1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 33, issue 6, 2005
- A note on "Khouja and Park, optimal lot sizing under continuous price decrease, Omega 31 (2003)" pp. 467-471

- Ruud Teunter
- The impact of component commonality in an assemble-to-order environment under supply and demand uncertainty pp. 472-482

- E. Mohebbi and F. Choobineh
- A spanning heuristic for the unordered and ordered matching identification problem pp. 483-490

- Douglas M. Kline, Charlene G. Riggle and Abraham Mehrez
- An effective total ranking model for a ranked voting system pp. 491-496

- A.A. Foroughi and M. Tamiz
- A hybrid ARIMA and support vector machines model in stock price forecasting pp. 497-505

- Ping-Feng Pai and Chih-Sheng Lin
- The theory of constraints: a methodology apart?--a comparison with selected OR/MS methodologies pp. 506-524

- J. Davies, V.J. Mabin and S.J. Balderstone
- Definitions and linkages between operational and strategic flexibilities pp. 525-540

- Alberto De Toni and Stefano Tonchia
- Letter to the editor pp. 541-541

- Yung-Fu Huang
Volume 33, issue 5, 2005
- Optimization and equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints pp. 379-384

- Boris S. Mordukhovich
- Measuring human development via data envelopment analysis: the case of Asia and the Pacific pp. 385-390

- D.K. Despotis
- Application of fuzzy goal programming technique to land use planning in agricultural system pp. 391-398

- Animesh Biswas and Bijay Baran Pal
- Multi-objective scheduling of two-job families on a single machine pp. 399-405

- A.K. Gupta and A.I. Sivakumar
- Proximal proper efficiency in set-valued optimization pp. 407-411

- Arora Ruchi and C.S. Lalitha
- Multicriteria decision making for optimal blending for beneficiation of coal: a fuzzy programming approach pp. 413-418

- M. Chakraborty and M.K. Chandra
- Information sharing in supply chains pp. 419-423

- P. Fiala
- Matrix games with fuzzy goals and fuzzy payoffs pp. 425-429

- V. Vijay, S. Chandra and C.R. Bector
- A method of dissimilarity analysis pp. 431-434

- S.S. Alam and S. Ghosh
- Cost models for lot streaming in a multistage flow shop pp. 435-450

- Huan Neng Chiu and Jen Huei Chang
- Online buying behavior: a transaction cost economics perspective pp. 451-465

- Thompson S.H. Teo and Yuanyou Yu
Volume 33, issue 4, 2005
- Best practices in business process redesign: an overview and qualitative evaluation of successful redesign heuristics pp. 283-306

- H. A. Reijers and S. Liman Mansar
- On the product selection and plant dimensioning problem under uncertainty pp. 307-318

- A. Alonso-Ayuso, L. F. Escudero, A. Garín, M. T. Ortuño and G. Pérez
- Integrating decision making and regulation in the management control process pp. 319-332

- K. N. Papamichail and I. Robertson
- An association-based clustering approach to order batching considering customer demand patterns pp. 333-343

- Mu-Chen Chen and Hsiao-Pin Wu
- A hybrid genetic algorithm for production and distribution pp. 345-355

- Felix T. S. Chan, S. H. Chung and Subhash Wadhwa
- A slack-based measure of efficiency in context-dependent data envelopment analysis pp. 357-362

- Hiroshi Morita, Koichiro Hirokawa and Joe Zhu
- Models for investment in electronic commerce--financial perspectives with empirical evidence pp. 363-376

- Goran Bergendahl
Volume 33, issue 3, 2005
- Transfer of technologies: a cross-disciplinary taxonomy pp. 189-202

- Arnold Reisman
- A new approach to evaluate reliability of multistate networks under the cost constraint pp. 203-209

- Wei-Chang Yeh
- Coloring fuzzy graphs pp. 211-221

- Susana Muñoz, M. Teresa Ortuño, Javier Ramírez and Javier Yáñez
- Evaluating sustainable fishing development strategies using fuzzy MCDM approach pp. 223-234

- Hua-Kai Chiou, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng and Ding-Chou Cheng
- Competitive pricing of mixed retail and e-tail distribution channels pp. 235-247

- Dong-Qing Yao and John J. Liu
- Deviation measures of linguistic preference relations in group decision making pp. 249-254

- Zeshui Xu
- Modified differential evolution: a greedy random strategy for genetic recombination pp. 255-265

- Paul K. Bergey and Cliff Ragsdale
- Partitioned fuzzy integral multinomial logit model for Taiwan's internet telephony market pp. 267-276

- Fang-Mei Tseng and Ching-Ying Yu
- Day-of-the-week effects in US and Asia-Pacific stock markets during the Asian financial crisis: a non-parametric approach pp. 277-282

- Tak-Kee Hui
Volume 33, issue 2, 2005
- Production and inventory control with chaotic demands pp. 97-106

- Kung-Jeng Wang, Hui-Ming Wee, Shin-Feng Gao and Shen-Lian Chung
- Confirmatory factor analysis and factorial invariance of the impact of information technology instrument pp. 107-118

- Gholamreza Torkzadeh, Xenophon Koufteros and William J. Doll
- A systematic approach to quality function deployment with a full illustrative example pp. 119-139

- Lai-Kow Chan and Ming-Lu Wu
- Planning health services with explicit geographical considerations: a stochastic location-allocation approach pp. 141-152

- P. R. Harper, A. K. Shahani, J. E. Gallagher and C. Bowie
- Just in time, total quality management, and supply chain management: understanding their linkages and impact on business performance pp. 153-162

- Vijay R. Kannan and Keah Choon Tan
- A joint economic lot size model for raw material ordering, manufacturing setup, and finished goods delivering pp. 163-174

- Wenyih Lee
- Validating measures of information technology outsourcing risk factors pp. 175-187

- Bouchaib Bahli and Suzanne Rivard
Volume 33, issue 1, 2005
- Environmental proactivity and business performance: an empirical analysis pp. 1-15

- Javier González-Benito and Óscar González-Benito
- Evaluation of enterprise-level benefits of manufacturing flexibility pp. 17-31

- Charu Chandra, Mark Everson and Janis Grabis
- Dynamic vehicle routing for online B2C delivery pp. 33-45

- Timon C. Du, Eldon Y. Li and Defrose Chou
- Joint inventory and technology selection decisions pp. 47-53

- Moutaz Khouja
- Hierarchical fuzzy integral stated preference method for Taiwan's broadband service market pp. 55-64

- Fang-Mei Tseng and Yu-Jing Chiu
- A novel representation of graph structures in web mining and data analysis pp. 65-71

- Jacek Blazewicz, Erwin Pesch and Malgorzata Sterna
- Soft TQM, hard TQM, and organisational performance relationships: an empirical investigation pp. 73-83

- Shams-ur Rahman and Philip Bullock
- A quadratic interval logit model for forecasting bankruptcy pp. 85-91

- Fang-Mei Tseng and Lin Lin
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