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1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): B. Lev

From Elsevier
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Volume 9, issue 6, 1981

Manufacturing innovation in the West Midlands materials forming industry pp. 563-570 Downloads
E Braun, R Moseley and B Wilkinson
Budgeting design and organizational capabilities: Multicriterion planning of telephone services pp. 571-578 Downloads
Nils-Goran Olve
Shipping in crisis: A trial run for 'live' application of the hypergame approach pp. 579-594 Downloads
Pg Bennett, Cs Huxham and Mr Dando
The management of stocks--some case histories pp. 595-604 Downloads
Geoff Lockett
Productivity-based financial net income analysis pp. 605-611 Downloads
Rafi Eldor and Ephraim F Sudit
Computational results for very large air crew scheduling problems pp. 613-618 Downloads
Edward Baker and Michael Fisher
The acceptance and accuracy of decision analysis methods pp. 619-632 Downloads
Paul C Nutt
A simulation study of the operations of a telephone bureau pp. 633-637 Downloads
Ap Muhlemann
Manpower allocation in the criminal investigation process pp. 639-649 Downloads
Y Levanon and U Passy
Setting priorities in a repair shop pp. 653-654 Downloads
A Mehrez and A Stulman
Analysis of the deployment of emergency medical services pp. 655-657 Downloads
Samuel G Davis
Adapting the savings algorithm for varying inter-customer travel times pp. 658-659 Downloads
John Beasley
Heuristic vehicle scheduling pp. 660-663 Downloads
Rr Levary

Volume 9, issue 5, 1981

Operational research in social security pp. 455-468 Downloads
Af Holdway and Mjk Partridge
Evaluation of changes to family income supplement pp. 469-480 Downloads
Cj Sanctuary and Kr Nurse
Joint strategic planning between health and local authorities pp. 481-491 Downloads
Paul Klemperer and Jw McClenahan
Balance of care--a user's view of a new approach to joint strategic planning pp. 493-499 Downloads
Rg Borley, Sh Taylor and Cr West
Joint planning in Dudley--the role of balance of care pp. 501-508 Downloads
Ig Nicholls
DRAM: a model of health care resource allocation in czechoslovakia pp. 509-518 Downloads
P Aspden, L Mayhew and M Rusnak
Interactions between the supply of and demand for hospital services in London pp. 519-526 Downloads
A Taket and L Mayhew
Patient progress modelling and results in Wilm's Tumour pp. 527-536 Downloads
Rrp Jackson, Vl McKay and Js Malpas
An approach to the treatment evaluation of Hodgkin's disease pp. 537-546 Downloads
P Aspden, Sbj Sutcliffe, Ar Timothy and Rrp Jackson

Volume 9, issue 4, 1981

Feedback pp. 343-343 Downloads
Cary L Cooper
Operational research in urban planning pp. 345-364 Downloads
Jonathan Rosenhead
Exchange rate variations and the behaviour of the purchasing department pp. 365-370 Downloads
Bertil Näslund
Is bounded-vision an adequate explanation of strategic decision-making failures pp. 371-379 Downloads
Cs Huxham and Mr Dando
On the influence of market structure in modelling the US copper industry pp. 381-388 Downloads
Al Soyster and Hd Sherali
Experience with a multi-year fleet planning model pp. 389-396 Downloads
Gj Schick and Jw Stroup
A review of analytical models in strategic planning pp. 397-417 Downloads
Paul Greenwood and Howard Thomas
Management systems for field service productivity improvement pp. 419-428 Downloads
Donald F Blumberg
Multivariate models for innovation--Looking at the Abernathy-Utterback model with other data pp. 429-436 Downloads
C de Bresson and J Townsend
Two generalizations of the traveling salesman problem pp. 439-441 Downloads
Bruce Golden, Larry Levy and Roy Dahl
Decisions under uncertainty: a note on skewed uncertainty distributions pp. 442-443 Downloads
Anders Hederstierna
Optimal spares allocation under budget constraint in a two-echelon repair-inventory system--a case study pp. 444-445 Downloads
Ks Shah, N Singh and Prem Vrat

Volume 9, issue 3, 1981

Technology, structural change and manufacturing employment pp. 229-245 Downloads
Roy Rothwell
Constellations for manufacturing innovation pp. 247-253 Downloads
Ernest Braun
Innovation in the United Kingdom tractor industry pp. 255-265 Downloads
R Coombs, M Gibbons and P Gardiner
An analysis of interdependent decisions pp. 267-279 Downloads
Herbert Moskowitz and David J Reibstein
Computer modelling for project evaluation pp. 281-286 Downloads
Jk Newton
Life cycle costing: Concept and practice pp. 287-296 Downloads
Yosef S Sherif and William J Kolarik
Environmental choice and public decision making pp. 297-305 Downloads
Julian Lowe and David Lewis
Forecasting accuracy and the assumption of constancy pp. 307-311 Downloads
Spyros Makridakis
A survey of methodology for the global minimization of concave functions subject to convex constraints pp. 313-319 Downloads
Carolyn D Heising-goodman
Adaptive forecasting using the Kalman filter pp. 323-324 Downloads
Dw Bunn
Decision gradient analysis as an aid in sales-production coordination pp. 325-328 Downloads
Norbert L Enrick
Risk perspectives in radio-active waste management pp. 329-330 Downloads
Wd Rowe, Ci Bartfield, Rf Boykin and de Wood

Volume 9, issue 2, 1981

Some financial implications of risk in the UK pp. 113-125 Downloads
Peter G Moore
Management, productivity and risk--The way ahead pp. 127-141 Downloads
Rw Revans
Pathways to productivity improvement pp. 143-153 Downloads
Ra Harvey and Shirley E Morris
Resources, environmental contact and organizational innovation pp. 155-162 Downloads
Kjell Grønhaug and Tor Fredriksen
Model-based and data-based planning systems pp. 163-168 Downloads
Robert W Blanning
Selection of automated office systems: a case study pp. 169-176 Downloads
Michael P Beck and Benjamin W Lin
Assessing uncertain ventures using experts' judgments in the form of subjective probabilities pp. 177-187 Downloads
Louis Mancini, Jan Meisner and Emanuel Singer
Business games and implementation research pp. 189-194 Downloads
Jw Fripp and Rs Stainton
An empirical excursion into the quicksand of vehicle replacement pp. 195-202 Downloads
John B Westwood
Cluster analysis and the organizational structure: the Ministry of Health, Somalia pp. 205-206 Downloads
Don Hindle
Adaptation of bill of materials for custom built products pp. 207-208 Downloads
Rv Mallya
Assessing subjective probabilities pp. 209-211 Downloads
Peter G Moore
Extensions of goal programming models pp. 212-214 Downloads
William B Widhelm

Volume 9, issue 1, 1981

Feedback pp. 7-7 Downloads
Werner Ulrich
The nature of action learning pp. 9-24 Downloads
Rw Revans
The bureaucratic side of computers: Memory, evocation and management information pp. 25-32 Downloads
David Dery
OR/MS modeling in long range bank planning pp. 33-36 Downloads
William C Hellriegel
Productivity measurement at the plant level pp. 37-42 Downloads
Y Roll and A Sachish
OR in the paper industry pp. 43-50 Downloads
Re Johnston
A method of spare parts inventory planning pp. 51-58 Downloads
Mn Bartakke
Assessment of aircraft logistics planning models pp. 59-69 Downloads
Murray A Geisler and Bruce L Murrie
Dissaggregation of deviations in cost analysis pp. 71-76 Downloads
J Livnat, J Ronen and M Swirski
Mean-variance analysis for indivisible assets pp. 77-88 Downloads
M Chapman Findlay, Richard D McBride, Jonathan S Yormark and Stephen D Messner
Bias from decision assessment by reported profit pp. 91-93 Downloads
David S Simon
Predicting enrollees from a group of admitted students pp. 94-95 Downloads
Ismael G Dambolena and William Remaley
A comparison of short-term adaptive forecasting methods pp. 96-98 Downloads
Rh Hollier, M Khir and Rr Storey
A note on two inspection policies pp. 99-101 Downloads
Shigeru Yamada and Shunji Osaki
Page updated 2025-03-28