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Economics Bulletin

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2005, issue 40, vol 28

SERCI annual congress, 2006 pp. A0 Downloads
Richard Watt

2005, issue 39, vol 28

NSF/NBER/CEME Decentralization Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Frank Page and Frank Page

2005, issue 38, vol 28

International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2005, issue 37, vol 28

The Fifth Annual EEFS Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2005, issue 36, vol 28

5th International Conference on Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis pp. A0 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva and Anna Carbone

2005, issue 35, vol 28

General equilibrium in Rio pp. A0 Downloads
Paulo Monteiro

2005, issue 34, vol 28

International Conference on Climate or Deavelopment pp. A0 Downloads
Mumtaz Anwar

2005, issue 33, vol 28

Competition, contents and broadband for the internet in Europe pp. A0 Downloads
Daniel Sgroi and Emanuele Giovannetti

2005, issue 32, vol 28

International Business Research Conference, Athens 2005 pp. A0 Downloads
Amarendra Dhiraj

2005, issue 31, vol 28

Eighth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare pp. A0 Downloads
M. Remzi Sanver and M. Remzi Sanver

2005, issue 30, vol 28

Third annual single global currency conference pp. A0 Downloads
Morrison Bonpasse and Morrison Bonpasse

2005, issue 29, vol 28

XVth Annual General Conference on Contemporary Issues in Development Economics, 9-10 December, 2005 pp. A0 Downloads
Tanmoyee Banerjee (Chatterjee) and Tanmoyee Banerjee (Chatterjee)

2005, issue 28, vol 28

"Democracy and Economy", PEKEA 4th International Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Marc Humbert and Marc Humbert

2005, issue 27, vol 28

Call for Papers: Workshop on the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Information Technology pp. A0 Downloads
Giovanni Ramello and Giovanni Ramello

2005, issue 26, vol 28

International Workshop on Innovation, Multinationals and Local Development pp. A0 Downloads
Grazia D. Santangelo and Grazia D. Santangelo

2005, issue 25, vol 28

The Keynesian Legacy in Macroeconomic Modeling pp. A0 Downloads
Gennaro Zezza and Gennaro Zezza

2005, issue 24, vol 28

NYU/CeDER Workshop on the Economics of Information Technology pp. A0 Downloads
Yi Zhang and Julia Mills

2005, issue 23, vol 28

Workshop on Informational Herding Behavior pp. A0 Downloads
Peter Sørensen

2005, issue 22, vol 28

The channels of european integration pp. A0 Downloads
Eliza Chilimoniuk and Eliza Chilimoniuk

2005, issue 21, vol 28

CEPET summer workshop pp. A0 Downloads
Christian Klamler and Christian Klamler

2005, issue 20, vol 28

Berlin open forum on metadata registries pp. A0 Downloads
Anja Drame and Fabienne Nawrat

2005, issue 19, vol 28

World Forum on Information Society pp. A0 Downloads
Nishantha Arachchige Don and World Forum Secretariat

2005, issue 18, vol 28

Serciac05 pp. A0 Downloads
Richard Watt

2005, issue 17, vol 28

The Fourth Annual EEFS Conference pp. A0 Downloads
Theodore Panagiotidis

2005, issue 13, vol 28

L'effet de la privatisation sur la croissance économique pp. A0 Downloads
Habib Ouni

2005, issue 12, vol 28

Evolution of the personal income distribution in the USA: High incomes pp. A0 Downloads
Ivan Kitov

2005, issue 11, vol 28

Modelling the transition from a socialist to capitalist economic system pp. A0 Downloads
Ivan Kitov

2005, issue 10, vol 28

Primary Commodity Dependence and Debt Problem in Less Developed Countries pp. A0 Downloads
Raymond Swaray

2005, issue 9, vol 28

GDP growth rate and population pp. A0 Downloads
Ivan Kitov

2005, issue 8, vol 28

Gains and losses. The same or different choices? pp. A0 Downloads
Alexander Harin

2005, issue 7, vol 28

Fiscal federalism, discipline and selection adverse in the EU: Lessons from a theoretical model pp. A0 Downloads
Amélie Barbier-Gauchard

2005, issue 6, vol 28

Endogenous OCA Theory: Using the Gravity Model to Test Mundell's Intuition pp. A0 Downloads
Thierry Warin, Phanindra Wunnava and Hubert Janicki

2005, issue 5, vol 28

Fiscal Perspectives in Europe: Convergence and Debt's burden pp. A0 Downloads
Thierry Warin

2005, issue 4, vol 28

The optimal prediction simultaneous equation model selection pp. A0 Downloads
Alexander Gorobets

2005, issue 3, vol 28

Crise Financeira Russa pp. A0 Downloads
Bruno Pinto, Ursula de Lima and Thais Vilela

2005, issue 2, vol 28

Giovanni Ramello

2005, issue 1, vol 28

Platform Competition and Broadband Adoption: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the European Union pp. A0 Downloads
Fabio Manenti

2005, issue 1, vol 18

London-type congestion tax with revenue-recycling pp. 1-6 Downloads
Yukihiro Kidokoro

2005, issue 9, vol 17

Measuring the relative efficiency and reorganization-The example of CDFAs of the NAN-TOU County in Taiwan pp. 1-11 Downloads
Chun Liu

2005, issue 8, vol 17

Exploring the Beta Model Using Proportional Budget Information in a Contingent Valuation Study pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hui Li, Robert Berrens, Alok Bohara, Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, Carol L. Silva and David Weimer

2005, issue 7, vol 17

Estimating nonuse values using conjoint analysis pp. 1-15 Downloads
Robert Turner, Laura Noddin and Alita Giuda

2005, issue 6, vol 17

Environmental regulation incidences towards international oligopolies: pollution taxes vs emission permits pp. 1-10 Downloads
Florent Pratlong

2005, issue 4, vol 17

Experiments on the Divergence between Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept: The Issue Revisited pp. 1-5 Downloads
Rodolfo Nayga, Wipon Aiew and Richard Woodward

2005, issue 3, vol 17

The effect of differentiated emission taxes: does an emission tax favor industry? pp. 1-10 Downloads
Shiro Takeda

2005, issue 1, vol 16

On bribing and balking in a simple queuing model of resource allocation pp. 1-10 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

2005, issue 19, vol 15

Assessing the Money, Exchange Rate, Price Links during Hyperinflationary Episodes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo pp. 1-10 Downloads
Jean-Claude Maswana

2005, issue 18, vol 15

Empirical evidence of externalities of IT capital in Japan pp. 1-11 Downloads
Yasuo Nakanishi

2005, issue 17, vol 15

Local Economic Structure and Industry Development in Germany, 1993-2001 pp. 1-8 Downloads
Jens Suedekum and Uwe Blien

2005, issue 16, vol 15

Growth in OECD countries and elsewhere: how much do education and R&D explain? pp. 1-11 Downloads
Katarina Keller and Panu Poutvaara

2005, issue 15, vol 15

Technological spillover and the time distribution of licenses pp. 1-10 Downloads
Elisabetta Ottoz

2005, issue 14, vol 15

On the allocation of commodities by queuing and the prevention of violence pp. 1-7 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

2005, issue 13, vol 15

Policy implications of endogenous growth models: A Note pp. 1-7 Downloads
Joerg Lingens

2005, issue 12, vol 15

Income distribution dynamics across European regions pp. 1-9 Downloads
Theophile Azomahou, Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Phu Nguyen Van and Jalal El Ouardighi

2005, issue 11, vol 15

Public versus Private Education in an Endogenous Growth Model with Social Status pp. 1-9 Downloads
Katsunori Yamada

2005, issue 9, vol 15

Enforcement with Costly Group Formation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Sudipta Sarangi and Prabirendra Chatterjee

2005, issue 8, vol 15

Endogenous lifetime and economic growth revisited pp. 1-8 Downloads
Helle Bunzel and Xue Qiao

2005, issue 7, vol 15

The dynamics of structural change under risk influence pp. 1-8 Downloads
Panagiotis Petrakis and Stylianos Kotsios

2005, issue 6, vol 15

Application of the IS-MP-IA model to the Singapore economy and policy implications pp. 1-9 Downloads
Yu Hsing

2005, issue 5, vol 15

Application of the IS-MP-IA model to the German economy and policy implications pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yu Hsing

2005, issue 4, vol 15

Assessing the information content of the technology achievement index in the presence of the human development index pp. 1-5 Downloads
Francisco Arcelus, Gopalan Srinivasan and Basu Sharma

2005, issue 3, vol 15

Schooling, Working Experiences, and Human Capital Formation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Kazuo Mino and Yunfang Hu

2005, issue 2, vol 15

Strategic patents and asymmetric litigation costs as entry deterrence instruments pp. 1-9 Downloads
Julio Robledo

2005, issue 1, vol 15

Income Divergence? Evidence of Non-linearity in the East Asian Economies pp. 1-7 Downloads
Venus Liew and Kian-Ping Lim

2005, issue 2, vol 14

Travel hysteresis in the US current account after the mid-1980s pp. 1-10 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Guilherme Moura and Roberto Meurer

2005, issue 1, vol 14

Re-examining the pollution-income relationship: a random coefficients approach pp. 1-7 Downloads
Matthew Cole

2005, issue 2, vol 13

Evaluating Brazilian mutual funds with stochastic frontiers pp. 1-6 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Newton Da Costa, Jr, Joao Tusi and Andre Santos

2005, issue 1, vol 13

Stock selection based on cluster analysis pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Jefferson Cunha and Newton Da Costa, Jr

2005, issue 20, vol 12

Cost reducing investments and spatial competition pp. 1-8 Downloads
Domenico Scalera and Alberto Zazzaro

2005, issue 19, vol 12

Storage and Competition in gas market pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jean-Christophe Poudou

2005, issue 18, vol 12

Research Joint Ventures Cartelization with Asymmetric R&D Spillovers pp. 1-11 Downloads
Gamal Atallah

2005, issue 17, vol 12

On Firms' Preferences for Product Differentiation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Rajeev Tyagi

2005, issue 16, vol 12

A Note on the Profit Distribution among a Manufacturer and its Retailers pp. 1-6 Downloads
Naoki Watanabe

2005, issue 15, vol 12

Technology Licensing to a Rival pp. 1-8 Downloads
Corinne Langinier and Caroline Boivin

2005, issue 13, vol 12

The hierarchical structure of a firm: a geometric approach pp. 1-7 Downloads
Kam Ki Tang, Rodney Beard, Evelyn Ng and Leo Yanes

2005, issue 12, vol 12

Existence of pure strategy equilibria among geographically dispersed firms pp. 1-4 Downloads
Raphael Thomadsen

2005, issue 11, vol 12

Equilibrium payoffs in a Bertrand-Edgeworth model with product differentiation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Xavier Wauthy and Nicolas Boccard

2005, issue 10, vol 12

Increasing optimism and demand uncertainty pp. 1-8 Downloads
Julien Prat

2005, issue 9, vol 12

Incentive to encourage downstream competition under bilateral oligopoly pp. 1-5 Downloads
Stephane Caprice

2005, issue 8, vol 12

Combining Pricing Bands with Price Cap Regulation pp. 1-4 Downloads
Kevin Currier

2005, issue 7, vol 12

Horizontal mergers in the circular city: a note pp. 1-10 Downloads
Andreea Cosnita-Langlais

2005, issue 6, vol 12

Cost reducing incentives in a mixed duopoly market pp. 1-6 Downloads
Hikaru Ogawa and Ming Hsin Lin

2005, issue 5, vol 12

Assessing alternative competitive balance measures for sports leagues: a theoretical examination of standard deviations, gini coefficients, & the index of dissimilarity pp. 1-11 Downloads
Daniel Mizak, Armond Rossi and Anthony Stair

2005, issue 4, vol 12

Alliances and entry in a simple airline network pp. 1-11 Downloads
Ming Hsin Lin

2005, issue 1, vol 12

The Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution and Nationality of Ownerhship pp. 1-11 Downloads
Eric Strobl, Holger Görg and Salvador Barrios

2005, issue 2, vol 11

Crime timing pp. 1-7 Downloads
Christian At and Nathalie Chappe

2005, issue 1, vol 11

Characterizing regulation and negligence rule uncertainty in solid waste management pp. 1-11 Downloads
Jeffrey Wagner and Gregory DeAngelo

2005, issue 4, vol 10

Wage discrimination as an illegal behavior pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yossi Tobol

2005, issue 3, vol 10

A game model of dowry determination in an arranged marriage context pp. 1-8 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

2005, issue 2, vol 10

The Effect of unemployment benefit degression on union membership of unemployed people pp. 1-10 Downloads
Sandi Mourad

2005, issue 1, vol 10

The Inter-Industry Wage Structure of U.S. Multinationals pp. 1-7 Downloads
Pedro Martins

2005, issue 10, vol 9

Public vs private schooling in an endogenous growth model pp. 1-6 Downloads
Luís Aguiar-Conraria

2005, issue 9, vol 9

David Cantarero and Marta Pascual

2005, issue 8, vol 9

Structural change in cigarette demand: cusum tests using panel data pp. 1-11 Downloads
John Schroeter and Aju Fenn

2005, issue 7, vol 9

A new outcome measure for cost-utility analyses of screening programs pp. 1-8 Downloads
Juan Moreno-Ternero and Carmen Herrero

2005, issue 6, vol 9

On the role of borrowing constraints in public and private universities' choices pp. 1-8 Downloads
Laura Romero

2005, issue 5, vol 9

Bargaining and idle public sector capacity in health care pp. 1-8 Downloads
Xavier Martinez-Giralt and Pedro Barros

2005, issue 4, vol 9

Educational Performance as Signalling Device: Evidence from Italy pp. 1-7 Downloads
Luisa Rosti, Chikara Yamaguchi and Carolina Castagnetti

2005, issue 3, vol 9

Nonprofit and for-profit providers in Japan's at-home care industry: evidence on quality of service and household choice pp. 1-13 Downloads
Satoshi Shimizutani and Haruko Noguchi

2005, issue 2, vol 9

An analysis of perceived overqualification in the Swiss labor market pp. 1-10 Downloads
Erdal Atukeren and Aniela Wirz

2005, issue 1, vol 9

Homework and performance for time-constrained students pp. 1-6 Downloads
William Neilson

2005, issue 13, vol 8

Private Provision of Public Goods under Delegated Common Agency pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tsung-Sheng Tsai

2005, issue 12, vol 8

Vertical intergovernmental relationship and economic growth pp. 1-10 Downloads
Yutaro Murakami

2005, issue 11, vol 8

The Egalitarian sharing rule in provision of public goods pp. 1-5 Downloads
Shlomo Wever, Alexey Savvateev, Michel Le Breton and Anna Bogomolnaia

2005, issue 10, vol 8

Size and distribution of prizes and efforts in contests pp. 1-10 Downloads
Gil Epstein and Shmuel Nitzan

2005, issue 9, vol 8

With non-competitive firms, a turnover tax can dominate the VAT pp. 1-6 Downloads
Arindam Das-Gupta

2005, issue 5, vol 8

Preferences for Government Size and their Effect on Labor-Leisure Decisions pp. 1-6 Downloads
Jason Taylor and Christopher Bailey

2005, issue 4, vol 8

The Ahmad-Stern approach revisited pp. 1-8 Downloads
Carlos Urzúa

2005, issue 3, vol 8

Simulations of fundamental tax reform with irrational households pp. 1-11 Downloads
Michael Williams

2005, issue 2, vol 8

Public Versus Private Water Utilities: Empirical Evidence for Brazilian Companies pp. 1-7 Downloads
Tito Moreira, Geraldo da Silva Souza and Ricardo Coelho Faria

2005, issue 1, vol 8

Valentino Larcinese

2005, issue 7, vol 7

Stochastic dominance on optimal portfolio with one risk-less and two risky assets pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jean Fernand Nguema

2005, issue 6, vol 7

Non-linear Market Behavior: Events Detection in the Malaysian Stock Market pp. 1-5 Downloads
Kian-Ping Lim and Melvin Hinich

2005, issue 5, vol 7

The impact of trading mechanisms and stock characteristics on order processing and information costs: A panel GMM approach pp. 1-11 Downloads
Gerhard Kling

2005, issue 4, vol 7

Positivity and bubbles in overlapping generations models pp. 1-4 Downloads
Stephen LeRoy

2005, issue 3, vol 7

Stockmarket comovements revisited pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Paulo Ceretta, Silvia Nunes and Newton Da Costa, Jr

2005, issue 2, vol 7

Can a Time-to-Plan Model explain the Equity Premium Puzzle pp. 1-8 Downloads
Kevin Beaubrun-Diant

2005, issue 1, vol 7

Cross-temporal universality of non-linear dependencies in Asian stock markets pp. 1-6 Downloads
Kian-Ping Lim and Melvin Hinich

2005, issue 24, vol 6

Travel hysteresis in the Brazilian current account pp. 1-17 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Guilherme Moura and Roberto Meurer

2005, issue 23, vol 6

A primer on the empirics of original sin pp. 1-12 Downloads
Stéphane Colliac and Nader Akmar

2005, issue 22, vol 6

FDI may help rival firms pp. 1-8 Downloads
Junichiro Ishida and Noriaki Matsushima

2005, issue 21, vol 6

Migration and unemployment in an efficiency wage model of a small open economy pp. 1-6 Downloads
Michael Bleaney

2005, issue 20, vol 6

An Empirical Analysis of FDI Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa and Developing Countries pp. 1-8 Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori and Ivohasina Razafimahefa

2005, issue 19, vol 6

Trade Between Countries with Radically Different Preferences pp. 1-9 Downloads
Koji Shimomura and Murray Kemp

2005, issue 17, vol 6

Laura Márquez-Ramos and Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso

2005, issue 16, vol 6

Market Integration and Market Concentration in Horizontally Differentiated Industries pp. 1-6 Downloads
Carsten Eckel

2005, issue 15, vol 6

Foreign political instability and U.S. agricultural exports: evidence from panel data pp. 1-12 Downloads
Titus Awokuse and Conrado M. Gempesaw II

2005, issue 14, vol 6

Long Run Exchange Rate Pass-Through Into Import Prices In Developing Countries: An Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Phenomenon? pp. 1-12 Downloads
Karim Barhoumi

2005, issue 13, vol 6

Income Disparity between Japan and ASEAN-5 Economies: Converge, Catching Up or Diverge? pp. 1-20 Downloads
Kian-Ping Lim, M Azali and Hock-Ann Lee

2005, issue 12, vol 6

Intra-industry trade with emergent countries: what can we learn from spanish data? pp. 1-17 Downloads
Juliette Milgram-Baleix and Ana Moro-Egido

2005, issue 11, vol 6

Exchange Rate – Relative Price Nonlinear Cointegration Relationship in Malaysia pp. 1-16 Downloads
Venus Liew, Chee-Keong Choong, Evan Lau and Kian-Ping Lim

2005, issue 10, vol 6

Is There a Brazilian J-Curve? pp. 1-17 Downloads
Sergio Da Silva and Guilherme Moura

2005, issue 9, vol 6

Capital Flow, Nontradable Consumption and Home Bias pp. 1-15 Downloads
Mao-wei Hung and Hsiao-yuan Yu

2005, issue 8, vol 6

Reconsideration of trade patterns in a Chamberlinian-Ricardian model pp. 1-10 Downloads
Nobuhito Suga

2005, issue 7, vol 6

Network externalities as a source of comparative advantage pp. 1-9 Downloads
Terence Chong

2005, issue 6, vol 6

Trade and the Environment in Latin America: Examining the Linkage with the USA pp. 1-8 Downloads
Fumiko Takeda and Katsumi Matsuura

2005, issue 5, vol 6

Attribution of injury in the shrimp antidumping case: A simultaneous equations approach pp. 1-10 Downloads
David Sharp and Kenneth Zantow

2005, issue 4, vol 6

Fragmentation in a product cycle model pp. 1-13 Downloads
Hisashi Kurihara

2005, issue 3, vol 6

Capital-Intensive Country-Specific Network Costs and Intra-Industry Trade pp. 1-9 Downloads
Colin Davis

2005, issue 2, vol 6

Inflation persistence and exchange rate regimes: evidence from developing countries pp. 1-15 Downloads
Michael Bleaney and Manuela Francisco

2005, issue 1, vol 6

Foreign direct investment and profit outflows: a causality analysis for the Brazilian economy pp. 1-15 Downloads
Fernando Seabra and Lisandra Flach

2005, issue 12, vol 5

The central bank cost constraint and output-inflation variability: a note on Cecchetti and Ehrmann 2000 pp. 1-6 Downloads
Osama Sweidan and Fadwa Kalaji

2005, issue 11, vol 5

Fiscal federalism, discipline and selection adverse in the EU: Lessons from a theoretical model pp. 1-8 Downloads
Amélie Barbier-Gauchard

2005, issue 10, vol 5

Public debt, the terms of trade and welfare in an overlapping generations model with lifetime uncertainty pp. 1-8 Downloads
Dirk Willenbockel

2005, issue 9, vol 5

Optimal factor income taxation in a neo-classical growth model with endogenous fertility pp. 1-7 Downloads
Takeo Kozu

2005, issue 8, vol 5

The relation between U.S. money growth and inflation: evidence from a band-pass filter pp. 1-13 Downloads
Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace

2005, issue 7, vol 5

Monetary Policy Rules In Accession Countries to EU: Is the Taylor rule a pattern? pp. 1-16 Downloads
Ramón Maria-Dolores

2005, issue 4, vol 5

The Structure of Adjustment Costs in Information Technology Investment pp. 1-9 Downloads
Hyunbae Chun and Sung-Bae Mun

2005, issue 3, vol 5

Non-robustness of the cash-in-advance equilibrium in the trading post model pp. 1-5 Downloads
R. Vijay Krishna

2005, issue 2, vol 5

Political instability, public investment and macroeconomic performance pp. 1-12 Downloads
Gulcin Ozkan and Mustafa Ismihan

2005, issue 1, vol 5

Inter-Generational Redistribution in an Endogenous Growth Model pp. 1-6 Downloads
Stephen Kosempel and Robin Banerjee

2005, issue 18, vol 4

Valence characteristics and entry of a third party pp. 1-9 Downloads
Kwang-ho Kim

2005, issue 17, vol 4

Satisfaction and Comparison Income in Japan: evidence from data of Japanese union workers pp. 1-20 Downloads
Katsunori Yamada, Atsushi Sannabe and Takashi Saito

2005, issue 16, vol 4

Measures of downside risk pp. 1-9 Downloads
Udo Ebert

2005, issue 15, vol 4

A note on output hedging with basis risk- an extension of Paroush and Wolf hedging model pp. 1-6 Downloads
Moawia Alghalith

2005, issue 14, vol 4

A Model of Mental Effort and Endogenous Estimation Risk pp. 1-10 Downloads
Diego Nocetti

2005, issue 13, vol 4

Extending Xu's results to Arrow''s Impossibility Theorem pp. 1-6 Downloads
Herrade Igersheim

2005, issue 12, vol 4

Signalling Effects of a Large Player in a Global Game of Creditor Coordination pp. 1-7 Downloads
Manfred Stadler and Tobias Schuele

2005, issue 11, vol 4

Stochastic and deterministic menus in common agency games pp. 1-6 Downloads
Gwenael Piaser

2005, issue 10, vol 4

Equivalence of the Dempster-Shafer rule and the maximum likelihood rule implies convexity pp. 1-6 Downloads
Takashi Ui and Atsushi Kajii

2005, issue 9, vol 4

Do Americans Desire Homogeneity? Evidence from Names from 1900-2000 pp. 1-6 Downloads
Richard Woodward

2005, issue 8, vol 4

Dependent background risks and asset prices pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yusuke Osaki

2005, issue 7, vol 4

A riemannian metric on the equilibrium manifold pp. 1-7 Downloads
Stefano Matta

2005, issue 6, vol 4

A special case of self-protection: The choice of a lawyer pp. 1-8 Downloads
Benoît Sévi and Fabrice Yafil

2005, issue 5, vol 4

A note on households' choice of emergency finance pp. 1-7 Downloads
Andrew Worthington

2005, issue 4, vol 4

Salvaging The Linkage Principle In Private-Value Auction For A Single Object pp. 1-5 Downloads
Indranil Chakraborty

2005, issue 3, vol 4

Quasi-option value under ambiguity pp. 1-10 Downloads
Marcello Basili and Fulvio Fontini

2005, issue 2, vol 4

Nonlinear pricing of a congestible network good pp. 1-7 Downloads
Khaïreddine Jebsi and Lionel Thomas

2005, issue 1, vol 4

Linear risk tolerance and mean-variance preferences pp. 1-8 Downloads
Andreas Wagener

2005, issue 57, vol 3

Bayesian Estimation of A Distance Functional Weight Matrix Model pp. 1-6 Downloads
Kazuhiko Kakamu

2005, issue 56, vol 3

A New Variant of RESET for Distributed Lag Models pp. 1-4 Downloads
Dimitris Hatzinikolaou and Athanassios Stavrakoudis

2005, issue 55, vol 3

On KPSS with GARCH errors pp. 1-12 Downloads
Marco Barassi

2005, issue 54, vol 3

On autoregressive errors in singular systems of equations pp. 1-3 Downloads
Harry Haupt and Walter Oberhofer

2005, issue 53, vol 3

Threshold autoregressive testing procedures and structural change in cointegrating relationships pp. 1-11 Downloads
Steven Cook

2005, issue 52, vol 3

Long horizon regressions with moderate deviations from a unit root pp. 1-11 Downloads
Jin Lee

2005, issue 51, vol 3

An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Oman's National Savings pp. 1-7 Downloads
Paresh Narayan and Saud AL Siyabi

2005, issue 50, vol 3

Simple Edgeworth approximations for semiparametric averaged derivatives pp. 1-8 Downloads
Chuan Goh

2005, issue 49, vol 3

Opting Out in a War of Attrition pp. 1-6 Downloads
Mercedes Adamuz

2005, issue 48, vol 3

Implementation of the Ordinal Shapley Value for a three-agent economy pp. 1-8 Downloads
David Perez-Castrillo and David Wettstein

2005, issue 47, vol 3

Testing for Granger causality in the presence of measurement errors pp. 1-13 Downloads
Jonas Andersson

2005, issue 46, vol 3

Alternate contracts for side payments pp. 1-5 Downloads
Akira Yamada

2005, issue 45, vol 3

A Note on Equilibrium Selection in Polya-Urn Coordination Games pp. 1-14 Downloads
Giorgio Fagiolo

2005, issue 44, vol 3

Bias-Corrected Bootstrap Inference for Regression Models with Autocorrelated Errors pp. 1-8 Downloads
Jae Kim

2005, issue 43, vol 3

Players' Patience and Equilibrium Payoffs in the Baron-Ferejohn Model pp. 1-5 Downloads
Tomohiko Kawamori

2005, issue 42, vol 3

On Wesner's method of searching for chaos on low frequency pp. 1-8 Downloads
Marian Gidea and David Quaid

2005, issue 41, vol 3

Does Rational Bubbles Exist in the Taiwan Stock Market? Evidence from a Nonparametric Cointegration Test pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tsangyao Chang, Chi-Wei Su, Hsiao-Ping Chu and Hsu-Ling Chang

2005, issue 40, vol 3

Discounting and efficiency in coalitional bargaining with random proposers pp. 1-11 Downloads
Tomohiko Kawamori

2005, issue 38, vol 3

Stochastic convergence among European economies pp. 1-17 Downloads
Mauro Costantini and Claudio Lupi

2005, issue 37, vol 3

Is the earnings-schooling relationship linear? a semiparametric analysis pp. 1-8 Downloads
Lawrence Dacuycuy

2005, issue 36, vol 3

The Optimal Prediction Simultaneous Equations Selection pp. 1-8 Downloads
Alexander Gorobets

2005, issue 35, vol 3

Are credit constraints in Italy really more binding in the South? pp. 1-6 Downloads
Claudio Lupi

2005, issue 34, vol 3

Signal Qualities, Order of Decisions, and Informational Cascades: Experimental Evidence pp. 1-11 Downloads
Shunichiro Sasaki

2005, issue 33, vol 3

The Uncontrolled Social Utility Hypothesis Revisited pp. 1-7 Downloads
Carsten Schmidt and Ro'i Zultan

2005, issue 32, vol 3

The next new thing: curiosity and the motivation to purchase novel products pp. 1-8 Downloads
John Bernard and William Schulze

2005, issue 31, vol 3

Matching buyers and sellers pp. 1-10 Downloads
Massimo De Francesco

2005, issue 30, vol 3

Does Consumption-Wealth Ratio Signal Stock Returns? - VECM Results for Germany pp. 1-13 Downloads
Fang Xu

2005, issue 29, vol 3

A consistent nonparametric estimation of spatial autocovariances pp. 1-10 Downloads
Théophile Azomahou and Dong Li

2005, issue 28, vol 3

Direct externalities, specific performance and renegotiation design pp. 1-7 Downloads
M'hand Fares

2005, issue 26, vol 3

Exchange Rate Pass-Through Into Import Prices In Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation pp. 1-14 Downloads
Karim Barhoumi

2005, issue 25, vol 3

Provision of club goods: cost sharing and selection of a provider pp. 1-13 Downloads
Denis Lescop

2005, issue 24, vol 3

Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary? Evidence from Selected African Countries Based on More Powerful Nonlinear (Logistic) Unit Root Tests pp. 1-9 Downloads
Tsangyao Chang, Ching-Chun Wei and Chien-Chung Nieh

2005, issue 23, vol 3

The Bi-parameter Smooth Transition Autoregressive model pp. 1-11 Downloads
Boriss Siliverstovs

2005, issue 21, vol 3

A note on the comparative performance of the Zheng and Elisson-Elisson tests for omitted variables in regression models pp. 1-6 Downloads
Lawrence Dacuycuy

2005, issue 20, vol 3

Toward a unified approach to testing for weak separability pp. 1-7 Downloads
David Edgerton, Donald Dutkowsky, Thomas Elger and Barry Jones

2005, issue 19, vol 3

Autoregressive Lag Length Selection Criteria in the Presence of ARCH Errors pp. 1-5 Downloads
Venus Liew and Terence Tai Leung Chong

2005, issue 18, vol 3

Coordination games and the option to wait pp. 1-4 Downloads
Andrew Wait and Vladimir Smirnov

2005, issue 17, vol 3

The error of prediction for a simultaneous equation model pp. 1-7 Downloads
Alexander Gorobets

2005, issue 16, vol 3

Games with vector-valued payoffs and their application to competition between organizations pp. 1-13 Downloads
John Roemer

2005, issue 15, vol 3

Measuring efficiency with neural networks. An application to the public sector pp. 1-10 Downloads
Francisco Delgado

2005, issue 14, vol 3

The coincidence of the core and the dominance core on multi-choice games pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yan-An Hwang

2005, issue 13, vol 3

Monte-carlo evidence suggesting a no moment problem of the continuous updating estimator pp. 1-6 Downloads
Patrik Guggenberger

2005, issue 12, vol 3

When envy helps explain coordination pp. 1-7 Downloads
Thierry Vignolo

2005, issue 11, vol 3

On distribution approximation: a simple comparative study on procedural variations of the Zheng test pp. 1-10 Downloads
Lawrence Dacuycuy

2005, issue 10, vol 3

Spectral Density Bandwidth Choice and Prewhitening in the Generalized Method of Moments Estimators for the Asset Pricing Model pp. 1-13 Downloads
Min-Hsien Chiang and Chihwa Kao

2005, issue 9, vol 3

Asymmetric adjustment of the equilibrium relationship between the nominal interest rate and inflation rate pp. 1-8 Downloads
Daiki Maki

2005, issue 8, vol 3

Estimating threshold cointegrated systems pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jan G. Gooijer and Antoni Vidiella-I-Anguera

2005, issue 7, vol 3

Equivalence between best responses and undominated strategies: a generalization from finite to compact strategy sets pp. 1-6 Downloads
Alexander Zimper

2005, issue 6, vol 3

The term structure of interest rates with nonlinear adjustment: Evidence from a unit root test in the nonlinear STAR framework pp. 1-7 Downloads
Daiki Maki

2005, issue 5, vol 3

Incomplete Information, Renegotiation, and Breach of Contract pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jihong Lee

2005, issue 4, vol 3

Whitney topology and spaces of preference relations pp. 1-7 Downloads
Michael Zarichnyi and Oleksandra Hubal

2005, issue 3, vol 3

On the limiting behaviour of augmented seasonal unit root tests pp. 1-10 Downloads
Robert Taylor

2005, issue 2, vol 3

On cheap talk in games pp. 1-5 Downloads
Jia-wei Li

2005, issue 1, vol 3

A regression error specification test (RESET) for generalized linear models pp. 1-6 Downloads
Sunil Sapra

2005, issue 2, vol 2

An interview with Thomas C. Schelling: Interpretation of game theory and the checkerboard model pp. 1-7 Downloads
N. Emrah Aydinonat

2005, issue 1, vol 2

An early mathematical presentation of consumer's surplus pp. 1-5 Downloads
Yeung-Nan Shieh
Page updated 2025-03-31