1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 20, issue 5-6, 1992
- Profits and total factor productivity: A comparative analysis pp. 553-568

- E Genescá Garrigosa and E Grifell Tatjé
- A critical survey on the status of multiple criteria decision making theory and practice pp. 569-586

- Tj Stewart
- Manufacturing strategy analysis: Models and practice pp. 587-595

- Ca Billington and Tc Davis
- Information systems success factors in small business pp. 597-609

- Cs Yap, Cpp Soh and Ks Raman
- An empirical study of IS planning characteristics among industries pp. 611-629

- G Premkumar
- Flow sensors in newspaper production pp. 631-639

- Sameer Kumar and Sant Arora
- A review of recent changes in buyer-supplier relations pp. 641-652

- R Imrie and J Morris
- Adaptation of some vehicle fleet mix heuristics pp. 653-660

- S Salhi, M Sari, D Saidi and Nac Touati
- Regulatory compliance costs in the Canadian brewing industry pp. 661-670

- C Calantone
- Scheduling professionals in the retail pharmacy chain pp. 671-678

- Kl Brown and Hi Mesak
- A methodology for knowledgebased scheduling decision support pp. 679-703

- Vc Shah, Gr Madey and A Mehrez
- Procurement process: Decision by exclusion and pairwise comparisons pp. 705-712

- Sg Mattar, Rj Macdonald and Eu Choo
Volume 20, issue 4, 1992
- Cooperative strategies in iron and steel: Motives and results pp. 417-430

- G Rosegger
- The marketing-manufacturing interface and manufacturing flexibility pp. 431-443

- Ij Chen, Rj Calantone and C-H Chung
- Management buy-ins in the UK pp. 445-456

- K Robbie, Mike Wright and S Thompson
- The underpricing of initial public offerings: Some UK evidence pp. 457-466

- K Keasey and H Short
- A multicriteria approach for evaluating the performance of industrial firms pp. 467-474

- D Diakoulaki, George Mavrotas and L Papayannakis
- Computer integrated manufacturing: An exploratory study of key organizational barriers pp. 475-491

- K Ramamurthy and Wr King
- Algorithms for grouping machine groups in group technology pp. 493-501

- Ch Cheng
- Optimising net margins and stock position in spare parts inventory echelons pp. 503-511

- G Wright
- The quadrant theory of project management pp. 513-521

- C Barnatt
- The effect of continuous price change in the EOQ pp. 523-527

- E Erel
- Multi-product scheduling on a single machine: A case study pp. 529-534

- R Mallya
- A simulation model for an urban fire fighting system pp. 535-542

- H Erkut and S Polat
- A note on impact of investing in quality improvement on the lot size model pp. 545-545

- I Moon
Volume 20, issue 3, 1992
- Selection and implementation of an information system: A General Motors case pp. 283-293

- E Oz
- The effect of planning horizon on the effectiveness of what-if analysis pp. 295-301

- Je Kottemann and We Remus
- Modeling the effect of subsidized pricing policy on new product diffusion pp. 303-312

- Hi Mesak and Rw Coleman
- Market timing: A worthwhile strategy? pp. 313-322

- C Firer, M Sandler and M Ward
- A simulation model for industrial marketing pp. 323-335

- B Arinze and J Burton
- Key ratios for corporate performance pp. 337-343

- Samuel Eilon
- Developing a turnaround strategy--A case study approach pp. 345-352

- S Chakraborty and S Dixit
- Accuracy of judgmental forecasts: A comparison pp. 353-364

- Nr Sanders
- A DSS model for a school of engineering pp. 365-373

- Mf Shipley
- A survey of layout issues in flexible manufacturing systems pp. 375-390

- P Kouvelis, W-C Chiang and As Kiran
- SPT sequencing with dependent processing times pp. 391-397

- Hv Ravinder and Cr Schultz
- Strategic modelling of productive efficiency pp. 401-403

- C-T Foo
- A note on two scheduling problems on single machines with dual criteria pp. 404-407

- T Sen and Cs White
- Flexibility improvement in continuous-review (s, Q) systems pp. 408-410

- F Nasri and Mj Paknejad
Volume 20, issue 2, 1992
- Competitve--The innovation factor pp. 135-137

- Sir Basil Blackwell
- On Porter's competitive advantage of nations pp. 137-138

- W. W. Cooper
- An apology pp. 138-138

- R. C. Morey
- A methodology for developing dependable information systems pp. 139-148

- Jg Walls
- An evaluation of organizational activation pp. 149-159

- Nobuo Takahashi
- Quality improvement through product redesign and the learning curve pp. 161-168

- C Koulamas
- Project scheduling with work packages pp. 169-182

- Rf Deckro, Je Hebert and Wa Verdini
- Scheduling of casino security officers pp. 183-191

- Rgj Mills and Dm Panton
- Applying a theory of organization change to adopting JIT pp. 193-199

- Ja Vora
- Efficient scheduling of part-time employees pp. 201-213

- Aj Vakharia, Hs Selim and Rr Husted
- Heuristics in flow shop scheduling with sequence dependent setup times pp. 215-225

- Jv Simons
- Implementations of robotics: Identifying efficient implementors pp. 227-239

- Wd Cook, Da Johnston and D McCutcheon
- Polynomial yield curve models for tilting portfolios pp. 241-248

- Jsh Kornbluth and Gr Salkin
- Ex post efficiency and mutual fund evaluation pp. 249-255

- Lp Jennergren
- An examination of dampening procedures considering rescheduling costs pp. 257-269

- C Ho
Volume 20, issue 1, 1992
- Management science and organisational change: A framework for analysis pp. 1-9

- G Walsham
- Management of flexible manufacturing: An international comparison pp. 11-22

- B Carlsson
- A system for organizational learning using cognitive maps pp. 23-36

- S Lee, J. F. Courtney and R. M. O'Keefe
- Impact of management information systems on decisions pp. 37-49

- T Mukhopadhyay and R. B. Cooper
- Comprehension, positioning, segmentation and purchase probability pp. 51-57

- L. J. Jaffe, P. D. Berger and L. F. Jamieson
- Factors influencing database planning: An empirical study pp. 59-72

- J. T. C. Teng and V Grover
- Performance of priority rules in a due date flow shop pp. 73-89

- J. L. Hunsucker and J. R. Shah
- Interactive due date management system pp. 91-98

- H Tsubone, H Matsuura and M Kanda
- Resources for the repair of non-modular aero-engines pp. 99-103

- J Moffat
- Perspectives on uncertainty in successful strategic choice at the CEO level pp. 105-116

- E. F. Harrison
- Decision making in a low probability, high risk setting: The case of computer viruses pp. 117-126

- D. L. Ferry and C. T. Kydd
- Overbooking decision rules pp. 129-133

- S. E. Bodily and P. E. Pfeifer
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