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1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): B. Lev

From Elsevier
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Volume 21, issue 6, 1993

The effect of a price war in a duopoly pp. 619-627 Downloads
Samuel Eilon
Coherence and calibration in expert probability judgement pp. 629-644 Downloads
F. Bolger and G Wright
Problem solving and diagnosis pp. 645-656 Downloads
Caroline Wagner
Representing employee requirements in labour tour scheduling pp. 657-671 Downloads
Gm Thompson
Canadian air reserves, readiness and learning theory pp. 673-677 Downloads
Mn Lam and Kyk Ng
Telecommunication steering committees and their implications pp. 679-689 Downloads
As Kunnathur and Ts Raghunathan
Scheduling transfer champagne production pp. 691-697 Downloads
Hf Hruby and Dm Panton
Product value matrices help firms to focus their efforts pp. 699-708 Downloads
Al Brannon, Ma Schoenmakers, Hp Klapwijk and Kb Haley
Single machine multi-product batch scheduling: Testing several solution methods pp. 709-711 Downloads
Sh Arcade
Data envelopment analysis and multiple criteria decision making pp. 713-715 Downloads
J Doyle and R Green

Volume 21, issue 5, 1993

Comparing two aggregate planning models pp. 511-517 Downloads
S Barman and Rj Tersine
Management buy-outs from receivership pp. 519-529 Downloads
K Robbie, Mike Wright and C Ennew
Prisoner's dilemma payoff structure in interfirm strategic alliances: An empirical test pp. 531-539 Downloads
A Parkhe, Ec Rosenthal and R Chandran
The effects of forecasting errors on the total cost of operations pp. 541-550 Downloads
Ts Lee, Fw Cooper and Ee Adam
A methodology for analysis of corporate performance pp. 551-560 Downloads
S Eilon
A comparative study of lot streaming procedures pp. 561-566 Downloads
Kr Baker and D Jia
A buyer-independent quantity discount pricing alternative pp. 567-572 Downloads
Ge Martin
Time varying coefficient models and their forecasting performance pp. 573-583 Downloads
Gl Riddington
An algorithm for sharing costs of operating a computer network pp. 585-592 Downloads
Jm Lightfoot and Rd Spinetto
A note of correction on "multi-product scheduling on a single machine" pp. 597-599 Downloads
I Møon

Volume 21, issue 4, 1993

Idealized design: Creative corporate visioning pp. 401-410 Downloads
R. L. Ackoff
Diagnostics for strategic decisions pp. 411-423 Downloads
P. C. Nutt
Models and applications of configuration management pp. 425-431 Downloads
A Fowler
Information technology enabled business process redesign: An integrated planning framework pp. 433-447 Downloads
V Grover, J. T. C. Teng and K. D. Fiedler
Management tenure and explanations for success and failure pp. 449-456 Downloads
C Schwenk
Determinants of behavior towards ethical issues in personal computing pp. 457-470 Downloads
R. T. Watson and L. F. Pitt
Least cost safety inventory for large transfer lines pp. 471-480 Downloads
A. Z. Szendrovits and T Szabados
Scheduling of projects under the condition of inflation pp. 481-487 Downloads
J. K. Jolayemi and A. E. Oluleye
A tree search algorithm for designing a cellular manufacturing system pp. 489-496 Downloads
Chunhung Cheng
Alternate solution procedures for the location-routing problem pp. 497-506 Downloads
R. Srivastava

Volume 21, issue 3, 1993

On-line group process support pp. 261-274 Downloads
Ae Gear and Mj Read
The organizational context of OR group management pp. 275-287 Downloads
P Keys
Economic justification of advanced manufacturing technology pp. 289-306 Downloads
Rv Ramasesh and Md Jayakumar
An expert system for predicting gas demand: A case study pp. 307-317 Downloads
F Ashouri
Case progression decision support system improves drug and criminal investigator effectiveness pp. 319-328 Downloads
Ba Schuldt and Ke Kendall
Psychological type and corporate culture: Relationship and dynamics pp. 329-344 Downloads
Pr Berthon
The declining-price paradox of new technologies pp. 345-351 Downloads
Y Eden and B Ronen
Master scheduling with incremental capacity allocation and a rolling horizon pp. 353-361 Downloads
Sk Das
Prequalification and C-competitiveness pp. 363-375 Downloads
Ds Drew and Rm Skitmore
Investor- and issuer-related perspectives of IPO underpricing pp. 377-392 Downloads
P. McGuinness
A simple but effective heuristic for workshift assignment pp. 393-393 Downloads
Cm Khoong

Volume 21, issue 2, 1993

From the playpen to the bombsite: the changing nature of management science pp. 139-154 Downloads
C Eden
Manufacturing managers and the adoption of advanced manufacturing technology pp. 155-162 Downloads
Tp Dimnik and Da Johnston
Similarities and differences in cycling server queueing models pp. 163-173 Downloads
E Koenigsberg
Constrained nurse staffing analysis pp. 175-186 Downloads
Mj Brusco and Mj Showalter
A study on manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) practices in Singapore pp. 187-197 Downloads
C-C Sum and K-K Yang
Market structure and integration in the Norwegian oil industry pp. 199-203 Downloads
R Dahlstrom and Arne Nygaard
A production scheduling system for a hybrid flow shop--a case study pp. 205-214 Downloads
H Tsubone, M Ohba, H Takamuki and Y Miyake
Financial predictors for different phases of the failure process pp. 215-228 Downloads
Ek Laitinen
Scheduling heuristic for the n-jobm-machine flow shop pp. 229-234 Downloads
S Sarin and M Lefoka
Models for a coal blending and distribution problem pp. 235-243 Downloads
Hd Sherali and R Puri
Facility life cycles pp. 245-254 Downloads
U Nandkeolyar, S Subba Rao and K Rana

Volume 21, issue 1, 1993

Practising freedom: Designing, debating and disemprisoning pp. 7-16 Downloads
R. L. Flood
A managerial response to falling demand pp. 17-23 Downloads
Samuel Eilon
DPP decision support in retail merchandising pp. 25-33 Downloads
C Doherty, J Maier and L Simkin
Machine grouping in cellular manufacturing pp. 35-52 Downloads
O Felix Offodile
Developing transnational information systems: A case study pp. 53-59 Downloads
W. R. King and V Sethi
List segmentation strategies in direct marketing pp. 61-72 Downloads
T. L. Magliozzi and P. D. Berger
User acceptance of microcomputer technology: An empirical test pp. 73-90 Downloads
M Igbaria
Forecasting the capabilities of the Korean civil aircraft industry pp. 91-98 Downloads
S-B Kim and K-S Whang
Alternate methods of treating factor weights in DEA pp. 99-109 Downloads
Y Roll and B. Golany
Managing project activity-duration uncertainties pp. 111-122 Downloads
Hossein Arsham
Use of reason maintenance in model formulation pp. 123-133 Downloads
A. S. Bharadwaj, A Sen and A. S. Vinze
Page updated 2025-03-28