1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 26, issue 6, 1998
- An exploratory study of the influence of the IS function and organizational context on business process reengineering project initiatives pp. 679-698

- James TC Teng, Kirk D Fiedler and Varun Grover
- An integrative framework for FMS diffusion pp. 699-713

- W Belassi and A Fadlalla
- TQM implementation: organisation practices and information infrastructures pp. 715-727

- W. Andrew Taylor
- A comparison of dispatching rules for executing a resource-constrained project with estimated activity durations pp. 729-738

- Kum-Khiong Yang
- An analysis of the supplier selection process pp. 739-750

- Rohit Verma and Madeleine E. Pullman
- Forecasting industrial production using structural time series models pp. 751-767

- Gerhard Thury and Stephen F. Witt
- Accounting, strategy and AMT investment pp. 769-783

- Tc Jones and B Lee
Volume 26, issue 5, 1998
- Managing Knowledge and Corporate Performance: an Empirical Analysis of the World Automobile Industry pp. 551-568

- Daniel Vekstein
- An Empirical Analysis of the Organizational Commitment of Information Systems Executives pp. 569-580

- Bhanu Raghunathan, Ts Raghunathan and Qiang Tu
- Using Operational Planning Horizons for Determining Setup Changes pp. 581-592

- Rahul De' and Jerrold H May
- The Impact of Prospect Theory Based Framing Tactics on Advertising Effectiveness pp. 593-609

- Paul D Berger and Gerald E Smith
- An Empirical Study of the Performance Impact of Computerization in the Retail Industry pp. 611-621

- Teo Thompson SH and Poh Wong
- A Knowledge-based System for Identifying Potential Project Risks pp. 623-638

- Hm Leung, Kb Chuah and VM Rao Tummala
- The Intellectual Development and Structure of Decision Support Systems (1991-1995) pp. 639-657

- Sean Eom
- An Expert System Approach to Graduate School Admission Decisions and Academic Performance Prediction pp. 659-670

- James S Moore
- Loss of Society Derived from Utility and Cost Function pp. 671-677

- D Irianto
Volume 26, issue 4, 1998
- Suggestions for capturing corporate vision in strategic information systems pp. 443-459

- de Avison, Wa Eardley and P Powell
- Grade inflation in the UK's 1996 research assessment exercise? pp. 461-465

- John R Doyle and Alan J Arthurs
- The predictive accuracy of computer-based classification decision techniques.A review and research directions pp. 467-482

- Mw Kattan and Rb Cooper
- A multi-criterion approach for Kanban allocations pp. 483-493

- A. A. Andijani
- Neural network forecasting of the British Pound/US Dollar exchange rate pp. 495-506

- Gioqinang Zhang and Michael Y. Hu
- Dynamic layout algorithms: a state-of-the-art survey pp. 507-521

- Jaydeep Balakrishnan and Chun Hung Cheng
- A framework to evaluate video banking kiosks pp. 523-539

- Jc Paradi and A Ghazarian-Rock
- A quick sufficient solution to the More-for-Less paradox in the transportation problem pp. 541-547

- Veena Adlakha and Krzysztof Kowalski
Volume 26, issue 3, 1998
- Evaluating Alternatives to Make Strategic Choices pp. 333-354

- Paul C Nutt
- Stability Measures for Rolling Schedules with Applications to Capacity Expansion Planning, Master Production Scheduling, and Lot Sizing pp. 355-366

- A Kimms
- Decision Support for Bus Operations under Uncertainty: a Fuzzy Expert System Approach pp. 367-380

- Y-H Chang, C-H Yeh and J-H Cheng
- JIT Scheduling Rules: a Simulation Evaluation pp. 381-395

- Sin-Hoon Hum and Chee-Kwong Lee
- Dissipative Enterprises, Chaos, and the Principles of Lean Organizations pp. 397-407

- Ra Jenner
- Modelling of Uncertainties and Price Elastic Demands in Energy-environment Planning for India pp. 409-423

- Amit Kanudia and Pr Shukla
- Robust Process Capability Indices pp. 425-435

- Sameer Prasad and Tom Bramorski
- A Causal Exploration of 'Innovatorship' and 'Lead-usership': a Research Note pp. 437-442

- Madhukar G Angur and Rajan Nataraajan
Volume 26, issue 2, 1998
- Comparative Performance of Global Semiconductor Companies pp. 153-175

- G Kozmetsky and P Yue
- Comparison of Productive and Cost Efficiencies Among Japanese and US Electric Utilities pp. 177-194

- Mika Goto and Miki Tsutsui
- Goal Programming Regression with Serial Correlation: Policy Implications for Japanese Telecommunications Infrastructure Development pp. 195-205

- Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Kazuyuki Sekitani
- Evaluating Water Supply Services in Japan with RAM: a Range-adjusted Measure of Inefficiency pp. 207-232

- Kazuo Aida, William W. Cooper, Jesus Pastor and Toshiyuki Sueyoshi
- DEA-Bilateral Performance Comparison: an Application to Japan Agricultural Co-operatives (Nokyo) pp. 233-248

- Toshiyuki Sueyoshi, Tadashi Hasebe, Fusao Ito, Junichi Sakai and Wataru Ozawa
- A Search Model with Subjective Judgments: Auditing of Incorrect Tax Declarations pp. 249-261

- S Iwasaki and K Tone
- Market Entity Behavior of Chinese State-owned Enterprises pp. 263-278

- Sc Ray, Lm Seiford and J Zhu
- Identifying Excesses and Deficits in Chinese Industrial Productivity (1953-1990): a Weighted Data Envelopment Analysis Approach pp. 279-296

- Lawrence M. Seifert and Joe Zhu
- Bidding Efficiencies for Rights to Car Ownership in Singapore pp. 297-306

- Chu-Chun-Lin Singfat
- Determinants of Hospital Efficiency: the Case of Central Government-owned Hospitals in Taiwan pp. 307-317

- Hsi-Hui Chang
- Measuring the Relative Efficiency of Fund Management Strategies in New Zealand Using a Spreadsheet-based Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis Model pp. 319-331

- Im Premachandra, John G Powell and Jing Shi
Volume 26, issue 1, 1998
- Did Task Type Matter in the Use of Decision Room GSS? A Critical Review and a Meta-analysis pp. 1-15

- Hwang Mi
- Enterprises' Perceptions on Business Process Re-engineering: a Path Analytic Model pp. 17-27

- Hsi-Peng Lu and Da-Chin Yeh
- An Overview of Representative Research of the Relationships Between Quality and Inventory pp. 29-47

- Cm Wright and A Mehrez
- Using Neural Networks to Identify Competitive Market Structures from Aggregate Market Response Data pp. 49-62

- Ts Gruca and Br Klemz
- Production Scheduling on Parallel Machines: a Case Study pp. 63-73

- Gg Hegde, S Kalathur, Pr Tadikamalla, Jürgen Maurer and Kp Abraham
- Putting Soft OR Methods to Work: Information Systems Strategy Development at Palabora pp. 75-98

- Rj Ormerod
- An Investigation into the Costs and Benefits of Reliability of Service pp. 99-114

- Jess S Boronico
- Pipeline Information Survey: a UK Perspective pp. 115-131

- D Berry, Gn Evans and Mm Naim
- An Insight Into the Standard Back-propagation Neural Network Model for Regression Analysis pp. 133-140

- Wang Shouhong
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