Working Paper Series
From European Central Bank 60640 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Official Publications (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2002140: Price setting and the steady-state effects of inflation

- Miguel Casares
- 2002139: On currency crises and contagion

- Marcel Fratzscher
- 2002138: "New" views on the optimum currency area theory: what is EMU telling us?

- Francesco Mongelli
- 2002137: Equilibrium bidding in the Eurosystem's open market operations

- Ulrich Bindseil
- 2002136: Retail bank interest rate pass-through: new evidence at the euro area level

- Gabe de Bondt
- 2002135: The optimal mix of taxes on money, consumption and income

- Fiorella De Fiore and Pedro Teles
- 2002134: The cost of private transportation in the Netherlands, 1992-1999

- Ben Bode and Jan Van Dalen
- 2002133: Can confidence indicators be useful to predict short term real GDP growth?

- Annabelle Mourougane and Moreno Roma
- 2002132: Inflation dynamics and dual inflation in accession countries: a 'New Keynesian' perspective

- Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela, Christian Thimann and Peter Backé
- 2002131: Measurement bias in the HICP: what do we know, and what do we need to know?

- Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela and Mark Wynne
- 2002130: Harmonized indexes of consumer prices: their conceptual foundations

- Walter Diewert
- 2002129: Non-standard central bank loss functions, skewed risks, and certainty equivalence

- Peter Backé and Livio Stracca
- 2002128: Openness, imperfect exchange rate pass-through and monetary policy

- Frank Smets and Raf Wouters
- 2002127: Performance of monetary policy with internal central bank forecasting

- Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra
- 2002126: Optimal contracts in a dynamic costly state verification model

- Cyril Monnet and Erwan Quintin
- 2002125: Duration, volume and volatility impact of trades

- Simone Manganelli
- 2002124: Monetary policy, expectations and commitment

- George Evans and Seppo Honkapohja
- 2002123: Analysing and combining multiple credit assessments of financial institutions

- Evangelos Tabakis and Anna Vinci
- 2002122: New technologies and productivity growth in the euro area

- Focco Vijselaar and Peter Backé
- 2002121: Natural rate doubts

- Andreas Beyer and Roger Farmer
- 2002120: Learning stability in economics with heterogeneous agents

- Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra
- 2002119: Monetary policy and the stock market in the euro area

- Nuno Cassola and Claudio Morana
- 2002118: Durable goods, price indexes and quality change: an application to automobile prices in Italy, 1988-1998

- Gian Maria Tomat
- 2002117: Hedonic house prices without characteristics: the case of new multiunit housing

- Olympia Bover and Pilar Velilla
- 2002116: Rent indices for housing in West Germany 1985 to 1998

- Johannes Hoffmann and Claudia Kurz
- 2002115: Monetary policy rules, macroeconomic stability and inflation: a view from the trenches

- Athanasios Orphanides
- 2002114: Monetary Transmission in the Euro Area: Where Do We Stand?

- Anil Kashyap, Benoit Mojon, Daniele Terlizzese and Peter Backé
- 2002113: Financial frictions and the monetary transmission mechanism: theory, evidence and policy implications

- Charles Bean, Jens Larsen and Kalin Nikolov
- 2001112: Firm investment and monetary transmission in the euro area

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Andrea Generale, Ignacio Hernando, Philip Vermeulen and Ulf von Kalckreuth
- 2001111: Monetary transmission: empirical evidence from Luxembourg firm level data

- Patrick Lünnemann and Thomas Mathä
- 2001110: Does monetary policy have asymmetric effects? A look at the investment decisions of Italian firms

- Eugenio Gaiotti and Andrea Generale
- 2001109: Monetary transmission in Germany: new perspectives on financial constraints and investment spending

- Ulf von Kalckreuth
- 2001108: Credit channel and investment behaviour in Austria: a micro-econometric approach

- Maria Valderrama
- 2001107: The interest rate and credit channel in Belgium: an investigation with micro-level firm data

- Paul Butzen, Catherine Fuss and Philip Vermeulen
- 2001106: Investment, the cost of capital, and monetary policy in the nineties in France: a panel data investigation

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and André Tiomo
- 2001105: Financial systems and the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area

- Michael Ehrmann, Leonardo Gambacorta, Jorge Martínez Pagés, Patrick Sevestre and Andreas Worms
- 2001104: Is there a bank lending channel of monetary policy in Greece? Evidence from bank level data

- Sophocles Brissimis, Nicos C. Kamberoglou and George T. Simigiannis
- 2001103: Bank-specific characteristics and monetary policy transmission: the case of Italy

- Leonardo Gambacorta
- 2001102: The bank lending channel of monetary policy: identification and estimation using Portuguese micro bank data

- Luísa Farinha and Carlos Marques
- 2001101: Monetary policy and bank lending in France: are there asymmetries?

- Claire Loupias, Frédérique Savignac and Patrick Sevestre
- 2001100: Transmission of monetary policy shocks in Finland: evidence from bank level data on loans

- Jukka Topi and Jouko Vilmunen
- 200199: Is there a bank lending channel of monetary policy in Spain?

- Ignacio Hernando and Jorge Martínez Pagés
- 200198: The credit channel in the Netherlands: evidence from bank balance sheets

- Leo de Haan
- 200197: Asymmetries in bank lending behaviour. Austria during the 1990s

- Sylvia Kaufmann
- 200196: The reaction of bank lending to monetary policy measures in Germany

- Andreas Worms
- 200195: Some stylised facts on the euro area business cycle

- Benoit Mojon and Anna Maria Agresti
- 200194: Monetary policy transmission in the euro area: What do aggregate and national structural models tell us?

- Peter J. A. van Els, Julian Morgan, Alberto Locarno and Jean-Pierre Villetelle
- 200193: The monetary transmission mechanism at the euro-area level: issues and results using structural macroeconomic models

- Peter McAdam and Julian Morgan
- 200192: A VAR description of the effects of monetary policy in the individual countries of the euro area

- Benoit Mojon and Gert Peersman
- 200191: The monetary transmission mechanism in the euro area: more evidence from VAR analysis

- Gert Peersman and Frank Smets
- 200190: Public pensions and growth

- Stéphane Lambrecht, Philippe Michel and Jean-Pierre Vidal
- 200189: Monetary policy and fears of financial instability

- Vincent Brousseau and Carsten Detken
- 200188: Why is it so difficult to beat the random walk forecast of exchange rates?

- Lutz Kilian and Mark Taylor
- 200187: Credit rationing, output gap, and business cycles

- Frédéric Boissay
- 200186: Rational expectations and near rational alternatives: How best to form expectations

- Mike Beeby, Stephan George Hall and Brian S. Henry
- 200185: Determinants of the euro real effective exchange rate: a BEER/PEER approach

- Francisco Maeso-Fernandez, Chiara Osbat and Bernd Schnatz
- 200184: Data uncertainty and the role of money as an information variable for monetary policy

- Andrew Levin, Volker Wieland and Günter Coenen
- 200183: Chi-squared tests of interval and density forecasts and the Bank of England's fan charts

- Kenneth Wallis
- 200182: Economic forecasting: some lessons from recent research

- Michael Clements and David Hendry
- 200181: What can changes in structural factors tell us about unemployment in Europe?

- Julian Morgan and Annabelle Mourougane
- 200180: The microstructure of the euro money market

- Philipp Hartmann, Michele Manna and Andrés Manzanares
- 200179: Does liquidity matter? Properties of a synthetic divisia monetary aggregate in the euro area

- Livio Stracca
- 200178: Investment and monetary policy in the euro area

- Benoit Mojon, Frank Smets and Philip Vermeulen
- 200177: Cyclically adjusted budget balances: an alternative approach

- Carine Bouthevillain, Philippine Cour-Thimann, Gerrit van de Dool, Pablo Hernández de Cos, Geert Langenus, Matthias Mohr, Sandro Momigliano and Mika Tujula
- 200176: Rating agency actions and the pricing of debt and equity of European banks: What can we infer about private sector monitoring of bank soundness?

- Anthony Richards and Reint Gropp
- 200175: Value at risk models in finance

- Robert Engle and Simone Manganelli
- 200174: Interbank market integration under asymmetric information

- Xavier Freixas and Cornelia Holthausen
- 200173: Interbank lending and monetary policy transmission - evidence for Germany

- Michael Ehrmann and Andreas Worms
- 200172: Bank Concentration and Retail Interest Rates

- Sandrine Corvoisier and Reint Gropp
- 200171: Asset market linkages in crisis periods

- Philipp Hartmann, Stefan Straetmans and Casper de Vries
- 200170: Central bank forecasts of liquidity factors: Quality, publication and the control of the overnight rate

- Ulrich Bindseil
- 200169: The ECB monetary policy strategy and the money market

- Gabriel Perez Quiros, Jorge Sicilia and Gaspar, Vítor
- 200168: The performance of forecast-based monetary policy rules under model uncertainty

- Andrew Levin, Volker Wieland and John Williams
- 200167: The daily market for funds in Europe: Has something changed with the EMU?

- Gabriel Perez Quiros and Hugo Rodriguez Mendizabal
- 200166: Can short-term foreign exchange volatility be predicted by the Global Hazard Index?

- Vincent Brousseau and Fabio Scacciavillani
- 200165: A system approach for measuring the euro area NAIRU

- Silvia Fabiani and Ricardo Mestre
- 200164: Exchange rate volatility and euro area imports

- Robert Anderton and Frauke Skudelny
- 200163: Does money lead inflation in the euro area?

- Sergio Nicoletti Altimari
- 200162: Spectral based methods to identify common trends and common cycles

- Gonzalo Camba-Mendez and George Kapetanios
- 200161: Diffusion index-based inflation forecasts for the euro area

- Jérôme Henry, Ricardo Mestre and Peter Backé
- 200160: A multi-country trend indicator for euro area inflation: computation and properties

- Jérôme Henry, Ricardo Mestre and Peter Backé
- 200159: Uncertain potential output: implications for monetary policy

- Michael Ehrmann and Frank Smets
- 200158: Business cycle asymmetries in stock returns: evidence from higher order moments and conditional densities

- Gabriel Perez Quiros and Allan Timmermann
- 200157: Model-based indicators of labour market rigidity

- Silvia Fabiani and Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela
- 200156: Stabilization policy in a two country model and the role of financial frictions

- Ester Faia
- 200155: Modelling the demand for loans to the private sector in the euro area

- Alessandro Calza, Christine Gartner and João Sousa
- 200154: Assessment criteria for output gap estimates

- Gonzalo Camba-Mendez and Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela
- 200153: An evaluation of some measures of core inflation for the euro area

- Juan Vega and Mark Wynne
- 200152: Are the effects of monetary policy in the euro area greater in recessions than in booms?

- Gert Peersman and Frank Smets
- 200151: The functional form of the demand for euro area M1

- Livio Stracca
- 200150: Employment and productivity growth in service and manufacturing sectors in France, Germany and the US

- Till von Wachter
- 200149: Business cycle and monetary policy analysis in a structural sticky-price model of the euro area

- Miguel Casares
- 200148: Financial market integration in Europe: on the effects of EMU on stock markets

- Marcel Fratzscher
- 200147: Deposit insurance and moral hazard: does the counterfactual matter?

- Jukka Vesala and Reint Gropp
- 200146: A two-factor model of the German term structure of interest rates

- Jorge Luis and Nuno Cassola
- 200145: Testing the rank of the Hankel matrix: a statistical approach

- Gonzalo Camba-Mendez and George Kapetanios
- 200144: The supply and demand for Eurosystem deposits - The first 18 months

- Ulrich Bindseil and Franz Seitz
- 200143: Sources of economic renewal: from the traditional firm to the knowledge firm

- Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela
- 200142: An area-wide model (AWM) for the euro area

- Gabriel Fagan, Jérôme Henry and Ricardo Mestre
- 200141: Why adopt transparency? The publication of central bank forecasts

- Petra M. Geraats
- 200040: Financial structure and the interest rate channel of ECB monetary policy

- Benoit Mojon
- 200039: A money demand system for euro area M3

- Claus Brand and Nuno Cassola
- 200038: The optimal inflation tax when taxes are costly to collect

- Fiorella De Fiore
- 200037: Business fixed investment: evidence of a financial accelerator in Europe

- Philip Vermeulen
- 200036: Measuring core inflation in the euro area

- Claudio Morana
- 200035: Systemic risk: A survey

- Olivier de Bandt and Philipp Hartmann
- 200034: Capital market development, corporate governance and the credibility of exchange rate pegs

- Tuomas Takalo and Olli Castrén
- 200033: The information content of M3 for future inflation

- Carmine Trecroci and Juan Vega
- 200032: Can indeterminacy explain the short-run non-neutrality of money?

- Fiorella De Fiore
- 200031: The disappearing tax base: is foreign direct investment eroding corporate income taxes?

- Kristina Kostial and Reint Gropp
- 200030: A small estimated euro area model with rational expectations and nominal rigidities

- Volker Wieland and Günter Coenen
- 200029: The sources of unemployment fluctuations: an empirical application to the Italian case

- Silvia Fabiani, Alberto Locarno, Giampaolo Oneto and Paolo Sestito
- 200028: Learning, uncertainty and central bank activism in an economy with strategic interactions

- Martin Ellison and Natacha Valla
- 200027: This is what the US leading indicators lead

- Maximo Camacho and Gabriel Perez Quiros
- 200026: Which kind of transparency? On the need for clarity in monetary policy-making

- Bernhard Winkler
- 200025: Caution and conservatism in the making of monetary policy

- Philip Schellekens
- 200024: What horizon for price stability

- Frank Smets
- 200023: Escaping Nash inflation

- Inkoo Cho and Thomas Sargent
- 200022: Regulating access to international large-value payment systems

- Cornelia Holthausen and Thomas Rønde
- 200021: Firm size and monetary policy transmission: evidence from German business survey data

- Michael Ehrmann
- 200020: Convergence of fiscal policies in the euro area

- Olivier de Bandt and Francesco Mongelli
- 200019: The euro and international capital markets

- Carsten Detken and Philipp Hartmann
- 200018: House prices and the macroeconomy in Europe: Results from a structural var analysis

- Matteo Iacoviello
- 200017: Alternative measures of the NAIRU in the euro area: estimates and assessment

- Silvia Fabiani and Ricardo Mestre
- 200016: Estimating the implied distribution of the future short term interest rate using the Longstaff-Schwartz model

- Peter Hördahl
- 200015: The quest for prosperity without inflation

- Athanasios Orphanides
- 200014: Assessing nominal income rules for monetary policy with model and data uncertainty

- Glenn Rudebusch
- 200013: Monetary policy with uncertain parameters

- Ulf Söderström
- 200012: Indicator variables for optimal policy

- Lars E. O. Svensson and Michael Woodford
- 200011: Is the yield curve a useful Information variable for the Eurosystem?

- Peter Bergeijk and Jan Marc Berk
- 200010: On the effectiveness of sterilized foreign exchange intervention

- Rasmus Fatum
- 20210: Estimating the Fed’s Unconventional Policy Shocks

- Marek Jarociński
- 20009: Asymptotic confidence bands for the estimated autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of vector autoregressive models

- Günter Coenen
- 19998: Inflation zone targeting

- Athanasios Orphanides and Volker Wieland
- 19997: A cross-country comparison of market structures in European banking

- E Davis and Olivier de Bandt
- 19996: The demand for M3 in the euro area

- Juan Vega and Günter Coenen
- 19995: Core inflation: a review of some conceptual issues

- Mark Wynne
- 19994: From the ERM to the euro: new evidence on economic and policy convergence among EU countries

- Ignazio Angeloni and Luca Dedola
- 19993: Fiscal policy effectiveness and neutrality results in a non-Ricardian world

- Carsten Detken
- 19992: What does the single monetary policy do? A SVAR benchmark for the European Central Bank

- Carlo Monticello and Oreste Tristani
- 19991: A global hazard index for the world foreign exchange markets

- Vincent Brousseau and Fabio Scacciavillani
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