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1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): B. Lev

From Elsevier
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Volume 76, issue C, 2018

Finite time horizon fill rate analysis for multiple customer cases pp. 1-17 Downloads
B. Abbasi, Z. Hosseinifard, O. Alamri, D. Thomas and J.P. Minas
Temporal scale efficiency in DEA panel data estimations. An application to the solid waste disposal service in Spain pp. 18-27 Downloads
Gemma Pérez-López, Diego Prior and José L. Zafra-Gómez
Estimation of cardinality constrained portfolio efficiency via segmented DEA pp. 28-37 Downloads
Zhongbao Zhou, Qianying Jin, Helu Xiao, Qian Wu and Wenbin Liu
Supplier wholesale pricing for a retail chain: Analysis of identical market price functions pp. 38-46 Downloads
Dinçer Konur and Joseph Geunes
Allocating products on shelves under merchandising rules: Multi-level product families with display directions pp. 47-62 Downloads
Teresa Bianchi-Aguiar, Elsa Silva, Luis Guimarães, Maria Antónia Carravilla and José F. Oliveira
PROMETHEE is not quadratic: An O(qnlog(n)) algorithm pp. 63-69 Downloads
Toon Calders and Dimitri Van Assche
Adaptive decision-making of breast cancer mammography screening: A heuristic-based regression model pp. 70-84 Downloads
Fan Wang, Shengfan Zhang and Louise M. Henderson
Multi-depot multi-compartment vehicle routing problem, solved by a hybrid adaptive large neighborhood search pp. 85-99 Downloads
Mahdi Alinaghian and Nadia Shokouhi
A multi-criteria approach to sort and rank policies based on Delphi qualitative assessments and ELECTRE TRI: The case of smart grids in Brazil pp. 100-111 Downloads
Luis Dias, Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Guilherme Dantas, Nivalde de Castro and Lucca Zamboni
Measuring the Chinese regional production potential using a generalized capacity utilization indicator pp. 112-127 Downloads
Guo-liang Yang and Hirofumi Fukuyama
Two machine scheduling subject to arbitrary machine availability constraint pp. 128-136 Downloads
Yumei Huo and Hairong Zhao
Two-echelon supply chain coordination under information asymmetry with multiple types pp. 137-159 Downloads
R.B.O. Kerkkamp, Wilco van den Heuvel and A.P.M. Wagelmans
An iterative approach for case mix planning under uncertainty pp. 160-173 Downloads
Nickolas Freeman, Ming Zhao and Sharif Melouk

Volume 75, issue C, 2018

Disaggregation of the cost Malmquist productivity index with joint and output-specific inputs pp. 1-12 Downloads
Barnabé Walheer
Dynamic pricing for deteriorating products with menu cost pp. 13-26 Downloads
Jing Chen, Ming Dong, Ying Rong and Liang Yang
Downstream firm’s investment with equity holding in decentralized assembly systems pp. 27-56 Downloads
Hong Fu, Yongkai Ma and Xiaoqiang Cai
Portfolio analysis with DEA: Prior to choosing a model pp. 57-76 Downloads
Albane Tarnaud and Hervé Leleu
Lagrangian relaxation for the directional sensor coverage problem with continuous orientation pp. 77-86 Downloads
Annabella Astorino, Manlio Gaudioso and Giovanna Miglionico
Minimax regret vertex centdian location problem in general dynamic networks pp. 87-96 Downloads
Hongmei Li, Taibo Luo, Yinfeng Xu and Jiuping Xu
Cooperative advertising and ordering policies in a two-echelon supply chain with risk-averse agents pp. 97-117 Downloads
Yong-Wu Zhou, Jicai Li and Yuanguang Zhong
Backward integration strategy in a retailer Stackelberg supply chain pp. 118-130 Downloads
Wei Li and Jing Chen
The debate on flexibility of environmental regulations, innovation capabilities and financial performance – A novel use of DEA pp. 131-138 Downloads
Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, Usha Ramanathan and Yongmei Bentley
An integrated algorithm for shift scheduling problems for local public transport companies pp. 139-153 Downloads
Claudio Ciancio, Demetrio Laganà, Roberto Musmanno and Francesco Santoro
Strategic weight manipulation in multiple attribute decision making pp. 154-164 Downloads
Yucheng Dong, Yating Liu, Haiming Liang, Francisco Chiclana and Enrique Herrera-Viedma
A graph theory-based methodology for vulnerability assessment of supply chains using the life cycle inventory database pp. 165-181 Downloads
Jun Nakatani, Kiyotaka Tahara, Kenichi Nakajima, Ichiro Daigo, Hideaki Kurishima, Yuki Kudoh, Kazuyo Matsubae, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Tomohiko Ihara, Yasunori Kikuchi, Asako Nishijima and Yuichi Moriguchi

Volume 74, issue C, 2018

Logistics service network design for humanitarian response in East Africa pp. 1-14 Downloads
Émilie Dufour, Gilbert Laporte, Julie Paquette and Rancourt, Marie–Ève
Two-stage network DEA: Who is the leader? pp. 15-19 Downloads
Haitao Li, Chialin Chen, Wade D. Cook, Jinlong Zhang and Joe Zhu
To tier or not to tier: An analysis of multitier loyalty programs׳ optimality conditions pp. 20-36 Downloads
Amir Gandomi and Saeed Zolfaghari
Production disruption, compensation, and transshipment policies pp. 37-49 Downloads
Xiao-Feng Shao
The traveling salesman problem with pickups, deliveries, and draft limits pp. 50-58 Downloads
Enrico Malaguti, Silvano Martello and Alberto Santini
The two-dimensional vector packing problem with general costs pp. 59-69 Downloads
Qian Hu, Lijun Wei and Andrew Lim
Integrated multiproduct batch production and truck shipment scheduling under different shipping policies pp. 70-81 Downloads
Ümit Sağlam and Avijit Banerjee
Average lexicographic efficiency for data envelopment analysis pp. 82-91 Downloads
Haoxun Chen
Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing product-specific gift cards pp. 92-102 Downloads
Qinhong Zhang, Dali Zhang, Anders Segerstedt and Jianwen Luo
Evaluation of multi-period regional R&D efficiency: An application of dynamic DEA to China's regional R&D systems pp. 103-114 Downloads
Kaihua Chen, Mingting Kou and Xiaolan Fu
OMEGA trends during the EES era pp. 115-121 Downloads
Xiaoyang Zhou and Benjamin Lev
A stochastic multi-period capacitated multiple allocation hub location problem: Formulation and inequalities pp. 122-134 Downloads
Isabel Correia, Stefan Nickel and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama

Volume 73, issue C, 2017

A robust ranking method extending ELECTRE III to hierarchy of interacting criteria, imprecise weights and stochastic analysis pp. 1-17 Downloads
Salvatore Corrente, José Rui Figueira, Salvatore Greco and Roman Słowiński
Advance selling with freebies and limited production capacity pp. 18-28 Downloads
Kwei-Long Huang, Chia-Wei Kuo and Han-Ju Shih
Evolution of product quality in European, Japanese and US automotive firms: An exploratory longitudinal analysis pp. 29-36 Downloads
Hemant V. Kher, Christine T. Kydd and Terrence M. O'Brien
A bibliometric analysis of operations research and management science pp. 37-48 Downloads
José M. Merigó and Jian-Bo Yang
Target intermediate products setting in a two-stage system with fairness concern pp. 49-59 Downloads
Qingxian An, Haoxun Chen, Beibei Xiong, Jie Wu and Liang Liang
Production stage allocation problem in large corporations pp. 60-78 Downloads
Lu Zhen, Dan Zhuge and Sheng-Lei Zhu
A multicriteria sorting approach based on data envelopment analysis for R&D project selection problem pp. 79-92 Downloads
Esra Karasakal and Pınar Aker
Measuring effectiveness of production in the public sector pp. 93-103 Downloads
Finn Førsund
Efficiency of well-diversified portfolios: Evidence from data envelopment analysis pp. 104-113 Downloads
Hyung-Suk Choi and Daiki Min
Building up Resilience in a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain through Inventory, Dual Sourcing and Agility Capacity pp. 114-124 Downloads
Florian Lücker and Ralf W. Seifert

Volume 72, issue C, 2017

Graph productivity change measure using the least distance to the pareto-efficient frontier in data envelopment analysis pp. 1-14 Downloads
Juan Aparicio, Eva M. Garcia-Nove, Magdalena Kapelko and Jesus T. Pastor
Synchronous flow shop problems: How much can we gain by leaving machines idle? pp. 15-24 Downloads
Stefan Waldherr, Sigrid Knust and Dirk Briskorn
Staffing and scheduling flexible call centers by two-stage robust optimization pp. 25-37 Downloads
Sara Mattia, Fabrizio Rossi, Mara Servilio and Stefano Smriglio
A continuous approximation method for dynamic pricing problem under costly price modifications pp. 38-49 Downloads
Abdullah Dasci and Rongbing Huang
A multi-criteria approach to selecting an optimal portfolio of refinery upgrade projects under margin and tax regime uncertainty pp. 50-58 Downloads
Vladimir Korotin, Victor Popov, Andrey Tolokonsky, Rustam Islamov and Arseniy Ulchenkov
An exact micro–macro approach to cyclic and non-cyclic train timetabling pp. 59-70 Downloads
Leonardo Lamorgese, Carlo Mannino and Erik Natvig
Coordinating contracts for a financially constrained supply chain pp. 71-86 Downloads
Shuang Xiao, Suresh P. Sethi, Mengqi Liu and Shihua Ma
Approximate weighting method for multiattribute decision problems with imprecise parameters pp. 87-95 Downloads
Byeong Seok Ahn
Possibilistic scheduling routing for short-notice bushfire emergency evacuation under uncertainties: An Australian case study pp. 96-117 Downloads
Shahrooz Shahparvari, Babak Abbasi and Prem Chhetri
Optimizing global thermal coal shipments pp. 118-127 Downloads
Ashley Arigoni, Alexandra Newman, Cameron Turner and Casey Kaptur
Page updated 2025-03-28