1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 35, issue 6, 2007
- Basic mathematical programming models for capacity allocation in mesh-based survivable networks pp. 629-644

- Jeffery L. Kennington, Eli V. Olinick and Gheorghe Spiride
- Designing survivable resilient networks: A stochastic hybrid genetic algorithm approach pp. 645-658

- Abdullah Konak and Michael R. Bartolacci
- Properties of a generalized source-to-all-terminal network reliability model with diameter constraints pp. 659-670

- Héctor Cancela and Louis Petingi
- Traffic engineering and congestion control for open shortest path first networks pp. 671-682

- Ue-Pyng Wen, Wei-Chih Wang and Chyi-Bao Yang
- Pilot power optimization and coverage control in WCDMA mobile networks pp. 683-696

- Iana Siomina, Peter Värbrand and Di Yuan
- Cell-to-switch level planning in mobile wireless networks for efficient management of radio resources pp. 697-705

- Swarup Mandal, Debashis Saha, Ambuj Mahanti and Parag C. Pendharkar
- An investigation on the effects of emerging 4G transmissions on 3G networks pp. 706-714

- Juan Lopez , Richard A. Raines, Michael A. Temple, Rusty O. Baldwin and James P. Stephens
- Adoption of the mobile Internet: An empirical study of multimedia message service (MMS) pp. 715-726

- Chin-Lung Hsu, Hsi-Peng Lu and Huei-Hsia Hsu
- Is there early take-off phenomenon in diffusion of IP-based telecommunications services? pp. 727-739

- Moon-Soo Kim and Ho Kim
Volume 35, issue 5, 2007
- Sports league scheduling: Graph- and resource-based models pp. 465-471

- Andreas Drexl and Sigrid Knust
- A mathematical modeling approach to improving locomotive utilization at a freight railroad pp. 472-485

- Ching-Chung Kuo and Gillian M. Nicholls
- Factors affecting companies' telecommunication service selection strategy pp. 486-493

- Deok-Joo Lee and Jae-Kyoung Ahn
- Supplier selection with multiple criteria in volume discount environments pp. 494-504

- Weijun Xia and Zhiming Wu
- Aggregation of aggregating modes in MCDM: Synthesis of Type 2 and Level 2 fuzzy sets pp. 505-523

- P. Sevastjanov and P. Figat
- A net present value assessment of make-to-order and make-to-stock manufacturing systems pp. 524-532

- M.M. Naim, J. Wikner and R.W. Grubbström
- Location models for ceding market share and shrinking services pp. 533-540

- Charles ReVelle, Alan T. Murray and Daniel Serra
- QAP--not so hard in spreadsheets pp. 541-552

- Rasmus Rasmussen
- Revenue management for remanufactured products pp. 553-562

- Subrata Mitra
- A hierarchical approach to multi-project planning under uncertainty pp. 563-577

- E.W. Hans, W. Herroelen, R. Leus and G. Wullink
- Eco-efficiency analysis of paper mills along the Huai River: An extended DEA approach pp. 578-587

- Zhongsheng Hua, Yiwen Bian and Liang Liang
- Voices and values: Linking values with participation in OR/MS in public policy making pp. 588-603

- Leroy White and Humphrey Bourne
- Intelligence gathering for decision making pp. 604-622

- Paul C. Nutt
- Customer order scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time pp. 623-626

- Guoqing Wang and T.C. Edwin Cheng
Volume 35, issue 4, 2007
- At a crossroad of data envelopment and principal component analyses pp. 351-364

- Ramalingam Shanmugam and Charles Johnson
- Rough set-based approach to feature selection in customer relationship management pp. 365-383

- (Bill) Tseng, Tzu-Liang and Chun-Che Huang
- Applying consistent fuzzy preference relations to partnership selection pp. 384-388

- Tien-Chin Wang and Yueh-Hsiang Chen
- Multi-choice goal programming pp. 389-396

- Ching-Ter Chang
- Single-machine scheduling problems with the effects of learning and deterioration pp. 397-402

- Ji-Bo Wang
- Getting the most out of reverse e-auction investment pp. 403-416

- Daesik Hur, Vincent A. Mabert and Janet L. Hartley
- Global supplier development considering risk factors using fuzzy extended AHP-based approach pp. 417-431

- Felix T.S. Chan and Niraj Kumar
- Interactive fuzzy programming for decentralized two-level linear fractional programming (DTLLFP) problems pp. 432-450

- Mehmet Ahlatcioglu and Fatma Tiryaki
- Exploring the use of QPID: A collaborative study of B2B in the automotive industry pp. 451-464

- M. Howard, R. Vidgen, P. Powell and J. Powell
Volume 35, issue 3, 2007
- A fuzzy set approach for R&D portfolio selection using a real options valuation model pp. 247-257

- Juite Wang and W.-L. Hwang
- Tactical coordination in a multi-location and multi-stage operations structure: A model and a pharmaceutical company case pp. 258-273

- Bert Meijboom and Børge Obel
- Selection of logistics service provider: An analytic network process (ANP) approach pp. 274-289

- Sanjay Jharkharia and Ravi Shankar
- Modeling cross-price effects on inter-category dynamics: The case of three computing platforms pp. 290-301

- Namwoon Kim and Rajendra K. Srivastava
- The permutation flow shop problem with blocking. A tabu search approach pp. 302-311

- Jøzef Grabowski and Jaroslaw Pempera
- Combining decision tree and MAUT for selecting a country for a global manufacturing facility pp. 312-325

- Yavuz Burak Canbolat, Kenneth Chelst and Nitin Garg
- Flight gate scheduling: State-of-the-art and recent developments pp. 326-334

- Ulrich Dorndorf, Andreas Drexl, Yury Nikulin and Erwin Pesch
- Profit efficiency analysis under limited information with an application to German farm types pp. 335-349

- Laurens Cherchye and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
Volume 35, issue 2, 2007
- Microfinance institutions and efficiency pp. 131-142

- Begoña Gutiérrez-Nieto, Carlos Serrano-Cinca and Cecilio Mar Molinero
- Scheduling in an assembly-type production chain with batch transfer pp. 143-151

- B.M.T. Lin, T.C.E. Cheng and A.S.C. Chou
- Management performance: An empirical study of the manufacturing companies in Taiwan pp. 152-160

- Chiang Kao and Hsi-Tai Hung
- HR perceptions and the provision of workforce training in an AMT environment: An empirical study pp. 161-172

- Nancy E. Waldeck and Zachary M. Leffakis
- A graph coloring approach for image segmentation pp. 173-183

- D. Gømez, J. Montero, J. Yáñez and C. Poidomani
- Joint pricing and ordering policy for a deteriorating inventory with partial backlogging pp. 184-189

- Chung-Yuan Dye
- Performance-Net: A Decision Support System for Reconfiguring a Bank's Branch Network pp. 190-201

- George Ioannou and Maria Mavri
- Motor vehicle recalls: Trends, patterns and emerging issues pp. 202-210

- Hilary Bates, Matthias Holweg, Michael Lewis and Nick Oliver
- A hybrid heuristic for the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem pp. 211-220

- Jeng-Fung Chen
- The impact of training on the formulation of ill-structured problems pp. 221-236

- Susan J. Ellspermann, Gerald W. Evans and Min Basadur
- Resource portfolio planning of make-to-stock products using a constraint programming-based genetic algorithm pp. 237-246

- S.M. Wang, J.C. Chen and K.-J. Wang
Volume 35, issue 1, 2007
- Robust portfolio planning in the presence of market anomalies pp. 1-6

- Og[caron]uzsoy, Cemal Berk and Sibel Güven
- Optimal inventory model for items with imperfect quality and shortage backordering pp. 7-11

- H.M. Wee, Jonas Yu and M.C. Chen
- An effective decision making method for product acceptance pp. 12-21

- W.L. Pearn and Chien-Wei Wu
- Consumer trust in e-commerce in the United States, Singapore and China pp. 22-38

- Thompson S.H. Teo and Jing Liu
- Performance measurement and classification data in DEA: Input-oriented model pp. 39-52

- Wade D. Cook and Kamel Bala
- On the NEH heuristic for minimizing the makespan in permutation flow shops pp. 53-60

- Pawel Jan Kalczynski and Jerzy Kamburowski
- A flight scheduling model for Taiwan airlines under market competitions pp. 61-74

- Shangyao Yan, Ching-Hui Tang and Ming-Chei Lee
- An interactive three-stage model for mutual funds portfolio selection pp. 75-88

- B. Perez Gladish, D.F. Jones, M. Tamiz and A. Bilbao Terol
- On the strategic project management process in the UK upstream oil and gas sector pp. 89-103

- Boris Asrilhant, Robert G. Dyson and Maureen Meadows
- The optimal number of suppliers considering the costs of individual supplier failures pp. 104-115

- Alex J. Ruiz-Torres and Farzad Mahmoodi
- More-for-less algorithm for fixed-charge transportation problems pp. 116-127

- Veena Adlakha, Krzysztof Kowalski, R.R. Vemuganti and Ben Lev
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