1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev
From Elsevier
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Volume 1, issue 6, 1973
- Operational research, social well-being and the zero growth concept pp. 647-667

- S.L. Cook
- Control of interrelated research and development projects pp. 669-678

- Milton E.F. Schoeman and Richard W Scamell
- Accounting for the man-information interface in management information systems pp. 679-694

- Herbert Moskowitz and Richard O Mason
- Operations research from the viewpoint of general systems theory pp. 695-709

- Francisco R Sagasti and Ian I Mitroff
- Corporate planning in local government: Some measurement problems pp. 711-718

- Roger Mortimore
- The optimum traversal of a graph pp. 719-732

- Nicos Christofides
- Decision analysis for job shop scheduling pp. 733-746

- A.A. Cunningham and I.B. Turner
- An interactive city planning model pp. 747-755

- M.J. Gerra and M.S. Ross
- Measurement of the effect of wool advertising pp. 757-770

- S Webb
- Search techniques for zinc ore using computer simulation pp. 771-775

- John S Hendrick, William A Wallace and Severn P Brown
- An econometric study to evaluate proposal estimates pp. 777-779

- Fred F Beck
Volume 1, issue 5, 1973
- Computer-based financial planning pp. 539-550

- Jo Jenkins
- Major capital decisions and technological change pp. 551-564

- Ronald W Skeddle
- On measures of productivity pp. 565-576

- Samuel Eilon and Judith Teague
- An examination of four housing policies for New York City pp. 577-589

- Kenneth Lloyd Rider
- Models of the future pp. 591-601

- Peter Roberts
- Computational stopping pp. 603-611

- Sd Deshmukh
- Closed competitive bidding pp. 613-619

- Fj Curtis and Pw Maines
- Some social implications of personnel planning pp. 621-628

- Stuart R Timperley
Volume 1, issue 4, 1973
- Technology and society in the last quarter of the 20th century pp. 397-398

- Fs McFadzean
- Government, management and the environmental crisis pp. 399-409

- Rs Scorer
- The accountant's contribution to operational research pp. 411-420

- John Sizer
- Shifts of long run average cost curves: Theoretical and managerial implications pp. 421-450

- David A Huettner
- Power sharing at senior management levels pp. 451-464

- Bernhard Wilpert and Frank A Heller
- Corporate financial simulation models for top management pp. 465-482

- Peter H Grinyer
- A short term forecasting model for R & D expenditures pp. 483-491

- Lf Ruggins
- Designing systems for job satisfaction pp. 493-498

- Enid Mumford
- A production planning system based on linear programming pp. 499-504

- Goeran Ahrsjoe and Stig Svedunger
- Further thoughts on the minimax principle pp. 505-511

- Samuel Eilon
Volume 1, issue 3, 1973
- Measurement and control in marketing pp. 271-278

- Tfj Ambler
- Price and consumer behaviour--A review pp. 279-296

- André Gabor
- A behavioural classification of managerial jobs pp. 297-303

- Rosemary Stewart
- A financial survey of mergers during the years 1968-70 pp. 305-320

- Pm Dale
- Depot location with van salesmen -- A practical approach pp. 321-329

- Cdt Watson-Gandy and Pj Dohrn
- Expected utility expressed in terms of moments pp. 331-343

- Karl Borch
- Colonel Urwick and "organization" pp. 347-352

- Ds Pugh
- On the personnel assignment problem pp. 353-357

- Gerhard Mensch
- Manpower management in National Westminster Bank pp. 359-361

- Ralph L Hopps
- A chance constrained optimization model for risk pp. 363-366

- F Hutton Barron
- Fossil fuel supplies simulation 1972-1979 pp. 367-372

- Dka Gillies, Al Punhani, Wh Winter and Dj Youston
Volume 1, issue 2, 1973
- Mintech in retrospect--II pp. 137-163

- Sir Richard Clarke
- Some statistical aspects of manpower planning in the civil service pp. 165-180

- Rfa Hopes
- The impact of technological innovation--Concepts and measurement pp. 181-191

- Bela Gold
- A survey of goal programming pp. 193-205

- Jsh Kornbluth
- An investigation into the application of decision analysis in United Kingdom companies pp. 207-215

- David Longbottom and Geoff Wade
- Measuring the quality of economic forecasts pp. 217-227

- Samuel Eilon, Roger PR Tilley and Bela Gold
- Technology and society in the last quarter of the twentieth century pp. 231-233

- Dennis Gabor
- A model of completed length of service pp. 235-240

- Dj Bartholomew
- Exchange curves for fixing batch quantities pp. 241-245

- Aj Girling and Rw Morgan
Volume 1, issue 1, 1973
- Technology, productivity and economic analysis pp. 5-24

- Bela Gold
- Mintech in retrospect--I pp. 25-38

- Sir Richard Clarke
- Recycling resources pp. 39-54

- Roger Betts
- Corporate planning a review of questions and answers pp. 55-77

- Mf Cantley
- Decision analysis by decision tree pp. 79-105

- King, JR
- Education for operational research pp. 107-116

- D Hicks