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Economics Bulletin

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2007, issue 50, vol 28

Policy Implications of Terrorism pp. A0 Downloads
Joao Ricardo Faria and Joao Ricardo Faria

2007, issue 49, vol 28

Business & Economics Society International Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Helen Kantarelis and Helen Kantarelis

2007, issue 48, vol 28

22nd European conference on modelling and simulation pp. A0 Downloads
Jorge Sainz

2007, issue 47, vol 28

10th edition of the Experimental Economics Days (10èmes Journées d'Economie Expérimentale) pp. A0 Downloads
Angela Sutan and Angela Sutan

2007, issue 46, vol 28

SERCI Annual Congress 2008 pp. A0 Downloads
Richard Watt

2007, issue 45, vol 28

2nd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal pp. A0 Downloads
Joaquim Ramalho

2007, issue 44, vol 28

Globalization, Energy and Environment pp. A0 Downloads
Maciej Cygler and Maciej Cygler

2007, issue 43, vol 28

The Seventh Annual EEFS Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2007, issue 42, vol 28

Characteristics of Business Cycles: Have they changed? pp. A0 Downloads
Michael Stierle and Michael Stierle

2007, issue 41, vol 28

Inside the Black Box of the Courts' Decision-Making Process: Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. A0 Downloads
Giuseppe Di Vita and Giuseppe Di Vita

2007, issue 40, vol 28

Conference in Honor of Vernon Smith's Eightieth Birthday pp. A0 Downloads
John Wooders

2007, issue 39, vol 28

Tournaments, Contests and Relative Performance Evaluation pp. A0 Downloads
Theofanis Tsoulouhas and Theofanis Tsoulouhas

2007, issue 38, vol 28

The Institutional and Social Dynamics of Growth and Distribution Submission – Deadline Extended to September 15 pp. A0 Downloads
Neri Salvadori

2007, issue 37, vol 28

Asset Pricing: Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. A0 Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues

2007, issue 36, vol 28

UCD Geary Institute pp. A0 Downloads
Martin Ryan and Martin Ryan

2007, issue 35, vol 28

Workshop on Organization Economics: Theory and Evidence pp. A0 Downloads
Andrew Wait and Andrew Wait

2007, issue 34, vol 28

Paulo Rodrigues and Paulo Rodrigues

2007, issue 33, vol 28

EIBA 2007 Annual conference pp. A0 Downloads
Grazia Santangelo

2007, issue 32, vol 28

Multivariate Volatility Models pp. A0 Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues

2007, issue 31, vol 28

Conference in honour of Paul Newbold pp. A0 Downloads
Robert Taylor

2007, issue 30, vol 28

Summer School "Antitrust for Networks" pp. A0 Downloads
Diego Lubian

2007, issue 29, vol 28

The Institutional and Social Dynamics of Growth and Distribution pp. A0 Downloads
Neri Salvadori

2007, issue 28, vol 28

PET07 Submission Deadline Extended to March 20 pp. A0 Downloads
John Conley

2007, issue 27, vol 28

I Workshop on economics, disability and employment pp. A0 Downloads
Marta Pascual and Carlos Cazallas

2007, issue 26, vol 28

Midwest International Economics and Economic Theory Meetings pp. A0 Downloads
Wendy Williamson and Wendy Williamson

2007, issue 25, vol 28

XVI European Workshop on General Equilibrium pp. A0 Downloads
Nizar Allouch

2007, issue 22, vol 28

PET07 pp. A0 Downloads
John Conley

2007, issue 21, vol 28

6th EEFS Annual Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2007, issue 20, vol 28

ECHE 2007 - Axiomatics in Economics: the Rise and Fall pp. A0 Downloads
Carlo Zappia

2007, issue 19, vol 28

SERCI Annual Congress 2007 pp. A0 Downloads
Richard Watt

2007, issue 18, vol 28

Human Capital and Ferility Decisions: A Comparative Microeconometric Analysis in Europe pp. A0 Downloads
Luigi Aldieri, Concetto Paolo Vinci and Adriana Barone

2007, issue 17, vol 28

Inequalities, public education expenditures and intergenerational mobility pp. A0 Downloads
Mohamed Ben Mimoun

2007, issue 16, vol 28

American Idol: should it be a singing contest or a popularity contest? pp. A0 Downloads
J. Atsu Amegashie

2007, issue 15, vol 28

Does the selection process of firms favour economic efficiency growth? pp. A0 Downloads
Asma Raies

2007, issue 14, vol 28

The paradox of new members in the Council of Ministers: a noncooperative approach pp. A0 Downloads
Jeng-Bau Lin

2007, issue 13, vol 28

Nonlinear Mean Reversion and Arbitrage in the Gold Futures Market pp. A0 Downloads
Jeng-Bau Lin, Jin-Ming Liang and Chin-Chia Liang

2007, issue 12, vol 28

Partial Privatization in Mixed Duopoly: Comparing Cournot and Stackelberg Models pp. A0 Downloads
Najiba Benabess

2007, issue 11, vol 28

Estimating monetary policy rules for Malaysia: an optimal monetary conditions index pp. A0 Downloads
Pei-Tha Gan and Kian Teng Kwek

2007, issue 10, vol 28

Health Econometric:Uncovering the Anthropometric Behavior on Women's Labor Market pp. A0 Downloads
Rodrigo Lopez-Pablos

2007, issue 9, vol 28

New economics of risk and uncertainty: theory and application (a book) pp. A0 Downloads
Moawia Alghalith

2007, issue 8, vol 28

Temporal Aggregation and the Akaike and Schwarz Model Selection Criteria. Some Monte Carlo Results pp. A0 Downloads
Georgios Xanthos, Kostantinos Gilas and Dikaios Tserkezos

2007, issue 7, vol 28

New Climate of Innovation System in China - From the Perspective of Regional Transition pp. A0 Downloads
Wen-Hsiang Lai

2007, issue 5, vol 28

Structural stability in economies on Banach's spaces pp. A0 Downloads
Elvio Accinelli, Martín Puchet and Juan Brida

2007, issue 4, vol 28

The Labour Market Implications of Large-Scale Restructuring in the Banking Sector in Turkey pp. A0 Downloads
Aykut Kibritçioğlu

2007, issue 3, vol 28

Network Effects and the Impact of Trade Liberalization (Corrected Version) pp. A0 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi and Chiharu Kobayashi

2007, issue 2, vol 28

Stock Prices and Dividends in Taiwan Stock Market: Evidence Based on Time-Varying Present Value Model pp. A0 Downloads
Chi-Wei Su, Yahn-Shir Chen and Hsu-Ling Chang

2007, issue 1, vol 28

The Aid-Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Four Sub-Saharan African Countries pp. A0 Downloads
Eric Ogunleye and Tochukwu Nwachukwu

2007, issue 5, vol 26

On the valuation of psychic returns to art market investments pp. 1-12 Downloads
Erdal Atukeren and Aylin Seckin

2007, issue 4, vol 26

The Olson - Putnam Controversy: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 1-10 Downloads
José Atilano Pena López and José Manuel Sánchez Santos

2007, issue 3, vol 26

The adjusted churn: an index of competitive balance for sports leagues based on changes in team standings over time pp. 1-7 Downloads
Daniel Mizak, Anthony Stair and John Neral

2007, issue 2, vol 26

The effect of food intake on longevity pp. 1-11 Downloads
Arthur Robson and Tiemen Woutersen

2007, issue 1, vol 26

Cultural capital and demand pp. 1-9 Downloads
Victoria Ateca - Amestoy

2007, issue 9, vol 18

Beauty and the Beast: An Empirical Tale of City Attributes pp. 1-9 Downloads
Pavel Yakovlev and Arzu Sen

2007, issue 8, vol 18

Measuring Technological Spillovers in a Financial Center by using “Feder” Model pp. 1-9 Downloads
Arnaud Bourgain and Patrice Pieretti

2007, issue 7, vol 18

The Geographic Concentration of Population and Income in Europe: Results for the Period 1984-1999 pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez, Antonio García-Lorenzo and Andrés Faíña

2007, issue 6, vol 18

Factor market oligopsony and the location decision of free entry oligopoly pp. 1-7 Downloads
Chiung-I Hwang and Yeung-Nan Shieh

2007, issue 5, vol 18

Okun's law in the Spanish regions pp. 1-11 Downloads
Adolfo Maza and Jose Villaverde

2007, issue 4, vol 18

Simulation Studies on the CO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency in Spatial Econometrics: A case of Japan pp. 1-9 Downloads
Kenichi Mizobuchi and Kazuhiko Kakamu

2007, issue 3, vol 18

Technical change and agglomeration pp. 1-5 Downloads
Carl Gaigne and Stephane Riou

2007, issue 2, vol 18

Hotelling's Location Model with Quality Choice in Mixed Duopoly pp. 1-11 Downloads
Yasuo Sanjo

2007, issue 1, vol 18

Human capital and "club convergence" in Italian regions pp. 1-7 Downloads
Marcella D'Uva and Rita De Siano

2007, issue 9, vol 17

Trade liberalization and environmental tax in differentiated oligopoly with consumption externalities pp. 1-9 Downloads
Leonard Wang, Tai-Liang Chen and Ya-Chin Wang

2007, issue 7, vol 17

The Montreal Protocol: Developing Countries Import of Halons pp. 1-5 Downloads
Gairuzazmi Ghani

2007, issue 6, vol 17

Extended producer responsibility in oligopoly pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hiroaki Ino

2007, issue 5, vol 17

Economic growth and environmental quality: a meta-analysis of environmental Kuznets curve studies pp. 1-11 Downloads
Hui Li, Robert Berrens and Therese Grijalva

2007, issue 4, vol 17

Citizens' demand for permits and Kwerel''s incentive compatible mechanism for pollution control pp. 1-9 Downloads
Andrew Yates and Daniel English

2007, issue 3, vol 17

Optimal soil management and environmental policy pp. 1-10 Downloads
Gilles Lafforgue and Walid Oueslati

2007, issue 2, vol 17

Antitrust Policy and Environmental Protection pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shigeru Matsumoto and Hajime Sugeta

2007, issue 1, vol 17

Productivity and Environment in India pp. 1-14 Downloads
Shunsuke Managi and Pradyot Jena

2007, issue 24, vol 15

Returns to Education and the Mankiw-Romer-Weil result pp. 1-8 Downloads
Terence Edwards

2007, issue 23, vol 15

An Empirical Analysis about Population, Technological Progress, and Economic Growth in Taiwan pp. 1-13 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori, Yu-Ching Hsieh and Wan-Jun Yao

2007, issue 22, vol 15

Wage inequality and welfare effects of domestic technological progress: a dual economy approach pp. 1-14 Downloads
Takeho Nakamura

2007, issue 21, vol 15

Firm Performance and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Transition Economies pp. 1-11 Downloads
Mahmut Yasar and Catherine Morrison Paul

2007, issue 20, vol 15

Income Inequality and Marriage pp. 1-12 Downloads
Myeong Hwan Kim, Soung Chan Lee and Kwang Woo Park

2007, issue 19, vol 15

International Capital Flows and the Frankel-Dooley-Mathieson Puzzle pp. 1-12 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori

2007, issue 18, vol 15

Special-Interest Groups and Volatility pp. 1-13 Downloads
Bonnie Wilson, Jac Heckelman and Dennis Coates

2007, issue 17, vol 15

Flow Structure in Nepal and the Benefit to the Poor pp. 1-14 Downloads
Sanjaya Acharya

2007, issue 16, vol 15

Final Goods Substitutability and Economic Growth pp. 1-7 Downloads
Koki Oikawa

2007, issue 15, vol 15

Convergence in Income Inequality: the Case of Brazilian Municipalities pp. 1-9 Downloads
Fábio Gomes

2007, issue 14, vol 15

Is the Financial Development and Economic Growth Relationship Nonlinear? pp. 1-12 Downloads
Thanasis Stengos, Andreas Savvides, Theofanis Mamuneas and Elena Ketteni

2007, issue 13, vol 15

Fixed Fee Licenses and Welfare Reducing Innovation: A Note pp. 1-12 Downloads
Shuji Takahashi

2007, issue 12, vol 15

Mediator learning and dowry determination in an arranged marriage setting pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jeremy Bertomeu and Hamid Beladi

2007, issue 11, vol 15

Demographic Transition Towards Smaller Household Sizes and Basic Infrastructure Needs in Developing Countries pp. 1-11 Downloads
Quentin Wodon and Amadou Diallo

2007, issue 10, vol 15

Will rising household incomes solve China's micronutrient deficiency problems? pp. 1-14 Downloads
Bhavani Shankar and Yi Liu

2007, issue 9, vol 15

Public versus personal welfare: an aspect of environmental policymaking in developing countries pp. 1-10 Downloads
Adile Tamguicht

2007, issue 8, vol 15

Can population promote income per-capita growth? A balanced perspective pp. 1-7 Downloads
Frederic Tournemaine

2007, issue 7, vol 15

Welfare Analysis in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Capital pp. 1-6 Downloads
Ashok Kaul, Volker Reinthaler and Marcus Hagedorn

2007, issue 6, vol 15

Cost-saving production technologies and partial ownership pp. 1-8 Downloads
Juan Bárcena-Ruiz and Norma Olaizola

2007, issue 5, vol 15

Communication costs, network externalities, and long-run growth pp. 1-9 Downloads
Colin Davis

2007, issue 4, vol 15

Technological advances and industrial characteristics:Some evidence from developed and developing countries pp. 1-13 Downloads
Ram Upendra Das

2007, issue 3, vol 15

Technological Change and Catch-up and Capital Deepening: Relative Contributions to Growth and Convergence: Comment pp. 1-8 Downloads
Eiji Yamamura and Inyong Shin

2007, issue 2, vol 15

On the complementarity between on-the-job training and R&D: a brief overview pp. 1-11 Downloads
Sergio Scicchitano

2007, issue 1, vol 15

The Dynamics of Growth and Migrations with Congestion Externalities pp. 1-8 Downloads
Orlando Gomes

2007, issue 3, vol 14

Habit formation and multiplicity of balanced growth path: a comment pp. 1-4 Downloads
Ryoji Hiraguchi

2007, issue 1, vol 14

Was agricultural protection reduced after the Uruguay Round?: Evidence from East Asia pp. 1-8 Downloads
Kuo I Chang and Kazunobu Hayakawa

2007, issue 3, vol 13

Dynamic strategic responses among advertisers: the case of meat products pp. 1-14 Downloads
Jeffrey Hyde and Brent Gloy

2007, issue 2, vol 13

Relationship between the yen carry trade and the related financial variables pp. 1-7 Downloads
Hideki Nishigaki

2007, issue 1, vol 13

An analysis of the relationship between US REIT returns pp. 1-7 Downloads
Hideki Nishigaki

2007, issue 34, vol 12

Ramsey pricing with long run competition pp. 1-5 Downloads
William Miller

2007, issue 33, vol 12

Entry in a Stackelberg perfect equilibrium pp. 1-6 Downloads
Arijit Mukherjee

2007, issue 32, vol 12

Mixed Motives of Simultaneous-move Games in a Mixed Duopoly: Comments and Erratum pp. 1-4 Downloads
Kangsik Choi

2007, issue 31, vol 12

Wholesale Price Discrimination between High Street Retailers and Online Retailers pp. 1-8 Downloads
Hiroshi Aiura

2007, issue 30, vol 12

SME Innovation in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector pp. 1-12 Downloads
Cassey Lee and Chew Ging Lee

2007, issue 29, vol 12

The characteristics of chemical firms registering for ISO 14001 or Responsible Care pp. 1-13 Downloads
Naoufel Mzoughi, Sanja Pekovic and Gilles Grolleau

2007, issue 28, vol 12

A note on Propositions 7 and 8 of Goyal and Moraga (2001) pp. 1-6 Downloads
Yasunori Okumura

2007, issue 27, vol 12

Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Duopoly: The Managerial Delegation Case pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yasuhiko Nakamura and Tomohiro Inoue

2007, issue 26, vol 12

Capacity Choice in a Mixed Duopoly under Price Competition pp. 1-7 Downloads
Juan Bárcena-Ruiz and María Begoña Garzón

2007, issue 25, vol 12

Forward Vertical Integration: The Fixed-Proportion Case Revisited pp. 1-9 Downloads
Olivier Bonroy and Bruno Larue

2007, issue 23, vol 12

Profitable mergers with endogenous tariffs pp. 1-8 Downloads
Pedro Mendi and Róbert Veszteg

2007, issue 21, vol 12

Partial Compatibility and Vertical Differentiation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Chung-Hui Chou

2007, issue 20, vol 12

Mixed Oligopoly and Productivity-Improving Mergers pp. 1-9 Downloads
Yasuhiko Nakamura and Tomohiro Inoue

2007, issue 19, vol 12

A Note on Gibrat's Law, Gibrat''s Legacy and Firm Growth: Evidence from Brazilian Companies pp. 1-7 Downloads
Luiz Esteves

2007, issue 18, vol 12

Innovation, Firm Size, and R&D Search pp. 1-8 Downloads
Jose Plehn-Dujowich

2007, issue 16, vol 12

Bundling by Competitors and the Sharing of Profits pp. 1-9 Downloads
Victor Ginsburgh and Israel Zang

2007, issue 15, vol 12

A note on quality choice with an extended Mussa and Rosen's model pp. 1-9 Downloads
Rim Lahmandi-Ayed

2007, issue 13, vol 12

Stackelberg mixed oligopoly with asymmetric subsidies pp. 1-5 Downloads
Vasileios Zikos

2007, issue 12, vol 12

Mergers among leaders and mergers among followers pp. 1-7 Downloads
John Heywood and Matthew McGinty

2007, issue 10, vol 12

Strategic Targeted Advertising and Market Fragmentation pp. 1-12 Downloads
Lola Esteban and Jose M. Hernandez

2007, issue 9, vol 12

Knowledge diffusion under patent with asymmetric firms pp. 1-6 Downloads
Arijit Mukherjee and Uday Sinha

2007, issue 8, vol 12

A Reappraisal of the Irrelevance result in mixed duopoly: A note on R&D competition pp. 1-6 Downloads
Vasileios Zikos

2007, issue 7, vol 12

Platform competition with partial multihoming under differentiation: a note pp. 1-8 Downloads
Alexander Rasch

2007, issue 6, vol 12

Safety, profitability and the load factor for airlines in the USA pp. 1-7 Downloads
Dipendra Sinha

2007, issue 5, vol 12

Estimating demand elasticities of fixed telephony in Brazil pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva and Gustavo Manfrim

2007, issue 4, vol 12

A probabilistic analysis of a scheduling problem in the economics of tourism pp. 1-7 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

2007, issue 3, vol 12

Optimal licensing contract in an open economy pp. 1-6 Downloads
Arijit Mukherjee

2007, issue 2, vol 12

Endogenous timing in a mixed oligopoly consisting of a single public firm and foreign competitors pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yuanzhu Lu

2007, issue 1, vol 12

Spatial Discrimination with Quantity Competition and High Transportation Costs: a Note pp. 1-7 Downloads
Alessandra Chirco, Marcella Scrimitore and Corrado Benassi

2007, issue 3, vol 11

A Two-Period Model of Money Laundering and Organized Crime pp. 1-5 Downloads
Tito Moreira

2007, issue 2, vol 11

On the incentive effects of damage averaging in tort law pp. 1-7 Downloads
Tim Friehe

2007, issue 1, vol 11

Credibility and Credulity: How Beliefs about Beliefs Affect Entry Incentives pp. 1-7 Downloads
Alan Marco and Kieran Walsh

2007, issue 21, vol 10

On Unemployment Duration and Narrowing Job Opportunities at Older Ages pp. 1-6 Downloads
Natalya Dygalo

2007, issue 20, vol 10

Labour income taxation, child rearing policies and fertility pp. 1-10 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2007, issue 19, vol 10

Income taxation, child-rearing policies, fertility and unemployment pp. 1-10 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2007, issue 17, vol 10

Irrelevance of productivity difference: A case with labor union pp. 1-8 Downloads
Arijit Mukherjee

2007, issue 16, vol 10

The role of computer use and English proficiency in gender wage inequality: Taiwanese evidence pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hsin-Fan Chen and Long-Hwa Chen

2007, issue 15, vol 10

Marital Wage Premium or Ability Selection? The Case of Taiwan 1979-2003 pp. 1-11 Downloads
Anthony Stair

2007, issue 14, vol 10

From the Malthusian to the Modern Growth Regime in an OLG Model with Unions pp. 1-10 Downloads
Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti

2007, issue 13, vol 10

Entrepreneurship and labour market fluctuations pp. 1-11 Downloads
Lawrence Uren

2007, issue 12, vol 10

Note on a generalized wage rigidity result pp. 1-9 Downloads
Arijit Mukherjee

2007, issue 11, vol 10

Maids and mistresses: migrating maids and female labor force participation pp. 1-9 Downloads
Brishti Guha

2007, issue 10, vol 10

Which firms do the entrepreneurs come from? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Simon Parker

2007, issue 9, vol 10

Employment and Fertility Choice: A Differential Game Approach pp. 1-8 Downloads
Le Wang and Joao Faria

2007, issue 7, vol 10

Does a Non-verifiable Imperfect Informative Binary Signal Always a Strictly Positive Value? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Nien-Pen Liu and Dachrahn Wu

2007, issue 6, vol 10

On the standard errors of Oaxaca-type decompositions for inter-industry gender wage differentials pp. 1-11 Downloads
Eric Lin

2007, issue 5, vol 10

Timing is Everything - The Labour Market Effects of Union Wage Bargaining pp. 1-11 Downloads
Joerg Lingens

2007, issue 4, vol 10

Wage discrimination and partial compliance with the minimum wage law pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yang-Ming Chang and Bhavneet Walia

2007, issue 3, vol 10

The effect of foreign-born residents on migratory patterns of natives in Spain pp. 1-6 Downloads
Maria Hierro

2007, issue 2, vol 10

New Explanations for the Firm Size-Wage Premium pp. 1-7 Downloads
Nien-Pen Liu and Dachrahn Wu

2007, issue 1, vol 10

Jose de Hevia and María Arrazola

2007, issue 13, vol 9

School and subject choices in education pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kitae Sohn

2007, issue 12, vol 9

A brief look at hospital profits by outpatient services offered pp. 1-10 Downloads
Charles Hegji

2007, issue 11, vol 9

Towards a Common EU Policy on Income Distribution: the case of Social Benefit Expenditures pp. 1-5 Downloads
Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Panos Fousekis

2007, issue 10, vol 9

Ownership and rent-seeking behavior in specialty health care practices pp. 1-14 Downloads
Dan Friesner and Chris Stevens

2007, issue 9, vol 9

Traditional public schools versus charter schools: a comparison of technical efficiency pp. 1-10 Downloads
Todd Nesbit and Joseph Palardy

2007, issue 8, vol 9

Propensity Score Matching with Limited Overlap pp. 1-8 Downloads
Onur Baser

2007, issue 7, vol 9

A comparative analysis of the demand for higher education: results from a meta-analysis of elasticities pp. 1-14 Downloads
Craig Gallet

2007, issue 6, vol 9

A Note on the Multi-Good Model of Altruistic Private Transfers pp. 1-7 Downloads
Masato Hiwatari

2007, issue 5, vol 9

City-Size and Health Outcomes: Lessons from the USA pp. 1-7 Downloads
Achintya Ray and Soumendra N. Ghosh

2007, issue 4, vol 9

Do Utility Subsidies Reach the Poor? Framework and Evidence for Cape Verde, Sao Tome, and Rwanda pp. 1-7 Downloads
Diego Angel-Urdinola and Quentin Wodon

2007, issue 3, vol 9

Obesity and socio-economic inequalities in spain: evidence from the ECHP pp. 1-9 Downloads
David Cantarero and Marta Pascual

2007, issue 2, vol 9

Achintya Ray

2007, issue 1, vol 9

Education policy in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents pp. 1-7 Downloads
Stephane Ciriani

2007, issue 9, vol 8

A note on the link between public expenditures and distortionary taxation pp. 1-10 Downloads
Thomas Gaube

2007, issue 8, vol 8

Estimating the Effect of Parliamentary Elections on Primary Budget Deficits in OECD Countries pp. 1-5 Downloads
Tobias Hagen

2007, issue 7, vol 8

Endogenous Wealth-Depending Time Preference and Fiscal Policy in Open Economy pp. 1-7 Downloads
Meixing Dai

2007, issue 6, vol 8

The Edgeworth Conjecture in a Public Goods Economy: An Elementary Example pp. 1-4 Downloads
Wolfgang Buchholz and Wolfgang Peters

2007, issue 5, vol 8

A Note on Nonlinear Income Taxes and the Utility Possibility Set pp. 1-8 Downloads
Tommy Andersson

2007, issue 4, vol 8

Competition in the allocation of public spending: a new model to analyse the interaction between expenditure categories pp. 1-7 Downloads
Julian Ramajo, Javier Salinas, Francisco Pedraja and Miguel Márquez

2007, issue 3, vol 8

Does the distribution of New Deal spending reflect an optimal provision of public goods? pp. 1-5 Downloads
Jason Taylor and Fred Bateman

2007, issue 2, vol 8

An irrelevance result with differentiated goods pp. 1-7 Downloads
Gareth Myles, Hassan Khodavaisi and Nigar Hashimzade

2007, issue 1, vol 8

A trace of anger is enough: on the enforcement of social norms pp. 1-4 Downloads
Jakub Steiner

2007, issue 15, vol 7

Volatility Clustering in High-Frequency Data: A self-fulfilling prophecy? pp. 1-8 Downloads
Matei Demetrescu

2007, issue 14, vol 7

The time to shut down pp. 1-14 Downloads
Thu Phuong Pham and Anh Tuan Bui

2007, issue 13, vol 7

Some implications of a quartic loss function pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kevin Aretz and David Peel

2007, issue 12, vol 7

Financial Constraints and the Risk-Return Relation pp. 1-12 Downloads
Tao Wang

2007, issue 11, vol 7

Continuous Time Models of Interest Rate: Testing the Mexican Data (1998-2006) pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jose Luis de la Cruz and Elizabeth Ortega

2007, issue 10, vol 7

The impact of foreign trading information on emerging futures markets: a study of Taiwan's unique data set pp. 1-14 Downloads
Wen-Hsiu Kuo, Liu-Hsiang Hsu and Ching-Chung Lin

2007, issue 9, vol 7

The China A shares follow random walk but the B shares do not pp. 1-12 Downloads
Dat Bue Lock

2007, issue 8, vol 7

Buying Winners while Holding on to Losers: an Experimental Study of Investors' Behavior pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yuri Khoroshilov and Anna Dodonova

2007, issue 7, vol 7

Constructing Fama-French Factors from style indexes: Japanese evidence pp. 1-10 Downloads
Quentin Wodon

2007, issue 6, vol 7

How to control market power of activity centers? A theoretical model showing the advantages of implementing competition within organizations pp. 1-8 Downloads
Pedro Vieira and Samuel Pereira

2007, issue 5, vol 7

Synergies and Investment Decisions pp. 1-11 Downloads
Masao Nakagawa

2007, issue 4, vol 7

Stock Prices and Dividends in Taiwan's Stock Market: Evidence Based on Time-Varying Present Value Model pp. 1-12 Downloads
Chi-Wei Su, Yahn-Shir Chen and Hsu-Ling Chang

2007, issue 3, vol 7

The Taiwan stock market does follow a random walk pp. 1-8 Downloads
Dat Bue Lock

2007, issue 2, vol 7

Do investors dislike kurtosis? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Markus Haas

2007, issue 1, vol 7

Hurst exponents, power laws, and efficiency in the Brazilian foreign exchange market pp. 1-11 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Annibal Figueiredo, Iram Gleria and Raul Matsushita

2007, issue 44, vol 6

Optimum filtering for optimum currency areas criteria pp. 1-18 Downloads
Itir Ozer and Ibrahim Ozkan

2007, issue 42, vol 6

The impact of the appreciation of East Asian currencies on global imbalance pp. 1-6 Downloads
Hideki Nishigaki

2007, issue 41, vol 6

Illegal migration and economic growth: simulation analysis in an international context pp. 1-13 Downloads
Cheuk Yin Ho

2007, issue 40, vol 6

The Impact of a Net Increase in Japanese Investment in Foreign Assets on the Yen Rate pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hideki Nishigaki

2007, issue 39, vol 6

Is a more stable exchange rate associated with reduced exchange rate pass-through? pp. 1-12 Downloads
Mark Holmes

2007, issue 38, vol 6

Do exports act as “engine” of growth? Evidence from Malaysia pp. 1-14 Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka

2007, issue 36, vol 6

Examining goods market integration in the Eurozone: evidence obtained from an analysis of price-setting by UK automobile exporters pp. 1-6 Downloads
Jacint Balaguer

2007, issue 35, vol 6

An Extended Solow Growth Model with Emigration: Transitional Dynamics and Skills Complementarity pp. 1-11 Downloads
Benteng Zou and Patrice Pieretti

2007, issue 34, vol 6

Learning, Forward Premium Puzzle and Exchange Rate Fundamentals under Sticky Prices pp. 1-13 Downloads
Avik Chakraborty

2007, issue 33, vol 6

Foreign direct investment and transition economies: empirical evidence from a panel data estimator pp. 1-9 Downloads
Kamal Upadhyaya, Franklin Mixon and Dharmendra Dhakal

2007, issue 32, vol 6

Sources of Real and Nominal Exchange Rate Movements for the Euro pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori and Naoko Hamori

2007, issue 31, vol 6

A Century of Purchasing Power Parity: Further Evidence pp. 1-9 Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Su Zhou and Ali Kutan

2007, issue 30, vol 6

International Migration and Real Wages pp. 1-8 Downloads
Reza Oladi and Hamid Beladi

2007, issue 29, vol 6

Modelling Central Bank Intervention Activity under Inflation Targeting pp. 1-8 Downloads
Roman Horvath

2007, issue 28, vol 6

Implications of within-period timing in models of speculative attack pp. 1-10 Downloads
Antonio Doblas-Madrid

2007, issue 27, vol 6

Does the US IT stock market dominate other IT stock markets: Evidence from multivariate GARCH model pp. 1-7 Downloads
Venus Liew, Wing-Keung Wong and Zhuo Qiao

2007, issue 26, vol 6

Is there a J-Curve at the Industry Level? pp. 1-12 Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Zohre Ardalani

2007, issue 25, vol 6

Bilateral Trade and Business Cycles Synchronization: African Monetary Integration Perspective pp. 1-15 Downloads
Sampawende Tapsoba

2007, issue 24, vol 6

Indirect Network Effects and Trade Patterns pp. 1-9 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi and Kazumichi Iwasa

2007, issue 21, vol 6

Foreign equity caps under two types of competition: Bertrand and Cournot pp. 1-11 Downloads
Hiroshi Kurata

2007, issue 20, vol 6

Export Processing Zones and Environmental Policy pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yasuyuki Sugiyama

2007, issue 18, vol 6

Mustapha Sadni Jallab

2007, issue 17, vol 6

Self-fulfilling and Fundamental Banking Crises: A Multinomial Logit Approach pp. 1-11 Downloads
Matías Fontenla and Fidel Gonzalez

2007, issue 16, vol 6

Does PPP hold for Big Mac price or consumer price index? Evidence from panel cointegration pp. 1-15 Downloads
Chien-Fu Chen, Chien-an Andy Wang and Chung-Hua Shen

2007, issue 15, vol 6

Timing of migration pp. 1-10 Downloads
Gemma Larramona, Josefina Cabeza and Rosa Aisa

2007, issue 14, vol 6

Foreign Direct Investment and Electronics Exports: Exploratory Empirical Evidence from Malaysia's Top Five Electronics Exports pp. 1-8 Downloads
Tuck Cheong Tang and Koi Wong

2007, issue 13, vol 6

Foreign Aid, FDI and Economic Growth in East European Countries pp. 1-9 Downloads
Kamal Upadhyaya, Gyan Pradhan, Dharmendra Dhakal and Rabindra Bhandari

2007, issue 12, vol 6

Capital Mobility, Foreign Aid, and Openness: A Reappraisal pp. 1-8 Downloads
Javed Younas

2007, issue 11, vol 6

Exchange rate dynamics in crawling-band systems pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jose Torres and M. Isabel Campos

2007, issue 10, vol 6

The Transfer Paradox In a Two-Sector Overlapping Generatoins Model: The Duality Approach pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Shinozaki

2007, issue 7, vol 6

Exactly what is the link between export and growth in Taiwan? new evidence from the Granger causality test pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen

2007, issue 6, vol 6

Switching costs and the impact of trade liberalization pp. 1-7 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi

2007, issue 5, vol 6

Transfer of Pollution Abatement Technology and Unemployment pp. 1-8 Downloads
Muneyuki Saito and Yasuyuki Sugiyama

2007, issue 4, vol 6

Network Effects and the Impact of Trade Liberalization pp. 1-7 Downloads
Toru Kikuchi and Chiharu Kobayashi

2007, issue 3, vol 6

Classifying exchange rate regimes: a statistical analysis of alternative methods pp. 1-16 Downloads
Michael Bleaney and Manuela Francisco

2007, issue 2, vol 6

Is the real dollar rate highly volatile? pp. 1-15 Downloads
Stefan Norrbin and Onsurang Pipatchaipoom

2007, issue 1, vol 6

Does Africa Really Benefit from Trade? pp. 1-6 Downloads
Matthias Busse and José Groizard

2007, issue 24, vol 5

How large is the social cost of an asset bubble? pp. 1-8 Downloads
Jumpei Tanaka

2007, issue 23, vol 5

Evidence Regarding Persistence in the Gender Unemployment Gap Based on the Ratio of Female to Male Unemployment Rate pp. 1-10 Downloads
Amit Sen and Herve Queneau

2007, issue 22, vol 5

Effects of Fiscal Policies in Four European Countries: A Non-linear Structural VAR Approach pp. 1-7 Downloads
Christophe Schalck

2007, issue 21, vol 5

Taking the Monetary Implications of a Monetary Model Seriously pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kristin Van Gaasbeck and Kevin Salyer

2007, issue 19, vol 5

Sidney Caetano and Geraldo Silva Jr.

2007, issue 18, vol 5

Collateralized capital and news-driven cycles pp. 1-9 Downloads
Keiichiro Kobayashi and Kengo Nutahara

2007, issue 16, vol 5

Does the “Phillips Curve” Really Exist? New Empirical Evidence from Malaysia pp. 1-14 Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka

2007, issue 15, vol 5

Optimal monetary policy with skill shock pp. 1-11 Downloads
Ryoji Hiraguchi

2007, issue 14, vol 5

Do budget deficits follow a linear or non-linear path? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sahar Bahmani

2007, issue 13, vol 5

The information role of commodity prices in formulating monetary policy: some evidence from Japan pp. 1-7 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori

2007, issue 12, vol 5

Investment behavior, observable expectations, and internal funds: a comment on Cummins et al. (AER, 2006) pp. 1-12 Downloads
Alessandra Guariglia and Robert Carpenter

2007, issue 11, vol 5

Generalized Taylor Rule and Determinacy of Growth Equilibrium pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kazuo Mino and Seiya Fujisaki

2007, issue 10, vol 5

Investment, irreversibility and financial imperfections: the rush to invest and the option to wait pp. 1-10 Downloads
Richard Holt

2007, issue 8, vol 5

What Types of Perceived Governance Indicators Matter the Most for Private Investment in Middle East and North Africa pp. 1-16 Downloads
Ahmet Aysan, Marie-Ange Véganzonès and Zeynep Ersoy

2007, issue 7, vol 5

Fiscal Theory of Exchange Rate Determination: Empirical Evidence from Turkey pp. 1-12 Downloads
Pelin Oge Guney

2007, issue 6, vol 5

Are International Interest Rate Differentials Driven by the Risk Premium? The Case of Asian Countries pp. 1-14 Downloads
Vincent Bouvatier

2007, issue 5, vol 5

Bank lending and monetary policy: the effects of structural shift in interest rates pp. 1-14 Downloads
Kim-Leng Goh and Sook-Lu Yong

2007, issue 4, vol 5

Estimating Capacity Utilization Using a SVAR Model: An Application to the US and Canadian Economies pp. 1-12 Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Theologos Dergiades

2007, issue 3, vol 5

Understanding monetary policy in Central European countries using Taylor-type rules: the case of the Visegrad four pp. 1-11 Downloads
Juan Paez-Farrell

2007, issue 2, vol 5

Habit Formation, Parents' Education Spending, and Growth pp. 1-9 Downloads
Takeshi Nakata

2007, issue 1, vol 5

Indeterminacy and market instability pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kong Weng Ho and Nicholas Sim

2007, issue 44, vol 4

External conjectural variations in symmetric oligopoly equilibrium pp. 1-6 Downloads
Ludovic Julien

2007, issue 43, vol 4

Efficiency in the cake-eating problem with quasi-geometric discounting pp. 1-8 Downloads
Juan Chavez-Martin del Campo

2007, issue 42, vol 4

The demand for lottery expenditure in Taiwan: a quantile regression approach pp. 1-11 Downloads
Cho-Min Lin and Kung-Cheng Lin

2007, issue 41, vol 4

Tournaments with Ex Post Heterogeneous Agents pp. 1-9 Downloads
Theofanis Tsoulouhas and Kosmas Marinakis

2007, issue 40, vol 4

Platform stickiness in a spatial voting model pp. 1-11 Downloads
Luca Lambertini

2007, issue 39, vol 4

Preemption, Start-Up Decisions and the Firms' Capital Structure pp. 1-14 Downloads
Paolo Panteghini and Michele Moretto

2007, issue 38, vol 4

A Note on the Imbalance Effect in the Uzawa-Lucas Model pp. 1-12 Downloads
Petr Duczynski

2007, issue 37, vol 4

Information sharing in emerging credit markets pp. 1-7 Downloads
Marco Di Maggio

2007, issue 36, vol 4

On the Link Between the Concepts of Kurtosis and Bipolarization pp. 1-6 Downloads
Jacques Silber, Meital Hanoka and Joseph Deutsch

2007, issue 35, vol 4

Income inequality, redistribution and democratization pp. 1-10 Downloads
Bi Zhaohui

2007, issue 34, vol 4

A Cheap Ticket to the Dance: Systematic Bias in College Basketball's Ratings Percentage Index pp. 1-7 Downloads
Cassey Lee

2007, issue 33, vol 4

Ideology, Shirking, and the Incumbency Advantage in the U.S. House of Representatives pp. 1-6 Downloads
Pavel Yakovlev

2007, issue 32, vol 4

On price uncertainty, nominal assets and uninsurable idiosyncratic risks pp. 1-17 Downloads
Sunanda Roy

2007, issue 31, vol 4

Self insurance and public employment programs pp. 1-15 Downloads
Sunanda Roy

2007, issue 30, vol 4

Capital depreciation and the investment-uncertainty relationship: The role of symmetric adjustment costs pp. 1-8 Downloads
Tamotsu Nakamura

2007, issue 29, vol 4

Risk Aversion, Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution and Correlation Aversion pp. 1-8 Downloads
Antoine Bommier

2007, issue 28, vol 4

Efficiency and converse reduction-consistency in collective choice pp. 1-7 Downloads
Arthur Robson and Tiemen Woutersen

2007, issue 26, vol 4

Betting on odds on Favorites as an Optimal Choice in Cumulative Prospect Theory pp. 1-10 Downloads
David Peel and David Law

2007, issue 25, vol 4

Coordinating Antitrust Policies Against International Cartels pp. 1-11 Downloads
Toshiji Kawagoe, Hirokazu Takizawa, Taisuke Matsubae and Hiroo Iwanari

2007, issue 24, vol 4

Market Structure and the Banking Sector pp. 1-9 Downloads
Benoit Julien and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras

2007, issue 23, vol 4

A note on the relevance of prudence in precautionary saving pp. 1-11 Downloads
Luigi Ventura

2007, issue 22, vol 4

On the sufficiency of transitive preferences pp. 1-9 Downloads
Theodore Turocy

2007, issue 21, vol 4

Testing for Shape Invariance of Semiparametric Equivalence Scales pp. 1-11 Downloads
Thanasis Stengos and Dianqin Wang

2007, issue 20, vol 4

A Unified Theory of Implementation pp. 1-10 Downloads
Ismail Saglam

2007, issue 18, vol 4

Indeterminacy in a variety expansion model of endogenous growth pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jorge Alcalde-Unzu

2007, issue 17, vol 4

Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A note pp. 1-8 Downloads
Raul Caruso

2007, issue 16, vol 4

When inertia generates political cycles: a remark pp. 1-5 Downloads
Nicolas Houy

2007, issue 15, vol 4

Geraint Johnes and Manuel Salas-Velasco

2007, issue 14, vol 4

Capturing moral economic context pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jeffrey Wagner and Luiz Freitas

2007, issue 13, vol 4

On integrability and aggregation of superior demand functions pp. 1-7 Downloads
José Alcantud and Susanne Fuchs-Seliger

2007, issue 12, vol 4

Predatory Bidding in Sequential Auctions pp. 1-5 Downloads
Hikmet Gunay and Xin Meng

2007, issue 11, vol 4

Using the compensating and equivalent variations to define the Slutsky Equation under a discrete price change pp. 1-9 Downloads
Robert Sproule and Ambrose Leung

2007, issue 10, vol 4

Modelling interdependences between spouses by estimating income satisfaction pp. 1-5 Downloads
José Alberto Molina, María Navarro Paniagua and Inmaculada García-Mainar

2007, issue 8, vol 4

Equal probability for the best and the assignment of identical indivisible objects pp. 1-10 Downloads
Wataru Kureishi and Hideki Mizukami

2007, issue 7, vol 4

Double Bertrand competition among intermediaries when consumers can default pp. 1-16 Downloads
Frederique Bracoud

2007, issue 6, vol 4

A note on measuring the importance of the uniform nonsynchronization hypothesis pp. 1-8 Downloads
João Santos Silva, Carlos Marques and Daniel Dias

2007, issue 5, vol 4

Habit Formation: Deep and Uncertain pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ali Choudhary and Young-Bae Kim

2007, issue 4, vol 4

A new characterization of absolute qualified majority voting pp. 1-8 Downloads
Nicolas Houy

2007, issue 2, vol 4

Economic Behavior of Restaurant Tipping pp. 1-10 Downloads
Tin-Chun Lin

2007, issue 1, vol 4

Household shocks and child labor in rural Malawi pp. 1-8 Downloads
Seife Dendir

2007, issue 69, vol 3

Financial Development and Economic Growth in Brazil: 1986-2006 pp. 1-13 Downloads
Patricia Stefani

2007, issue 68, vol 3

Evaluating coasean bargaining experiments with meta-analysis pp. 1-7 Downloads
Tyler Prante, Robert Berrens and Jennifer Thacher

2007, issue 67, vol 3

Estimating the Fractionally Integrated Model with a Break in the Differencing Parameter pp. 1-10 Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong

2007, issue 66, vol 3

A computational trick for calculating the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition and its standard error pp. 1-7 Downloads
Peter Kennedy and Jutta Heinrichs

2007, issue 65, vol 3

Multiple Markets Within the EU? Empirical Evidence From Pork and Poultry Prices in 14 EU Member Countrties pp. 1-12 Downloads
Panos Fousekis

2007, issue 64, vol 3

Evidence of the Long-Run Neutrality of Money: The Case of South Korea and Taiwan pp. 1-18 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen

2007, issue 63, vol 3

Should we care for structural breaks when assessing fiscal sustainability? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Christophe Rault and Antonio Afonso

2007, issue 62, vol 3

Conditional density estimation: an application to the Ecuadorian manufacturing sector pp. 1-6 Downloads
Kim Huynh and David Jacho-Chávez

2007, issue 61, vol 3

Semi-nonparametric estimation of regression-based survival models pp. 1-12 Downloads
Hiroaki Masuhara

2007, issue 60, vol 3

Abnormal Domestic Information Disseminate on Cross-listed Nikkei 225 Index Futures from Abroad? pp. 1-11 Downloads
Yen-Hsien Lee, Tung-Yueh Pai and Chien-Liang Chiu

2007, issue 59, vol 3

On the coexistence of reciprocity and materialism pp. 1-9 Downloads
Akiko Maruyama

2007, issue 58, vol 3

A Simple Exposition of Belief-Free Equilibria in Repeated Games pp. 1-16 Downloads
Wojciech Olszewski

2007, issue 57, vol 3

The core of a housing market with externalities pp. 1-5 Downloads
Ismail Saglam and Ayşe Mumcu

2007, issue 54, vol 3

A monte carlo analysis of the type II tobit maximum likelihood estimator when the true model is the type I tobit model pp. 1-10 Downloads
Kazumitsu Nawata

2007, issue 53, vol 3

A pitfall in joint stationarity, weak exogeneity and autoregressive distributed lag models pp. 1-5 Downloads
Carlos Santos

2007, issue 52, vol 3

A note on the use of quantile regression in beta convergence analysis pp. 1-8 Downloads
Márcio Laurini

2007, issue 51, vol 3

Least squares estimation of joint production functions by the differential evolution method of global optimization pp. 1-13 Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra

2007, issue 50, vol 3

On the accuracy of low-order projection methods pp. 1-8 Downloads
Paul Pichler

2007, issue 49, vol 3

Population ageing, policy reforms and economic growth in Japan: a computable OLG model with endogenous growth mechanism pp. 1-11 Downloads
Manabu Shimasawa

2007, issue 48, vol 3

Laffer curve in a non-Leviathan scenario: a real - effort experiment pp. 1-7 Downloads
Stefania Ottone and Ferruccio Ponzano

2007, issue 46, vol 3

Using Regional Cycles to Measure National Business Cycles in the U.S. with the Markov Switching Panel Model pp. 1-12 Downloads
Shyh-Wei Chen

2007, issue 45, vol 3

An Empirical Note on Testing the Cointegration Relationship Between the Real Estate and Stock Markets in Taiwan pp. 1-11 Downloads
Tsangyao Chang, Yu-Chen Wei and Yang-Cheng Lu

2007, issue 44, vol 3

The asymptotic global power comparisons of the GMM overidentifying restrictions tests pp. 1-6 Downloads
Sheng-Kai Chang

2007, issue 43, vol 3

Rock-paper-scissors a new and elegant proof pp. 1-6 Downloads
Anne van den Nouweland

2007, issue 42, vol 3

Oil rents and the tenure of the leaders in Africa pp. 1-12 Downloads
Omgba Luc Désiré

2007, issue 41, vol 3

Internal Dividend, External Loss and Value pp. 1-5 Downloads
Yan-An Hwang and Yaw-Hwa Hsiao

2007, issue 40, vol 3

A Dynamic Approach to a Consistent Value under Plurality-Efficiency pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yu-Hsien Liao

2007, issue 39, vol 3

The stability of intergenerational cooperation in altruistic families pp. 1-7 Downloads
José Alberto Molina, Iñaki Vazquez and Joaquin Andaluz

2007, issue 38, vol 3

Spuriousness of information criteria when selecting the number of breaks in stationary AR(p) process pp. 1-11 Downloads
Jamel Jouini and Mohamed Boutahar

2007, issue 37, vol 3

A new axiomatization of the core on fuzzy NTU games pp. 1-6 Downloads
Yan-An Hwang and Yu-Hsien Liao

2007, issue 36, vol 3

Identification and Estimation of Structural-Change Models with Misclassification pp. 1-19 Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Kwan Wong and Melvin Hinich

2007, issue 35, vol 3

Relationship between education and GDP growth: a mutivariate causality analysis for Bangladesh pp. 1-7 Downloads
Md Wadud, Qamarullah Bin Tariq Islam and Tariq Saiful Islam

2007, issue 34, vol 3

Mean Reversion in Stock Prices: New Evidence from Panel Unit Root Tests for Seventeen European Countries pp. 1-6 Downloads
Paresh Narayan and Arti Prasad

2007, issue 33, vol 3

Shapley's "2 by 2" theorem for game forms pp. 1-5 Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin

2007, issue 32, vol 3

Seasonal fractional integration with structural break. An application to the German GNP data pp. 1-6 Downloads
Luis Gil-Alana

2007, issue 31, vol 3

IS Per Capita Real GDP Stationary in China¡H Evidence Based on A Panel SURADF Approach pp. 1-12 Downloads
Chi-Wei Su, Yi-Sung Huang, Peirchyi Lii and Ning-Jun Zhang

2007, issue 30, vol 3

A synthesis of location models pp. 1-15 Downloads
Marta Risueño and Hamid Hamoudi

2007, issue 29, vol 3

Some equivalence results between mixed strategy Nash equilibria and minimax regret in 2x2 games pp. 1-8 Downloads
Andrea Gallice

2007, issue 27, vol 3

Does gender matter for demand revelation in threshold public goods experiments? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Yohei Mitani and Nicholas Flores

2007, issue 26, vol 3

On the existence of an equilibrium in the Split-the-Difference Mechanism over an uncountable set with a singular part pp. 1-5 Downloads
Jeremy Bertomeu

2007, issue 25, vol 3

New trading risk indexes: application of the shapley value in finance pp. 1-7 Downloads
Virginie Terraza and Stéphane Mussard

2007, issue 24, vol 3

Scale invariance in financial time series pp. 1-7 Downloads
Ranasinghe Malmini

2007, issue 23, vol 3

Mean reversion of inflation rates in 19 OECD countries: Evidence from panel Lm unit root tests with structural breaks pp. 1-15 Downloads
Chien-Chiang Lee and Chun-Ping Chang

2007, issue 22, vol 3

The Impact of the QFIIs Deregulation on Normal and Abnormal Information Transmission Between the Stock and Exchange rates in Taiwan pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yen-Hsien Lee and Chien-Liang Chiu

2007, issue 21, vol 3

{Relative Strength of Strategy Elimination Procedures pp. 1-9 Downloads
Krzysztof Apt

2007, issue 20, vol 3

The Lagrange multiplier is not the shadow value of the limiting resource in the presence of strategically interacting agents pp. 1-8 Downloads
Michael Caputo

2007, issue 19, vol 3

Nested Potential Games pp. 1-8 Downloads
Hiroshi Uno

2007, issue 16, vol 3

A note on fractional stochastic convergence pp. 1-14 Downloads
Marcelo Mello and Roberto Guimaraes-Filho

2007, issue 15, vol 3

The Ramsey model with logistic population growth pp. 1-8 Downloads
Juan Brida and Elvio Accinelli

2007, issue 14, vol 3

Estimation of Zellner-Revankar Production Function Revisited pp. 1-7 Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra

2007, issue 13, vol 3

Are there timing effects in coordination game experiments? pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tao Li

2007, issue 12, vol 3

Learning in Bayesian regulation: desirable or undesirable? pp. 1-10 Downloads
Ismail Saglam and Semih Koray

2007, issue 11, vol 3

A simple bivariate count data regression model pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shiferaw Gurmu and John Elder

2007, issue 10, vol 3

Determinants and Impacts of the Relative Use of Depository Receipts and Euro Convertible Bonds by High-tech Corporations: An Empirical Study pp. 1-13 Downloads
Leon Li, Hsuan-Ho Cheng, Yu-Chen Lin and Alan T. Wang

2007, issue 9, vol 3

A Stochastic Approach to the Cobb-Douglas Production Function pp. 1-8 Downloads
Constantin Chilarescu and Nicolas Vaneecloo

2007, issue 8, vol 3

On a Nonlinear Feedback Strategy Equilibrium of a Dynamic Game pp. 1-10 Downloads
Kenji Fujiwara and Norimichi Matsueda

2007, issue 7, vol 3

Subgame-perfect market sharing agreements pp. 1-14 Downloads
Toru Hokari, Seiji Murakoshi and Masaki Iimura

2007, issue 6, vol 3

On the Distribution of the Break-Date Estimator Implied by the Perron-Type Statistics When the Form of Break is Misspecified pp. 1-19 Downloads
Amit Sen

2007, issue 5, vol 3

Straightforwardness of Game Forms with Infinite Sets of Outcomes pp. 1-4 Downloads
Giulio Codognato

2007, issue 4, vol 3

Experimental Economics Research: Is there an alternative to having huge research budgets? pp. 1-6 Downloads
Amy Moore and Michael Taylor

2007, issue 3, vol 3

wrong estimation of the true number of shifts in structural break models: Theoretical and numerical evidence pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jamel Jouini and Mohamed Boutahar

2007, issue 2, vol 3

Habit Formation: Deep and Uncertain pp. 1-10 Downloads
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Guoxin Liu and Kit Ming Yan

2007, issue 1, vol 3

An algorithm for censored quantile regressions pp. 1-9 Downloads
Thanasis Stengos and Dianqin Wang

2007, issue 1, vol 2

On the Use of Cheap Talk in New Product Valuation pp. 1-9 Downloads
Rodolfo Nayga, Ximing Wu and Robert G. Brummett

2007, issue 3, vol 1

Fine Arts in Solow Model pp. 1-20 Downloads
Tetsuya Saito

2007, issue 2, vol 1

Plato's Republic and liberal economic education for the twenty-first century pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jeffrey Wagner

2007, issue 1, vol 1

The time-inconsistency of alternative energy policy pp. 1-7 Downloads
Thierry Vignolo, Jacques Percebois and Agnes dArtigues
Page updated 2025-03-31