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1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): B. Lev

From Elsevier
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Volume 36, issue 6, 2008

A historic review of management science research in China pp. 919-932 Downloads
John Wang, Ruiliang Yan, Kimberly Hollister and Dan Zhu
Models for measuring and benchmarking olympics achievements pp. 933-940 Downloads
Yongjun Li, Liang Liang, Yao Chen and Hiroshi Morita
BOCOG's outsourcing contracts: The vendor's perspective pp. 941-949 Downloads
Bin Jiang, Gilles Reinhardt and Scott T. Young
Two-level DEA approaches in research evaluation pp. 950-957 Downloads
Wei Meng, Daqun Zhang, Qi Li and Wenbin Liu
A linear formulation of the two-level DEA model pp. 958-962 Downloads
Chiang Kao
Incentives for information sharing in duopoly with capacity constraints pp. 963-975 Downloads
Jianghua Wu, Xin Zhai and Zhimin Huang
Decision support system for the batching problems of steelmaking and continuous-casting production pp. 976-991 Downloads
Lixin Tang and Gongshu Wang
Scheduling a single semi-continuous batching machine pp. 992-1004 Downloads
Lixin Tang and Yufang Zhao
Efficiency and effectiveness in railway performance using a multi-activity network DEA model pp. 1005-1017 Downloads
Ming-Miin Yu and Erwin T.J. Lin
Nature-inspired metaheuristics for multiobjective activity crashing pp. 1019-1037 Downloads
K.F. Doerner, W.J. Gutjahr, R.F. Hartl, Christine Strauss and Christian Stummer
A fuzzy AHP application in government-sponsored R&D project selection pp. 1038-1052 Downloads
Chi-Cheng Huang, Pin-Yu Chu and Yu-Hsiu Chiang
Platinum ratio search versus golden ratio search pp. 1053-1056 Downloads
Xia Pan
Models and algorithms for the design of survivable multicommodity flow networks with general failure scenarios pp. 1057-1071 Downloads
Manish Garg and J. Cole Smith
A hybrid approach to constrained evolutionary computing: Case of product synthesis pp. 1072-1085 Downloads
Wen-Yau Liang and Chun-Che Huang
Real options valuation principle in the multi-period base-stock problem pp. 1086-1095 Downloads
Peter Berling
Characterizing order processes of using (R,nQ) inventory policies in supply chains pp. 1096-1104 Downloads
Xiaoming Li and V. Sridharan
A process-oriented perspective on differential business value creation by information technology: An empirical investigation pp. 1105-1125 Downloads
Abirami Radhakrishnan, Xingxing Zu and Varun Grover
Balancing assembly line with skilled and unskilled workers pp. 1126-1132 Downloads
Albert Corominas, Rafael Pastor and Joan Plans
Truck scheduling for solid waste collection in the City of Porto Alegre, Brazil pp. 1133-1149 Downloads
Jing-Quan Li, Denis Borenstein and Pitu B. Mirchandani

Volume 36, issue 5, 2008

Supply chain management in the US and Taiwan: An empirical study pp. 665-679 Downloads
Wing S. Chow, Christian N. Madu, Chu-Hua Kuei, Min H. Lu, Chinho Lin and Hojung Tseng
A systematic approach for supply chain conflict detection with a hierarchical Petri Net extension pp. 680-696 Downloads
Jennifer Blackhurst, (Teresa) Wu, Tong and Christopher W. Craighead
Impacts of demand uncertainty on retailer's dominance and manufacturer-retailer supply chain cooperation pp. 697-714 Downloads
Zhongsheng Hua and Sijie Li
Presenting DEA graphically pp. 715-729 Downloads
Nicole Adler and Adi Raveh
Two-stage time minimizing assignment problem pp. 730-740 Downloads
Sonia and M.C. Puri
Price competition, cost and demand disruptions and coordination of a supply chain with one manufacturer and two competing retailers pp. 741-753 Downloads
Tiaojun Xiao and Xiangtong Qi
An AHP-based evaluation procedure for Innovative Educational Projects: A face-to-face vs. computer-mediated case study pp. 754-765 Downloads
Mønica García Meløn, Pablo Aragonés Beltran and M. Carmen González Cruz
Application of the multi-criteria analysis method Electre III for the optimisation of decentralised energy systems pp. 766-776 Downloads
Agis Papadopoulos and Avraam Karagiannidis
Analysis of postponement strategy by EPQ-based models with planned backorders pp. 777-788 Downloads
Jian Li, Shouyang Wang and T.C. Edwin Cheng
The impact of autonomy on information systems planning effectiveness pp. 789-807 Downloads
Dinesh A. Mirchandani and Wolfgang Lederer
Evaluating manufacturer's buyback policies in a single-period two-echelon framework under price-dependent stochastic demand pp. 808-824 Downloads
F.J. Arcelus, Satyendra Kumar and G. Srinivasan
A grounded theory research approach to building and testing TQM theory in operations management pp. 825-837 Downloads
Rodney McAdam, Denis Leonard, Joan Henderson and Shirley-Ann Hazlett
Vertical cost information sharing in a supply chain with value-adding retailers pp. 838-851 Downloads
Dong-Qing Yao, Xiaohang Yue and John Liu
An economic evaluation model of product mix flexibility pp. 852-864 Downloads
Zhejun Gong and Sun Hu
Coordinating a three level supply chain with flexible return policies pp. 865-876 Downloads
Ding Ding and Jian Chen
Inventory management with variable lead-time dependent procurement cost pp. 877-887 Downloads
Charu Chandra and Janis Grabis
Optimization models for the tool change scheduling problem pp. 888-894 Downloads
Jen-Shiang Chen
R&D project evaluation: An integrated DEA and balanced scorecard approach pp. 895-912 Downloads
Harel Eilat, Boaz Golany and Avraham Shtub
On step fixed-charge transportation problem pp. 913-917 Downloads
Krzysztof Kowalski and Ben Lev
Letter to the editor pp. 918-918 Downloads
Naser Nikandish

Volume 36, issue 4, 2008

An integrated multi-objective decision-making process for multi-period lot-sizing with supplier selection pp. 509-521 Downloads
Ozden Ustun and DemI[dot above]rtas, Ezgi Aktar
A strategy for third-party logistics systems: A case analysis using the blue ocean strategy pp. 522-534 Downloads
Changsu Kim, Kyung Hoon Yang and Jaekyung Kim
Network design for reverse logistics pp. 535-548 Downloads
Samir K. Srivastava
Responsive supply chain: A competitive strategy in a networked economy pp. 549-564 Downloads
Angappa Gunasekaran, Kee-hung Lai and T.C. Edwin Cheng
Channel coordination in supply chains with agents having mean-variance objectives pp. 565-576 Downloads
Tsan-Ming Choi, Duan Li, Houmin Yan and Chun-Hung Chiu
Firm-level correlates of emergent green supply chain management practices in the Chinese context pp. 577-591 Downloads
Qinghua Zhu, Joseph Sarkis, James J. Cordeiro and Kee-Hung Lai
The use of information systems for logistics and supply chain management in South East Europe: Current status and future direction pp. 592-599 Downloads
P.H. Ketikidis, S.C.L. Koh, N. Dimitriadis, A. Gunasekaran and Maria Kehajova-Stoycheva
Relational stability and alliance performance in supply chain pp. 600-608 Downloads
Jie Yang, Jinjun Wang, Christina W.Y. Wong and Kee-Hung Lai
Efficient formation of storage classes for warehouse storage location assignment: A simulated annealing approach pp. 609-618 Downloads
Venkata Reddy Muppani and Gajendra Kumar Adil
A genetic algorithm for determining optimal replenishment cycles to minimize maximum warehouse space requirements pp. 619-631 Downloads
Ming-Jong Yao and Weng-Ming Chu
A methodology for the design of office cells using axiomatic design principles pp. 633-652 Downloads
M. Bulent Durmusoglu and Osman Kulak
Efficiency analysis of university departments: An empirical study pp. 653-664 Downloads
Chiang Kao and Hsi-Tai Hung

Volume 36, issue 3, 2008

Monitoring the improvement of an overall industrial performance based on a Choquet integral aggregation pp. 340-351 Downloads
L. Berrah, G. Mauris and J. Montmain
Elevator planning with stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis pp. 352-362 Downloads
Tommi Tervonen, Henri Hakonen and Risto Lahdelma
A multi-objective geographic information system for route selection of nuclear waste transport pp. 363-372 Downloads
Yuh-Wen Chen, Chi-Hwang Wang and Sain-Ju Lin
A case-based distance method for screening in multiple-criteria decision aid pp. 373-383 Downloads
Ye Chen, D. Marc Kilgour and Keith W. Hipel
The lean improvement of the chemical emissions of motor vehicles based on preference ranking: A PROMETHEE uncertainty analysis pp. 384-394 Downloads
Malcolm J. Beynon and Peter Wells
Multicriteria decision making applied to waste recycling in Brazil pp. 395-404 Downloads
Carlos F. Simões Gomes, Kátia R.A. Nunes, Lucia Helena Xavier, Rosangela Cardoso and Rogerio Valle
A goal programming model for paper recycling system pp. 405-417 Downloads
Rupesh Kumar Pati, Prem Vrat and Pradeep Kumar
Multiple criteria decision analysis of treatment and land-filling technologies for waste incineration residues pp. 418-428 Downloads
Dominique Bollinger and Jacques Pictet
Evaluating the life cycle of a building: A multivariant and multiple criteria approach pp. 429-441 Downloads
Nerija Banaitiene, Audrius Banaitis, Arturas Kaklauskas and Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas
Prioritization of bridges and tunnels in earthquake risk mitigation using multicriteria decision analysis: Application to Lisbon pp. 442-450 Downloads
Carlos A. Bana e Costa, Carlos S. Oliveira and Victor Vieira
A multi-criteria approach to fair and efficient bandwidth allocation pp. 451-463 Downloads
Wlodzimierz Ogryczak, Adam Wierzbicki and Marcin Milewski
Supporting the allocation of software development work in distributed teams with multi-criteria decision analysis pp. 464-475 Downloads
Ana Barcus and Gilberto Montibeller
Using partially observed Markov processes to select optimal termination time of TV shows pp. 477-485 Downloads
Moshe Givon and Abraham Grosfeld-Nir
The development of global IT infrastructure pp. 486-504 Downloads
William R. King and Paulo Roberto Flor

Volume 36, issue 2, 2008

Exploring the antecedents of potential absorptive capacity and its impact on innovation performance pp. 173-187 Downloads
Andrea Fosfuri and Josep Tribó
Internationalization and performance: The moderating effects of organizational learning pp. 188-205 Downloads
Chin-Chun Hsu and Arun Pereira
Trust in management and knowledge sharing: The mediating effects of fear and knowledge documentation pp. 206-220 Downloads
Birgit Renzl
The influence of organizational identification on organizational knowledge management (KM) pp. 221-234 Downloads
M.N. Ravishankar and Shan L. Pan
Effects of knowledge management strategy on organizational performance: A complementarity theory-based approach pp. 235-251 Downloads
Byounggu Choi, Simon K. Poon and Joseph G. Davis
Semantic network representation of computer-mediated discussions: Conceptual facilitation form and knowledge acquisition pp. 252-266 Downloads
Mohamed Khalifa and Vanessa Liu
Knowledge transfer and organizational learning in IS offshore sourcing pp. 267-281 Downloads
Ai Ling Chua and Shan L. Pan
A process model of establishing knowledge management: Insights from a longitudinal field study pp. 282-297 Downloads
Annemette Kjærgaard and Karlheinz Kautz
The effect of alliance experience and intellectual capital on the value creation of international strategic alliances pp. 298-316 Downloads
Shao-Chi Chang, Sheng-Syan Chen and Jung-Ho Lai
How to better identify the true managerial performance: State of the art using DEA pp. 317-324 Downloads
Necmi K. Avkiran and Terry Rowlands
Optimal scale in the Italian gas distribution industry using data envelopment analysis pp. 325-336 Downloads
Fabrizio Erbetta and Luca Rappuoli

Volume 36, issue 1, 2008

Adventures in policy modeling! Operations research in the community and beyond pp. 1-9 Downloads
Edward H. Kaplan
Characterizing performance in socio-technical systems: A modeling framework in the domain of nuclear power pp. 10-21 Downloads
T. Govindaraj
Doing something about the weather pp. 22-32 Downloads
Eva Regnier
Modeling patient arrivals in community clinics pp. 33-43 Downloads
Christos Alexopoulos, David Goldsman, John Fontanesi, David Kopald and James R. Wilson
Ranking irregularities when evaluating alternatives by using some ELECTRE methods pp. 45-63 Downloads
Xiaoting Wang and Evangelos Triantaphyllou
Explaining information technology usage: A test of competing models pp. 64-75 Downloads
G. Premkumar and Anol Bhattacherjee
An integrated multiobjective decision making process for supplier selection and order allocation pp. 76-90 Downloads
Ezgi Aktar Demirtas and Özden Üstün
Global operations strategy: Coordinating manufacturing networks pp. 91-106 Downloads
Martin Rudberg and B. Martin West
Manufacturing strategies and financial performance--The effect of advanced information technology: CAD/CAM systems pp. 107-121 Downloads
Petros Theodorou and Giannoula Florou
Supplies from developing countries: Optimal order quantities under loss risks pp. 122-130 Downloads
Jayavel Sounderpandian, Sameer Prasad and Manu Madan
Motivating knowledge sharing through a knowledge management system pp. 131-146 Downloads
William R. King and Peter Marks
A generalisation of the Farrell cost efficiency measure applicable to non-fully competitive settings pp. 147-162 Downloads
A.S. Camanho and R.G. Dyson
Page updated 2025-03-28