1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev
From Elsevier
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Volume 4, issue 6, 1976
- Human relations in industry pp. 633-642

- Marcus Sieff
- Cash flow models: A review pp. 643-656

- Geoffrey Gregory
- A decision support system for banks pp. 657-671

- Ralph H Sprague and Hugh J Watson
- The coordination of short-run decision-making with long-range planning pp. 673-684

- Dennis W Loughridge, William W Damon and David W Peterson
- A quantitative model for manpower decision making pp. 685-697

- Harvey Kahalas and David A Gray
- Problems in the application of portfolio selection models pp. 699-709

- Stewart D Hodges
- Multi-terminal vehicle-dispatch algorithm pp. 711-718

- Billy E Gillett and Jerry G Johnson
- A model with shortage of places for educational and manpower systems pp. 719-730

- J Moya-Angeler
- A new goal programming formulation pp. 731-732

- Rb Flavell
- A graphical interpretation in goal programming problem pp. 733-735

- El Hannan
- Using the delta chart in project management pp. 736-737

- T Harrell Allen
- Quality control strategy pp. 738-740

- Thomas J Hindelang
- Modeling the product elimination decision pp. 741-742

- William B Locander and Richard W Scannell
- Robustness of linear models for decision making: Some comments pp. 743-746

- Herbert Moskowitz
- Fixed costs constraints and realities pp. 747-748

- Rs Stainton
Volume 4, issue 5, 1976
- Causes of the decline in British merchant ship-building and marine engineering pp. 513-525

- Austen Albu
- OR, organisational design and adaptivity pp. 527-537

- Rolfe C Tomlinson
- Government policies towards innovation: A review of empirical findings pp. 539-558

- K Pavitt
- Analysis in support of strategic policy making pp. 559-569

- Kj Radford
- Dynamic strategies for branch and bound pp. 571-576

- Fred Glover and Lee Tangedahl
- Information processing in managerial decision making: A preliminary study pp. 577-582

- Joseph G San Miguel
- Organization structure and cooperative market relations pp. 583-593

- Helmy H Baligh and Richard M Burton
- Design of a strategic planning management information system pp. 595-607

- Kyung Ghymn and William R King
- The robustness of linear models for decision-making pp. 609-615

- Robert H Ashton
- Planning ambulatory health care delivery systems pp. 617-622

- Vf Dökmeci
Volume 4, issue 4, 1976
- A comment on "a dynamic model of process and product innovation" pp. 375-377

- K. Pavitt and R. Rothwell
- A policy lapsation model pp. 377-378

- P. Giles
- A note on 'a linear programming model for determining an optimal regional distribution of petroleum products' by C Moore and Z Zolters pp. 378-380

- Peter Meier
- How society works pp. 381-381

- Charles Goodeve
- Parkinson, Peter and probability: Implications for productivity pp. 383-396

- Gerald Nadler
- Pathways to management numeracy pp. 397-405

- David G Lethbridge and Roger Miles
- Adaptive trading rules for commodity futures pp. 407-416

- Terrence F Martell
- The price-quality relationship: A heuristic model pp. 417-436

- Bm Wainstein and Hs Sichel
- Assessing operational policies pp. 437-446

- E Stephenson
- Production planning in practice pp. 447-454

- Fl Harrison
- An application of multiple objective linear programming to media selection pp. 455-462

- Ralph E Steuer and Richard L Oliver
- Job shop scheduling--A case study pp. 463-477

- Paul H Randolph
- An approach to stochastic programming for medium term planning pp. 479-485

- Robert G Dyson and Gillian Swaithes
- Contractual sharing rules pp. 487-488

- M Berhold
- An approximation for the replenishment of perishables problem pp. 489-490

- George P Cosmetatos
- Paired comparisons in measuring expected benefit pp. 491-492

- D Hindle and R Sergeant
- How many-sided are shadow prices at degenerate primal optima? pp. 493-494

- G Knolmayer
Volume 4, issue 3, 1976
- Managers' uses of models pp. 253-264

- Leonard S Simon, Charles Lamar and George H Haines
- Scheduled and charter impairment in North Atlantic air services pp. 265-278

- William G Browne
- Linear programming and financial cost models for industrial enterprises pp. 279-288

- Michel Araten and Bernard Dickman
- Effect of telecommunications on the location of office employment pp. 289-300

- Roger Pye
- Optimal regional distribution of petroleum products pp. 301-311

- Craig L Moore and Andris A Zoltners
- Two issues in the evaluation of job-shop schedules pp. 313-320

- Israel Borovits and Phillip Ein-Dor
- The effective use of computer resources pp. 321-330

- Cw Axelrod
- A policy lapsation model pp. 331-338

- Varsha S Varde
- Inventory decisions in product-mix models pp. 339-340

- G. R. Reeves
- Personnel development and evaluation pp. 341-342

- W. H. Githens, R. S. Elster, G. L. Musgrove and J. W. Creighton
- The value index concept for demand forecasting pp. 343-344

- Gerald L Hefley
- Overflow problems in file organization pp. 345-346

- L. Kosten
- The simple plant location problem pp. 347-349

- P. Hansen
- Sensitivity of the rate of return pp. 350-352

- Samuel Eilon
- Implications of goal programming for insurance agency decision making pp. 353-354

- Claude C Lilly and John M Gleason
- Comment on 'stochastic dominance for ranking ventures' pp. 355-357

- D. Kira
- Optimization models for fraction defective control charts--a Markovian approach pp. 358-359

- Yoram Alperovitch and Yoram Friedman
Volume 4, issue 2, 1976
- 'Irrationality' of managerial judgments: Implications for information systems pp. 125-140

- Herbert Moskowitz, Ralf E Schaefer and Katrin Borcherding
- Some properties of pareto-optimal choices in decision problems pp. 141-147

- Hc Calpine and A Golding
- The communication of control in an international company: Methods of investigation pp. 149-163

- Michael G Dorrell and Michael Z Brooke
- Managerial authority in a decision analysis context pp. 165-173

- M. H. Berhold
- The modelling of supply in the shipping industry pp. 175-180

- A. J. Taylor
- Stochastic dominance for ranking ventures: Comments and extensions pp. 181-186

- Josef Hadar
- Planning for teaching-resource requirements in colleges of technology pp. 187-191

- N Honeyman and J. W. F. Potts
- Facilities design with graph theory and strings pp. 193-203

- James M Moore
- An efficient heuristic procedure for solving the layout design problem pp. 205-214

- G. G. Hitchings and M Cottam
- Management applications of the inverse gaussian distribution pp. 215-223

- G. A. Whitmore
- An heuristic for sampling rare populations pp. 225-227

- Mohsen Anvari and Eric N West
- Management decision rules in the marketing of electricity pp. 228-229

- G. A. Forgionne
- Food preparation by critical path methods pp. 230-231

- P. D. Berger
- Some numerical equilibrium results for the GI/D/1: ([infinity]/FIFO) queueing model pp. 232-233

- George P Cosmetatos
- Estimating learning time for repetitive tasks pp. 234-235

- G. W. Hindmarsh and D. R. Towill
Volume 4, issue 1, 1976
- Energy analysis: A review of methods and applications pp. 19-33

- Peter Chapman
- A framework for optimizing managerial decision pp. 35-48

- S. B. Littauer, T. M. Yegulalp and G. K. Zahariev
- A guided tour of recent practical advances in integer linear programming pp. 49-57

- A. M. Geoffrion
- The 'optimum' number of beds in a coronary care unit pp. 59-65

- A. A. Sissouras and B Moores
- Simulation of R&D investment strategies pp. 67-77

- A Douglas Bender, Edmund B Pyle, Wilfred J Westlake and Bryce Douglas
- A profitability index for alternative research projects pp. 79-83

- K. D. Glazebrook
- A deterministic model for the housing decision pp. 85-91

- Richard Mojena, G Geoffrey Booth and James P Bowman
- Sampling information in new product marketing pp. 93-96

- S. A. Conrad
- Bayesian point estimation on the Bernoulli parameter pp. 97-99

- D. W. Bunn
- Some numerical equilibrium results for the D/G/1: ([infinity]/FIFO) queueing model pp. 100-102

- George P Cosmetatos
- Macro-efficiency in interactive work units pp. 103-104

- Cuissepi A Forgionne and Truman D Simpson
- The multiproportional RAS method pp. 105-106

- C. B. Tilanus
- Variance analysis revisited pp. 107-108

- C. B. Tilanus and J. A. M. Theeuwes
- Alternative estimators of lines of securities pp. 109-110

- J. C. Wiginton