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1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): B. Lev

From Elsevier
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ().

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Volume 13, issue 6, 1985

Interventions and interactions pp. 487-494 Downloads
Michael Pidd
Some trends in corporate modelling pp. 495-500 Downloads
Jc Higgins
The characteristics of industrial R&D--A study of major manufacturing industries in Hong Kong pp. 501-506 Downloads
Zeph-Yun Chang
A comparison of applications of microcomputers in production pp. 507-518 Downloads
Ap Muhlemann, A Hodson, Dhr Price and Dj Eglington
ARARMA vs ARIMA--A study of the benefits of a new approach to forecasting pp. 519-534 Downloads
Nigel Meade and Ian Md Smith
Optimal inventory cycle counting pp. 535-539 Downloads
Giri Kumar Tayi
An LP model for assessing congeneration strategies pp. 541-554 Downloads
Kj Stocks, Kj Maher, Dzung Le and Ch Bannister
Cost-plus pricing when joint costs are present pp. 555-559 Downloads
Arnold Schneider
Analyzing floor configurations for casino slot machines pp. 561-567 Downloads
Barry L Bayus and Shiv K Gupta
Sequential multi-criterion decision making pp. 569-574 Downloads
Jsh Kornbluth
Weighted similarity measure heuristics for the group technology machine clustering problem pp. 577-579 Downloads
Charles Mosier and Larry Taube
A note on the pay-off matrix in multiple objective programming pp. 580-583 Downloads
Matthijs Kok and Jaap Spronk

Volume 13, issue 5, 1985

Blind alleys--A response pp. 380-380 Downloads
R. V. V. Vidal
The facets of group technology and their impacts on implementation--A state-of-the-art survey pp. 381-391 Downloads
Charles Mosier and Larry Taube
Systems analysts and the politics of organizational control pp. 393-406 Downloads
Michael Newman and David Rosenberg
Expert knowledge, expert systems and commercial interests pp. 407-418 Downloads
Elizabeth Pollitzer and John Jenkins
Ascertaining the effect of planned organizational change on the work environment pp. 419-427 Downloads
Edward J Lusk, Debbie Diserens, P Cormier, Ali Geranmayeh and Joao Neves
An extension of the classical A B C inventory control system pp. 429-433 Downloads
Samuel Eilon and Rv Mallya
Naive forecasting: The fiasco of coal gasification pp. 435-441 Downloads
William S Peirce
Organizational implications of CAM pp. 443-451 Downloads
Donald Gerwin
Multi-product batch production on a single machine--A problem revisited pp. 453-468 Downloads
Samuel Eilon
A heuristic for facilities layout planning pp. 469-474 Downloads
Rh Green and Lar Al-Hakim

Volume 13, issue 4, 1985

Managing the introduction of new technology pp. 251-262 Downloads
Ian McLoughlin, Howard Rose and Jon Clark
A network of management support systems pp. 263-276 Downloads
Chen-Hua Chung
The effect of 'experience' on information preferences pp. 277-284 Downloads
Vicki L Sauter
Modelling multibrand consumption pp. 285-294 Downloads
C Firer
Process modelling and industrial energy use in developing countries--The steel industry in India pp. 295-306 Downloads
G. Anandalingam and D. Bhattacharya
A simulation of a dispatch department pp. 307-311 Downloads
Christopher Dealy and Paul Finlay
A multiple goal methodology for evaluating management information systems pp. 313-330 Downloads
Barnett Parker
Floating ideas--An experiment in enhancing hypergames with maps pp. 331-347 Downloads
Chris Huxham and Peter Bennett
Testing of the 'reduction of compound alternatives' principle pp. 349-358 Downloads
L Robin Keller
Certainty equivalents for goal programs pp. 361-362 Downloads
Ma Grove

Volume 13, issue 3, 1985

The legitimacy of rank reversal--A comment pp. 143-144 Downloads
Valerie Belton and Tony Gear
Financial reporting and changing prices--A review of the issues pp. 145-165 Downloads
Christopher Noke
Technological change and energy consumption in US iron and steel manufacturing pp. 167-173 Downloads
Gerhard Rosegger
An investigation of company product decision making pp. 175-180 Downloads
Gordon E Greenley
Marginal analysis production planning pp. 181-190 Downloads
Dan B Rinks
Teaching operations research on microcomputers pp. 191-200 Downloads
Warren J Erikson and Efraim Turban
Discrete simulation modelling for corporate manpower planning pp. 201-210 Downloads
Trevor Wegner
A categorized bibliographic survey of goal programming pp. 211-222 Downloads
Stelios H Zanakis and Sushil K Gupta
Reducibility of stochastic networks pp. 223-232 Downloads
Bajis Dodin
The maximum and sum of two beta variables and the analysis of PERT networks pp. 233-240 Downloads
D Sculli and Kl Wong

Volume 13, issue 2, 1985

The politic, philosophy and practice of OR--A personal view of the issues pp. 89-94 Downloads
Dw Daniel
On current issues in defence systems analysis and combat modelling pp. 95-106 Downloads
Reiner K Huber
Analytic approaches to problems of a middle-sized defence department pp. 107-113 Downloads
George Lindsey
Operational research in Indian defence pp. 115-120 Downloads
Ss Srivastava
Operational research at the National Defence Research Institute of Sweden (FOA) pp. 121-124 Downloads
Ps Agrell
Relating supply performance to aircraft availability pp. 125-130 Downloads
Wa Lewins and Kc Pakenham
The UK Lanchester study group pp. 131-133 Downloads
F Daly

Volume 13, issue 1, 1985

Developing expert systems for management applications pp. 1-11 Downloads
P Holroyd, G Mallory, Dhr Price and Ja Sharp
Towards a theoretical clarification of the 'spillover' and 'compensatory' work/leisure hypotheses pp. 13-18 Downloads
David K Banner
How effective are models? pp. 19-28 Downloads
John Fripp
An integrated corporate planning model for forest-based industries pp. 29-38 Downloads
Warren H Hausman and Mehran Sepehri
Evaluating correlated outcomes and sources of new information pp. 39-49 Downloads
Cornelis A De Kluyver, Robert L Carraway and Edgar A Pessemier
Strategies for corporate and business success--A survey pp. 51-58 Downloads
John Beasley
Trim loss and related problems pp. 59-72 Downloads
H Dyckhoff, H-J Kruse, D Abel and T Gal
Decision support models for project planning pp. 73-74 Downloads
Terry R Rakes and Lori S Franz
Interpreting goal attainment in chance-constrained goal programming pp. 75-78 Downloads
Keith Newton
Page updated 2025-03-28