1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 6, 1997
- Integrated logistics--call in the revolutionaries! pp. 605-618

- Bridget Mears-Young and Mike C. Jackson
- Minimizing tardiness on a single processor with sequence-dependent setup times: a simulated annealing approach pp. 619-634

- K. C. Tan and R. Narasimhan
- A rolling test of granger causality between the Finnish and Japanese security markets pp. 635-642

- J. Aaltonen and R. Östermark
- On the effectiveness of cognitive feedback from an interface agent pp. 643-658

- A. R. Montazemi and K. M. Gupta
- Early experiences of mentoring: Design and use of multimedia materials for teaching OR/MS pp. 659-676

- Valerie Belton, Mark Elder and Helyn Thornbury
- Obstacles to export initiation and expansion pp. 677-690

- Robert E. Morgan and Constantine S. Katsikeas
- Multi-attribute utility methods in group decision making: Past applications and potential for inclusion in GDSS pp. 691-706

- Utpal Bose, Anne M. Davey and David L. Olson
- Two phase parametric and probabilistic NPV calculations, with possible deferral of disposal of UK nuclear waste as an example pp. 707-714

- Chris Chapman and Mike Howden
- A learning vector quantization neural network model for the classification of industrial construction projects pp. 715-727

- V. K. Gupta, J. G. Chen and M. B. Murtaza
Volume 25, issue 5, 1997
- Multimethodology: Towards a framework for mixing methodologies pp. 489-509

- John Mingers and John Brocklesby
- Determining organizational structure choices in advanced manufacturing technology management pp. 511-521

- A. Gupta, I. J. Chen and D. Chiang
- Beyond appraisal: Participatory Appraisal of Needs and the Development of Action (PANDA) pp. 523-534

- L. White and A. Taket
- Relationships between determinants of hospital quality management and service quality performance--a path analytic model pp. 535-545

- L. X. Li
- Transfer batch scheduling for a two-stage flowshop with identical parallel machines at each stage pp. 547-555

- J-S. Kim, S-H. Kang and S. M. Lee
- An assessment of perceptual differences between informants in information systems research pp. 557-566

- T. S. H. Teo and W. R. King
- Leadership challenges for smaller organisations: Self-perceptions of TQM implementation pp. 567-579

- W. A. Taylor
- The nature of simplicity of Johnson's algorithm pp. 581-584

- J. Kamburowski
- Progressive engineering changes in multi-level product structures pp. 585-594

- C. -J. Ho and Jing Li
- Some comments on "modeling optimization problems in the unstructured world of spreadsheets" pp. 595-598

- Malcolm King
- An observation on publication habits based on the analysis of MS/OR journals pp. 599-603

- R. J. Ormerod
Volume 25, issue 4, 1997
- Less pain but what gain?: a comparison of the effectiveness and effects of Japanese and non-Japanese car assemblers' buyer-supplier relations in the UK automotive industry pp. 377-395

- David Pickernell
- Stability of an optimal schedule in a job shop pp. 397-414

- Y. Sotskov, N. Y. Sotskova and F. Werner
- The design of organisational intervention: Choosing the approach pp. 415-435

- R. J. Ormerod
- Scheduling jobs with uncertain setup times and sequence dependency pp. 437-447

- S. C. Kim and P. M. Bobrowski
- A linear programming model for bank balance sheet management pp. 449-459

- S. Güven and E. Persentili
- An empirical investigation of JIT effectiveness: an organizational perspective pp. 461-471

- M. M. Yasin, M. Small and M. A. Wafa
- An empirical comparison of heuristic and graph theoretic methods for creating maximally diverse groups, VLSI design, and exam scheduling pp. 473-482

- R. R. Weitz and S. Lakshminarayanan
- On the "Least Cost Safety Inventory for Large Transfer Lines" pp. 483-487

- A. Z. Szendrovits and T. Szabados
Volume 25, issue 3, 1997
- The plot thickens: Understanding interaction through the metaphor of drama pp. 255-266

- J. Bryant
- Key constructs in successful IS implementation: South-East Asian experience pp. 267-284

- R. Jain
- Overtime schedules for full-time service workers pp. 285-299

- F. F. Easton and D. F. Rossin
- The Matthew effect in information use: Implications for the new enterprise pp. 301-312

- F. X. Sligo
- Modeling optimization problems in the unstructured world of spreadsheets pp. 313-322

- D. G. Conway and C. T. Ragsdale
- New validations of PERT times pp. 323-328

- J. Kamburowski
- Identifying feasible orderings for performance appraisal pp. 329-334

- J. S. H. Kornbluth
- Software copyright infringements: an exploratory study of the effects of individual and peer beliefs pp. 335-344

- Im Al-Jabri and Ah Abdul-Gader
- Market share modeling within a switching regression framework pp. 345-353

- K. Lau, A. Kagan and G. V. Post
- An optimal algorithm for the basic period approach to the economic lot scheduling problem pp. 355-364

- J. Grznar and C. Riggle
- Tests of adverse selection models in the new issues market pp. 365-376

- B. A. Jain
Volume 25, issue 2, 1997
- The impact of task properties feedback on time series judgmental forecasting tasks pp. 135-144

- N. R. Sanders
- A review of the applicability of OR and AI scheduling techniques in practice pp. 145-153

- V. C. S. Wiers
- A knowledge-based model of context-dependent attribute preferences for fast moving consumer goods pp. 155-169

- S. Moss and B. Edmonds
- Development of time based frameworks: Manufacturing system analysis and value adding performance pp. 171-179

- B. Barker and K. Barber
- A simple search heuristic for the MCLP: Application to the location of ambulance bases in a rural region pp. 181-187

- B. Adenso-Díaz and F. Rodríguez
- Management science, theory of constraints/optimized production technology and local optimization pp. 189-200

- R. Verma
- Differences in independence of irrelevant alternatives at individual vs aggregate levels, and at single pair vs full choice set pp. 201-214

- D. H. Gensch and S. Ghose
- A heuristic algorithm for the equitable partitioning problem pp. 215-223

- F. A. O'Brien and J. Mingers
- A fuel distribution knowledge-based decision support system pp. 225-234

- M. Nussbaum, M. Sepulveda, A. Cobian, J. Gaete, E. Parra and J. Cruz
- Polynomially solvable total tardiness problems: Review and extensions pp. 235-239

- C. Koulamas
- A graphical modeling system: Applications in organizational model management pp. 241-253

- T. K. Sen and K. Chari
Volume 25, issue 1, 1997
- Approaches to understanding the process of OR: Review, critique and extension pp. 1-13

- P. Keys
- A review of innovation research in economics, sociology and technology management pp. 15-28

- S. Gopalakrishnan and F. Damanpour
- Justifying strategic alliances and partnering: a prerequisite for virtual enterprising pp. 29-42

- L. M. Meade, D. H. Liles and J. Sarkis
- Relating information technology investment to organizational performance: a causal model analysis pp. 43-56

- T. A. Byrd and T. E. Marshall
- Fund management performance, trend-chasing technical analysis and investment horizons: a case study pp. 57-63

- Michael Wong
- Survey of similarity coefficient based methods as applied to the group technology configuration problem pp. 65-79

- C. T. Mosier, J. Yelle and G. Walker
- Market timing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange using derivative instruments pp. 81-91

- G. Waksman, M. Sandler, M. Ward and C. Firer
- IT-enabled redesign of complex and dynamic business processes: the case of bank credit evaluation pp. 93-106

- A. M. Fuglseth and K. Grønhaug
- Assessing the unidimensionality of measurement: a paradigm and illustration within the context of information systems research pp. 107-121

- A. H. Segars
- Neural networks: a need for caution pp. 123-133

- B. Curry and P. Morgan
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