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Economics Bulletin

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2008, issue 37, vol 28

Current Challenges in the Global Economy: Prospects and Policy Reforms pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2008, issue 36, vol 28

II SUMMER SCHOOL IN PUBLIC ECONOMICS: Economics of Taxation & Political Economy pp. A0 Downloads
Pilar Sorribas-Navarro and Pilar Sorribas-Navarro

2008, issue 35, vol 28

Conference on Quantitative Social Science Research Using R pp. A0 Downloads
Hrishikesh Vinod

2008, issue 34, vol 28

Macroeconomic and policy implications of underground economy and tax evasion pp. A0 Downloads
William Addessi and Francesco Busato

2008, issue 33, vol 28

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "The Pursuit of Happiness" pp. A0 Downloads
Deirdre d'Albertis and Deirdre d'Albertis

2008, issue 32, vol 28

Telecommunications infrastructure and economic performance pp. A0 Downloads
Carmen Astorne-Figari and Laura Recuero

2008, issue 31, vol 28

New Directions in Welfare pp. A0 Downloads
Paul Anand

2008, issue 30, vol 28

Joao Ricardo Faria and Joao Ricardo Faria

2008, issue 29, vol 28

Mixed Poisson models and singular spectrum analysis in marketing research, econometrics and other areas pp. A0 Downloads
Hossein Hassani and Anatoly Zhigljavsky

2008, issue 28, vol 28

Well-being: are we happy with our standard of living? pp. A0 Downloads
Gennaro Zezza and Gennaro Zezza

2008, issue 27, vol 28

Geographical Localization and Economic Activity pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2008, issue 26, vol 28

The Irish Society of New Economists 5th Annual Conference (2008) pp. A0 Downloads
Martin Ryan

2008, issue 25, vol 28

Applied International Business Conference 2008 pp. A0 Downloads
Venus Liew

2008, issue 24, vol 28

PET08, Seoul: Submission deadline moved to April 2, 2008 pp. A0 Downloads
John Conley and John Conley

2008, issue 23, vol 28

PET08, Seoul pp. A0 Downloads
John Conley

2008, issue 22, vol 28

SUMMER SCHOOL IN PUBLIC ECONOMICS: Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies pp. A0 Downloads
Pilar Sorribas and Pere Arqué

2008, issue 21, vol 28

XVII European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory pp. A0 Downloads
Elena del Mercato

2008, issue 20, vol 28

Public goods, externalities, public decision making: a perspective from the history of economic thought pp. A0 Downloads
Gilbert Faccarello and Gilbert Faccarello

2008, issue 19, vol 28

PET08 pp. A0 Downloads
John Conley and John Conley

2008, issue 18, vol 28

Small Open Economies in a Globalized World pp. A0 Downloads
Jerzy Konieczny

2008, issue 17, vol 28

29th CIRET conference - Business tendency surveys and policy formulation pp. A0 Downloads
Daniel Bloesch and Daniel Bloesch

2008, issue 16, vol 28

New evidence on stylized facts of the business cycle: An International Investigation (1960-2004) pp. A0 Downloads
Mike Tsionas, Tryphon Kollintzas and Ioanna Konstantakopoulou

2008, issue 15, vol 28

Nilgün Çil Yavuz

2008, issue 14, vol 28

Predicting the continuance usage of information systems: A comparison of three alternative models pp. A0 Downloads
Shu-Chuan Wang and Kwoting Fang

2008, issue 13, vol 28

Further theoretical and empirical evidence on money to growth relation pp. A0 Downloads
Christophe Rault, Alexandru Minea and Patrick Villieu

2008, issue 12, vol 28

Monetary policy should be aggressive -result of the flattening phillips curve- pp. A0 Downloads
Kazuto Masuda

2008, issue 11, vol 28

Mathematical modeling for price variations arising from changing the price of other goods pp. A0 Downloads
Iraj Rezakhani

2008, issue 10, vol 28

Autocratic rule in ethnically-diverse societies pp. A0 Downloads
J. Atsu Amegashie

2008, issue 9, vol 28

Market Size Difference between Home Country and Foreign Country and Shrinkage on the Optimal Licensing Mode pp. A0 Downloads
Ming-Chung Chang

2008, issue 8, vol 28

Uninsurable Risks: Uncertainty in Production, the Value of Information and Price Dispersion pp. A0 Downloads
Ana Paula Martins

2008, issue 7, vol 28

New economics of risk and uncertainty: theory and applications (a book) pp. A0 Downloads
Moawia Alghalith

2008, issue 6, vol 28

Rapid Growth and Macroeconomic Stability pp. A0 Downloads
Kazuto Masuda

2008, issue 5, vol 28

Socially-Tolerable Discrimination pp. A0 Downloads
J. Atsu Amegashie

2008, issue 4, vol 28

The international price of idiosyncratic risk pp. A0 Downloads
Mohamed Arouri

2008, issue 3, vol 28

Old Wine in New Bottles: Growth-Savings Nexus,An Innovation Accounting Technique in Pakistan pp. A0 Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz

2008, issue 2, vol 28

Trading of Innovations to Combat Globalization pp. A0 Downloads
Balkrishna Rao, Shrikanth Rao and Anantha Sundararajan

2008, issue 1, vol 28

Old Wine in New Bottles: Growth-Savings Nexus: An Innovation Accounting Technique in Pakistan pp. A0 Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz

2008, issue 2, vol 26

The factors affecting team performance in the NFL: does off-field conduct matter? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Anthony Stair, John Neral, Daniel Mizak and April Day

2008, issue 1, vol 26

Determinants of trust in a racially homogeneous society pp. 1-9 Downloads
Eiji Yamamura

2008, issue 5, vol 18

Determinants of new firm formation in Japan: A comparison of the manufacturing and service sectors pp. 1-7 Downloads
Akihiro Otsuka

2008, issue 3, vol 18

Air pollution and unleaded gasoline in Mexico City pp. 1-13 Downloads
Bríd Hanna and Alethia Jimenez Garcia

2008, issue 2, vol 18

Regional Convergence in the European Union: Results from a Panel Data Model pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez

2008, issue 1, vol 18

"Taste heterogeneity, labor mobility and economic geography" - A critical reconsideration and correction pp. 1-13 Downloads
Stephan Russek

2008, issue 22, vol 17

Do the Malthusian fears ever die? A note on the recent increase in food prices pp. 1-11 Downloads
Argentino Pessoa

2008, issue 21, vol 17

Economic Instruments and Resource Use in a Recyclable Product Market pp. 1-10 Downloads
Norimichi Matsueda and Yoko Nagase

2008, issue 20, vol 17

Energy Prices and Induced Technological Progress pp. 1-14 Downloads
Surender Kumar

2008, issue 17, vol 17

Oil price and macroeconomy in Russia pp. 1-9 Downloads
Katsuya Ito

2008, issue 16, vol 17

The impacts of Atlantic bonito rush and the avian influenza on meat products in Turkey pp. 1-10 Downloads
Sayed Saghaian, Gokhan Ozertan and Aslihan D. Spaulding

2008, issue 15, vol 17

A theoretical analysis of random inspections and fines in invasive species management pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tao Peng and Seung Jick Yoo

2008, issue 14, vol 17

Strategic Manipulation on Emissions Trading Banking Program with Fixed Horizon pp. 1-9 Downloads
Julien Chevallier

2008, issue 13, vol 17

Fossil fuels supplied by oligopolies: On optimal taxation and rent capture pp. 1-11 Downloads
Julien Daubanes

2008, issue 12, vol 17

The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Farm Profitability: An Initial Assessment pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jeffrey Hyde, Lisa Holden and Richard Stup

2008, issue 11, vol 17

Growth–trade–environment nexus in India pp. 1-11 Downloads
Pradyot Jena and Ulrike Grote

2008, issue 10, vol 17

The impact of federal indemnification on livestock biosecurity pp. 1-9 Downloads
Andrew Muhammad and Keithly Jones

2008, issue 9, vol 17

Bankruptcy risk and the performance of tradable permit markets pp. 1-9 Downloads
John Stranlund and Wei Zhang

2008, issue 8, vol 17

Is nutritional improvement a cause or a consequence of economic growth? Evidence from Mauritius pp. 1-11 Downloads
Harris Neeliah and Bhavani Shankar

2008, issue 7, vol 17

Providing quality recreation experiences in Japan pp. 1-11 Downloads
Yasushi Shoji, Koichi Kuriyama, Taro Mieno and Yohei Mitani

2008, issue 6, vol 17

Oil Prices, aggregate economic activity and global liquidity conditions: evidence from Turkey pp. 1-8 Downloads
C. Emre Alper and Orhan Torul

2008, issue 3, vol 17

Why some countries adopt ecolabeling schemes in their regulatory arsenal and others do not? pp. 1-11 Downloads
Gilles Grolleau and Sana Harbi

2008, issue 2, vol 17

Asymmetric price adjustment of Ukrainian feed wheat export prices in relation to U.S. maize exports: A Note pp. 1-8 Downloads
Atanu Ghoshray

2008, issue 1, vol 17

Determinants of Agricultural Protection in Industrial Countries: An Empirical Investigation pp. 1-11 Downloads
Jin Inhwan

2008, issue 20, vol 15

Optimal intellectual property rights protection: the case of Colombia pp. 1-15 Downloads
Francesco Bogliacino and Alberto Naranjo

2008, issue 19, vol 15

Horizontal R and D cooperation and spillovers: evidence from France pp. 1-11 Downloads
Bruno Versaevel and Désiré Vencatachellum

2008, issue 18, vol 15

Theory and evidence on economic freedom and economic growth: A comment pp. 1-6 Downloads
Joshua Hall and Robert Lawson

2008, issue 16, vol 15

Military Expenditures, External Threats and Economic Growth pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ari Francisco de Araujo Junior and Claudio Shikida

2008, issue 15, vol 15

A note on estimation of the average treatment effect and average partial effect in nonlinear models pp. 1-13 Downloads
Cuong Nguyen

2008, issue 14, vol 15

Foreign aid and growth pp. 1-14 Downloads
Mehmet Eris

2008, issue 13, vol 15

How do the poor cope with hardships when mutual assistance is unavailable? pp. 1-17 Downloads
Masahiro Shoji

2008, issue 12, vol 15

Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from a Threshold Regression Analysis pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jyun-Yi Wu and Hsu Chih-Chiang

2008, issue 11, vol 15

Foreign technology acquisition, spillovers, and sunk costs: evidence from plant-level data pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ricardo López Rago

2008, issue 10, vol 15

Differences in remittances from US and Spanish migrants in Colombia pp. 1-10 Downloads
François-Charles Wolff and Liliana Ortiz Bello

2008, issue 9, vol 15

Structural Changes and Economic Growth: Evidence from Japan pp. 1-11 Downloads
Kengo Nutahara

2008, issue 8, vol 15

A Dynamic Model of Foreign Aid Allocation pp. 1-13 Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka

2008, issue 7, vol 15

Human capital and innovation: a model of endogenous growth with a “skill-loss effect” pp. 1-10 Downloads
Silvia London, Wiston Adrian Risso and Juan Brida

2008, issue 6, vol 15

Debasri Mukherjee, Elias Shukralla and Eskander Alvi

2008, issue 5, vol 15

A Note on the Persistence of Firms' Innovation Behavior: A Dynamic Random Effect Probit Model Approach pp. 1-9 Downloads
Chia-Hui Huang

2008, issue 4, vol 15

Empirical Analysis of the Money Demand Function in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 1-15 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori

2008, issue 3, vol 15

Barriers to technology adoption, international R and D spillovers and growth pp. 1-7 Downloads
Neil Foster-McGregor, Johann Scharler and Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma

2008, issue 2, vol 15

How much economic freedom is necessary for economic growth? Theory and evidence pp. 1-20 Downloads
Morris Altman

2008, issue 1, vol 15

Do Foreign Remittances Matter to Poverty and Inequality? Evidence from Vietnam pp. 1-11 Downloads
Cuong Nguyen

2008, issue 2, vol 14

An analysis of the efficiency of the foreign exchange market in Kenya pp. 1-13 Downloads
Sifunjo E. Kisaka, Wainaina Gituro, Pokhariyal Ganesh and Ngugi W. Rose

2008, issue 1, vol 14

Stock craze: an empirical analysis of PER in Chinese equity market pp. 1-17 Downloads
Chen Xiang Liu and Mohamed Arouri

2008, issue 5, vol 13

The Impact of Cross-Border M&As on Target Company Performance: Evidence from Turkey pp. 1-9 Downloads
Elif Akben-Selçuk

2008, issue 4, vol 13

Does a change in debt structure matter in earnings management? the application of nonlinear panel threshold test pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yu-Shu Cheng and Yi-Pei Liu

2008, issue 2, vol 13

DEA investment strategy in the Brazilian stock market pp. 1-10 Downloads
Newton da Costa, Jr., Marcus Lima, Edgar Lanzer and Ana Lopes

2008, issue 1, vol 13

Import price effects on retail prices in the US and abroad: two cases pp. 1-7 Downloads
Robert Feinberg

2008, issue 40, vol 12

Privatization and government preference pp. 1-7 Downloads
Hideya Kato

2008, issue 39, vol 12

Is a Minimum Quality Standard Socially Optimal? pp. 1-8 Downloads
Stéphan Marette

2008, issue 37, vol 12

Tighter Price Cap Regulation on Consumer Surplus and Utility pp. 1-8 Downloads
Chun-Hung Chen and Ting-Kun Liu

2008, issue 35, vol 12

Common Components in Firms' Growth and the Sectors Scaling Puzzle pp. 1-8 Downloads
Antonio Palestrini

2008, issue 33, vol 12

Mixed oligopoly, productive efficiency, and spillover pp. 1-5 Downloads
Susumu Cato

2008, issue 32, vol 12

Delivered Pricing, Positive Externalities and Firm Dispersion pp. 1-6 Downloads
Barnali Gupta

2008, issue 31, vol 12

The Relationship Between Innovation, Productivity and Exports: Some Preliminary Evidence from the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector pp. 1-13 Downloads
Cassey Lee

2008, issue 30, vol 12

Market liberalization and ownership status of incumbent telecom enterprises: global evidence from the telecom sector pp. 1-10 Downloads
Sang Lee

2008, issue 29, vol 12

Existence of pure strategy equilibrium in Bertrand-Edgeworth games with imperfect divisibility of money pp. 1-8 Downloads
Massimo De Francesco

2008, issue 28, vol 12

The Distributive Role of Managerial Incentives in a Mixed Duopoly pp. 1-10 Downloads
Rudra Sensarma and Bibhas Saha

2008, issue 26, vol 12

Strategic choice of price policy under exogenous switching costs pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yuncheol Jeong and Masayoshi Maruyama

2008, issue 25, vol 12

Market integration in network industries pp. 1-7 Downloads
Vincent Vannetelbosch, Cecilia Vergari and Ana Mauleon

2008, issue 24, vol 12

Public monopoly, mixed oligopoly and productive efficiency: a generalization pp. 1-7 Downloads
Susumu Cato

2008, issue 23, vol 12

Information Aggregation Under Strategic Delay pp. 1-8 Downloads
Hikmet Gunay

2008, issue 22, vol 12

Cournot competition and location choice with wage bargaining pp. 1-5 Downloads
Qiang Wang and Qi Chen

2008, issue 21, vol 12

Coopetition in a Mixed Duopoly Market pp. 1-9 Downloads
Duc De Ngo and Mahito Okura

2008, issue 19, vol 12

Privatization and the Environment pp. 1-10 Downloads
Susumu Cato

2008, issue 18, vol 12

Dynamic Interrelation of Births and Deaths: Evidence from Plant Level Data pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jong-Rong Chen, Ying-Tang Huang and Wen-Cheng Lu

2008, issue 17, vol 12

Major Conference Bias and the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament pp. 1-6 Downloads
Todd Kuethe and Timothy Zimmer

2008, issue 16, vol 12

Bargaining over Managerial Contracts in Delegation Games: The Quadratic Cost Case pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yasuhiko Nakamura

2008, issue 15, vol 12

Price markups in oligopoly models with differentiated products pp. 1-10 Downloads
Clarissa Yeap

2008, issue 13, vol 12

Heritage and Firm Survival - An Analysis of German Automobile Spinoffs 1886-1939 pp. 1-8 Downloads
Kristina von Rhein

2008, issue 12, vol 12

Innovative Interaction in Mixed Market: An Effect of Agency Problem in State-Owned Firm pp. 1-8 Downloads
Shinjiro Miyazawa

2008, issue 9, vol 12

Firm growth and scaling of growth rate variance in multiplant firms pp. 1-15 Downloads
Alex Coad

2008, issue 8, vol 12

Price Cap Regulation of Airports: A New Approach pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kevin Currier

2008, issue 7, vol 12

Bargaining over Managerial Contracts in Delegation Games: The Sequential Move Case pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yasuhiko Nakamura and Kohei Kamaga

2008, issue 6, vol 12

Bargaining over Managerial Contracts in Delegation Games: The Differentiated Goods Case pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yasuhiko Nakamura

2008, issue 5, vol 12

On the Optimality of Patent Licensing with Maximum Production Volume pp. 1-7 Downloads
Marco Alderighi

2008, issue 3, vol 12

Horizontal mergers for buyer power pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ramon Fauli-Oller and Lluis Bru

2008, issue 2, vol 12

Standards and Labels pp. 1-7 Downloads
Stéphan Marette

2008, issue 1, vol 12

Television News Scheduling Revisited pp. 1-4 Downloads
Pedro Barros

2008, issue 14, vol 10

Do Chinese employers discriminate against females when hiring employees ? pp. 1-17 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori and Guifu Chen

2008, issue 13, vol 10

Social norms, inequality and fertility pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hideaki Goto

2008, issue 12, vol 10

Equilibrium unemployment in a small open economy with a frictionless nontradeables sector pp. 1-9 Downloads
Erik Wengström

2008, issue 11, vol 10

Matching, Specialties and Wage Inequality pp. 1-12 Downloads
Konstantinos Eleftheriou

2008, issue 10, vol 10

Why are there singles: Being single in equilibrium as a partner discipline device pp. 1-6 Downloads
Kitae Sohn

2008, issue 9, vol 10

Different times, different commitments, but the same old practices: failure of the efficiency wage model for socially devoted firms pp. 1-6 Downloads
Fernando Zanella

2008, issue 8, vol 10

Fertility-related pensions and fertility disincentives pp. 1-7 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2008, issue 7, vol 10

Child quality choice and fertility disincentives pp. 1-6 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2008, issue 6, vol 10

What Does the Atlas Narodov Mira Measure? pp. 1-8 Downloads
Benjamin Bridgman

2008, issue 5, vol 10

An alternative to statistical discrimination theory pp. 1-6 Downloads
Ariane Szafarz

2008, issue 4, vol 10

Do labor market conditions affect the strictness of employment protection legislation? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Riccardo Tilli and Enrico Saltari

2008, issue 3, vol 10

A theoretical model of wage discrimination with inspection fines pp. 1-9 Downloads
Juan Gabriel Rodriguez, Rafael Salas and Juan Prieto-Rodriguez

2008, issue 2, vol 10

Longevity and PAYG pension systems sustainability pp. 1-8 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2008, issue 1, vol 10

No-shirking Conditions in Frictional Labor Markets pp. 1-10 Downloads
Norikazu Tawara

2008, issue 30, vol 9

Did the Great Depression affect Educational Attainment in the US? pp. 1-10 Downloads
Khalid Kisswani

2008, issue 29, vol 9

A theoretical model of the distribution of teacher attention under benchmark testing pp. 1-8 Downloads
Justin Ross

2008, issue 28, vol 9

The impact of child health status on learning ability and school entrance age pp. 1-9 Downloads
Paolo Rungo

2008, issue 26, vol 9

Enhancing the public provision of education: the economics of education reform in developing countries pp. 1-8 Downloads
Rossana Patron

2008, issue 25, vol 9

Survival Analysis for Unobserved Heterogeneity on Estimated Mortality in Taiwan pp. 1-10 Downloads
Wen-Shai Hung and Shu-Hsi Ho

2008, issue 24, vol 9

Local Taxes and Parental Choice of Education: The Case of Pennsylvania pp. 1-7 Downloads
Tin-Chun Lin

2008, issue 23, vol 9

The value of nursing education in Canada: the choice of diploma or baccalaureate degree pp. 1-14 Downloads
Heyung-Jik Lee

2008, issue 22, vol 9

Analyzing the impact of prenatal care on infant health: do we have useful input and output measures? pp. 1-14 Downloads
Sankar Mukhopadhyay, Wei Yang, Wai Lee and Jeanne Wendel

2008, issue 20, vol 9

Who pays the most for water? Alternative providers and service costs in Niger pp. 1-10 Downloads
Elena Bardasi and Quentin Wodon

2008, issue 19, vol 9

Erratum to ``The estimation of the growth and redistribution components of changes in poverty: a reassessment''' pp. 1-2 Downloads
Florent Bresson

2008, issue 14, vol 9

The estimation of the growth and redistribution components of changes in poverty: a reassessment pp. 1-7 Downloads
Florent Bresson

2008, issue 13, vol 9

Pocket money and child effort at school pp. 1-10 Downloads
François-Charles Wolff and Christine Barnet-Verzat

2008, issue 12, vol 9

Tobacco Chewing, Smoking and Health Knowledge: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 1-9 Downloads
Shiferaw Gurmu and Mohammad Yunus

2008, issue 9, vol 9

Schooling Quality in a Cross Section of Countries: a replication exercise and additional results pp. 1-7 Downloads
Tiago Sequeira and Pedro Robalo

2008, issue 8, vol 9

Are Welfare Eligible Households Forward Looking? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hal Snarr and Dan Axelsen

2008, issue 7, vol 9

Human capital, income, fertility and child policy pp. 1-7 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2008, issue 5, vol 9

Potential conflicts in the fight against counterfeit drugs pp. 1-7 Downloads
Paolo Rungo, Berta Rivera and Luis Currais

2008, issue 4, vol 9

Private Education and Positive Growth with Shrinking Income Inequality: A Note pp. 1-8 Downloads
Masaya Yasuoka, Megumi Katahira and Tamotsu Nakamura

2008, issue 2, vol 9

Has the 1996 Welfare Reform Reduced the U.S. Poverty Rate? An Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data pp. 1-4 Downloads
Hui Li and Mukti Upadhyay

2008, issue 1, vol 9

Do subsidized health programs in Armenia increase utilization among the poor? pp. 1-15 Downloads
Diego Angel-Urdinola and Shweta Jain

2008, issue 11, vol 8

Does Broader-Based Local Government affect Expenditure on Public Long-Term Care Insurance? The Case of Japan pp. 1-20 Downloads
Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue

2008, issue 10, vol 8

Economic Determinants of Driver's Behavior in Minas Gerais pp. 1-7 Downloads
Claudio Shikida, Guilherme de Castro and Ari Francisco de Araujo Jr.

2008, issue 9, vol 8

Is it beneficial for households without children to subsidy the cost of rearing children to increase pension benefits? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Masatoshi Jinno

2008, issue 8, vol 8

Non-Compliance under a Negative Income Tax pp. 1-3 Downloads
Martin Halla and Friedrich Schneider

2008, issue 7, vol 8

Merit goods provision and optimal tax evasion pp. 1-3 Downloads
Rosella Levaggi and Francesco Menoncin

2008, issue 6, vol 8

What's the potential impact of casino tax increases on wagering handle: estimates of the price elasticity of demand for casino gaming pp. 1-15 Downloads
Jim Landers

2008, issue 5, vol 8

On the design of an optimal transfer schedule with time inconsistent preferences pp. 1-7 Downloads
Juan Chavez-Martin del Campo

2008, issue 4, vol 8

Santiago Lago-Peñas

2008, issue 3, vol 8

On the strategic non-complementarity of complements pp. 1-7 Downloads
Martin Gregor

2008, issue 2, vol 8

A Theory of Civil Conflict and Democracy in Unequal Societies pp. 1-11 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Adachi and Yasuhiko Nakamura

2008, issue 1, vol 8

The Soft Budget Constraint Problem in a Dynamic Central Leadership Model pp. 1-10 Downloads
Hiromasa Takahashi, Akihiro Suzuki and Toru Takemoto

2008, issue 17, vol 7

Herding behaviour in extreme market conditions: the case of the Athens Stock Exchange pp. 1-13 Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Nikolaos Philippas and Fotini Economou

2008, issue 16, vol 7

Extend the debt as it is not deeply out-of-the-money pp. 1-6 Downloads
Wei-Hsiung Wu, Hui-Hwang Tsai, Shyan-Yuan Lee and Son-Nan Chen

2008, issue 15, vol 7

Untangling the nexus of stock price and trading volume: evidence from the Chinese stock market pp. 1-16 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen

2008, issue 14, vol 7

The world is shrinking: Evidence for stock market convergence pp. 1-12 Downloads
William Shambora and Shamila Jayasuriya

2008, issue 13, vol 7

Forecasting aggregate stock returns using the number of initial public offerings as a predictor pp. 1-8 Downloads
Gueorgui I. Kolev

2008, issue 12, vol 7

Structural Change in the Stock Market Efficiency after the Millennium: The MACD Approach pp. 1-6 Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Chen Li and Ho Tin Yu

2008, issue 11, vol 7

Can earnings forecasts be improved by taking into account the forecast bias? pp. 1-20 Downloads
Sandrine Lardic, Karine Michalon and François Dossou

2008, issue 10, vol 7

An evaluation on the true statistical relevance of Jensen's alpha trough simulation: An application for Germany pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jorge Sainz, Pilar Grau, Luis Doncel Pedrera and Javier Otamendi

2008, issue 9, vol 7

On the bias of yield-based capital budgeting methods pp. 1-8 Downloads
Olivier Rousse

2008, issue 8, vol 7

Common wave behavior for mergers and acquisitions in OECD countries? a unique analysis using new Markov switching panel model approach pp. 1-12 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen, Mei-Rong Lin and Chung-Hua Shen

2008, issue 7, vol 7

Structural Change in the Efficiency of the Japanese Stock Market after the Millennium pp. 1-7 Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong and Sheung Tat Chan

2008, issue 6, vol 7

The relative efficiency of stockmarkets pp. 1-12 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Raul Matsushita and Ricardo Giglio

2008, issue 5, vol 7

Day-of-the-week effects in Selected East Asian stock markets pp. 1-8 Downloads
Venus Liew, Ricky Chia and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa

2008, issue 4, vol 7

Exploring the driving force and price adjustment of the J-REIT market pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sichong Chen

2008, issue 3, vol 7

More on corporate diversification, firm size and value creation pp. 1-7 Downloads
Duc Khuong Nguyen, Walid Mensi and Adel Boubaker

2008, issue 2, vol 7

Disclosure of mergers without regulatory restrictions: Insider trading in pre-1914 Germany pp. 1-7 Downloads
Gerhard Kling

2008, issue 1, vol 7

Is the Brazilian stockmarket efficient? pp. 1-16 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Roberto Meurer and Caio Guttler

2008, issue 49, vol 6

Does capital account liberalisation promote economic growth? Evidence from system estimation pp. 1-13 Downloads
Fabrizio Carmignani

2008, issue 48, vol 6

Michele Fratianni and Francesco Marchionne

2008, issue 47, vol 6

Outward FDI from a Free Trade Area: the Small Open Economy Case pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yu-Ter Wang

2008, issue 46, vol 6

Determinants of the Public's Preference for a Referendum on Monetary Union pp. 1-7 Downloads
Steven Buigut

2008, issue 45, vol 6

Juan Brida and Stefan Schubert

2008, issue 44, vol 6

The quality of parallel imports pp. 1-10 Downloads
Katherine M. Sauer

2008, issue 43, vol 6

Footloose Capital and the Locational Advantage of a Hub pp. 1-9 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi

2008, issue 42, vol 6

Econometrics of the Forward Premium Puzzle pp. 1-17 Downloads
Avik Chakraborty and Stephen E. Haynes

2008, issue 41, vol 6

Instability from trade and democracy: the long-run effect of aid pp. 1-16 Downloads
Thierry Kangoye

2008, issue 40, vol 6

Optimum Currency Areas theory and the Slovak suitability for the euro adoption pp. 1-14 Downloads
DomeNico Raguseo and Jan Sebo

2008, issue 39, vol 6

Purchasing power parity: A nonlinear multivariate perspective pp. 1-6 Downloads
Frédérique Bec, Anders Rahbek and Melika Ben Salem

2008, issue 38, vol 6

Strategic Trade Policy in Bargaining over Managerial Delegation Competition pp. 1-8 Downloads
Leonard Wang, Wei Zhao and Ya -Chin Wang

2008, issue 37, vol 6

How does state ownership affect optimal export taxes? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ngo Long and Frank Staehler

2008, issue 36, vol 6

A model of parallel imports of pharmaceuticals with endogenous price controls pp. 1-8 Downloads
Katherine Sauer

2008, issue 35, vol 6

Service offshoring and productivity in Western Europe pp. 1-8 Downloads
Rosario Crino

2008, issue 34, vol 6

A note on bilateral trade agreements in the presence of irreversible investment and deferred negotiations pp. 1-10 Downloads
Matthew Cole, M. Ryan Haley and Aaron Lowen

2008, issue 33, vol 6

Nonlinear unit root tests of PPP using long-horizon data pp. 1-8 Downloads
Frederick Wallace

2008, issue 32, vol 6

Purchasing power parity in Central and Eastern European countries pp. 1-8 Downloads
Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and Darja Borsic

2008, issue 31, vol 6

The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence from the Philippines Using ARDL Approach pp. 1-13 Downloads
Sovannroeun Samreth and Dara Long

2008, issue 30, vol 6

An Expository Note on Alchian-Allen Theorem When Sub-Utility Functions are Homogeneous of Degree n > 0 with Two-Stage Budgeting pp. 1-12 Downloads
Tetsuya Saito

2008, issue 29, vol 6

Is Mercosur an optimum currency area? An assessment using generalized purchasing power parity pp. 1-13 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Leandro Stocco and J. Anchieta Neves

2008, issue 28, vol 6

Outward FDI of Malaysia: An Empirical Examination from Macroeconomic Perspective pp. 1-11 Downloads
Chin-Hong Puah, Albert Apoi and Jerome Kueh

2008, issue 27, vol 6

Are the fiscal and monetary policies of the G-7 countries effective in decreasing the U.S. trade deficit? pp. 1-13 Downloads
Hideki Nishigaki

2008, issue 26, vol 6

Analysing the forward premium anomaly using a Logistic Smooth Transition Regression model pp. 1-18 Downloads
Sofiane Amri

2008, issue 25, vol 6

Portugal and the competitive disinflation: let the data speak pp. 1-11 Downloads
Corrado Andini

2008, issue 24, vol 6

Distribution Costs, International Trade and Industrial Location pp. 1-5 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi

2008, issue 23, vol 6

Firm productivity, foreign direct investment and the host-country welfare: trade cost vs. cheap labor pp. 1-8 Downloads
Arijit Mukherjee

2008, issue 22, vol 6

The terms of trade, repudiation and default on sovereign debt pp. 1-8 Downloads
Michael Bleaney

2008, issue 21, vol 6

Testing PPP for Central American real exchange rates. Evidence from new panel data stationary tests with structural breaks pp. 1-5 Downloads
Jean-François Hoarau

2008, issue 20, vol 6

Testing for PPP in the mean-group panel rgression framework: further evidence pp. 1-12 Downloads
Abdullah Noman

2008, issue 18, vol 6

One Proposition about Dynamic Portfolio Selection in an Open Economy and International Diversification pp. 1-8 Downloads
Takaaki Aoki

2008, issue 17, vol 6

Non-linear PPP in South Asia and China pp. 1-6 Downloads
Shabbir Ahmad and Abdul Rashid

2008, issue 16, vol 6

Are the Asian Equity Markets more Interdependent after the Financial Crisis? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Elif Akben Selçuk, Gökhan Özertan and Aslýhan D. Spaulding

2008, issue 15, vol 6

Empirical Test of Affine Stochastic Discount Factor Model of Currency Pricing pp. 1-14 Downloads
Alex Lebedinsky

2008, issue 14, vol 6

On openness and real exchange rate volatility pp. 1-12 Downloads
Mark Holmes and Sayeeda Bano

2008, issue 13, vol 6

Could Changes in Black Market Exchange Rates be Expansionary in LDCs? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ilir Miteza and Gour Goswami

2008, issue 12, vol 6

Exchange Rate Volatility and Optimum Currency Area: Evidence from Africa pp. 1-10 Downloads
Chrysost Bangaké

2008, issue 11, vol 6

The Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect with with Marshallian preferences pp. 1-11 Downloads
Arman Mansoorian and Constantine Angyridis

2008, issue 10, vol 6

An empirical analysis of structural changes in emerging market volatility pp. 1-10 Downloads
Duc Khuong Nguyen

2008, issue 9, vol 6

Nonlinear Mean Reversion and Arbitrage in the Gold Futures Market pp. 1-11 Downloads
Jeng-Bau Lin, Jin-Ming Liang and Chin-Chia Liang

2008, issue 8, vol 6

Strategic Import Policies in a Three Country Model with Vertically Related Industries pp. 1-7 Downloads
Akihiko Yanase and Yasushi Kawabata

2008, issue 7, vol 6

Disaggregated export demand of Malaysia: evidence from the electronics industry pp. 1-14 Downloads
Koi Wong

2008, issue 5, vol 6

China's Impact on the Exports of Other Asian Countries: A Note pp. 1-15 Downloads
Masanaga Kumakura and Masato Kuroko

2008, issue 4, vol 6

Mean Reversion of Balance of Payments¡GEvidence from Sequential Trend Break Unit Root Tests pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jue-Shyan Wang and Mei-Yin Lin

2008, issue 3, vol 6

Volatile capital flows: Interactions between de jure and de facto financial liberalization pp. 1-10 Downloads
Rebecca Neumann and Ron Penl

2008, issue 1, vol 6

Trade volume and country size in the Heckscher-Ohlin model pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kwok Tong Soo

2008, issue 34, vol 5

Macroeconomic stabilization in a heterogeneous monetary union: some insights into the effects of fiscal policy coordination pp. 1-12 Downloads
Cornel Oros

2008, issue 33, vol 5

Threshold effects in Okun's Law: a panel data analysis pp. 1-14 Downloads
Julien Fouquau

2008, issue 32, vol 5

Price stability, inflation targeting and public debt policy pp. 1-12 Downloads
Rene Cabral and Gulcin Ozkan

2008, issue 31, vol 5

The rocky ride of break-even inflation rates pp. 1-8 Downloads
Marielle de Jong and Gilbert Cette

2008, issue 29, vol 5

Cross price effects, nominal rigidity and endogenous persistence pp. 1-6 Downloads
George Bratsiotis

2008, issue 23, vol 5

Country-specific shocks and optimal monetary policy pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hyeongwoo Kim

2008, issue 22, vol 5

Did lower interest rates reduce Japan's household savings rate since the 1990s? Evidence based on the maturation of postal savings certificates pp. 1-8 Downloads
Satoshi Shimizutani and Noriko Inakura

2008, issue 21, vol 5

Further theoretical and empirical evidence on money to growth relation pp. 1-7 Downloads
Alexandru Minea, Patrick Villieu and Christophe Rault

2008, issue 20, vol 5

Monetary policy transmission asymmetries in a heterogeneous monetary union: a simple contractual solution pp. 1-7 Downloads
Cristina Badarau, Patrick Villieu and Nelly Gregoriadis

2008, issue 19, vol 5

Sunspots do matter: a simple disproof of Mas-Colell pp. 1-20 Downloads
Marco Huesch

2008, issue 18, vol 5

The Life-Cycle Motive and Money Demand: Further Evidence pp. 1-12 Downloads
Jan Tin

2008, issue 17, vol 5

Does nonlinear econometrics confirm the macroeconomic models of consumption? pp. 1-11 Downloads
Fredj Jawadi

2008, issue 16, vol 5

Euler testing Ricardo and Barro in the EU pp. 1-14 Downloads
Antonio Afonso

2008, issue 15, vol 5

The relationship between tax evasion and tax revenue in Chang, Lai and Chang (1999) pp. 1-6 Downloads
Martin Besfamille

2008, issue 13, vol 5

On the growth and velocity effects of money pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jang-Ting Guo and Shu-Hua Chen

2008, issue 12, vol 5

Hours and effort variation in sunspot-based business cycle theory pp. 1-12 Downloads
Mark Weder

2008, issue 11, vol 5

Fiscal policy and minimum wage for redistribution: an equivalence result pp. 1-8 Downloads
Arantza Gorostiaga and Juan F Rubio-Ramirez

2008, issue 10, vol 5

Measuring Tax Burdens in the Presence of Non Observed Incomes pp. 1-6 Downloads
Maurizio Bovi

2008, issue 9, vol 5

On inequality and the allocation of public spending pp. 1-8 Downloads
Radhika Lahiri and Elisabetta Magnani

2008, issue 7, vol 5

Ex-ante production, directed search and indivisible money pp. 1-7 Downloads
Benoit Julien and Richard Dutu

2008, issue 6, vol 5

An exact consumption rule with liquidity constraints and stochastic income pp. 1-9 Downloads
Giuseppe Travaglini

2008, issue 4, vol 5

Optimal capital investment under uncertainty: An extension pp. 1-7 Downloads
Inwon Jang, Hyeon-seung Huh and Richard Wong

2008, issue 3, vol 5

Business cycle volatility and country zize:evidence for a sample of OECD countries pp. 1-7 Downloads
Davide Furceri and Georgios Karras

2008, issue 2, vol 5

A selection mechanism for the barter equilibrium in the search theoretic monetary model pp. 1-10 Downloads
Nicola Amendola

2008, issue 35, vol 4

The Impact of Economic Globalization on Income Distribution: Empirical Evidence in China pp. 1-8 Downloads
Baotai Wang, Ajit Dayanandan and Xiaofei Tian

2008, issue 34, vol 4

Multi-product strategies and relative preferences for quality pp. 1-10 Downloads
Hend Ghazzai

2008, issue 33, vol 4

Rationalizability of one-to-one matchings with externalities pp. 1-8 Downloads
Ismail Saglam and Ayşe Mumcu

2008, issue 31, vol 4

Unemployment expectations across heterogeneous groups pp. 1-6 Downloads
Patrizia Margani and Marco Malgarini

2008, issue 30, vol 4

Utility functions, future consumption targets and subsistence thresholds pp. 1-4 Downloads
Brishti Guha and Ashok Guha

2008, issue 29, vol 4

Market power, the multiplier and economic policy under oligopolistic competition pp. 1-8 Downloads
Ludovic Julien

2008, issue 28, vol 4

A disaggregate approach to economic models of voting in U.S. presidential elections: forecasts of the 2008 election pp. 1-11 Downloads
Stephen Haynes and Joe Stone

2008, issue 27, vol 4

Risk, Ambiguity, and the Klibanoff Axioms pp. 1-5 Downloads
Kin Chung Lo

2008, issue 26, vol 4

Can Altruism Hinder Cooperation? pp. 1-6 Downloads
Keisuke Nakao

2008, issue 25, vol 4

PAC Spending and Roll Call Voting in the U.S. House: An Empirical Extension pp. 1-11 Downloads
Peter Calcagno and John Jackson

2008, issue 24, vol 4

Inequality and Happiness in Urban China pp. 1-10 Downloads
Russell Smyth and Xiaolei Qian

2008, issue 22, vol 4

Vertical mergers that eliminate double markups are procompetitive pp. 1-6 Downloads
Simon Loertscher

2008, issue 21, vol 4

On two basic properties of equilibria of voting with exit pp. 1-9 Downloads
Dolors Berga, Alejandro Neme, Jordi Masso and Gustavo Bergantiños

2008, issue 20, vol 4

An Experimental Investigation of Alternatives to Expected Utility Using Pricing Data pp. 1-12 Downloads
Andrea Morone and Ulrich Schmidt

2008, issue 19, vol 4

An allais paradox for generalized expected utility theories? pp. 1-6 Downloads
Laetitia Placido and Olivier L'Haridon

2008, issue 18, vol 4

Insurance, Pooling, and Resistance to Reform: The Case of Individual Uncertainty pp. 1-8 Downloads
Tim Friehe

2008, issue 17, vol 4

On the possibility of licensing in a market with logit demand functions pp. 1-11 Downloads
Giorgos Stamatopoulos

2008, issue 16, vol 4

A monotone comparative static result on contract incompleteness pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yasunori Watanabe

2008, issue 15, vol 4

Consumer responses to the H5N1 Avian Influenza: the case of Turkey pp. 1-9 Downloads
Elif Akben Selçuk, Gokhan Ozertan, Aslýhan D. Spaulding and Sayed Saghaian

2008, issue 14, vol 4

On the consistent use of linear demand systems if not all varieties are available pp. 1-5 Downloads
Felix Höffler

2008, issue 13, vol 4

Dynamic political economy of redistribution policy: the role of education costs pp. 1-13 Downloads
Tetsuo Ono and Ryo Arawatari

2008, issue 12, vol 4

Mechanism design with collusive supervision: a three-tier agency model with a continuum of types pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yutaka Suzuki

2008, issue 11, vol 4

Output and misallocation effects in monopolistic third-degree price discrimination pp. 1-11 Downloads
Iñaki Aguirre

2008, issue 10, vol 4

Income and vote switching between local and national elections: evidence from New York State pp. 1-10 Downloads
Raphael Franck and Samia Tavares

2008, issue 9, vol 4

The Generalized Gini index and the measurement of income mobility pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jacques Silber and Michal Weber

2008, issue 8, vol 4

Price and Quantity Competition Revisited pp. 1-7 Downloads
X. Wang

2008, issue 7, vol 4

Relative Deprivation with Imperfect Information pp. 1-9 Downloads
Paolo Verme and Rima Izem

2008, issue 6, vol 4

On the geometry of the consumer's surplus line integral pp. 1-7 Downloads
Paolo Delle Site

2008, issue 5, vol 4

Price Discrimination As Portfolio Diversification pp. 1-9 Downloads
Parikshit Ghosh

2008, issue 3, vol 4

Marginal Utility of Income and value of time in urban transport pp. 1-8 Downloads
Christelle Viauroux

2008, issue 2, vol 4

The impact of money on elections: evidence from open seat races in the United States House of Representatives, 1990-2004 pp. 1-12 Downloads
Franklin Mixon, Steven B Caudill and Christopher Duquette

2008, issue 1, vol 4

Antipodality in committee selection pp. 1-5 Downloads
Christian Klamler and Daniel Eckert

2008, issue 79, vol 3

A Note on Existence of Nash Networks in One-way Flow pp. 1-4 Downloads
Christophe Bravard, Sudipta Sarangi and Pascal Billand

2008, issue 78, vol 3

On the Robustness of the h-index: a mathematical approach pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jean-Michel Courtault and Naïla Hayek

2008, issue 76, vol 3

Which null hypothesis do overidentification restrictions actually test? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Rembert De Blander

2008, issue 75, vol 3

On calculating estimates of stratified error-components models pp. 1-10 Downloads
Robert Phillips

2008, issue 74, vol 3

A note on commitment when there are errors in communication pp. 1-8 Downloads
Anders Poulsen and Odile Poulsen

2008, issue 73, vol 3

Some sufficient conditions for the existence of a competitive equilibrium in economies with satiated consumers pp. 1-8 Downloads
Norihisa Sato

2008, issue 71, vol 3

Linear, efficient and symmetric values for TU-games pp. 1-10 Downloads
Célestin Nembua and Nicolas Gabriel Andjiga

2008, issue 70, vol 3

The Maximal Equal Allocation of Nonseparable Costs on Multi-Choice Games pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yu-Hsien Liao

2008, issue 69, vol 3

Imprimitivity in Decomposable Economies pp. 1-10 Downloads
Ennio Bilancini

2008, issue 68, vol 3

Overestimation in the Traditional GARCH Model During Jump Periods pp. 1-20 Downloads
Wan-Hsiu Cheng

2008, issue 67, vol 3

Preference Structure and Random Paths to Stability in Matching Markets pp. 1-12 Downloads
James Boudreau

2008, issue 66, vol 3

Price competition, level-k theory and communication pp. 1-15 Downloads
Erik Wengström

2008, issue 65, vol 3

The analysis of interest rate mean and volatility spillover to the industrial production index and stock markets: The case of China pp. 1-14 Downloads
Ching-Chun Wei

2008, issue 64, vol 3

Multivariate GARCH modeling analysis of unexpected U.S. D, Yen and Euro-dollar to Reminibi volatility spillover to stock markets pp. 1-15 Downloads
Ching-Chun Wei

2008, issue 63, vol 3

Two (talking) heads are not better than one pp. 1-8 Downloads
Ming Li

2008, issue 62, vol 3

A simple explanation for the non-invariance of a Wald statistic to a reformulation of a null hypothesis pp. 1-10 Downloads
Noxy Dastoor

2008, issue 61, vol 3

Granger-Causality in the presence of structural breaks pp. 1-14 Downloads
Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària and J. Eduardo Vera-Valdés

2008, issue 60, vol 3

The impact of outliers on transitory and permanent components in macroeconomic time series pp. 1-9 Downloads
Olivier Darné and Amelie Charles

2008, issue 59, vol 3

Foreign direct investment (FDI) and the global food crisis. A study of the Windward Islands' agricultural sector pp. 1-15 Downloads
Stephen Pilgrim and Sunday Osaretin Iyare

2008, issue 58, vol 3

A short note on business cycles of underground output: are they asymmetric? pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yoke-Kee Eng and Chin-Yoong Wong

2008, issue 57, vol 3

Local Learning Dynamics pp. 1-15 Downloads
Orlando Gomes

2008, issue 56, vol 3

Bankruptcy problems with interval uncertainty pp. 1-10 Downloads
Rodica Branzei and Sirma Zeynep Alparslan Gok

2008, issue 55, vol 3

A Note on Jackson's Theorems in Bayesian Implementation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Ismail Saglam

2008, issue 54, vol 3

Pure strategy dominance with quasiconcave utility functions pp. 1-8 Downloads
Tijmen Daniëls

2008, issue 53, vol 3

Non-binding signals: are they effective or ineffectual? pp. 1-11 Downloads
Amy Moore and Michael Taylor

2008, issue 52, vol 3

The beauty of the contest: A novel approach to experimental beauty contests pp. 1-10 Downloads
Alessandro Lanteri and Marco Novarese

2008, issue 51, vol 3

Further investigations of framing effects on cooperative choices in a provision point mechanism pp. 1-9 Downloads
Koji Kotani, Shunsuke Managi and Kenta Tanaka

2008, issue 50, vol 3

A clarifying note on converting to log-deviations from the steady state pp. 1-15 Downloads
Joachim Zietz

2008, issue 49, vol 3

Value allocations in economies with coalition structure pp. 1-8 Downloads
Francesca Centrone and Claudia Meo

2008, issue 48, vol 3

k nearest-neighbor estimation of inverse density weighted expectations pp. 1-6 Downloads
David Jacho-Chávez

2008, issue 47, vol 3

Are Unemployment Rates Nonstationary or Nonlinear? Evidence from 19 OECD Countries pp. 1-5 Downloads
Veli Yilanci

2008, issue 46, vol 3

Explosive and periodically collapsing bubbles in emerging stockmarkets pp. 1-18 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva and Mauricio Nunes

2008, issue 45, vol 3

Consistency and the core for fuzzy non-transferable-utility games pp. 1-6 Downloads
Yu-Hsien Liao

2008, issue 44, vol 3

Assignment submarkets with a segment core pp. 1-5 Downloads
Marina Núñez and Carles Rafels

2008, issue 43, vol 3

The solutions for multi-choice games: TU games approach pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yan-An Hwang and Yu-Hsien Liao

2008, issue 42, vol 3

Semi-nonparametric count data estimation with an endogenous binary variable pp. 1-13 Downloads
Hiroaki Masuhara

2008, issue 41, vol 3

The Solow model in discrete time and decreasing population growth rate pp. 1-14 Downloads
Juan Pereyra and Juan Brida

2008, issue 40, vol 3

Comparison of Mean-Variance Theory and Expected-Utility Theory through a Laboratory Experiment pp. 1-7 Downloads
Andrea Morone

2008, issue 39, vol 3

A generalization of monotone comparative statics pp. 1-9 Downloads
Koji Shirai

2008, issue 38, vol 3

Non-linear unit root testing in the presence of heavy-tailed innovation processes pp. 1-10 Downloads
Steve Cook

2008, issue 37, vol 3

Panel Unit Root Tests and the Specification of Cross-sectional Dependence pp. 1-13 Downloads
Andrea Cerasa

2008, issue 36, vol 3

Marcel Voia

2008, issue 35, vol 3

Demarcating stable and turbulent regimes in Taiwan's stock market pp. 1-11 Downloads
Yu-Lieh Huang and Chia-Wen Ho

2008, issue 34, vol 3

Rational Bubbles in the Korea Stock Market? Further Evidence based on Nonlinear and Nonparametric Cointegration Tests pp. 1-12 Downloads
Tsangyao Chang and Wen-Chi Liu

2008, issue 33, vol 3

Macroeconomic and financial market volatilities: an empirical evidence of factor model pp. 1-18 Downloads
Wei-Choun Yu

2008, issue 32, vol 3

Using business survey in industrial and services sector to nowcast GDP growth:The French case pp. 1-8 Downloads
Olivier Darné

2008, issue 31, vol 3

Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary in Latin American Countries? Evidence from a Panel Stationary Test with Structural Breaks pp. 1-12 Downloads
Tsangyao Chang, Wen-Chi Liu, Shu-Chen Kang and Kuei-Chiu Lee

2008, issue 30, vol 3

The Relationship between Stock Price and EPS: Evidence Based on Taiwan Panel Data pp. 1-12 Downloads
Chi-Wei Su, Ya-Wen Chang, Yahn-Shir Chen and Hsu-Ling Chang

2008, issue 29, vol 3

Business surveys modelling with Seasonal-Cyclical Long Memory models pp. 1-10 Downloads
Laurent Ferrara and Dominique Guégan

2008, issue 28, vol 3

What can we learn about correlations from multinomial probit estimates? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Chiara Monfardini and João Santos Silva

2008, issue 27, vol 3

Testing for PPP in Australia: Evidence from unit root test against nonlinear trend stationarity alternatives pp. 1-8 Downloads
Juan Cuestas and Paulo Regis

2008, issue 26, vol 3

Why not use standard panel unit root test for testing PPP pp. 1-11 Downloads
Johan Lyhagen

2008, issue 25, vol 3

Choosing Between Panel Data Stationarity Tests pp. 1-8 Downloads
Kristian Jönsson

2008, issue 24, vol 3

Optimal control theory for inflation targeting pp. 1-14 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Roberto Meurer and Thiago Veloso

2008, issue 23, vol 3

Dynamic voluntary contributions to a discrete public good: Experimental evidence pp. 1-11 Downloads
Pavel Diev and Walid Hichri

2008, issue 22, vol 3

Bayesian analysis of a vector autoregressive model with multiple structural breaks pp. 1-7 Downloads
Katsuhiro Sugita

2008, issue 21, vol 3

Tourism's Impact on Long-Run Mexican Economic Growth pp. 1-8 Downloads
Edgar Sánchez Carrera, W. Adrian Risso and Juan Brida

2008, issue 20, vol 3

Revisiting the decline in the exchange rate pass-through: further evidence from developing countries pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jamel Jouini and Karim Barhoumi

2008, issue 19, vol 3

Drift and equilibrium selection with human and computer players pp. 1-7 Downloads
Roberto Ricciuti, Alessandro Innocenti and Mauro Caminati

2008, issue 18, vol 3

Price Convergence in the EU Poultry and Eggs Markets pp. 1-11 Downloads
Panos Fousekis

2008, issue 17, vol 3

Potential games with NM utilities pp. 1-7 Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin

2008, issue 16, vol 3

CIPS test for Unit Root in Panel Data: further Monte Carlo results pp. 1-13 Downloads
Andrea Cerasa

2008, issue 15, vol 3

Long run and short run dynamics in italian manufacturing labour productivity pp. 1-11 Downloads
Tatiana Cesaroni and Carmine Pappalardo

2008, issue 14, vol 3

The examination of the validity of the Divisia price index for the almost ideal demand system model: Some Monte Carlo results pp. 1-10 Downloads
Manami Ogura

2008, issue 13, vol 3

On Forecasting Recessions via Neural Nets pp. 1-15 Downloads
Yasuhiko Nakamura

2008, issue 12, vol 3

Equilibrium Existence in Bipartite Social Games: A Generalization of Stable Matchings pp. 1-8 Downloads
Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts

2008, issue 11, vol 3

Non-stationarity and Non-linearity in Stock Prices: Evidence from the OECD Countries pp. 1-11 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen

2008, issue 10, vol 3

Are people Samaritans or Avengers? pp. 1-3 Downloads
Stefania Ottone

2008, issue 9, vol 3

Comparing Guessing Games with homogeneous and heterogeneous players: Experimental results and a CH explanation pp. 1-9 Downloads
Eugen Kovac, Martin Vojtek and Andreas Ortmann

2008, issue 8, vol 3

On the relationship between firms' size and growth rate pp. 1-7 Downloads
Giulio Bottazzi

2008, issue 7, vol 3

A Simple Gamma Random Number Generator for Arbitrary Shape Parameters pp. 1-10 Downloads
Hisashi Tanizaki

2008, issue 6, vol 3

Comparison of Panel Cointegration Tests pp. 1-20 Downloads
Deniz Karaman Örsal

2008, issue 5, vol 3

A note on the relationship between the information matrx test and a score test for parameter constancy pp. 1-7 Downloads
Daisuke Nagakura

2008, issue 4, vol 3

The Stability of Dynamic Contests with Asymmetric and Endogenous Prizes pp. 1-9 Downloads
Frederik Schmidt

2008, issue 3, vol 3

The expectations hypothesis of the term structure in the Euro area pp. 1-15 Downloads
Javier Ordóñez, Cecilio Tamarit and Mariam Camarero

2008, issue 2, vol 3

Are 19 Developed Countries' Real Per Capita GDP levels Non-stationary? A Revisit pp. 1-11 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen

2008, issue 1, vol 3

Solutions without dummy axiom for TU cooperative games pp. 1-9 Downloads
Francisco Sanchez-Sanchez, Ruben Juarez and Luis Hernandez-Lamoneda

2008, issue 3, vol 2

A Comment On Gintis's "The Dynamics of General Equilibrium" pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ennio Bilancini and Fabio Petri

2008, issue 2, vol 2

On misuse of the term “institutionalist” in the analysis of Russian academic economics of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: the case of Michail Tugan-Baranovsky (1865-1919) pp. 1-9 Downloads
Anna Klimina

2008, issue 1, vol 2

Launhardt's early contributions to the spatial monopoly model pp. 1-6 Downloads
Yeung-Nan Shieh

2008, issue 3, vol 1

Money Illusion: Are Economists Different? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Giam Pietro Cipriani, Angelo Zago and Diego Lubian

2008, issue 2, vol 1

Fine arts in Solow model: a clarification pp. 1-20 Downloads
Yeung-Nan Shieh and Jason (Jen-Shan) Kao

2008, issue 1, vol 1

A big picture for teaching macroeconomics principles pp. 1-6 Downloads
Peter Kennedy
Page updated 2025-03-31