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2011, issue 4, vol 31

Comparison between FDI motivations in goods and services pp. 2744-2756 Downloads
Amélie Guillin
The dynamics of divorce, income, and female labor force participation in Singapore pp. 2757-2768 Downloads
Chew Ging Lee and Ng Pek Kim
Complexity and bidder behavior in iterative auctions pp. 2769-2776 Downloads
Katerina Sherstyuk
Evidence for an endogenous rebound effect impacting long-run car use elasticity to fuel price pp. 2777-2786 Downloads
Emmanuel Kemel, Roger Collet and Laurent Hivert
Inequalities between retirees and workers: an empirical model to capture the effect of taxation pp. 2787-2798 Downloads
Bérangère Legendre
Trust and Trustworthiness among Economics Majors pp. 2799-2815 Downloads
Utteeyo Dasgupta and Arjun Menon
Emigration promotion and urban unemployment pp. 2816-2823 Downloads
Shigemi Yabuuchi
Foreign Direct Investment-Economic Growth Nexus: The Role of Domestic Financial Development in Portugal pp. 2824-2838 Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Nuno Leitão and Summaira Malik
Knowledge diffusion vs. technological progress: the optimal strength of IPRs protection pp. 2839-2846 Downloads
Shuai Niu
Farm income inequality and the role of caste: new evidence from India pp. 2847-2862 Downloads
Ashish Singh
Quantile Regression with Classical Additive Measurement Errors pp. 2863-2868 Downloads
Gabriel Montes-Rojas
Convex Approximation of Bounded Rational Equilibria pp. 2869-2874 Downloads
Yusuke Miyazaki and Hiromi Azuma
U.S. Manufacturing: Productivity, Offshoring, and Imports pp. 2875-2883 Downloads
Sebastiano Manzan and Howard Ross
Newspaper habit pp. 2884-2889 Downloads
Ralf Dewenter and Juergen Roesch
The impact of trade openness on the incomes of four South East Asian countries before and after the Asian financial crisis pp. 2890-2902 Downloads
Vatthanamixay Chansomphou and Masaru Ichihashi
Extreme values dependence of risk in Latin American markets pp. 2903-2914 Downloads
Marcelo Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
Fasten seat belts: Do car safety systems cause positive externalities? pp. 2915-2921 Downloads
Michael Berlemann and Andreas Matthes
Intellectual Property Protection and Firm Innovation pp. 2922-2932 Downloads
Liad Wagman and Yoni Pruzansky
Reducing the bias of the maximum likelihood estimator for the Poisson regression model pp. 2933-2943 Downloads
David Giles and Hui Feng
A Note on the Measurement of Unfair Inequality in Brazil pp. 2944-2951 Downloads
Erik Figueiredo
Manilulation via endowments in university-admission problem pp. 2952-2958 Downloads
Doruk İriş and Ipek Ozkal-Sanver
Infectious disease outbreak and trade policy formulation pp. 2959-2967 Downloads
Sheikh Shahnawaz
Legal origin and the evolution of environmental quality pp. 2968-2974 Downloads
Lewis Davis and Emily Lacroix
FDI and trade: A Granger causality analysis in a heterogeneous panel pp. 2975-2985 Downloads
Raphaël Chiappini
Adequate Liquid Provision for a Run Preventing Contract pp. 2986-2995 Downloads
JaeJoon Han
Cointegrated money in production function: evidence from a developing country pp. 2996-3005 Downloads
Muhammad Nasir, Qasim Jan and Muhammad Javid
The relationship between inflation, output growth, and their uncertainties: Nonlinear Multivariate GARCH-M evidence pp. 3006-3015 Downloads
Tolga Omay
Analyzing the structural behavior of volatility in the Major European Markets during the Greek crisis pp. 3016-3029 Downloads
Marcelo Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
Integrated or segmented? a wavelet transform analysis on relationship between stock and real estate markets pp. 3030-3040 Downloads
Ching-chin Chou and Show-lin Chen
Harrod's cumulative growth circle pp. 3041-3051 Downloads
Giulio Guarini
Competition vs. quality in an industry with imperfect traceability pp. 3052-3067 Downloads
Elodie Rouviere and Raphael Soubeyran
Fiscal disciplining effect of central bank opacity: Stackelberg versus Nash equilibrium pp. 3068-3076 Downloads
Meixing Dai and Moise Sidiropoulos
An application of the natural trading partner hypothesis to New Zealand- ASEAN trade pp. 3077-3088 Downloads
Shamim Shakur and Chris Nees
Estimating the impact of diabetes on employment in Taiwan pp. 3089-3102 Downloads
Shin-Jong Lin
Intraday probability of informed trading pp. 3103-3112 Downloads
Zaichao Du
Twist-of-the-Monday Effect: Evidence from United State and 18 Selected European Union Stock Markets pp. 3113-3122 Downloads
Ricky Chia and Shiok Ye Lim
Stock Market Anomalies in South Africa and its Neighbouring Countries pp. 3123-3137 Downloads
Ricky Chia and Shiok Ye Lim
Brownian motion vs. pure-jump processes for individual stocks pp. 3138-3152 Downloads
Benoît Sévi and César Baena
Advertised meeting-the-competition clauses: collusion instead of price discrimination pp. 3153-3157 Downloads
Jürgen-Peter Kretschmer and Oliver Budzinski
Can non-expected utility theories explain the paradox of not voting? pp. 3158-3168 Downloads
Serge Blondel and Louis Lévy-Garboua
Health care expenditures in Asia countries: Panel data analysis pp. 3169-3178 Downloads
Munic Boungnarasy
Optimal accounting policies under financial constraints: aggressive versus conservative pp. 3179-3191 Downloads
Masatomo Akita and Yusuke Osaki
Happiness and Environmental Degradation: What Determines Happiness? pp. 3192-3210 Downloads
Aviral Tiwari
Trigger Points of the Special Safeguard Mechanism pp. 3211-3220 Downloads
Peyton Ferrier and Amanda Leister
Good news for experimenters: Subjects are hard to influence by instructorsʹ cues pp. 3221-3225 Downloads
Ivo Bischoff and Björn Frank
Can population growth contribute to economic development? New evidence from Singapore pp. 3226-3239 Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka and Qaiser Munir
Prevalence Rates and Racial disparities in undiagnosed pre-diabetes in the US population: Evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey of 2007-08 pp. 3240-3252 Downloads
Achintya Ray
On the way of tobacco quitting: A VAR approach pp. 3253-3258 Downloads
Nicolas Vaillant, Christian Ben Lakhdar and Thérèse Lebrun
Forecasting the Global Financial Crisis in the Years 2009-2010: Ex-post Analysis pp. 3259-3267 Downloads
Dean Fantazzini
Free entry and welfare with price discrimination pp. 3268-3274 Downloads
Francisco Galera and Pedro Mendi
A geometric characterization of the nucleolus of the assignment game pp. 3275-3285 Downloads
Francesc Llerena and Marina Núñez
Economic Shocks and Savings Behavior by the Rural Poor pp. 3286-3293 Downloads
Julia Paxton and Fan Zhuo
Impact of Returns Time Dependency on the Estimation of Extreme Market Risk pp. 3294-3303 Downloads
Wafa Snoussi and Mhamed ali El-aroui
An experimental analysis of the existing differences of productivity across genders pp. 3304-3310 Downloads
Ahmed Ennasri
Sustainability of public debt: Some theoretical considerations pp. 3311-3319 Downloads
Alfred Greiner
Appraising fiscal reaction functions pp. 3320-3330 Downloads
Antonio Afonso and Joao Jalles
Estimating complementarity among vertical restraints: Evidence from manufacturing firms pp. 3331-3338 Downloads
Xulia González and Daniel Miles
Transmission of stock prices amongst European countries before and during the Greek sovereign debt crisis pp. 3339-3353 Downloads
Go Tamakoshi and Shigeyuki Hamori
Contagious speculative bubbles: A note on the Greek sovereign debt crisis pp. A296 Downloads
Renatas Kizys and Christian Pierdzioch
Independence of the regulator and performance of mobile phones in the arab countries: econometric application pp. A43 Downloads
Debbichi Sami
Estimation of market power and cost interconnection in mobile tunisia pp. A44 Downloads
Debbichi Sami
Modeling the oil prices: analysis with the vector error correction model pp. A45 Downloads
Ahmed Hammadache
How reliable are the output gap measures: a statistical and structural investigation for france pp. A46 Downloads
Sarfaraz Ali Shah Syed
An empirical study between government sectoral expenditure and indian economic growth pp. A47 Downloads
Amalendu Bhunia
Measuring the impact of monetary policy: a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (favar) approach under bayesian framework pp. A48 Downloads
Hakimzadi Wagan
The changing international transmission of us monetary policy shocks: is there evidence of contagion effect on oecd countries pp. A49 Downloads
Irfan Akbar Kazi, Hakimzadi Wagan and Farhan Akbar
Taxing Cross-Border Commuters: Öresund and Beyond pp. A50 Downloads
Ali Onder and Ali Onder
The relevance of the inflation targeting policy: a new analysis approach of the evolutionary spectral analysis pp. A51 Downloads
Zied Ftiti and Sahbi Saadi
XV Applied Economics Meeting pp. A52 Downloads
Emma Iglesias and Emma Iglesias
Econometric analysis of carbon markets: the european union emissions trading scheme and the clean development mechanism pp. A53 Downloads
Julien Chevallier
A causal relationship between stock indices and exchange rates in india pp. A54 Downloads
Amalendu Bhunia
An analysis of the trend in economic capacity utilization and productivity growth of some energy intensive industries in india: 1979-80 to 2003-04 pp. A55 Downloads
Sarbapriya Ray
Indian economy and growth of financial market in the contemporary phase of globalization era pp. A56 Downloads
Malayendu Saha
Impact of remittances on the real effective exchange rate of tajikistan's national currency pp. A57 Downloads
Mirzosaid Sultonov
Measuring stock market volatility in oecd economy pp. A58 Downloads
Khaled Guesmi, Irfan Akbar Kazi and Farhan Akbar

2011, issue 3, vol 31

Modeling Volatility Using GARCH Models: Evidence from Vietnam pp. 1935-1942 Downloads
Tran Tuyen
Why do rice farmers in Taiwan not expand scale? Economies of scale and the estimation of short- and long-run cost efficiencies using stochastic frontier analysis with time-varying panel data model pp. 1943-1959 Downloads
Tsaiyu Chang
Nonlinear prediction of Malaysian exchange rate with monetary fundamentals pp. 1960-1967 Downloads
Chun-Teck Lye, Tze-Haw Chan and Chee-Wooi Hooy
Can asymmetries account for the empirical failure of the Fisher effect in South Africa? pp. 1968-1979 Downloads
Andrew Phiri and Peter Lusanga
Labor market matching with heterogeneous job seekers in China pp. 1980-1992 Downloads
Yang Liu
Exchange Rate Dynamics and Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates pp. 1993-2005 Downloads
Jamel Saadaoui
A legislative bargaining approach to earmarked public expenditures pp. 2006-2020 Downloads
Jeremy Jackson
Two Classes of Generalized Deprivation Indexes pp. 2021-2029 Downloads
Paolo Verme
Relational contracts as a foundation for contractual incompleteness pp. 2030-2040 Downloads
Claudine Desrieux and Jean Beuve
Ideas of Constructed Market in Late Imperial Russia: Constructivist Liberalism of Peter Struve (1870 – 1944) pp. 2041-2052 Downloads
Anna Klimina
Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Panel Gravity Model Approach pp. 2053-2065 Downloads
Turan Subasat and Sotiris Bellos
Equilibrium, Adverse Selection, and Statistical Distributions pp. 2066-2074 Downloads
Helton Saulo and Jeremias Leao
Welfare Effects of Access to Water Service in Cambodia pp. 2075-2089 Downloads
Theara Horn
The Sustainability of Trade Balances in China pp. 2090-2097 Downloads
Fengbao Yin and Shigeyuki Hamori
Tactical transfers in a federal institutional setting pp. 2098-2108 Downloads
Gabriele Guggiola
The mixed strategy equilibrium of the three-firm location game with discrete location choices pp. 2109-2116 Downloads
Zhiyong Huang
Do stock returns lead real economic activity? Evidence from seasonal cointegration analysis pp. 2117-2127 Downloads
Ozlem Goktas and Aycan Hepsag
The size distribution of all Cambodian establishments pp. 2128-2137 Downloads
Kiyoyasu Tanaka and Naomi Hatsukano
Spatial Analysis of Income Inequality in Agriculture pp. 2138-2150 Downloads
Robert Finger and Nadja El Benni
The Power of an Outside Option that Generates a Focal Point: An Experimental Investigation pp. 2151-2158 Downloads
Quazi Shahriar
Firm-Size and Inter-hierarchy Wage Dispersion in Shanghai pp. 2159-2166 Downloads
Vinod Mishra and Russell Smyth
Bayesian Factor Selection in Dynamic Term Structure Models pp. 2167-2176 Downloads
Márcio Laurini
Games on Social Networks: On a Problem Posed by Goyal pp. 2177-2184 Downloads
Ali Kakhbod and Demosthenis Teneketzis
Precocity and labor market outcomes: Evidence from professional basketball pp. 2185-2190 Downloads
Ryan Rodenberg and Jun Kim
European sovereign debt crisis and linkage of long-term government bond yields pp. 2191-2203 Downloads
Go Tamakoshi
A simple method for variance shift detection at unknown time points pp. 2204-2218 Downloads
Loredana Ureche-Rangau and Franck Speeg
Openness and growth in emerging Asian economies: Evidence from GMM estimations of a dynamic panel pp. 2219-2228 Downloads
Anupam Das and Biru Paul
Dynamic pricing rule and R&D pp. 2229-2236 Downloads
Régis Chenavaz
Revisit Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: evidence from Malaysia pp. 2237-2249 Downloads
Chor Foon Tang and Hooi Hooi Lean
Homeownership and investment for social capital in Japan: Dynamic Panel approach pp. 2250-2259 Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
Shock Persistence and Current Account Dynamics pp. 2260-2271 Downloads
Kang Shi
Foreign direct investment and corruption in developing economies: Evidence from linear and non-linear panel Granger causality tests pp. 2272-2283 Downloads
Roland Craigwell and Allan Wright
The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in human adaptive learning under strategic environments pp. 2284-2297 Downloads
Kazuhiro Miyagawa, Tadanobu Misawa and Tetsuya Shimokawa
Earnings efficiency and poverty dominance analysis: a spatial approach pp. 2298-2318 Downloads
Somnath Chattopadhyay
Rules of origin and international R&D rivalry pp. 2319-2332 Downloads
Kazuhiro Takauchi
Gender based intra-household inequality of opportunity in academic skills among Indian children pp. 2333-2346 Downloads
Ashish Singh
The Hedonic Price Function in a Matching Model of Housing Market pp. 2347-2355 Downloads
Gaetano Lisi
Comparative performance of renewable and nonrenewable energy source on economic growth and CO2 emissions of Europe and Eurasian countries: A PVAR approach pp. 2356-2372 Downloads
Aviral Tiwari
Fiscal Policy under the Debt Feedback Rule: The Case of Japan pp. 2373-2387 Downloads
Jun-Hyung Ko and Hiroshi Morita
Computationally efficient approximation for the double bootstrap mean bias correction pp. 2388-2403 Downloads
Rachida Ouysse
How Fast Wages Adjust to Prices: A Multi Country Analysis pp. 2404-2413 Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Massoumeh Hajilee
Spatially asymmetric firms and the sustainability of a price agreement pp. 2414-2421 Downloads
Stefano Colombo
Sexual orientation and occupational rank pp. 2422-2433 Downloads
Ali Ahmed, Lina Andersson and Mats Hammarstedt
Relationship between Crude Oil Prices and Stock Prices of Alternative Energy Companies with Recent Evidence pp. 2434-2443 Downloads
Alex Huang, Chiao-Ming Cheng, Wen-Cheng Hu and Chih-Chun Chen
Did the D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program Cause Out-of-State Tuition to Increase? pp. 2444-2453 Downloads
Yuexing Lan and John Winters
Cournot competition in spatial markets: a complementary result on complementarity pp. 2454-2467 Downloads
Andreea Cosnita-Langlais
Housing Prices and Fundamentals: The Role of a Supply Shifter pp. 2468-2479 Downloads
Nazif Durmaz
Taylor rules and the effects of debt-financed fiscal policy in a monetary growth model pp. 2480-2490 Downloads
Noritaka Kudoh and Hong Thang Nguyen
Consistency of the proposed additive measures of revealed comparative advantage pp. 2491-2499 Downloads
Ufuk Gunes Bebek
Wage differentials in Mexico's urban labor market pp. 2500-2508 Downloads
Carlo Alcaraz Pribaz, Daniel Chiquiar and Manuel Ramos-Francia
Ponzi game in OLG model with endogenous growth and productive government spending pp. 2509-2520 Downloads
Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
Applying a CART-based approach for the diagnostics of mass appraisal models pp. 2521-2528 Downloads
Elena Pokryshevskaya and Evgeny Antipov
Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the Normalized Concentration Ratio pp. 2529-2540 Downloads
Vasileios Manasis, Vassiliki Avgerinou, Ioannis Ntzoufras and J Reade
Inflation differentials in EMU: what can we learn from the time series evidence? pp. 2541-2548 Downloads
Thomai Filippeli
Overconfidence and excess entry: a comparison between students and managers pp. 2549-2557 Downloads
A. Rodrigues, Newton Da Costa and Sergio Da Silva
Scattered Fiscal Forecasts pp. 2558-2568 Downloads
Georg Stadtmann, Christian Pierdzioch and Jan Ruelke
The dynamics of the volatility – trading volume relationship: New evidence from developed and emerging markets pp. 2569-2583 Downloads
Loredana Ureche-Rangau, Fabien Collado and Ulysse Galiay
Identification of Driving Factors for Emerging Markets Sovereign Spreads pp. 2584-2592 Downloads
Edward Sun, Daniel Tenengauzer, Ali Bastani and Omid Rezania
Optimal taxation and budget deficits: Evidence for the EU's New Member States pp. 2593-2602 Downloads
Gerhard Reitschuler
What Drives the Regional Integration of Emerging Stock Markets? pp. 2603-2619 Downloads
Khaled Guesmi
Education and wage inequality in Europe pp. 2620-2628 Downloads
Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
Fiscal policy, economic activity and welfare: the case of Greece pp. 2629-2640 Downloads
Dimitris Papageorgiou
Investigating effects of oil price changes on the US, the UK and Japan pp. 2641-2652 Downloads
Yasunori Yoshizaki
The determinants of foreign direct investment outflows from the European Union countries pp. 2653-2666 Downloads
Hakan Mihci, Selim Çağatay and Onur Koska
Semi-endogenous growth when population is decreasing pp. 2667-2673 Downloads
Thomas Christiaans
Panel cointegration analysis of the Fisher effect: Evidence from the US, the UK, and Japan pp. 2674-2682 Downloads
Yuki Toyoshima and Shigeyuki Hamori
Export and economic growth in Southeast Asia current Newly Industrialized Countries: Evidence from nonparametric approach pp. 2683-2693 Downloads
Shiok Ye Lim, Mohd Fahmi Ghazali and Chong Mun Ho
Where to sell the next cappuccino? Income per capita and coffee consumption pp. 2694-2700 Downloads
Arturo Galindo
Purchasing Power Parity Revisited: A Time-Varying Parameter Approach pp. 2701-2708 Downloads
Tarkan Çavuşoğlu and Erdinc Telatar
Does international trade impact wage discrimination? pp. 2709-2724 Downloads
Jongsung Kim and Edinaldo Tebaldi
An empirical analysis on the efficiency of the microfinance investment market pp. 2725-2735 Downloads
Takeshi Inoue and Shigeyuki Hamori
The dividend puzzle and tax: a note pp. 2736-2743 Downloads
Frank Strobel
An application of dynamic games with complete and perfect information to central asian water conflict resolution pp. A30 Downloads
Mirzosaid Sultonov
Oil and gold: correlation or causation? pp. A31 Downloads
Thai-Ha Le and Youngho Chang
Decentralization and participatory rural development: a literature review pp. A32 Downloads
Muhammad Shakil Ahmad and Noraini Bt. Abu Talib
Co2 emission, economic growth, energy consumption and foreign trade in pakistan: causality analysis pp. A33 Downloads
Muhammad Anees, Shaukat Amer and Ishfaq Ahmed
Macro and Financial Econometrics pp. A34 Downloads
Menelaos karanasos Karanasos and Christian Conrad
Estimation of multiplayer effect of remittances on economy of tajikistan pp. A35 Downloads
Mirzosaid Sultonov
Public Finances and the Eurozone Economies: Past, Present and Future Perspectives pp. A36 Downloads
Pedro Vieira and Abel Fernandes
Value 2012: Value in Sustainable Business Practices pp. A37 Downloads
Denise Mare and Laura Mckeown
Integrated or segmented? a wavelet transform analysis on relationship between stock and real estate markets pp. A38 Downloads
Ching-Chin Chou and Show-Lin Chen
The role of transparency in currency crisis models: a laboratory experiment pp. A39 Downloads
Emna Trabelsi
2011 North American Economic Science Association Conference pp. A40 Downloads
John Wooders and John Wooders
Globalisation and the challenges of unemployment in pakistan pp. A41 Downloads
Muhammad Tahir
Identifying interdependency among monetary policy, exchange rates, reits and stock markets during the period of global financial crisis in oecd countries pp. A42 Downloads
Irfan Akbar Kazi, Hakimzadi Wagan and Farhan Akbar

2011, issue 2, vol 31

Risk transmission between Latin America stock markets and the US: impacts of the 2007/2008 Crisis pp. 1025-1037 Downloads
Fernanda Barba and Paulo Ceretta
Tests on price linkage between the U.S. and Japanese gold and silver futures markets pp. 1038-1046 Downloads
Kentaka Aruga and Shunsuke Managi
The Impact of Differential Capital Income Taxation on the Value of Risky Projects pp. 1047-1054 Downloads
Rainer Niemann and Caren Sureth
A longitudinal analysis of piracy in shipping pp. 1055-1062 Downloads
Pierre Cariou and François-Charles Wolff
The co-evolution of social capital and financial development pp. 1063-1081 Downloads
Marc Sangnier
Time varying regional integration in emerging stock market pp. 1082-1094 Downloads
Khaled Guesmi
Microcredit - A More Credible Social than Economic Program in Bangladesh pp. 1095-1104 Downloads
Rafiqul Molla and Md. Mahmudul Alam
Modeling the volatility of Mediterranean stock markets: a regime-switching approach pp. 1105-1113 Downloads
Walid Chkili and Duc Khuong Nguyen
Inflation inertia and optimal delegation of monetary policy pp. 1114-1124 Downloads
Keiichi Morimoto
Product differentiation in a spatial Cournot model with asymmetric demand pp. 1125-1130 Downloads
Kai Andree and Juljana Calaki
Exchange rate fluctuations and extra-eurozone exports: A comparison of Germany and France pp. 1131-1150 Downloads
Serge Rey
The Relationship of the value of the Dollar, and the Prices of Gold and Oil: A Tale of Asset Risk pp. 1151-1162 Downloads
Myeong Hwan Kim and David Dilts
Onto Exchange Rate's Short Run Impact on Oil Prices Dynamics: An OPEC Members' perspective pp. 1163-1171 Downloads
Sadek Melhem and Michel Terraza
Purchasing power parity in G-7 countries: Further evidence based on ADL test for threshold cointegration pp. 1172-1182 Downloads
Tsangyao Chang, Chia-hao Lee and Pei-I Chou
Estimation of consumption-capital asset pricing model (C-CAPM) with two clusters of consumption expenditures pp. 1183-1187 Downloads
Atsushi Maki and Kenji Wada
Timing of debt issues: Evidence from a panel of Tunisian and French firms pp. 1188-1197 Downloads
Khemaies Bougatef and Jameleddine Chichti
The Environmental Consequences of Economic Growth Revisited pp. 1198-1211 Downloads
Hyun Kim and Jungho Baek
Estimation of equilibrium exchange rate in CEECs: a rolling window approach pp. 1212-1222 Downloads
Claudiu Albulescu and Daniel Goyeau
Capital Accumulation and Social Welfare in Fiscal Federalism and the Unitary System pp. 1223-1236 Downloads
Wempi Saputra
Measuring the Impact of the GFC on European Equity Markets pp. 1237-1246 Downloads
George Milunovich
Purchasing Power Parity and the Chinese Yuan pp. 1247-1255 Downloads
Richard Gregory and Gary Shelley
Migration history, remittances and poverty in rural mexico pp. 1256-1264 Downloads
Alejandro Lopez-Feldman
Examining tradeable permits with market power, banking and non-compliance: a finite period model pp. 1265-1274 Downloads
Aparna Sawhney and Susmita Mitra
Sluggish information diffusion and monetary policy shocks pp. 1275-1287 Downloads
Orlando Gomes and Vivaldo Mendes
The Implications of Quantity-Discounted Transportation Rates on Output Effect of Discriminatory F.O.B. Pricing pp. 1288-1294 Downloads
Yeung-Nan Shieh
Competing impure public goods and the sustainability of the theater arts pp. 1295-1303 Downloads
Tyler Pugliese and Jeffrey Wagner
Comment on William Baumol's “Toward a newer economics: The future lies ahead!” pp. 1304-1312 Downloads
Marco Piatti and Benno Torgler
No Trade, Informed Trading, and Accuracy of Information pp. 1313-1321 Downloads
Shino Takayama and Jayanaka Wijeratne
Sectoral Price Dynamics in Japan: A Threshold Approach pp. 1322-1335 Downloads
Nicolas Canry, Julien Fouquau and Sebastien Lechevalier
An exploratory analysis of the relationship between social interactions, income and health in Italy pp. 1336-1352 Downloads
Damiano Fiorillo and Fabio Sabatini
Portfolio Choice and Precautionary Savings pp. 1353-1361 Downloads
Riccardo Calcagno and Mariacristina Rossi
Wealth effects and cross-country co-movement of labor pp. 1362-1371 Downloads
Quoc Hung Nguyen
Fuel taxes and tolls in cost-benefit analysis pp. 1372-1378 Downloads
Pedro Godinho and Joana Dias
Break-even inflation rate and the risk premium: an alternative approach to the VAR models in forecasting the CPI pp. 1379-1390 Downloads
João Caldeira and Luiz Furlani
Is GDP in ASEAN countries stationary? New evidence from panel unit root tests pp. 1391-1400 Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka
Empirical Investigation of Systemic Risk in the New EU States pp. 1401-1412 Downloads
Nikolay Nenovsky, Amine Lahiani and Petar Chobanov
Bank liabilities and the monetary transmission mechanism pp. 1413-1431 Downloads
Steven Sumner and Guy Yamashiro
Purchasing power parity hypothesis among the main trading partners of Turkey pp. 1432-1438 Downloads
Giray Gözgör
Cross country mean and volatility spillover effects of food prices: multivariate GARCH analysis pp. 1439-1450 Downloads
Fardous Alom, Bert Ward and Baiding Hu
A Note on International Emissions Trading with Endogenous Allowance Choices pp. 1451-1462 Downloads
Alessio D Amato and Edilio Valentini
Family background, academic ability and associated inequality of opportunity in India pp. 1463-1473 Downloads
Ashish Singh
Interjurisdictional tax competition for domestic and foreign capital pp. 1474-1482 Downloads
Li-Chen Hsu
Evaluating a Self-Organizing Map for Clustering and Visualizing Optimum Currency Area Criteria pp. 1483-1495 Downloads
Peter Sarlin
On the contribution of the three I's of poverty to chronic and transitory poverty pp. 1496-1508 Downloads
Osnat Israeli and Michal Weber
The role of family in suicide rate in Italy pp. 1509-1519 Downloads
Claudio Detotto and Valerio Sterzi
Preemptive acquisition and downgrading innovation pp. 1520-1529 Downloads
Ornella Tarola
An econometric analysis of the output gap fluctuations: The case of Lebanon pp. 1530-1547 Downloads
Jean-François Verne
The Allocation of Merit Pay in Academia: A Case Study pp. 1548-1562 Downloads
Finn Christensen, James Manley and Louise Laurence
Foreign Reserves and Economic Growth: Granger Causality Analysis with Panel Data pp. 1563-1575 Downloads
Mei-yin Lin
Estimating the import demand function in the autoregressive distributed lag framework: The case of China pp. 1576-1591 Downloads
Fengbao Yin and Shigeyuki Hamori
The effects of ICT use on employee's motivations: an empirical evaluation pp. 1592-1605 Downloads
Ludivine Martin
The profitability of technical analysis in the Taiwan-U.S. forward foreign exchange market pp. 1606-1612 Downloads
Yun-Shan Dai and Wei-Ming Lee
Gold and financial assets: Are there any safe havens in bear markets? pp. 1613-1622 Downloads
Virginie Coudert and Helene Raymond
Trade and economic growth: Is export-led growth passé? pp. 1623-1630 Downloads
Akihiro Kubo
Algorithmic complexity theory detects decreases in the relative efficiency of stock markets in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis pp. 1631-1647 Downloads
Cleiton Taufemback, Ricardo Giglio and Sergio Da Silva
Testing the "Catching up with the Joneses" Model with Consumption Externality in Japan pp. 1648-1658 Downloads
Akihiko Noda
Do international capital flows smooth or transmit macroeconomic volatility? Time-series evidence from emerging markets pp. 1659-1672 Downloads
Scott Hegerty
The stabilization of foreign bank lending: A neglected benefit of hard pegs pp. 1673-1685 Downloads
Caroline Duburcq and Eric Girardin
Specialized advertising and price competition with endogenous advertising fees pp. 1686-1695 Downloads
Jose M. Hernandez and Lola Esteban
The Cost of Volatile Investment in an Emerging Economy pp. 1696-1705 Downloads
Reinout De Bock
The link between R&D investment and market structure: evidence from Japan pp. 1706-1716 Downloads
Keiichi Shima
Estimating value at risk and optimal hedge ratio in Latin markets: a copula-based GARCH approach pp. 1717-1730 Downloads
Marcelo Righi and Paulo Sérgio Ceretta
Wavelet packet transforms analysis applied to carbon prices pp. 1731-1747 Downloads
Julien Chevallier
Structural changes in exchange rate regimes in Brazil pp. 1748-1756 Downloads
Reginaldo Nogueira, Claudio Shikida and Ari Francisco de Araujo
Unconcerned groups and the majority rule pp. 1757-1764 Downloads
Antonio Quesada
First-price vs second-price auctions under risk aversion and private affiliated values pp. 1765-1771 Downloads
François Maréchal
A log-periodic fit for the flash crash of May 6, 2010 pp. 1772-1779 Downloads
Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
An agent-based model approach to innovation niche creation in socio-technical transition pathways pp. 1780-1792 Downloads
Antonio Lopolito, Piergiuseppe Morone and Richard Taylor
A structural VAR analysis of renewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions: Evidence from India pp. 1793-1806 Downloads
Aviral Tiwari
Structural change in the forward discount: a Bayesian analysis of forward rate unbiasedness hypothesis pp. 1807-1826 Downloads
Yi-Chi Chen and Wei-Choun Yu
Investor behavior heterogeneity in the French stock market pp. 1827-1836 Downloads
Rania Guirat
Spatial Autoregressive Models for House Price Dynamics in Italy pp. 1837-1855 Downloads
Tiziana Caliman and Enrico di Bella
Fiscal Policy and US-Canadian Trade pp. 1856-1868 Downloads
Gianluca Lagana and Pasquale Sgro
A Note on Shock Persistence in Total Factor Productivity Growth pp. 1869-1893 Downloads
Tapas Mishra, Bazoumana Ouattara and Mamata Parhi
Monotonicity of additive indices of revealed comparative advantage pp. 1894-1901 Downloads
Ufuk Gunes Bebek
Multi-stage Double Auctions With Many Bidders pp. 1902-1909 Downloads
Rittwik Chatterjee
The worst forms of child labour: dynamic model and policy implication pp. 1910-1921 Downloads
Kouki Sugawara
Closeness and Turnout: Evidence from Election of Taiwan pp. 1922-1928 Downloads
Mei-yin Lin, Yi-ting Tseng and Jue-shyan Wang
The Demand for Money in a Simultaneous-Equation Framework pp. 1929-1934 Downloads
A. M. M. Jamal and Yu Hsing
Asset price dynamic with heterogeneous agents pp. A18 Downloads
Rania Guirat
Comparing responses of disaggregated stocks to events affecting stock market functionalities: a case of karachi stock market, pakistan pp. A19 Downloads
Muhammad Anees
2011 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET 2011) pp. A20 Downloads
Esmeralda Ramalho and Esmeralda Ramalho
Bidding behaviours in ebay auctions: secret reservation price and endogenous entry pp. A21 Downloads
Feng Jiao
Exchange rate regimes and economic growth: an econometric investigation pp. A22 Downloads
El Fessi Sana
What drive the regional integration of emerging stock markets? pp. A23 Downloads
Khaled Guesmi
Zero Bound on Interest Rates and New Directions in Monetary Policy pp. A24 Downloads
Jerzy (jurek) Konieczny and Jerzy (jurek) Konieczny
JOLATE XII pp. A25 Downloads
Martin Egozcue and Marcel Vaillant
The exchange rate regime and the gdp: a case study of south korea pp. A26 Downloads
Usama Al-mulali and Che Normee Che Sab
Workshop: Cooperation, Matching and Collective Goods pp. A27 Downloads
Jorge Oviedo and Jorge Oviedo
Industrial location under globalisation in india: evidence from unorganised manufacturing industries pp. A28 Downloads
Dilip Saikia
Agriculture-industry linkages in india: evidences and some issues pp. A29 Downloads
Dilip Saikia

2011, issue 1, vol 31

Long-run strong-exogeneity pp. 1-8 Downloads
Christophe Rault
The tragedy of commons and free mobility pp. 9-16 Downloads
Dolgorsuren Dorj
Public debt accumulation and institutional quality: can corruption improve welfare? pp. 17-28 Downloads
Pierre-Henri Faure
A note on the relationship of mainstream and art house movie theaters pp. 29-34 Downloads
Christopher Müller and Enrico Böhme
Pitfall of simple permanent income hypothesis model pp. 35-40 Downloads
Kazuto Masuda
Reexamining the Economics of Marital Infidelity pp. 41-52 Downloads
Joel Potter
Do editors favor their students' work? A test of undue favoritism in top economics journals pp. 53-65 Downloads
Michael Hilmer and Christiana Hilmer
The necessary condition for stability in Tobin's Walras-Keynes-Phillips model: A note pp. 66-74 Downloads
Subrata Guha
Network externalities and differentiation in an entry model pp. 75-84 Downloads
Stefano Colombo
Efficiency vs. market-power effects in the mobile-voice industry pp. 85-92 Downloads
Corrado Andini
Exploring the inter-industry wage premia in Portugal along the wage distribution: evidence from EU-SILC data pp. 93-99 Downloads
Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
A note on concavity, homogeneity and non-Increasing returns to scale pp. 100-105 Downloads
Juan Prada Sarmiento
Direct proofs of order independence pp. 106-115 Downloads
Krzysztof Apt
Voluntary agreements with Industries - participation incentives with industry-wide targets: a comment pp. 116-121 Downloads
Anne-sarah Chiambretto and Hubert Stahn
Relationship between financing facilities and small and medium industries: empirical evidence from ARDL bound testing approach pp. 122-133 Downloads
Mori Kogid, Kasim Mansur, Dullah Mulok and Julian P. Sidin
Are EU-15 and CEEC agricultural exports in competition? Evidence for 1995-2005 pp. 134-146 Downloads
Marie-Line Duboz and Julie Le Gallo
Innovation and Growth in the Grossman-Helpman's 1991 Model with Increasing Returns pp. 147-155 Downloads
Giulio Guarini
A note on horizontal mergers in vertically related industries pp. 156-166 Downloads
Marie-Laure Allain and Saïd Souam
The Porter hypothesis and hyperbolic discounting pp. 167-176 Downloads
Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Discriminating strategic reciprocity and acquired trust in the repeated trust-game pp. 177-188 Downloads
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde and Anne Corcos
Are Fruit and Vegetable Prices Non-linear Stationary? Evidence from Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models pp. 189-207 Downloads
Jhih-Hong Zeng, Chun-Ping Chang and Chien-Chiang Lee
Human resource management on dairy farms: Does investing in people matter? pp. 208-217 Downloads
Jeffrey Hyde, Sarah Cornelisse and Lisa Holden
Estimating Tax-Elasticities of Foreign Direct Investment: The Importance of Tax Havens pp. 218-232 Downloads
Peter Schwarz
The Cournot-Bertrand profit differential in a differentiated duopoly with unions and labour decreasing returns pp. 233-244 Downloads
Luciano Fanti and Nicola Meccheri
Individual and institutional determinants of the male female wage gap among U.S. economics faculty pp. 245-254 Downloads
Todd Cherry, Garey Durden and Patricia Gaynor
Anticipating correlations between EUAs and CERs: a Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH model pp. 255-272 Downloads
Julien Chevallier
Fair wages, Urban Unemployment and Welfare in a Developing Economy pp. 273-285 Downloads
Hamid Beladi, Chi-Chur Chao and Daniel Hollas
Coalition Stability with Heterogeneous Agents pp. 286-296 Downloads
Alejandro Caparros, Eric Giraud-Héraud, Abdelhakim Hammoudi and Tarik Tazdaït
A flexible CO2 targeting regime pp. 297-308 Downloads
Peter Karpestam and Fredrik Andersson
Profitability, success probabilities, and incentives for cooperative R&D pp. 309-314 Downloads
Wen-Chung Guo
Financial Confidence Among Retirees: The Role of Financial Advice and Planning Duration pp. 315-323 Downloads
Swarnankur Chatterjee, John Salter and Nathaniel Harness
Health and Early Retirement: Evidence from French Data for individuals pp. 324-341 Downloads
Thomas Barnay and Karine Briard
Threshold Effect and Financial Intermediation in Economic Development pp. 342-357 Downloads
Laurent Augier and Wahyoe Soedarmono
The European fiscal framework: What lessons can we learn from the crisis? pp. 358-366 Downloads
Christophe Schalck
Long-run Determinants of Sovereign Yields pp. 367-374 Downloads
Christophe Rault and Antonio Afonso
A note on poor-institution traps in international fiscal policy games pp. 375-387 Downloads
Pierre-Henri Faure
The gains from commitment when inflation persistence and data uncertainty coexist pp. 388-395 Downloads
Daisuke Ida
The Bus Rapid Transit Project in Bangkok: A Case of Traffic Misallocations? pp. 396-403 Downloads
Thiraphong Vikitset
Has fiscal discretion during good times and bad times changed in the euro area countries? pp. 404-415 Downloads
Florence Huart
Economic Growth and Government Size in OECD Countries: New Evidence from the Quantile Regression Approach pp. 416-425 Downloads
Sheng-Tung Chen, Chi-Chung Chen and Yoonbai Kim
Heterogeneity in a Class of Two-Player Games pp. 426-435 Downloads
Charles Figuieres and Frédéric Rychen
A gender-adjusted measure of literacy pp. 436-441 Downloads
Sreenivasan Subramanian
Identifying efficiency drivers in the greek sausage industry: a double bootstrap DEA approach pp. 442-452 Downloads
Ioanna Keramidou, Angelos Mimis and Evangelia Pappa
Governance and Foreign Aid in ASIAN Countries pp. 453-465 Downloads
Aviral Tiwari and Mamoni Kalita
Estimating the size of the trade sector in the Economic Freedom of the World index pp. 466-472 Downloads
Joshua Hall, Robert Lawson and Chuck Skipton
The Long-Run Relationship Between Inflation and the Markup in the U.S pp. 473-484 Downloads
Sandeep Mazumder
A note on the existence of monetary equilibrium in a stochastic OLG model with a finite state space pp. 485-492 Downloads
Eisei Ohtaki
In search of a selfish central banker? a note pp. 493-498 Downloads
Eric Dehay
Small buyers pp. 499-506 Downloads
Chris Doyle
Universities and authors: a ranking for international finance pp. 507-518 Downloads
Paulo Sousa and Pedro Vieira
Foreign aid, women in parliament and corruption: empirical evidence from the 2000s pp. 519-533 Downloads
Elias Shukralla and William Allan
Power in the European Union: an evaluation according to a priori relations between states pp. 534-545 Downloads
Sébastien Courtin
Learning strategies in modelling economic growth pp. 546-559 Downloads
Juan Brida, Juan Pereyra and Wiston Risso
Does asymmetric information play a role in explaining the Asian crisis? Application to Indonesian and Malaysian cases using a two-state Markov Switching model pp. 560-571 Downloads
Emna Trabelsi
Structural Changes and Regional Disparity in China's Inflation pp. 572-583 Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Ning Zhang and Qu Feng
Semiparametric estimation of on-stie count data models pp. 584-590 Downloads
Masaki Narukawa and Katsuhito Nohara
Estimating the Wage Curve with Spatial Effects and Spline Functions pp. 591-604 Downloads
Martin Falk and Thomas Leoni
Volatility of Remittances to Pakistan: What do the Data Tell? pp. 605-612 Downloads
Mazhar Mughal and Farid Makhlouf
Local finance-growth nexus: Does bank ownership matter? pp. 613-622 Downloads
Masanori Ohkuma and Teruo Mori
A solution concept for housing market problems with externalities pp. 623-630 Downloads
Alfredo Salgado-Torres
Antidumping Petition: To File or Not To File pp. 631-643 Downloads
Shih-Jye Wu, Yang-Ming Chang and Hung-Yi Chen
Explaining cross-industry heterogeneity in price stickiness pp. 644-653 Downloads
Luis Alvarez, Pablo Burriel and Ignacio Hernando
Plurality with run-off and triangulars pp. 654-661 Downloads
Abdoul Ndiaye
Symmetry of shocks across China: a VAR approach pp. 662-678 Downloads
Yuexing Lan and Kevin Sylwester
Mean-reverting behavior of consumption-income ratio in OECD countries: evidence from SURADF panel unit root tests pp. 679-686 Downloads
Shu-Yi Liao, Mao-Lung Huang and Lan-Hsun Wang
Social Insurance and Wealth Distribution pp. 687-698 Downloads
Minchung Hsu
A Note on Income Heterogeneity, Dietary Choice and Medical Services: Implications for Health Outcomes pp. 699-707 Downloads
Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and Junsang Lee
Global sourcing – a critical reconsideration of sector definitions pp. 708-713 Downloads
Christian Schwarz
Collusion in repeated auctions: a simple dynamic mechanism pp. 714-721 Downloads
Wouter Vergote
Residential segregation and black-white intermarriage pp. 722-738 Downloads
Finn Christensen
Income Inequality in Rural India: Decomposing the Gini by Income Sources pp. 739-748 Downloads
Mehtabul Azam and Abusaleh Shariff
Manipulation of the Borda rule by introduction of a similar candidate pp. 749-758 Downloads
Jérôme Serais
Monetary Policy, Asset Price Inflation and Consumer Price Inflation pp. 759-770 Downloads
Fredrik Andersson
The diffusion of new technology: adoption subsidies, spillovers, and transaction costs pp. 771-781 Downloads
Chokri Dridi and Naceur Khraief
Noise traders or Fundamentalists? A Wavelet approach pp. 782-791 Downloads
François Benhmad
A wavelet analysis of oil price volatility dynamic pp. 792-806 Downloads
François Benhmad
Mind the gap! A note on the income and the substitution effects pp. 807-811 Downloads
Luca Panaccione
Marshall`s Rules with Aggregate Inputs pp. 812-819 Downloads
Alberto Behar
Do procedures matter in fairness allocations? Experimental evidence in mixed gender pairings pp. 820-829 Downloads
Utteeyo Dasgupta
Hurst's exponent behaviour, weak-form stock market efficiency and financial liberalization: the Tunisian case pp. 830-843 Downloads
Chaker Aloui and Ben hamida Hela
Population growth and standard of living: A threshold regression approach pp. 844-859 Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka and Qaiser Munir
Are exports and imports cointegrated in India and China? An empirical analysis pp. 860-873 Downloads
Aviral Tiwari
On the performance of the representative agent during out-of-equilibrium dynamics pp. 874-882 Downloads
Zakaria Babutsidze
Impacts of Macroeconomic Variables on the U.S. Stock Market Index and Policy Implications pp. 883-892 Downloads
Yu Hsing
Does offering more Advanced Placement courses increase enrollment? pp. 893-904 Downloads
Bree Lang
A new monetary aggregates measurement: Application to Taiwanese data pp. 905-915 Downloads
Ju-Ann Yang, Shyan-Rong Chou and Chen-Hsun Lee
Modeling interbank relations during the international financial crisis pp. 916-924 Downloads
Christos Savva
The "spurious regression problem" in the classical regression model framework pp. 925-937 Downloads
Gueorgui Kolev
The Stackelberg equilibrium as a consistent conjectural equilibrium pp. 938-949 Downloads
Ludovic Julien, Olivier Musy and Aurélien Saidi
Trade Flows of Bangladesh: A Gravity Model Approach pp. 950-959 Downloads
Mili Roy and Md. Israt Rayhan
Do on/off time series models reproduce emerging stock market comovements? pp. 960-968 Downloads
Mohamed Arouri and Fredj Jawadi
Relative Factor Return Gaps in Labour Markets and Global Integration pp. 969-988 Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
Optimizing the new formulation of the United Nations' human development index: An empirical view from data envelopment analysis pp. 989-1003 Downloads
Stéphane Blancard and Jean-François Hoarau
Aid unpredictability and absorptive capacity: analyzing disbursement delays in Africa pp. 1004-1017 Downloads
Gaoussou Diarra
An incentive to increase laborers' productivity with adopting performance-based wages and paid vacations pp. 1018-1024 Downloads
Yui Nakamura
Governance Quality, Market Structure and Innovation: An International Conference pp. A10 Downloads
Mehmet Ugur and Mehmet Ugur
A VAR analysis of FDI and environmental regulation: China's case pp. A11 Downloads
Wen-bin Peng, Kun Tian and Guo-Cheng Xiang
Summer School "Religion, Culture and Society" (28 August - 4 September 2011) pp. A12 Downloads
Christel Van wonterghem and Sara Mels
Changes in human development in developing countries: an empirical assessment pp. A13 Downloads
Minh Dao
BMRC-QASS Conference on Macro and Financial Economics pp. A14 Downloads
Menelaos Karanasos and Menelaos Karanasos
EEFS2011 pp. A15 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis and Georgios Chortareas
Effects of global financial crisis on turkey [ küresel finans krizinin türkiye'ye etkileri ] pp. A16 Downloads
Aykut Kibritçioğlu
Central European Program in Economic Theory (CEPET) Workshop pp. A17 Downloads
Nicholas Baigent and Nicholas Baigent
Measuring financial risk using extreme value theory: evidence from pakistan pp. A2 Downloads
Abdul Qayyum and Faisal Nawaz
Social Decision Making: Bridging Economics and Evolutionary Biology pp. A3 Downloads
Claire El mouden and Claire El mouden
Microeconomic Aspects of the Globalization of Inflation pp. A4 Downloads
Mark Wynne and Raphael Auer
Are domestic Asian markets integrated with the regional one? An empirical assessment pp. A5 Downloads
Khaled Guesmi
Co2 emissions, energy imports, economic growth in pakistan: causality analysis pp. A6 Downloads
Muhammad Anees
Revealed comparative advantage and the context of brazil in international dairy market pp. A7 Downloads
Kennya Siqueira, Glauco Carvalho and Lucas Pinha
Free trade agreements, exhange rates and foreign portfolio investment in pakistan. dynamic causality analysis pp. A8 Downloads
Muhammad Anees, Ahmed Jamil and Faisal Shahzad
Public participation, government regulation and environment pollutions in china: a causality analysis using regional panel data pp. A9 Downloads
Wen-bin Peng, Kun Tian, Yin-Hua Tian and Guo-Cheng Xiang
Page updated 2025-03-31