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Economics Bulletin

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2004, issue 36, vol 28

Stochastic methods in game theory pp. A0 Downloads
Marco Scarsini

2004, issue 35, vol 28

International Conference of Business, Economics and Management Disciplines pp. A0 Downloads
Basu Sharma and Basu Sharma

2004, issue 34, vol 28

Regional Economics: New challenges for theory, empirics and policy pp. A0 Downloads
Michael Stierle and Michael Stierle

2004, issue 33, vol 28

The secon asian workshop on general equilibrium theory (GETA2005) pp. A0 Downloads
Abdalslam Nasia

2004, issue 32, vol 28

The second asian workshop on general equilibrium theory (GETA2005) pp. A0 Downloads
Atsushi Kajii

2004, issue 31, vol 28

The First Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications: Recent Development in Financial Econometrics pp. A0 Downloads
Yi-Ting Chen

2004, issue 30, vol 28

International Conference in Economics and Finance 2005 (ICEF 2005) pp. A0 Downloads
Venus Liew and Conference Secretariat

2004, issue 29, vol 28

Second Annual Single Global Currency Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Morrison Bonpasse and Morrison Bonpasse

2004, issue 27, vol 28

The 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 26, vol 28

The first Asian workshop on general equilibrium theory pp. A0 Downloads
Atsushi Kajii and Aki Egami

2004, issue 25, vol 28

Intellectual property, innovation and competition pp. A0 Downloads
Antonio Nicita and Antonio Nicita

2004, issue 24, vol 28

2004 Midwest macroeconomics meetings pp. A0 Downloads
Joydeep Bhattacharya and Joydeep Bhattacharya

2004, issue 22, vol 28

Canadian Economic Theory Conference 2004 pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 21, vol 28

The 15th Annual Meetings for the Society for Economic Dynamics pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 20, vol 28

2004 Minnesota Workshop in Macroeconomic Theory pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 19, vol 28

Economic Growth and Distribution: On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 18, vol 28

Economic growth and distribution: on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations pp. A0 Downloads
Neri Salvadori

2004, issue 17, vol 28

NEUDC 2004 (North-Eastern Universities Development Conference) pp. A0 Downloads
Stephane Pallage and Renée Bouchard

2004, issue 16, vol 28

Second Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 15, vol 28

SED 2004 Conference on Economic Design pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 14, vol 28

First Annual Single Global Currency Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Alper Ozgit

2004, issue 13, vol 28

Workshop on long-term fiscal projections pp. A0 Downloads
Antonio Jesus Sanchez Fuentes and Mónica Contestabile

2004, issue 12, vol 28

TAMA 2004 'Terminology in advanced management applications - multilingual content integration pp. A0 Downloads
Anja Drame and Anja Drame

2004, issue 11, vol 28

Arrangement infringement possibility approach: some economic features of large-scale events pp. A0 Downloads
Alexander Harin

2004, issue 10, vol 28

Exchange Rate Pass-Through Into Import Prices In Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation pp. A0 Downloads
Karim Barhoumi

2004, issue 9, vol 28

An “Intropy Driven Gibbsian Phase Rule” For Communities And Markets pp. A0 Downloads
V.I.Gopi Krishna Menon

2004, issue 8, vol 28

Various methods of balancing of the macro SAM of Tunisia during the year 2000 pp. A0 Downloads
Haykel Hadj Salem

2004, issue 7, vol 28

The estimation of the elasticity of substitution of a CES production function: Case of Tunisia pp. A0 Downloads
Haykel Hadj Salem

2004, issue 6, vol 28

Macroeconomic Dynamics Online Submission pp. A0 Downloads
William Barnett and Stephen Spear

2004, issue 5, vol 28

Songul Kakilli Acaravci and Hatice Dogukanli

2004, issue 4, vol 28

Economic development of pakistan_a brief review pp. A0 Downloads
Shazia Kazmi

2004, issue 3, vol 28

Endogenous quality choice: price and quantity competition pp. A0 Downloads
Tarek Selim

2004, issue 2, vol 28

A Short Review of the Long History of Turkish High Inflation pp. A0 Downloads
Aykut Kibritçioğlu

2004, issue 1, vol 28

Correct version of "Further evidence on the size and power of the Bierens and Johansen cointegration procedures" restored to the EB website pp. A0 Downloads
David Cushman

2004, issue 1, vol 26

Church attendance in Spain (1930-1992): Gender differences and secularization pp. 1-9 Downloads
Pablo Brañas-Garza

2004, issue 3, vol 18

Traffic accidents: an econometric investigation pp. 1-7 Downloads
Tito Moreira, Adolfo Sachsida and Paulo Loureiro

2004, issue 2, vol 18

The spatial Solow model pp. 1-11 Downloads
Benteng Zou and Carmen Camacho

2004, issue 1, vol 18

Transportation rates, monopsony power and the location decision of the firm pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yeung-Nan Shieh and Chiou-Nan Yeh

2004, issue 7, vol 17

Is international cooperation on climate change good for the environment? pp. 1-11 Downloads
Alberto Ansuategi and Marta Escapa

2004, issue 6, vol 17

A note on some determinants of property rights in U.S. marine fisheries pp. 1-11 Downloads
Joel Kincaid

2004, issue 5, vol 17

Trade liberalization, consumption externalities and the environment pp. 1-9 Downloads
Yu-Bong Lai

2004, issue 4, vol 17

Potential Failure of an International Environmental Agreement under Asymmetric Information pp. 1-8 Downloads
Norimichi Matsueda

2004, issue 3, vol 17

A dynamic and stochastic analysis of fertilizer use in swidden agriculture pp. 1-10 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Gregory DeAngelo

2004, issue 2, vol 17

Environmental Productivity in China pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shunsuke Managi and Shinji Kaneko

2004, issue 1, vol 17

Trade Liberalization and the Environment: Carbon Dioxide for 1960-1999 pp. 1-5 Downloads
Shunsuke Managi

2004, issue 2, vol 15

Investment efficiency and intergenerational income distribution: a paradoxical result pp. 1-6 Downloads
Ryo Horii, Koichi Futagami and Akiomi Kitagawa

2004, issue 1, vol 15

Favoritism in the Public Provision of Goods in Developing Countries pp. 1-10 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp

2004, issue 1, vol 13

Advance booking, cancellations, and partial refunds pp. 1-7 Downloads
Staffan Ringbom and Oz Shy

2004, issue 11, vol 12

A Note on Cost-Reducing Alliances in Vertically Differentiated Oligopoly pp. 1-6 Downloads
Frédéric Deroïan

2004, issue 10, vol 12

Information goods and endogenous pricing strategies: the case of academic journals pp. 1-11 Downloads
Mark McCabe

2004, issue 9, vol 12

The relationship between payroll and performance disparity in major league baseball: an alternative measure pp. 1-14 Downloads
Daniel Mizak and Anthony Stair

2004, issue 7, vol 12

A note on duplication of R&D and R&D subsidies pp. 1-5 Downloads
Sami Dakhlia, Akram Temimi and Flavio Menezes

2004, issue 6, vol 12

On the Licensing of Innovations under Strategic Delegation pp. 1-10 Downloads
X. Wang and Yu-Pei Hsu

2004, issue 5, vol 12

The independent invention defence in a Cournot duopoly model pp. 1-7 Downloads
Elisabetta Ottoz and Franco Cugno

2004, issue 4, vol 12

Industry sunk costs and entry dynamics pp. 1-7 Downloads
Andrew Wait and Vladimir Smirnov

2004, issue 3, vol 12

Collusion and the elasticity of demand pp. 1-6 Downloads
David Collie

2004, issue 2, vol 12

Do Firms Always Choose Excess Capacity? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Hikaru Ogawa and Akira Nishimori

2004, issue 1, vol 12

A note on compatibility and entry in a circular model of product differentiation pp. 1-9 Downloads
Nicolas Jonard and Eric Schenk

2004, issue 2, vol 11

A note on death penalty executions and business cycles in U.S. federal states: Is there any nexus? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Bernd Süssmuth

2004, issue 1, vol 11

The Effects of Macroeconomic Policies on Crime pp. 1-9 Downloads
Yeung-Nan Shieh

2004, issue 10, vol 10

Multitask Rank Order Tournaments pp. 1-10 Downloads
Laurent Franckx, Isabelle Brose and Alessio DAmato

2004, issue 9, vol 10

Minimum wage noncompliance and the sub-minimum wage rate pp. 1-7 Downloads
Joachim Rosenmüller

2004, issue 8, vol 10

Education as advertisement pp. 1-8 Downloads
Junichiro Ishida

2004, issue 7, vol 10

On strategy and the likelihood of success in marital matchmaking under uncertainty pp. 1-7 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

2004, issue 6, vol 10

Malthus and Solow - a note on closed-form solutions pp. 1-6 Downloads
Andreas Irmen

2004, issue 5, vol 10

A note on multitask learning and the reorganization of work pp. 1-6 Downloads
Xavier Pautrel

2004, issue 4, vol 10

Temporary contracts and the dynamics of job turnover pp. 1-6 Downloads
Mahmood Arai and Fredrik Heyman

2004, issue 3, vol 10

Unemployment and work sharing in an efficiency wage model pp. 1-7 Downloads
François-Charles Wolff, Mohamed Jellal and Khaled Bouabdallah

2004, issue 2, vol 10

A theoretical framework for incentives in the public sector pp. 1-8 Downloads
Laurent Franckx and Isabelle Brose

2004, issue 1, vol 10

Constructing a measure of industry-specific human capital using Tobin's q theory pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kam Ki Tang and Yi-Ping Tseng

2004, issue 3, vol 9

Endogenous longevity, health and economic growth: a slow growth for a longer life? pp. 1-10 Downloads
Rosa Aisa and Fernando Pueyo

2004, issue 2, vol 9

Robust Comparisons of Natural Resources Depletion Indices pp. 1-9 Downloads
Paul Makdissi and Quentin Wodon

2004, issue 1, vol 9

Standard error and confidence interval for QALY weights pp. 1-12 Downloads
Hiroshi Gunji and Chie Hanaoka

2004, issue 5, vol 8

Income Tax Evasion and the Penalty Structure pp. 1-9 Downloads
Rainald Borck

2004, issue 4, vol 8

Neutrality Properties of Firm Taxation under Default Risk pp. 1-7 Downloads
Paolo Panteghini

2004, issue 3, vol 8

The optimal provision of public inputs in a second best scenario pp. 1-9 Downloads
Diego Martínez

2004, issue 1, vol 8

The effect of the government temporal horizon on the optimal tax structure pp. 1-8 Downloads
Manuel Gómez

2004, issue 3, vol 7

Principal Portfolios: Recasting the Efficient Frontier pp. 1-10 Downloads
M. Hossein Partovi and Michael Caputo

2004, issue 2, vol 7

A canonical first passage time model to pricing nature-linked bonds pp. 1-7 Downloads
Victor Vaugirard

2004, issue 1, vol 7

Orthogonal Subgroups for Portfolio Choice pp. 1-7 Downloads
David Hennessy

2004, issue 24, vol 6

Local content protection reconsidered: the case of domestic monopsonist pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tomohiro Kuroda

2004, issue 23, vol 6

International Risk Sharing and Investor Protection: Some Evidence from the EU-15 pp. 1-13 Downloads
Johann Scharler

2004, issue 22, vol 6

On Chamberlinian-Ricardian trade patterns with many industries pp. 1-9 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi and Dao-Zhi Zeng

2004, issue 21, vol 6

Preferential Trade Agreements: Endogenous Response of the Third Country pp. 1-11 Downloads
Soamiely Andriamananjara

2004, issue 20, vol 6

Foreign equity caps for international joint ventures pp. 1-9 Downloads
Yasunobu Tomoda and Hiroshi Kurata

2004, issue 19, vol 6

A new empirical regularity in world income distribution dynamics, 1960-2001 pp. 1-15 Downloads
Roki Iwahashi and Tomohiro Machikita

2004, issue 18, vol 6

Bank runs, political distortions and contagion pp. 1-10 Downloads
Victor Vaugirard

2004, issue 17, vol 6

Feedback between US and UK Prices: a Frequency Domain Analysis pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jahyeong Koo and Paul Johnson

2004, issue 16, vol 6

Educational loan and human capital accumulation in a small open economy pp. 1-10 Downloads
Megumi Mochida

2004, issue 15, vol 6

The welfare effects of international trade with optimistic and pessimistic managers pp. 1-10 Downloads
Frederic Peltrault and Michel Blanchard

2004, issue 14, vol 6

The impact of a trade embargo on quality pp. 1-7 Downloads
Bryan McCannon

2004, issue 13, vol 6

The Big Mac Standard: A statistical Illustration pp. 1-18 Downloads
Yukinobu Kitamura and Hiroshi Fujiki

2004, issue 12, vol 6

Big Mac parity, income, and trade pp. 1-8 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Guilherme Moura and Sidney Caetano

2004, issue 10, vol 6

Does liquidity in the FX market depend on volatility? pp. 1-8 Downloads
Frank Westerhoff and Sebastiano Manzan

2004, issue 9, vol 6

The new U.S. trans-ocean free trade initiatives: estimating export and FDI potentials from dynamic panel data models pp. 1-12 Downloads
Nicolas Peridy

2004, issue 8, vol 6

Nonlinear Adjustment of ASEAN-5 Real Exchange Rates: Symmetrical or Asymmetrical? pp. 1-19 Downloads
Venus Liew

2004, issue 7, vol 6

A note on Chamberlinian-Ricardian trade patterns pp. 1-8 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi

2004, issue 6, vol 6

Estimating the equilibrium real exchange rate in Venezuela pp. 1-8 Downloads
Hilde Bjørnland

2004, issue 5, vol 6

Optimal hedge ratio and elasticity of risk aversion pp. 1-7 Downloads
Udo Broll and Jack E. Wahl

2004, issue 4, vol 6

Does the risk of exchange rate fluctuation really affect international trade flows between countries? pp. 1-8 Downloads
Chongcheul Cheong

2004, issue 3, vol 6

The Impact of Increasing Stock Market Integration on Expected Gains from International Portfolio Diversification: Evidence from a Multivariate Approach with Time Varying Risk pp. 1-13 Downloads
Mohamed Arouri

2004, issue 2, vol 6

A theory of the relationship between foreign direct investment and trade pp. 1-8 Downloads
José Pontes

2004, issue 1, vol 6

José Sánchez-Fung and Peter A. Prazmowski

2004, issue 19, vol 5

Capital accumulation, unemployment, and the putty-clay pp. 1-8 Downloads
Javier Birchenall

2004, issue 18, vol 5

Bubbles and the Intertemporal Government Budget Constraint pp. 1-6 Downloads
Stephen LeRoy

2004, issue 17, vol 5

Speed Limit Policies and Interest Rate Smoothing pp. 1-6 Downloads
James Yetman

2004, issue 16, vol 5

Ricardian Equivalence Revisited: Evidence from OECD countries pp. 1-10 Downloads
Gerhard Reitschuler and Jesus Crespo Cuaresma

2004, issue 15, vol 5

Multilateral surveillance in the Stability and Growth Pact: an analysis through information sharing pp. 1-7 Downloads
Montserrat Ferré

2004, issue 14, vol 5

Incomplete Unemployment Insurance under Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yann Algan and Olivier Allais

2004, issue 13, vol 5

Intertemporally non-separable monetary-asset risk adjustment and aggregation pp. 1-9 Downloads
William Barnett and Shu Wu

2004, issue 11, vol 5

Endogenous Monetary Growth Rules and Determinacy in Cash-in-Advance Models pp. 1-7 Downloads
Mark Weder

2004, issue 10, vol 5

Habit Persistence and Money in the Utility Function pp. 1-9 Downloads
Stéphane Auray, Patrick Fève and Fabrice Collard

2004, issue 9, vol 5

Noise Trader Risk and the Welfare Effects of Privatization pp. 1-8 Downloads
Simon Grant and John Quiggin

2004, issue 8, vol 5

Nonsuperneutrality of Money in the Sidrauski Model with Heterogenous Agents pp. 1-6 Downloads
Burkhard Heer

2004, issue 7, vol 5

Menu costs, (s,S) rule, imperfect information and the neutrality of money pp. 1-8 Downloads
Franck Portier

2004, issue 6, vol 5

Interest-rate rule and multiple equilibria with endogenous growth pp. 1-8 Downloads
Kazuo Mino and Jun-ichi Itaya

2004, issue 5, vol 5

Small departures from rationality magnify fluctuations pp. 1-5 Downloads
Joao Ricardo Faria

2004, issue 4, vol 5

A note on cash-in-advance constraints in continuous time pp. 1-8 Downloads
Eric Kam

2004, issue 3, vol 5

Technology Shock and Employment under Catching up with the Joneses pp. 1-8 Downloads
Patrick Fève

2004, issue 2, vol 5

Monetary Policy and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Investment pp. 1-7 Downloads
Chong Yip and Ka Fai Li

2004, issue 1, vol 5

Intergenerational Transfer and Effective Demand pp. 1-13 Downloads
Ken-ichi Hashimoto

2004, issue 15, vol 4

Spatial Cournot competition in a circular city with transport cost differentials pp. 1-6 Downloads
Barnali Gupta

2004, issue 14, vol 4

On Technology Transfer to an Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly pp. 1-6 Downloads
X. Wang and Bill Yang

2004, issue 13, vol 4

Divisional power, intra-firm bargaining and rent-seeking behavior in multidivisional corporations pp. 1-10 Downloads
Pietro Navarra and Ram Mudambi

2004, issue 12, vol 4

Quasi-linear peferences with Auspitz-Lieben-Pareto complementarity pp. 1-5 Downloads
Christian Weber

2004, issue 11, vol 4

Good and bad objects: the symmetric difference rule pp. 1-7 Downloads
Dinko Dimitrov, Ruud Hendrickx and Peter Borm

2004, issue 10, vol 4

On the Impossibility of Strategy-Proof Coalition Formation Rules pp. 1-8 Downloads
Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez

2004, issue 9, vol 4

Transboundary pollution, asymmetric information and social welfare pp. 1-8 Downloads
Slim Ben Youssef

2004, issue 8, vol 4

Multi-Unit Auctions with Synergy pp. 1-14 Downloads
Indranil Chakraborty

2004, issue 7, vol 4

"On the differentiability of the benefit function": correction and addendum pp. 1-3 Downloads
Bertrand Crettez, Nayla Hayek and Jean-Michel Courtault

2004, issue 6, vol 4

Proximity Preservation in an Anonymous Framework pp. 1-6 Downloads
Daniel Eckert

2004, issue 5, vol 4

On the differentiability of the benefit function pp. 1-6 Downloads
Bertrand Crettez, Naila Hayek and Jean-Michel Courtault

2004, issue 4, vol 4

Guessing and gambling pp. 1-10 Downloads
Albert Burgos

2004, issue 3, vol 4

Path independence and Pareto dominance pp. 1-3 Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin

2004, issue 2, vol 4

Costly participation in voting and equilibrium abstention: a uniqueness result pp. 1-5 Downloads
Takanori Adachi

2004, issue 1, vol 4

Does Uncertainty Affect the Divergence between WTP and WTA Measures? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Murat Isik

2004, issue 48, vol 3

Investigating the structure of expansions and recessions in US business cycle: a modified recursive partitioning approach pp. 1-9 Downloads
Carmela Cappelli

2004, issue 47, vol 3

Fractional cointegration in the consumption and income relationship using semiparametric techniques pp. 1-8 Downloads
Luis Gil-Alana

2004, issue 46, vol 3

Testing for no autocorrelation using a modified Lobato test pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jen-Je Su

2004, issue 45, vol 3

Matching Markets: the Particular Case of Couples pp. 1-11 Downloads
David Cantala

2004, issue 44, vol 3

A new approach to causality in the frequency domain pp. 1-14 Downloads
Mehmet Dalkır

2004, issue 43, vol 3

Risk neutral valuation and uncovered interest rate parity in a stochastic two-country-economy with two goods pp. 1-10 Downloads
Vincenzo Costa

2004, issue 42, vol 3

Transfer rate rules and core selections in NTU games pp. 1-10 Downloads
Vincent Iehlé

2004, issue 41, vol 3

Equilibrium selection in coordination games: Why do dominated strategies matter? pp. 1-3 Downloads
Suren Basov

2004, issue 40, vol 3

A Note on the Relationship of the Ordered and Sequential Probit Models to the Multinomial Probit Model pp. 1-7 Downloads
Daisuke Nagakura

2004, issue 39, vol 3

Some New Tests for a Change in Persistence pp. 1-10 Downloads
Robert Taylor and Stephen Leybourne

2004, issue 38, vol 3

The Core of Directed Network Problems with Quotas pp. 1-8 Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri

2004, issue 37, vol 3

More on F versus t tests for unit roots when there is no trend pp. 1-6 Downloads
Peter Kennedy and John Elder

2004, issue 36, vol 3

Integrated volatility measuring from unevenly sampled observations pp. 1-8 Downloads
Taro Kanatani

2004, issue 35, vol 3

The Maschler-Perles Solution: 2 Simple Proofs for Superadditivity pp. 1-8 Downloads
Joachim Rosenmüller

2004, issue 34, vol 3

A nonparametric adjustment for tests of changing mean pp. 1-11 Downloads
Ted Juhl

2004, issue 33, vol 3

Which Lag Length Selection Criteria Should We Employ? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Venus Liew

2004, issue 32, vol 3

Testing of I(d) processes in the real output pp. 1-6 Downloads
Luis Gil-Alana

2004, issue 31, vol 3

Models of labour demand with fixed costs of adjustment: a generalised tobit approach pp. 1-8 Downloads
Francesca Di Iorio and Stefano Fachin

2004, issue 30, vol 3

Money and output interaction in Nigeria: an econometric investigation using multivariate cointegration technique pp. 1-10 Downloads
Godwin Nwaobi

2004, issue 29, vol 3

Is the Size Distribution of Income in Canada a Random Walk? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Baotai Wang and Tomson Ogwang

2004, issue 28, vol 3

Effect of small-sample adjustments for Cox test under non-nested linear regression models pp. 1-4 Downloads
Taisuke Otsu

2004, issue 27, vol 3

The Johansen Test and the Transitivity Property pp. 1-7 Downloads
Montserrat Ferré

2004, issue 26, vol 3

A meaningful two-person bargaining solution based on ordinal preferences pp. 1-6 Downloads
József Sákovics

2004, issue 25, vol 3

Multicollinearity and maximum entropy leuven estimator pp. 1-11 Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra

2004, issue 24, vol 3

Detecting changes in persistence in linear time series pp. 1-11 Downloads
Steven Cook

2004, issue 23, vol 3

A power comparison among tests for time reversibility pp. 1-17 Downloads
Jorge Belaire-Franch and Dulce Contreras

2004, issue 22, vol 3

Rational Expectation Hypothesis: An Application of the Blanchard and Khan Approach pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tito Moreira, Geraldo Souza and Charles Almeida

2004, issue 21, vol 3

The exact maximum likelihood estimation of ARFIMA processes and model selection criteria: A Monte Carlo study pp. 1-16 Downloads
Valérie Mignon and Sandrine Lardic

2004, issue 20, vol 3

Modeling the French Consumption Function Using SETAR Models pp. 1-16 Downloads
Valérie Mignon and Gilles Dufrénot

2004, issue 19, vol 3

Modelling the misalignments of the Dollar-Sterling real exchange rate: A nonlinear cointegration perspective pp. 1-11 Downloads
Valérie Mignon, Gilles Dufrénot and Slim Chaouachi

2004, issue 18, vol 3

Median as a weighted arithmetic mean of all sample observations pp. 1-6 Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra

2004, issue 16, vol 3

The effects of additive outliers on stationarity tests: a monte carlo study pp. 1-8 Downloads
Olivier Darné

2004, issue 15, vol 3

Pair-wise envy free and stable matchings for two sided systems with techniques pp. 1-9 Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri

2004, issue 14, vol 3

Continuity of the payoff function revisited pp. 1-4 Downloads
Michael Zarichnyi

2004, issue 13, vol 3

Bootstrap inference on Fully Modified Estimates of Cointegrating Coefficients: A Comment pp. 1-8 Downloads
Stefano Fachin

2004, issue 12, vol 3

F versus t tests for unit roots: a comment pp. 1-7 Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Andrew Tremayne

2004, issue 11, vol 3

On the finite-sample power of modified Dickey-Fuller tests: The role of the initial condition pp. 1-9 Downloads
Steven Cook

2004, issue 10, vol 3

Optimal control with switches in the objective functional pp. 1-3 Downloads
Frank Caliendo

2004, issue 9, vol 3

Response bias in survey-based measures of household consumption pp. 1-12 Downloads
Joachim Winter

2004, issue 8, vol 3

A fractionally integrated model for the Spanish real GDP pp. 1-6 Downloads
Luis Gil-Alana

2004, issue 7, vol 3

Unit root cycles in the US unemployment rate pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shunsuke Managi

2004, issue 6, vol 3

Explaining Disparities between Actual and Hypothetical Stated Values: Further Investigation Using Meta-Analysis pp. 1-13 Downloads
Joseph Little and Robert Berrens

2004, issue 5, vol 3

A salary system for the assignment problem pp. 1-9 Downloads
Francisco Sanchez-Sanchez

2004, issue 4, vol 3

A complementary test for the KPSS test with an application to the US Dollar/Euro exchange rate pp. 1-5 Downloads
Ahamada Ibrahim

2004, issue 3, vol 3

Bargaining efficiency and the repeated prisoners' dilemma pp. 1-8 Downloads
John Conley and Bhaskar Chakravorti

2004, issue 1, vol 3

Searching for chaos on low frequency pp. 1-8 Downloads
Nicolas Wesner

2004, issue 5, vol 1

'Guns and butter'' in U.S. presidential elections pp. 1-8 Downloads
Stephen Haynes and Joe Stone

2004, issue 4, vol 1

Rankings of Economists in Teaching Economics Departments in Australia, 1988-2000 pp. 1-19 Downloads
Joseph Macri and Dipendra Sinha

2004, issue 3, vol 1

The Measurement of Intellectual Influence: the Views of a Sceptic pp. 1-6 Downloads
Roberto Serrano

2004, issue 1, vol 1

Publications over the Academic Life-cycle: Evidence for Academic Economists pp. 1-8 Downloads
Onur Baser and Elda Pema
Page updated 2025-03-31