1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 6, 1990
- Diagnostic bias in organizational consultation pp. 563-572

- Aa Armenakis, Kw Mossholder and Sg Harris
- Planning and control in research and development pp. 573-581

- Aw Pearson
- R&D portfolio selection by using qualitative pairwise comparisons pp. 583-594

- E Van Dyk and Dg Smith
- An interactive group decision aid for multiobjective problems: An empirical assessment pp. 595-604

- P Iz and Mt Jelassi
- Measurement biases in user involvement research pp. 605-613

- Hawk, SR and Rj Aldag
- Common factors in the arbitrage pricing model in two Scandinavian countries pp. 615-624

- P Yli-Olli, I Virtanen and T Martikainen
- Heuristic methods for the analysis of managerial problems pp. 625-635

- Gf Smith
- End-user computing effectiveness: A structural equation model pp. 637-652

- M Igbaria
- Corrigendum and further results: Rank reversal and the dependence of priorities on the underlying MAV function pp. 655-656

- Md Troutt and Sk Tadisina
- Selecting the most direct route in an urban road network pp. 657-658

- Gb Kleindorfer and Et Reutzel
Volume 18, issue 5, 1990
- Strategic telecommunications planning--A descriptive model pp. 447-462

- G Premkumar and Wr King
- The role of systems designers in organizations pp. 463-471

- K Joshi
- A review of information systems development methodology (ISDM) selection techniques pp. 473-490

- J Modha, A Gwinnett and M Bruce
- Management information systems for JIT production pp. 491-503

- G Sewell
- Manpower modelling using a spreadsheet pp. 505-510

- Sam Anthony and Jm Wilson
- The effect of audit firm size on audit prices pp. 511-520

- A Rushinek and S Rushinek
- Managerial perceptions of the future in a volatile society: The South African case pp. 521-528

- P Naude, P Human and L Malan
- Econometric forecasting model for rents in the British retail property market pp. 529-539

- Mick Silver and M Goode
- The incentive fallacy in cooperative arrangements: A case study pp. 541-548

- To Baardsen and K Grønhaug
- OR methodlogy and the learning cycle pp. 551-553

- Jl Scott
Volume 18, issue 4, 1990
- Perceptions of corporate productivity practices pp. 355-363

- Ct Foo
- Improving short-term forecasts pp. 365-373

- Nr Sanders and Lp Ritzman
- Forecasting US exports: An illustration using time series and econometric models pp. 375-382

- E Mahmoud, J Motwani and G Rice
- European community policy for innovation pp. 383-394

- S Eilon
- The newsboy and the flower-girl pp. 395-398

- Rj Casimir
- The measurement of end-user software involvement pp. 399-406

- Wj Doll and G Torkzadeh
- Estimating the opportunity cost of capital for inventory investments pp. 407-413

- As Raturi and Vr Singhal
- Human resource management--Microcomputer packages pp. 415-423

- Wh Ross and Ss Chaudhry
- A multiple objective approach to workforce redeployment planning pp. 425-432

- Hu Min
- Portfolio efficiency of APT and CAPM in two Scandinavian stock exchanges pp. 433-444

- R Östermark
Volume 18, issue 3, 1990
- Working's effect revisited--Fitting univariate time series to stock price data: A reply pp. 229-230

- I Virtanen and P Yli-Olli
- The management of new technology based businesses: The existentialist firm pp. 231-240

- D Littler and Rc Sweeting
- Cost-effective forecasting: Lessons my computer programs never taught me pp. 241-246

- C Perry and T Euler
- A study of labor assignment rules with bottlenecks pp. 247-257

- Ps Park
- Decision analysis models of futures options purchase decisions pp. 259-267

- D Samson and A Wirth
- Exploring the garbage can: A study of information flows pp. 269-281

- F Collins and P Munter
- A sequencing heuristic for dependent setups in a batch process industry pp. 283-297

- Gk Leong and Md Oliff
- Optimizing total safety inventory for large transfer lines pp. 299-313

- Az Szendrovits, Gj Miltenburg and Z Goldstein
- Matching program code generators to software developers' needs pp. 315-327

- A Rushinek and S Rushinek
- Beta estimation for thinly traded shares: A bootstrap approach pp. 329-333

- T-K Hui, K-C Kwan and K-L Lim
- Working's effect revisited--Fitting univariate time series to stock price data pp. 337-338

- K Lam
Volume 18, issue 2, 1990
- Research in the process and content of manufacturing strategy pp. 109-122

- G. K. Leong, D. L. Snyder and P. T. Ward
- Modelling interfirm comparisons in small business pp. 123-129

- D van der Wijst
- Data envelopment analysis applied to financial statements pp. 131-138

- P Smith
- A practical example of a multi-attribute decision aiding technique pp. 139-149

- J. B. Kidd and S. P. Prabhu
- Using the supplier relationship to develop the support industry pp. 151-158

- B. W. Tan
- Portfolio efficiency of univariate time series models pp. 159-169

- R Östermark
- Comparing university departments pp. 171-183

- John Beasley
- Prioritizing development goals in low-income developing countries pp. 185-194

- Ic Ehie, Co Benjamin, Y Omurtag and L Clarke
- Set covering and set partitioning: A collection of test problems pp. 195-201

- E El-Darzi and G Mitra
- An intermodal investment decision model in the transport sector pp. 203-212

- P. K. J. Mohapatra and R. K. Dutta
- An eighth face of research pp. 215-216

- Ken Bowen
Volume 18, issue 1, 1990
- Analyzing the characteristics of entrepreneurial ventures with behavioral decision models pp. 1-5

- Am Khan, Ic Macmillan and V Manopichetwattana
- "Compact" flexible manufacturing systems pp. 7-22

- Ct Mosier, Lr Taube and Dg Petrie
- An application of decision process modelling to manufacturing system design pp. 23-33

- Dj Bennett, Pl Forrester and Js Hassard
- Production planning with variable demand pp. 35-42

- Jf Bard and Jt Moore
- Dynamic job shop scheduling: A survey of simulation research pp. 43-57

- R Ramasesh
- A maintenance management tool pp. 59-70

- Lm Pintelon and Ln Van Wassenhove
- Comparing the allocative efficiencies of hospitals pp. 71-83

- Rc Morey, Dj Fine and Sw Loree
- Multilogit approach to predicting corporate failure--Further analysis and the issue of signal consistency pp. 85-94

- K Keasey, P McGuinness and H Short
- Business decisions and managerial risk; a note on the decision analysis approach pp. 95-99

- Jeffrey Jarrett
- Distinguishing computer users from non-users pp. 103-105

- Cs Yap
- A note on single machine scheduling: A comparison of two solution procedures pp. 106-107

- Td Fry and Gk Leong
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