1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 6, 1995
- The effects of self-efficacy on computer usage pp. 587-605

- M. Igbaria and J. Iivari
- Conceptualizing continuous improvement: Implications for organizational change pp. 607-624

- Ty Choi
- Questioning the reliability of market segmentation techniques pp. 625-636

- S. Dibb and P. Stern
- Theory and practice of decision tree induction pp. 637-652

- H. Kim and G. J. Koehler
- Distributed manufacturing support systems: the integration of distributed group support systems with manufacturing support systems pp. 653-665

- E. L. Gillenwater, S. Conlon and C. Hwang
- The linear programming alternative to policy capturing for eliciting criteria weights in the performance appraisal process pp. 667-676

- I. Horowitz and C. Zappe
- IT strategy: Formal rational orthodoxy or contingent adhocracy? pp. 677-689

- C. Bryson and W. Currie
- A comparative study of order batching algorithms pp. 691-700

- C-H. Pan and S-Y. Liu
Volume 23, issue 5, 1995
- Implementation style and use of implementation approaches pp. 469-484

- P. C. Nutt
- Organic decision and communication processes and management accounting systems in entrepreneurial and conservative business organizations pp. 485-497

- R. H. Chenhall and D. Morris
- Processing network models for forest management pp. 499-510

- J. W. Chinneck and R. H. H. Moll
- Decision support systems research: Reference disciplines and a cumulative tradition pp. 511-523

- Sean Eom
- A simple model of international joint venture distributorships: the American-Kuwaiti experience pp. 525-538

- H. I. Mesak and A. M. Mayyasi
- A characterization of the financial condition of the United States' aerospace-defense industrial base pp. 539-555

- W. F. Bowlin
- A dynamic sampling technique for the simulation of probabilistic and generalized activity networks pp. 557-566

- C. W. Dawson
- Developing a quality costing system: Key features and outcomes pp. 567-575

- A. B. Pursglove and B. G. Dale
- An insurance and investment portfolio model using chance constrained programming pp. 577-585

- S. X. Li
Volume 23, issue 4, 1995
- Links between higher education institutions and high technology firms pp. 345-360

- P. Westhead and D. J. Storey
- A taxonomy for alternative equipment groupings in batch environments pp. 361-376

- S. M. Shafer, J. R. Meredith and R. F. Marsh
- Issues in the development of approaches to container loading pp. 377-390

- E. E. Bischoff and M. S. W. Ratcliff
- Graph theoretic heuristics for unequal-sized facility layout problems pp. 391-401

- J. -Y. Kim and Y. -D. Kim
- Supply networks: Genesis, stability and logistics implications. A comparative analysis of two districts pp. 403-418

- A De Toni and Guido Nassimbeni
- Harmonic analysis, time series variations and the distributional properties of financial ratios pp. 419-427

- N. Fuller-Love, H. Rhys and M. Tippett
- CEO characteristics, organizational characteristics and information technology adoption in small businesses pp. 429-442

- J. Y. L. Thong and C. S. Yap
- Using dynamic cellular manufacturing to simplify scheduling in cell based production systems pp. 443-452

- V. R. Kannan and S. Ghosh
- A preference-based interpretation of AHP pp. 453-462

- S-K. Lai
- On the minimum cost project schedule pp. 463-465

- J. Kamburowski
- On the minimum cost project schedule-- A response pp. 467-467

- Y. Wu and C. Li
- On the minimum cost project schedule--Some comments pp. 467-468

- C. B. Chapman
- On the minimum cost project schedule--Note by the editor pp. 468-468

- George Mitchell
Volume 23, issue 3, 1995
- A model management framework for heterogeneous algebraic models: Object-oriented database management systems approach pp. 235-256

- S. Y. Huh and Q. B. Chung
- Judging the quality of research in business schools: The UK as a case study pp. 257-270

- J. R. Doyle and A. J. Arthurs
- The comparative ability of self-organizing neural networks to define cluster structure pp. 271-279

- S. K. Chen, P. Mangiameli and D. West
- An integrated cost-performance model of research and development evaluation pp. 281-294

- E. Geisler
- SFG-GP: An effective tutoring system for goal programming pp. 295-302

- S. M. Lee and E. B. Kim
- Decision dilemmas facing managers: recognizing the value of learning while making sequential decisions pp. 303-312

- T. Chi and P. C. Nystrom
- Creating student groups with similar characteristics: A heuristic approach pp. 313-321

- J. Mingers and F. A. O'Brien
- Emerging hard and soft technologies: current status, issues and implementation problems pp. 323-339

- Shalini Aggarwal
- Comparative study of heuristics for the joint replenishment problem pp. 341-344

- M. Ben-Daya and M. Hariga
Volume 23, issue 2, 1995
- Cognitive sculpting as a means of working with managers' metaphors pp. 117-124

- D. B. P. Sims and J. R. Doyle
- Cognitive feedback in environments characterized by irrelevant information pp. 125-143

- K. Sengupta
- Large scale models and large scale thinking: The case of the health services pp. 145-157

- P. Smith
- Integrating marketing, operations, and purchasing to create value pp. 159-172

- R. L. Bregman
- Perishable-asset revenue management: Generic and multiple-price yield management with diversion pp. 173-185

- S. E. Bodily and L. R. Weatherford
- The repeated choice model and the feedback mechanism pp. 187-195

- J. Girard and H. Gruber
- Productivity improvement: Efficiency approach vs effectiveness approach pp. 197-204

- Chiang Kao, Liang-Hsuan Chen, Tai-Yue Wang, Shyanjaw Kuo and Shi-Dai Horng
- A two-stage traveling salesman procedure for the single machine sequence-dependent scheduling problem pp. 205-219

- C. O. Ozgur and J. R. Brown
- Decision support systems: an extended research agenda pp. 221-229

- C. M. Khoong
- Encouraging truthful revelation when monitoring is costly pp. 231-234

- Robert Rothschild and Geraint Johnes
Volume 23, issue 1, 1995
- The sophisticated decision maker: All work and no pay? pp. 1-11

- I. Horowitz and P. Thompson
- Metagraphs pp. 13-25

- A. Basu and R. W. Blanning
- The influence of product complexity on the purchasing structure pp. 27-39

- A. G. Kotteaku, L. G. Laios and S. J. Moschuris
- Expanding the flexibility of goal programming via preference modelling techniques pp. 41-48

- D. F. Jones and M. Tamiz
- Evaluating fixed price incentive contracts pp. 49-62

- S. C. Ward and C. B. Chapman
- A Petri Net model view of decision making: an operational management analysis pp. 63-78

- A. Mehrez, M. Muzumdar, W. Acar and G. Weinroth
- A study of maintenance technology implementation pp. 79-88

- I. B. Hipkin and A. G. Lockett
- Fixed cost oriented bottleneck analysis with linear programming pp. 89-95

- Tamás Koltai
- A computer based approach for enhancing manufacturing decision making in smaller manufacturing enterprises: A longitudinal study pp. 97-107

- A. Muhlemann, D. Price, M. Afferson and J. Sharp
- A dynamic inventory model with random replenishment quantities pp. 109-116

- H. Baker and R. Ehrhardt
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