1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 50, issue C, 2015
- A genetic algorithm-based decomposition approach to solve an integrated equipment-workforce-service planning problem pp. 1-17

- Gang Li, Hongxun Jiang and Tian He
- Measuring dynamic efficiency of highway maintenance operations pp. 18-28

- Saeideh Fallah-Fini, Konstantinos Triantis, Hazhir Rahmandad and Jesus M. de la Garza
- A practical model for last train rescheduling with train delay in urban railway transit networks pp. 29-42

- Liujiang Kang, Jianjun Wu, Huijun Sun, Xiaoning Zhu and Bo Wang
- The two-dimensional vector packing problem with piecewise linear cost function pp. 43-53

- Qian Hu, Andrew Lim and Wenbin Zhu
- Joint production and subcontracting planning of unreliable multi-facility multi-product production systems pp. 54-69

- M. Assid, A. Gharbi and K. Dhouib
- The impact of hybrid push–pull contract in a decentralized assembly system pp. 70-81

- Xu Guan, Shihua Ma and Zhe Yin
- Robust gate assignment procedures from an airport management perspective pp. 82-95

- Mercedes E. Narciso and Miquel A. Piera
- Pricing cloud services—the impact of broadband quality pp. 96-114

- Sumanta Basu, Soumyakanti Chakraborty and Megha Sharma
- Information sharing in a supply chain with a make-to-stock manufacturer pp. 115-125

- Tian Li and Hongtao Zhang
- Piecewise linear approximations for the static–dynamic uncertainty strategy in stochastic lot-sizing pp. 126-140

- Roberto Rossi, Onur A. Kilic and S. Armagan Tarim
- Modeling the winning seed distribution of the NCAA Division I men׳s basketball tournament pp. 141-148

- Arash Khatibi, Douglas M. King and Sheldon H. Jacobson
Volume 49, issue C, 2014
- Using TOPSIS for assessing the sustainability of government bond funds pp. 1-17

- Amelia Bilbao-Terol, Mar Arenas-Parra, Verónica Cañal-Fernández and José Antomil-Ibias
- IMP: A decision aid for multiattribute evaluation using imprecise weight estimates pp. 18-29

- Alan Jessop
- Planning of a decentralized distribution network using bilevel optimization pp. 30-41

- Herminia I. Calvete, Carmen Galé and José A. Iranzo
- Potentially self-defeating: Group buying in a two-tier supply chain pp. 42-52

- Yuan Zhou and Jinxing Xie
- Establishing dominance between strategies with interval judgments of state probabilities pp. 53-59

- Byeong Seok Ahn and Haechurl Park
- A delay-in-payment contract for Pareto improvement of a supply chain with stochastic demand pp. 60-68

- Deng Gao, Xiaobo Zhao and Wei Geng
- Third-party logistics selection problem: A literature review on criteria and methods pp. 69-78

- Aicha Aguezzoul
- Optimal responses to stockouts: Lateral transshipment versus emergency order policies pp. 79-92

- Yi Liao, Wenjing Shen, Xinxin Hu and Shilei Yang
- Consignment or wholesale: Retailer and supplier preferences and incentives for compromise pp. 93-106

- Renato E. de Matta, Timothy J. Lowe and Dengfeng Zhang
- Setting tolerance limits for statistical project control using earned value management pp. 107-122

- Jeroen Colin and Mario Vanhoucke
- Bidding under auctioneer default risk pp. 123-133

- Panos L. Lorentziadis
- Power planning in ICT infrastructure: A multi-criteria operational performance evaluation approach pp. 134-148

- Sheng-Tun Li and Wei-Chien Chou
Volume 48, issue C, 2014
- Stochastic efficiency analysis with a reliability consideration pp. 1-9

- Guiwu Wei, Jian Chen and Jiamin Wang
- Non-convex value efficiency analysis and its application to bank branch sales evaluation pp. 10-18

- Merja Halme, Pekka Korhonen and Juha Eskelinen
- Responsive contingency planning in supply risk management by considering congestion effects pp. 19-35

- Alireza Ebrahim Nejad, Iman Niroomand and Onur Kuzgunkaya
- An access network design problem with end-to-end QoS constraints pp. 36-48

- Chanwoo Park, Youngho Lee, Youngjin Kim and Gigyoung Park
- Measurement of tourist hotels׳ productive efficiency, occupancy, and catering service effectiveness using a modified two-stage DEA model in Taiwan pp. 49-59

- Chin-wei Huang, Foo Nin Ho and Yung-Ho Chiu
- Planning a sustainable reverse logistics system: Balancing costs with environmental and social concerns pp. 60-74

- Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos, Maria Isabel Gomes and Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa
- Credibility-based rescheduling model in a double-track railway network: a fuzzy reliable optimization approach pp. 75-93

- Lixing Yang, Xuesong Zhou and Ziyou Gao
- Storage constrained vendor managed inventory models with unequal shipment frequencies pp. 94-106

- Moncer Hariga, Mehmet Gumus and Abdelkader Daghfous
Volume 47, issue C, 2014
- On the need for reform of the Portuguese judicial system – Does Data Envelopment Analysis assessment support it? pp. 1-16

- Sérgio P. Santos and Carla A.F. Amado
- Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for periodic home health care logistics pp. 17-32

- Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie and Thierry Garaix
- Benefit-of-the-doubt aggregation and the diet problem pp. 33-35

- Rolf Färe and Giannis Karagiannis
- Economic efficiency when prices are not fixed: disentangling quantity and price efficiency pp. 36-44

- Maria Silva and Emmanuel Thanassoulis
- Assigning machines to incomparable maintenance strategies with ELECTRE-SORT pp. 45-59

- Alessio Ishizaka and Philippe Nemery
- Vendor managed inventory in tramp shipping pp. 60-72

- Magnus Stålhane, Henrik Andersson, Marielle Christiansen and Kjetil Fagerholt
- Integration of sale and leaseback in the optimal design of supply chain networks pp. 73-89

- Pantelis Longinidis and Michael C. Georgiadis
- Multi-period efficiency measurement in data envelopment analysis: The case of Taiwanese commercial banks pp. 90-98

- Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu
- Approaches to real world two-dimensional cutting problems pp. 99-115

- Enrico Malaguti, Rosa Medina Durán and Paolo Toth
- Real-time dynamic pricing in a non-stationary environment using model-free reinforcement learning pp. 116-126

- Rupal Rana and Fernando S. Oliveira
- Universal supplier selection via multi-dimensional auction mechanisms for two-way competition in oligopoly market of supply chain pp. 127-137

- Vipul Jain, Gajanan B. Panchal and Sameer Kumar
Volume 45, issue C, 2014
- Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis with slacks-based measures pp. 1-6

- Chiang Kao
- The bike sharing rebalancing problem: Mathematical formulations and benchmark instances pp. 7-19

- Mauro Dell'Amico, Eleni Hadjicostantinou, Manuel Iori and Stefano Novellani
- Absolute return portfolios pp. 20-41

- C.A. Valle, N. Meade and John Beasley
- A novel discrete artificial bee colony algorithm for the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with makespan minimisation pp. 42-56

- Quan-Ke Pan, Ling Wang, Jun-Qing Li and Jun-Hua Duan
- Impact of secondary market on consumer return policies and supply chain coordination pp. 57-70

- Ximin Huang, Jia-Wen Gu, Wai-Ki Ching and Tak Kuen Siu
- Locating mobile facilities in railway construction management pp. 71-79

- Hüseyin Güden and Haldun Süral
- Combining forecasts of electricity consumption in China with time-varying weights updated by a high-order Markov chain model pp. 80-91

- Weigang Zhao, Jianzhou Wang and Haiyan Lu
- Competitive supply chain network design: An overview of classifications, models, solution techniques and applications pp. 92-118

- Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Shabnam Rezapour, Tammy Drezner and Samira Fallah
- Multi-objective permutation flow shop scheduling problem: Literature review, classification and current trends pp. 119-135

- Mehmet Mutlu Yenisey and Betul Yagmahan
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