1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 30, issue 6, 2002
- Reconsidering the exploration of power distance: an active case study approach pp. 403-414

- Norma R. A. Romm and Cheng-Yi Hsu
- Scheduling pre-printed newspaper advertising inserts using genetic algorithms pp. 415-421

- Arthur E. Carter and Cliff T. Ragsdale
- Operation-based flowtime estimation in a dynamic job shop pp. 423-442

- I. Sabuncuoglu and A. Comlekci
- Identifying non-competitive bids in construction contract auctions pp. 443-449

- Martin Skitmore
- A critical review of end-user information system satisfaction research and a new research framework pp. 451-478

- Norman Au, Eric W. T. Ngai and T. C. Edwin Cheng
- An investigation into a new class of vehicle routing problem with backhauls pp. 479-487

- A. C. Wade and S. Salhi
Volume 30, issue 5, 2002
- A comparison of approaches to exploit budget allocation data in cross-sectional maximum likelihood estimation of multi-attribute choice models pp. 315-324

- Óscar González-Benito and Libia Santos-Requejo
- A model for reverse logistics entry by third-party providers pp. 325-333

- Dennis W. Krumwiede and Chwen Sheu
- Scheduling hospital services: the efficacy of elective-surgery quotas pp. 335-346

- Seung-Chul Kim and Ira Horowitz
- Cooperative advertising, game theory and manufacturer-retailer supply chains pp. 347-357

- Susan X. Li, Zhimin Huang, Joe Zhu and Patrick Y. K. Chau
- A linkage between the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Compromise Programming Models pp. 359-365

- María Teresa Escobar and José María Moreno-Jiménez
- The effect of the Bootstrap method on additive fixed data perturbation in statistical database pp. 367-379

- Timon C. Du, Fu-Kwun Wang and Jen-Chuan Ro
- Influence of user participation on DSS use and decision accuracy pp. 381-392

- Michael Lawrence, Paul Goodwin and Robert Fildes
- Fuzzy analytical approach to partnership selection in formation of virtual enterprises pp. 393-401

- L. Mikhailov
Volume 30, issue 4, 2002
- Education, training and development policies and practices in medium-sized companies in the UK: do they really influence firm performance? pp. 249-264

- D. J. Storey
- The impact of the product mix on the value of flexibility pp. 265-273

- Jens Bengtsson and Jan Olhager
- MRP in a job shop environment using a resource constrained project scheduling model pp. 275-286

- Walter O. Rom, Oya Icmeli Tukel and Joseph R. Muscatello
- Nurturing clients' trust to encourage engagement success during the customization of ERP systems pp. 287-299

- David Gefen
- Business school research: bridging the gap between producers and consumers pp. 301-314

- Nasswan S. Dossabhoy and Paul D. Berger
Volume 30, issue 3, 2002
- A mathematical programming analysis of public transit systems pp. 137-142

- Keith A. Willoughby
- Growth, management and financing of new technology-based firms--assessing value-added contributions of firms located on and off Science Parks pp. 143-154

- Peter Lindelöf and Hans Löfsten
- Planning and re-planning in project and production scheduling pp. 155-170

- Kevin M. Calhoun, Richard F. Deckro, James T. Moore, James W. Chrissis and John C. Van Hove
- An AHP analysis of quality in AI and DSS journals pp. 171-183

- Guisseppi A. Forgionne, Rajiv Kohli and Darniet Jennings
- Adjusting financial ratios: a Bayesian analysis of the Spanish manufacturing sector pp. 185-195

- Jose Gallizo, Fernando Jiménez and Manuel Salvador
- Reliability evaluation for airline network design in response to fluctuation in passenger demand pp. 197-213

- Chaug-Ing Hsu and Yuh-Horng Wen
- Challenging the paradigm of the process enterprise: a case-study analysis of BPR implementation pp. 215-225

- Rhian Silvestro and Charles Westley
- Facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders: a socio-technical approach pp. 227-242

- Carlos A. Bana e Costa, Émerson C. Corrêa, Jean-Marie De Corte and Jean-Claude Vansnick
- A potential use of data envelopment analysis for the inverse classification problem pp. 243-248

- Parag C. Pendharkar
Volume 30, issue 2, 2002
- An analysis of a hybrid neural network and pattern recognition technique for predicting short-term increases in the NYSE composite index pp. 69-76

- W. Leigh, M. Paz and R. Purvis
- The importance of operations management problems in service organizations pp. 77-87

- Christine M. Wright and George Mechling
- Aggregation of preferences in an environmental economics context: a goal-programming approach pp. 89-95

- Pedro Linares and Carlos Romero
- Optimal market timing strategies under transaction costs pp. 97-108

- Wei Li and Kin Lam
- Journal characteristics, rankings and social acculturation in operations management pp. 109-126

- Gyula Vastag and Frank Montabon
- Integrating management judgment and statistical methods to improve short-term forecasts pp. 127-135

- Paul Goodwin
Volume 30, issue 1, 2002
- A review of research on the negative accounting relationship between risk and return: Bowman's paradox pp. 1-18

- Manuel Núñez Nickel and Manuel Cano Rodriguez
- An effective R&D performance measurement system: survey of Korean R&D researchers pp. 19-31

- Bowon Kim and Heungshik Oh
- Regulating the domestic air travel in India: an umpire's game pp. 33-44

- P. K. Bhaumik
- The value of information in the multi-item newsboy problem pp. 45-50

- Rommert J. Casimir
- International market selection strategies selected by 'micro' and 'small' firms pp. 51-68

- Paul Westhead, Mike Wright and Deniz Ucbasaran
Volume 29, issue 6, 2001
- An analysis of environmental management, organizational context and performance of Spanish hotels pp. 457-471

- M. J. Álvarez Gil, J. Burgos Jiménez and J. J. Céspedes Lorente
- Analysis of advertising lifetime for mobile phone pp. 473-478

- So Young Sohn and Hong Choi
- Bipolar value-driven joint product costing pp. 479-490

- R. Dixon and P. M. Trenchard
- Learning curve analysis in total productive maintenance pp. 491-499

- F. -K. Wang and W. Lee
- Solving hybrid flow shop problem using energetic reasoning and global operations pp. 501-511

- Emmanuel Néron, Philippe Baptiste and Jatinder N. D. Gupta
- Assigning students to academic majors pp. 513-523

- Hussein M. Saber and Jay B. Ghosh
- Motivation for ISO 14000 certification: development of a predictive model pp. 525-542

- Hesan A. Quazi, Yee-Koon Khoo, Chin-Meng Tan and Poh-Seng Wong
- Cyclicality of capital-intensive industries: a system dynamics simulation study of the paper industry pp. 543-552

- P. A. J. Berends and A. G. L. Romme
- A comparison of three weight elicitation methods: good, better, and best pp. 553-560

- Paul A. Bottomley and John R. Doyle
- Variable precision rough set theory and data discretisation: an application to corporate failure prediction pp. 561-576

- Malcolm J. Beynon and Michael Peel
- A near-optimal heuristic for the sequencing problem in multiple-batch flow-shops with small equal sublots pp. 577-584

- Adar A. Kalir and Subhash C. Sarin
- Applying fuzzy logic to personnel assessment: a case study pp. 585-597

- Guido Capaldo and Giuseppe Zollo
- Heuristic algorithms for the two-machine flowshop with limited machine availability pp. 599-608

- Jacek Blazewicz, Joachim Breit, Piotr Formanowicz, Wieslaw Kubiak and Günter Schmidt
Volume 29, issue 5, 2001
- The syndication of venture capital investments pp. 375-390

- Andy Lockett and Mike Wright
- Detecting errors in data: clarification of the impact of base rate expectations and incentives pp. 391-404

- Barbara D. Klein
- Evaluating airline competitiveness using multiattribute decision making pp. 405-415

- Yu-Hern Chang and Chung-Hsing Yeh
- Retailer's response to special sales: price discount vs. trade credit pp. 417-428

- F. J. Arcelus, Nita H. Shah and G. Srinivasan
- Linking organizational context with structure: a preliminary investigation of the information processing view pp. 429-443

- Eric T. G. Wang
- Effects of error factors and prior incremental practice on spreadsheet error detection: an experimental study pp. 445-456

- Thompson S. H. Teo and Joo Eng Lee-Partridge
Volume 29, issue 4, 2001
- Sales performance measurement in bank branches pp. 299-307

- Wade D. Cook and Moez Hababou
- Application of support vector machines in financial time series forecasting pp. 309-317

- Francis E. H. Tay and Lijuan Cao
- A simple neural network for ARMA(p,q) time series pp. 319-333

- H. Brian Hwarng and H. T. Ang
- An evaluation of the DBR control mechanism in a job shop environment pp. 335-342

- Satya S. Chakravorty
- TQM implementation: an empirical examination and proposed generic model pp. 343-359

- A. Ghobadian and D. Gallear
- An empirical study of design and testing of hybrid evolutionary-neural approach for classification pp. 361-374

- Parag C. Pendharkar
Volume 29, issue 3, 2001
- The study of global business ethics in East Asia: Taiwanese enterprises in Indonesia as targets pp. 221-231

- Chen-Fong Wu
- Determinants of intranet diffusion and infusion pp. 233-242

- Lauren B. Eder and Magid Igbaria
- The effect of setup time reduction on its variance pp. 243-247

- Subhashish Samaddar
- An integrated survey of deterministic project scheduling pp. 249-272

- R. Kolisch and Rema Padman
- Insights into neural-network forecasting of time series corresponding to ARMA(p,q) structures pp. 273-289

- H. Brian Hwarng
- Three-group classification with unequal misclassification costs: a mathematical programming approach pp. 291-297

- Constantine Loucopoulos
Volume 29, issue 2, 2001
- The relationship between JIT practices and type of production system pp. 113-124

- Richard E. White and Victor Prybutok
- Fit in strategic information technology management research: an empirical comparison of perspectives pp. 125-142

- François Bergeron, Louis Raymond and Suzanne Rivard
- Resource constraints and information systems implementation in Singaporean small businesses pp. 143-156

- James Y. L. Thong
- Comparative analysis of model management and relational database management pp. 157-170

- Yao-Chuan Tsai
- An application of the AHP in vendor selection of a telecommunications system pp. 171-182

- Maggie C. Y. Tam and V. M. Rao Tummala
- Optimizing multi-stage production with constant lot size and varying number of unequal sized batches pp. 183-191

- Ronald W. Bogaschewsky, Udo D. Buscher and Gerd Lindner
- User segmentation of online music services using fuzzy clustering pp. 193-206

- Muammer Ozer
- Inter-firm co-ordination: international versus domestic buyer-seller relationships pp. 207-219

- Otto Andersen and Arnt Buvik
Volume 29, issue 1, 2001
- A use of a nonparametric statistic for DEA frontier shift: the Kruskal and Wallis rank test pp. 1-18

- Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Shingo Aoki
- Modelling police success in catching burglars in the act pp. 19-27

- R. T. Coupe and A. J. Girling
- An empirically derived model of the role of IS networks in business process improvement initiatives pp. 29-48

- Ganesh D. Bhatt and Rodney L. Stump
- The allocation of promotion budget to maximize customer equity pp. 49-61

- Paul D. Berger and Nada Nasr Bechwati
- Extended lexicographic goal programming: a unifying approach pp. 63-71

- Carlos Romero
- Greek hospitals: how well their resources are used pp. 73-83

- Dimitris I. Giokas
- Assessing the relationship between practice changes and process improvement in new product development pp. 85-96

- Harvey Maylor
- Assessing financial risks using a multicriteria sorting procedure: the case of country risk assessment pp. 97-109

- Michael Doumpos and Constantin Zopounidis
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