1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 121, issue C, 2023
- Courier satisfaction in rapid delivery systems using dynamic operating regions

- Ramon Auad, Alan Erera and Martin Savelsbergh
- Efficient effort equilibrium in cooperation with pairwise cost reduction

- Jose A. García-Martínez, Antonio J. Mayor-Serra and Ana Meca
- Stochastic regional-based profit-maximizing hub location problem: A sustainable overview

- Reza Rahmati, Hossein Neghabi, Mahdi Bashiri and Majid Salari
- Single machine scheduling with due date assignment to minimize the total weighted lead time penalty and late work

- Yao-Wen Sang, Jun-Qiang Wang, Małgorzata Sterna and Jacek Błażewicz
- Lagrangean relaxation algorithms for fixed-charge capacitated relay network design

- Panitan Kewcharoenwong, Qiaofeng Li and Halit Üster
- Opportunity knocks but just once: Impact of infrastructure investment decision on climate adaptation to flood events

- Changsheng Yi, Zhaoming Chen and Hongchen Chen
- Game directional distance function in meta-frontier data envelopment analysis

- Lei Chen and Ying-Ming Wang
- Assessing whether decisions are more sensitive to preference or prediction uncertainty with a value of information approach

- Fridolin Haag and Arjun Chennu
- The value of buyer financing with a minimum quantity commitment in pull supply chains

- Jianbin Li, Wei Cheng, Xiangrong Song and Yuting Zheng
Volume 120, issue C, 2023
- Wasserstein distance‐based distributionally robust parallel‐machine scheduling

- Yunqiang Yin, Zunhao Luo, Dujuan Wang and T.C.E. Cheng
- A column generation driven heuristic for order-scheduling and rack-sequencing in robotic mobile fulfillment systems

- Jan-Erik Justkowiak and Erwin Pesch
- Equitable and effective vaccine access considering vaccine hesitancy and capacity constraints

- Irem Sengul Orgut, Nickolas Freeman, Dwight Lewis and Jason Parton
- A profit difference decomposition model for measuring group performance: an application to Chinese and Taiwanese commercial banks

- Xiang Chen, Emili Grifell-Tatje and Tsu-Tan Fu
- Evidence-based managerial decision-making with machine learning: The case of Bayesian inference in aviation incidents

- Burak Cankaya, Kazim Topuz, Dursun Delen and Aaron Glassman
- Using machine learning techniques to reduce uncertainty for outpatient appointment scheduling practices in outpatient clinics

- Davood Golmohammadi, Lingyu Zhao and David Dreyfus
- Revelation mechanism and decoy strategy for a supply chain with consumer's perceived substitutability

- Yichao Yuan and Tiaojun Xiao
- Production-sharing of critical resources with dynamic demand under pandemic situation: The COVID-19 pandemic

- Behnam Vahdani, Mehrdad Mohammadi, Simon Thevenin, Patrick Meyer and Alexandre Dolgui
- Locker box location planning under uncertainty in demand and capacity availability

- Simona Mancini, Margaretha Gansterer and Chefi Triki
- Managing the quality-speed tradeoff in blockchain-supported healthcare diagnostic services

- Mingyao Sun, Qiangfei Chai and Chi To Ng
- Managing resource allocation for the recruitment stocking problem

- Weiwei Chen, Gül Çulhan Kumcu, Benjamin Melamed and Alok Baveja
- Knowledge percolation threshold and optimization strategies of the combinatorial network for complex innovation in the digital economy

- Jianyu Zhao, Lean Yu, Xi Xi and Shengliang Li
- An equilibrium approach towards sustainable operation of a modern coal chemical industrial park

- Jingqi Dai and Zongmin Li
- Distributionally robust chance-constrained programming for multi-period emergency resource allocation and vehicle routing in disaster response operations

- Weiqiao Wang, Kai Yang, Lixing Yang and Ziyou Gao
- Behavior-Based pricing under asymmetric channel competition with strategic consumers

- Yingdan Zhang, Ruina Yang, Zelong Yi, Shiqing Yao and Yiheng Jing
- A real-world case of autoclave loading and scheduling problems in aerospace composite material production

- Volkan Haskilic, Aydin Ulucan, Kazim Baris Atici and Seda Busra Sarac
- Channel strategies when digital platforms emerge: A systematic literature review

- Xiaoyang Zhou, He Liu, Jialu Li, Kai Zhang and Benjamin Lev
- An enhanced hybrid model based on multiple influencing factors and divide-conquer strategy for carbon price prediction

- Jujie Wang, Zhenzhen Zhuang and Dongming Gao
- Leveraging strategic consumer behavior in consumer-to-consumer resale: From economic and environmental perspectives

- Chen Pang, Gang Li and Li Jiang
Volume 119, issue C, 2023
- A robust optimization problem for drone-based equitable pandemic vaccine distribution with uncertain supply

- Xin Wang, Ruiwei Jiang and Mingyao Qi
- Returns operations in omnichannel retailing with buy-online-and-return-to-store

- Lu Yang, Xiangyong Li, Ye Xia and Y.P. Aneja
- Hospital dual-channel adoption decisions with telemedicine referral and misdiagnosis

- Jian-Jun Wang, Xinmou Zhang and Jim Junmin Shi
- Optimal trauma care network redesign with government subsidy: A bilevel integer programming approach

- Shaonan Liu, Nan Kong, Pratik Parikh and Mingzheng Wang
- Energy conservation investment and supply chain structure under cap-and-trade regulation for a green product

- Qingguo Bai, Jiguang Chen and Jianteng Xu
- The optimal vehicle product line strategy considering product information disclosure under government carbon regulation

- Zhitang Li, Cuihua Zhang, Henry Xu and Ruxia Lyu
- Assessing the dynamic efficiency and technology gap of airports under different ownerships: A union dynamic NDEA approach

- Ming-Miin Yu and Ipsita Rakshit
- A general direct approach for decomposing profit inefficiency

- Jesus T. Pastor, José Zofío, Juan Aparicio and D. Pastor
- Decomposition and aggregation of tone efficiencies

- Giannis Karagiannis
- The effect of ICT on schools’ efficiency: Empirical evidence on 23 European countries

- Anna Mergoni, Mara Soncin and Tommaso Agasisti
- Time to shift the shift: Performance effects of within-day cumulative service encounters in retail stores

- Chien-Ming Chen and Howard Hao-Chun Chuang
- Beyond kemeny rank aggregation: A parameterizable-penalty framework for robust ranking aggregation with ties

- Sina Akbari and Adolfo R. Escobedo
- The discrete p-center location problem with upgrading

- Laura Anton-Sanchez, Mercedes Landete and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama
- On dynamic lot sizing with bounded inventory for a perishable product

- Jie Fan and Jinwen Ou
Volume 118, issue C, 2023
- Optimal energy and reserve scheduling in a renewable-dominant power system

- Mengling Zhang, Zihao Jiao, Lun Ran and Yuli Zhang
- A consensual group ELECTRE-SORT approach considering the incomparable classes with the application of machine maintenance strategy assignment

- Decui Liang, Yuanyuan Fu and Alessio Ishizaka
- Linear and piecewise linear formulations for a hierarchical facility location and sizing problem

- Mumtaz Karatas and Levent Eriskin
- Design mechanism to coordinate a hierarchical healthcare system: Patient subsidy vs. capacity investment

- Zhong-Ping Li, Chang, Aichih (Jasmine) and Zongbao Zou
- A column generation-based heuristic for brachytherapy patient scheduling with multiple treatment sessions considering radioactive source decay and time constraints

- Kaining Shao, Wenjuan Fan, Shaowen Lan, Min Kong and Shanlin Yang
- Pay-for-performance incentives in benchmarking with quasi S-shaped technology

- Qingxian An, Qiaoyu Zhang and Xiangyang Tao
- Incorporating social learning into the optimal return and pricing decisions of online retailers

- Huirong Fan, Moutaz Khouja, Jie Gao and Jing Zhou
- Reshore or not Reshore: A Stochastic Programming Approach to Supply Chain Optimization

- Tadeusz Sawik
- Green reverse logistics: Exploring the vehicle routing problem with deliveries and pickups

- Maria João Santos, Diana Jorge, Tânia Ramos and Ana Barbosa-Póvoa
- Word-of-Mouth on Action: Analysis of Optimal Shipment Policy When Customers are Resentful

- Bahar Çavdar and Nesim Erkip
- Financing capacity planning with environmental considerations: A non-parametric analysis

- Jiawei Yang, Yuanyu Li and Lei Fang
- A novel robust exact decomposition algorithm for berth and quay crane allocation and scheduling problem considering uncertainty and energy efficiency

- Kaoutar Chargui, Tarik Zouadi, V. Raja Sreedharan, Abdellah El Fallahi and Mohamed Reghioui
- An active preference learning approach to aid the selection of validators in blockchain environments

- Jonas Gehrlein, Grzegorz Miebs, Matteo Brunelli and Miłosz Kadziński
- Which is better for competing firms with quality increasing: behavior-based price discrimination or uniform pricing?

- Yu Wang, Minqiang Li, Haiyang Feng and Nan Feng
- Resilient relief supply planning using an integrated procurement-warehousing model under supply disruption

- Mojtaba Aghajani, S. Ali Torabi and Nezih Altay
- Dynamic ordering and buyer selection policies when service affects future demand

- Michalis Deligiannis and George Liberopoulos
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