewing the Earth: the social construction of the Landsat Satellite System: Pamela E. Mack, (MIT press, Cambridge, MA, 1990) 270 pp., $27.50 pp. 554-555 Downloads
John M. Logsdon
Technology & investment: Critical issues for the 1990's: Enrico Deiaco, Erik Hornell and Graham Vickery (eds.) (Pinter, London, 1990) ix + 232 pp pp. 555-557 Downloads
Shlomo Maital
Entrepreneurs in high technology: Lessons from MIT and beyond: Roberts, E. (Oxford University Press, New York, 1991) 385 pp., $27.95 pp. 557-558 Downloads
Mark Dodgson

Volume 21, issue 5, 1992

Competitive advantages from in-house scientific research: The US pharmaceutical industry in the 1980s pp. 391-407 Downloads
Alfonso Gambardella
Institutional relationships and technology commercialization: Limitations of market based policy pp. 409-421 Downloads
John D. Aram, Leonard H. Lynn and N. Mohan Reddy
The German R & D system in transition: Empirical results and prospects of future development pp. 423-436 Downloads
Frieder Meyer-Krahmer
Technology policy for industrialization: An integrative framework and Korea's experience pp. 437-452 Downloads
Linsu Kim and Carl J. Dahlman
Shifting economies: From craft production to flexible systems and software factories pp. 453-480 Downloads
Michael A. Cusumano

Volume 21, issue 4, 1992

Networks and innovation in a modular system: Lessons from the microcomputer and stereo component industries pp. 297-313 Downloads
Richard Langlois and Paul Robertson
Explaining downstream innovation by commodity suppliers with expected innovation benefit pp. 315-333 Downloads
Pieter A. VanderWerf
Private and quasi-social rates of return on pharmaceutical R&D in Japan pp. 335-345 Downloads
Hiroyuki Odagiri and Naoki Murakami
Why do firms cooperate on R&D? an empirical study pp. 347-360 Downloads
Alfred Kleinknecht and Jeroen O. N. Reijnen
Dual technological trees: Assessing the intensity and strategic significance of technological change pp. 361-380 Downloads
Thomas Durand
Scientific instrumentation and university research pp. 381-390 Downloads
Nathan Rosenberg

Volume 21, issue 3, 1992

Origins of Japanese industrial research: Prewar government policy and in-house research at Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard pp. 197-213 Downloads
Yukiko Fukasaku
The management and evaluation of technological programs and the dynamics of techno-economic networks: The case of the AFME pp. 215-236 Downloads
M. Callon, P. Laredo, V. Rabeharisoa, T. Gonard and T. Leray
Status report: Linkage between technology and science pp. 237-249 Downloads
Francis Narin and Dominic Olivastro
The public sector as first user of innovations pp. 251-263 Downloads
Robert Dalpe, Chris DeBresson and Hu Xiaoping
Strategy, structure and performance in product development: Observations from the auto industry pp. 265-293 Downloads
Michael A. Cusumano and Kentaro Nobeoka
Academic research and industrial innovation: A further note pp. 295-296 Downloads
Edwin Mansfield

Volume 21, issue 2, 1992

Choices in R&D and business portfolio in the electronics industry: What the bibliometric data show pp. 97-124 Downloads
Coen C. F. Frumau
The U.S. national innovation system: Origins and prospects for change pp. 125-144 Downloads
David C. Mowery
The Southern Californian medical device industry: Innovation, new firm formation, and location pp. 145-161 Downloads
Jan Maarten de Vet and Allen J. Scott
Leading companies and networks of strategic alliances in information technologies pp. 163-190 Downloads
John Hagedoorn and Jos Schakenraad
Artificial experts: Social knowledge and intelligent machines: H. Collins (MIT Press, London, 1990) pp. 266, [UK pound]17.95, ISBN 262 031 68X pp. 191-192 Downloads
Mike Sharples
The spatial context of technological development: Riccardo Cappellin and Peter Nijkamp (eds) (Avebury, Aldershot, 1990) pp. 500 + i, [UK pound]45.00, ISBN 0 566 07149 5 pp. 192-192 Downloads
R. P. Oakey
Information technology: Impacts, policies and future perspectives: F. Meyer-Krahmer, J. Muller and B. Preissl (eds) (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1990) pp. 229, DM65, ISBN 3 540 52396 0 pp. 192-194 Downloads
Robin Mansell
Industry recipes: The nature and sources of managerial judgement: J.-C. Spender (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1989) pp. 240 pp. 194-195 Downloads
Scott Moss

Volume 21, issue 1, 1992

Why are Japanese firms so innovative in engineering technology? pp. 1-12 Downloads
Ryuhei Wakasugi
The influence of technology and demand factors on firm size and industrial structure in the DRAM market -- 1973-1988 pp. 13-25 Downloads
David T. Methe
A quantitative assessment of interdisciplinary structures in science and technology: Co-classification analysis of energy research pp. 27-44 Downloads
Robert J. W. Tijssen
Agreements between firms and the technological life cycle model: Evidence from information technologies pp. 45-62 Downloads
Gian Carlo Cainarca, Massimo G. Colombo and Sergio Mariotti
Technological innovation as a gateway to entry: The case of the telecommunications equipment industry pp. 63-77 Downloads
Michael J. Dowling and Timothy W. Ruefli
Specialization and size of technological activities in industrial countries: The analysis of patent data pp. 79-93 Downloads
Daniele Archibugi and Mario Pianta
The evaluation of scientific research: David Evered and Sara Harnett (eds.), (John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1989) pp. 95-96 Downloads
David Roessner

Volume 20, issue 6, 1991

Patterns of diffusion of electronics technologies: An international comparison with special reference to the Italian case pp. 515-529 Downloads
Enzo Arcangeli, Giovanni Dosi and Massimo Moggi
R&D management in Japanese research institutes pp. 531-558 Downloads
Shogo Sakakura and Masakazu Kobayashi
Innovation policy making in a federalist system: Lessons from the states for U.S. federal innovation policy making pp. 559-577 Downloads
Robert Atkinson
More evidence on the undercounting of small firm R&D pp. 579-587 Downloads
Alfred Kleinknecht and Jeroen O. N. Reijnen

Volume 20, issue 5, 1991

Networks of innovators:A review and introduction to the issue pp. 363-379 Downloads
Chris DeBresson and Fernand Amesse
Networks and market creation pp. 381-392 Downloads
Morris Teubal, Tamar Yinnon and Ehud Zuscovitch
The secrets of industry are in the air: Industrial cooperation and the organizational dynamics of the innovative firm pp. 393-405 Downloads
Dominique Foray
Flexibility, hierarchy and regional development: The changing structure of industrial production systems and their forms of governance in the 1990s pp. 407-422 Downloads
Michael Storper and Bennett Harrison
The origins and dynamics of production networks in Silicon Valley pp. 423-437 Downloads
AnnaLee Saxenian
The aerospace-electronics industrial complex of Southern California: The formative years, 1940-1960 pp. 439-456 Downloads
Allen J. Scott
"There are two sides to every story": Innovation and collaboration within networks of large and small firms pp. 457-468 Downloads
Helen Lawton Smith, Keith Dickson and Stephen Lloyd Smith
Technological discontinuities and flexible production networks: The case of Switzerland and the world watch industry pp. 469-485 Downloads
Amy Glasmeier
Public policies for local networks of innovators pp. 487-497 Downloads
Patrizio Bianchi and Nicola Bellini
Networks of innovators: A synthesis of research issues pp. 499-514 Downloads
C. Freeman

Volume 20, issue 4, 1991

The technological base of the new enterprise pp. 283-298 Downloads
Edward B. Roberts
Sources of innovative activities and industrial organization in Italy pp. 299-313 Downloads
Daniele Archibugi, Sergio Cesaratto and Giorgio Sirilli
Private research and public benefit: The private seed industry for sorghum and pearl millet in India pp. 315-324 Downloads
Carl E. Pray, Sharmila Ribeiro, Rolf A. E. Mueller and P. Parthasarathy Rao
One hundred major Swedish technical innovations, from 1945 to 1980 pp. 325-344 Downloads
J. Torkel Wallmark and Douglas H. McQueen
The functions of technology infrastructure in a competitive economy pp. 345-361 Downloads
Gregory Tassey

Volume 20, issue 3, 1991

The political economy of R&D taxonomies pp. 179-194 Downloads
Harvey A. Averch
The use of a levy/grant system as an alternative to tax based incentives to R&D pp. 195-201 Downloads
Paul Stoneman
Using academic technology: Transfer methods and licensing incidence in the commercialization of American diagnostic imaging equipment research, 1954-1988 pp. 203-216 Downloads
Will Mitchell
Conflicting perceptions of plans for an academic centre pp. 217-235 Downloads
Greg Myers
The governance of innovation: Vertical integration and collaborative arrangements in the biotechnology industry pp. 237-249 Downloads
Gary P. Pisano
Direct validation of citation counts as indicators of industrially important patents pp. 251-259 Downloads
M. B. Albert, D. Avery, F. Narin and P. McAllister
Technical and political change in basic research: The case of the European X-ray Observatory Satellite pp. 261-273 Downloads
Andrew Barry
Technological development as an evolutionary process: A study of the interaction of information, process, and control technologies: John Hagedoorn,Paull Kalff and Jaap Korpel, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988) pp. 220, Dfl 190 pp. 275-276 Downloads
John Metcalfe
The new technology -- A survival guide to new materials, supercomputers and global communications for the 1990s: D.N.Chorofas, (Sigma Press, Wilmslow, 1990) pp. 410, [UK pound]14.95 pp. 275-275 Downloads
Christopher Freeman
Office automation: The labour process and women's work in Britain: Juliet Webster, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York and London, 1990) pp. xiii + 141, [UK pound]9.95 pp. 276-277 Downloads
Ian Miles
Innovating for failure: Government policy and the early British computer industry: John Hendry, (MIT Press, London, 1989) pp. 240, [UK pound]31.50 pp. 277-279 Downloads
Mike Hobday
The innovative choice: An economic analysis of the dynamics of technology: Mario Amendola and Jean-Luc Gaffard, (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1988) pp. xi + 116, price [UK pound]19.50 pp. 279-280 Downloads
G. N. von Tunzelmann

Volume 20, issue 2, 1991

A technological communications costs model of R&D consortia as public policy pp. 87-107 Downloads
Todd Watkins
What makes basic research economically useful? pp. 109-119 Downloads
Keith Pavitt
Guidelines for successfully transferring government-sponsored innovations pp. 121-143 Downloads
Marilyn A. Brown, Linda G. Berry and Rajeev Goel
Resource allocation for agricultural research pp. 145-152 Downloads
Ariel Dinar
Informal technology transfer between firms: Cooperation through information trading pp. 153-170 Downloads
Stephan Schrader
Industrial research and sources of innovation: A cross-industry analysis of Italian manufacturing firms pp. 171-178 Downloads
Giovanni Napolitano

Volume 20, issue 1, 1991

Academic research and industrial innovation pp. 1-12 Downloads
Edwin Mansfield
The individual inventor and the role of entrepreneurship: A survey of the Canadian evidence pp. 13-27 Downloads
Fernand Amesse, Claude Desranleau, Hamid Etemad, Yves Fortier and Louise Seguin-Dulude
Evaluating the funding of strategic science: Some lessons from British experience pp. 29-43 Downloads
Jacqueline Senker
Government policy and performance of the Indian engineering industry pp. 45-56 Downloads
Staffan Jacobsson
Managing the introduction of new process technology: International differences in a multi-plant network pp. 57-76 Downloads
Marcie J. Tyre
Learning to industrialize: Sanjaya Lall, (Macmillan, London, 1987) pp. 259, [UK pound]15.95 pp. 77-81 Downloads
Atul Wad
Research foresight: Priority-setting in science: Ben R. Martin and John Irvine, (Pinter Publishers, London, 1989) pp. 366, [UK pound]40.00 pp. 81-81 Downloads
Dianne Rahm
The emergence of biotechnology: Luigi Orsenigo, (Pinter Publishers, London, 1989), pp. 230, [UK pound]34.00 pp. 83-84 Downloads
David T. Kingsbury
Spatial differentiation in the social impact of technology: the case of the Irish Republic: Dirk-Jan F. Kamann, (Avebury (Gower Publishing Group), Aldershot) xii + 314 pp., [UK pound]29.50 pp. 84-85 Downloads
Ian Miles
Page updated 2025-03-28