Theoretical Economics
2006 - Forthcoming
Current editor(s): Simon Board, Todd D. Sarver, Juuso Toikka, Rakesh Vohra, Pierre-Olivier Weill From Econometric Society Bibliographic data for series maintained by Martin J. Osborne (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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- Queueing to learn

- Chiara Margaria
- Forward-looking experimentation of correlated alternatives

- Yu Fu Wong
- Sensitivity versus size: implications for tax competition

- David R. Agrawal, Adib Bagh and Mohammed Mardan
- Optimal taxation with multiple incomes and types

- Kevin Spiritus, Etienne Lehmann, Sander Renes and Floris T. Zoutman
- Weight-ranked divide-and-conquer contracts

- Lester T. Chan
- Priority search with outside options

- Jaehong Kim, Mengling Li and Menghan Xu
- Random utility coordination games on networks

- Marcin Pęski
- Unified gross substitutes and inverse isotonicity for equilibrium problems

- Alfred Galichon, Larry Samuelson and Lucas Vernet
- Adversarial coordination and public information design

- Nicolas A. Inostroza and Alessandro Pavan
- Stochastic impatience and the separation of time and risk preferences

- David Dillenberger, Daniel Gottlieb and Pietro Ortoleva
- Antimonotonicity for preference axioms: the natural counterpart to comonotonicity

- Giulio Principi, Peter P. Wakker and Ruodu Wang
- Games with information constraints: seeds and spillovers

- Simone Galperti and Jacopo Perego
- Tropical analysis: with an application to indivisible goods

- Nicholas Charles Bedard and Jacob K Goeree
- Empirical welfare economics

- Christopher Chambers and Federico Echenique
- Tâtonnement in matching markets

- Alexander Westkamp
- To infinity and beyond: a general framework for scaling economic theories

- Yannai A. Gonczarowski, Scott Duke Kominers and Ran I. Shorrer
- Adoption epidemics and viral marketing

- David McAdams and Yangbo Song
- Private sunspots in games of coordinated attack

- Yuliyan Mitkov
- An analytical model of search and bargaining with divisible money

- Kazuya Kamiya and So Kubota
- Efficient and strategy-proof mechanism under general constraints

- Kenzo Imamura and Yasushi Kawase
- Commonality of information and commonality of beliefs

- Yu Awaya and Vijay Krishna
- Probabilistic verification in mechanism design

- Ian Ball and Deniz Kattwinkel
2025, volume 20, articles 1
- Reputation building under uncertain monitoring

- Joyee Deb and Yuhta Ishii
- Expected balanced uncertain utility

- Simon Grant, Berend Roorda and Jingni Yang
- Dynamic assignment without money: optimality of spot mechanisms

- Julien Combe, Vladyslav Nora and Olivier Tercieux
- Gradual learning from incremental actions

- Tuomas Laiho, Pauli Murto and Julia Salmi
- Dynamic economics with quantile preferences

- Luciano I. de Castro, Antonio Galvao and Daniel da Siva Nunes
- Randomized collective choices based on a fractional tournament

- Yves Sprumont
- Repeated trade with imperfect information about previous transactions

- Francesc Dilme
- In the shadow of shadow banking: a liquidity perspective

- Zehao Liu, Ping He and Chengbo Xie
- The hazards and benefits of condescension in social learning

- Itai Arieli, Yakov Babichenko, Stephan Müller, Farzad Pourbabaee and Omer Tamuz
- On the limitations of data-based price discrimination

- Haitian Xie, Ying Zhu and Denis Shishkin
2024, volume 19, articles 4
- On bargaining norms as solutions to cost-minimization problems

- Tymon Tatur
- Innovation adoption by forward-looking social learners

- Mira Frick and Yuhta Ishii
- Robust predictions in dynamic policy games

- Juan Passadore and Juan Pablo Xandri Antuna
- The property rights theory of production networks

- Ivan Balbuzanov and Maciej Kotowski
- Auction design with data-driven misspecifications: inefficiency in private value auctions with correlation

- Philippe Jehiel and Konrad Mierendorff
- Extensive measurement in social choice

- Jacob M. Nebel
- Boundedly rational demand

- Pavel Kocourek, Jakub Steiner and Colin Stewart
- An axiomatic characterization of Nash equilibrium

- Florian Brandl and Felix Brandt
- The persuasion duality

- Piotr Dworczak and Anton Kolotilin
- Distributions of posterior quantiles via matching

- Anton Kolotilin and Alexander Wolitzky
2024, volume 19, articles 3
- Buying voters with uncertain instrumental preferences

- Charles Louis-Sidois and Leon Andreas Musolff
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation in stochastic dynamic programming

- Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero
- Bayesian social aggregation with almost-objective uncertainty

- Marcus Pivato and Tchouante Ngamo Elise Flore
- Correlated choice

- Christopher Chambers, Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Christopher Turansick
- A theory of fair random allocation under priorities

- Xiang Han
- Efficient incentives with social preferences

- Thomas Daske and Christoph March
- Robust performance evaluation of independent agents

- Ashwin Kambhampati
- Dynamic information preference and communication with diminishing sensitivity over news

- Jetlir Duraj and Kevin He
- Information transmission in persuasion models with imperfect verification

- Francisco Silva
- Time-consistent implementation in macroeconomic games

- Jean Barthélemy and Eric Mengus
- Robust relational contracts with subjective performance evaluation

- V. Bhaskar, Wojciech Olszewski and Thomas Wiseman
- Stable matching in large markets with occupational choice

- Guilherme Carmona and Krittanai Laohakunakorn
2024, volume 19, articles 2
- On competition for spatially distributed resources in networks

- Giorgio Fabbri, Silvia Faggian and Giuseppe Freni
- Optimal mechanism for the sale of a durable good

- Laura Doval and Vasiliki Skreta
- Optimal sample sizes and statistical decision rules

- Sanket Patil and Yuval Salant
- Regret-free truth-telling in school choice with consent

- Yiqiu Chen and Markus Möller
- Direct implementation with evidence

- Soumen Banerjee, Yi-Chun Chen and Yifei Sun
- Contracting over persistent information

- Wei Zhao, Claudio Mezzetti, Ludovic Renou and Tristan Tomala
- Relational enforcement

- Peter Achim and Jan Knoepfle
- Contests with sequential entry and incomplete information

- Shanglyu Deng, Qiang Fu, Zenan Wu and Yuxuan Zhu
- A natural adaptive process for collective decision-making

- Florian Brandl and Felix Brandt
- Symmetric reduced form voting

- Xu Lang and Debasis Mishra
- Pair-efficient reallocation of indivisible objects

- Özgün Ekici
- Existence of monotone equilibria in large double auctions

- Paulo Barelli and Srihari Govindan
2024, volume 19, articles 1
- Persistence in a dynamic moral hazard game

- J. Aislinn Bohren
- Optimal contests with incomplete information and convex effort costs

- Mengxi Zhang
- Worst-case equilibria in first-price auctions

- Vitali Gretschko and Helene Mass
- Wages as signals of worker mobility

- Yu Chen, Matthew Doyle and Francisco Gonzalez
- A dynamic model of censorship

- Yiman Sun
- Asset bubbles and product market competition

- Francisco Queiros
- Exploiting social influence in networks

- Vladyslav Nora and Eyal Winter
- Digital currency and privacy

- Kee-Youn Kang
- Asymmetric all-pay auctions with spillovers

- Maria Betto and Matthew Thomas
- Optimal delegation and information transmission under limited awareness

- Sarah Auster and Nicola Pavoni
- Sophisticated banking contracts and fragility when withdrawal information is public

- Xuesong Huang
- Data and incentives

- Annie Liang and Erik Madsen
- The dynamics of instability

- César Barilla and Duarte Gonçalves
- Optimal sequential contests

- Toomas Hinnosaar
On this page- Forthcoming
- 2025, volume 20
Articles 1
- 2024, volume 19
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years 2023, volume 18
2022, volume 17
2021, volume 16
2020, volume 15
2019, volume 14
2018, volume 13
2017, volume 12
2016, volume 11
2015, volume 10
2014, volume 9
2013, volume 8
2012, volume 7
2011, volume 6
2010, volume 5
2009, volume 4
2008, volume 3
2007, volume 2
2006, volume 1
On this page- Forthcoming
- 2025, volume 20
Articles 1
- 2024, volume 19
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years 2023, volume 18
2022, volume 17
2021, volume 16
2020, volume 15
2019, volume 14
2018, volume 13
2017, volume 12
2016, volume 11
2015, volume 10
2014, volume 9
2013, volume 8
2012, volume 7
2011, volume 6
2010, volume 5
2009, volume 4
2008, volume 3
2007, volume 2
2006, volume 1