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1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): B. Lev

From Elsevier
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Volume 39, issue 6, 2011

Pediatric vaccine procurement policy: The monopsonist's problem pp. 589-597 Downloads
Matthew J. Robbins and Sheldon H. Jacobson
An integrated hybrid approach to the examination timetabling problem pp. 598-607 Downloads
Hamza Turabieh and Salwani Abdullah
Technology-based total factor productivity and benchmarking: New proposals and an application pp. 608-619 Downloads
Mircea Epure, Kristiaan Kerstens and Diego Prior
DEA as a tool for predicting corporate failure and success: A case of bankruptcy assessment pp. 620-626 Downloads
I.M. Premachandra, Yao Chen and John Watson
A column generation heuristic for dynamic capacitated lot sizing with random demand under a fill rate constraint pp. 627-633 Downloads
Horst Tempelmeier
Reducing differences between profiles of weights: A "peer-restricted" cross-efficiency evaluation pp. 634-641 Downloads
Nuria Ramón, José Ruiz and Inmaculada Sirvent
Joint modified block replacement and production/inventory control policy for a failure-prone manufacturing cell pp. 642-654 Downloads
F. Berthaut, A. Gharbi and K. Dhouib
Linear programming approach to solve interval-valued matrix games pp. 655-666 Downloads
Deng-Feng Li
Inter-organizational information systems visibility in buyer-supplier relationships: The case of telecommunication equipment component manufacturing industry pp. 667-676 Downloads
Kyung Kyu Kim, Sung Yul Ryoo and Myung Dug Jung
FAMCDM: A fusion approach of MCDM methods to rank multiclass classification algorithms pp. 677-689 Downloads
Yi Peng, Gang Kou, Guoxun Wang and Yong Shi
An empirical study of transformational leadership, team performance and service quality in retail banks pp. 690-701 Downloads
Peter K.C. Lee, T.C. Edwin Cheng, Andy C.L. Yeung and Kee-hung Lai
The tactical use of constraints and structure in diagnostic problem solving pp. 702-709 Downloads
Jeroen de Mast
An inventory model with random discount offerings pp. 710-718 Downloads
M. Mahdi Tajbakhsh, Chi-Guhn Lee and Saeed Zolfaghari
Seed distributions for the NCAA men's basketball tournament pp. 719-724 Downloads
Sheldon H. Jacobson, Alexander G. Nikolaev, Douglas M. King and Adrian J. Lee
Modeling fixed-charge problems with polynomials pp. 725-728 Downloads
Benjamin Lev and Krzysztof Kowalski
Soft OR comes of age--but not everywhere! pp. 729-741 Downloads
John Mingers

Volume 39, issue 5, 2011

Single-machine scheduling with general sum-of-processing-time-based and position-based learning effects pp. 467-471 Downloads
Peng-Jen Lai and Wen-Chiung Lee
A study of DEA models without explicit inputs pp. 472-480 Downloads
W.B. Liu, D.Q. Zhang, W. Meng, X.X. Li and F. Xu
Managing finished-goods inventory under capacitated delayed differentiation pp. 481-492 Downloads
Dong Tang
The use of OWA operator weights for cross-efficiency aggregation pp. 493-503 Downloads
Ying-Ming Wang and Kwai-Sang Chin
Duality of weakly disposable technology pp. 504-512 Downloads
Timo Kuosmanen and Reza Kazemi Matin
Shift scheduling for tank trucks pp. 513-521 Downloads
Sigrid Knust and Elisabeth Schumacher
Corporate philanthropic selection using data envelopment analysis pp. 522-527 Downloads
Fariborz Y. Partovi
Optimal pricing and production decisions in the presence of symmetrical and asymmetrical substitution pp. 528-538 Downloads
Sang-Won Kim and Peter C. Bell
Supply chain outsourcing under exchange rate risk and competition pp. 539-549 Downloads
Zugang Liu and Anna Nagurney
Practical scheduling for call center operations pp. 550-557 Downloads
Dennis C. Dietz
A multicriteria decision making model for reverse logistics using analytical hierarchy process pp. 558-573 Downloads
Theresa J. Barker and Zelda B. Zabinsky
The EPQ with partial backordering and phase-dependent backordering rate pp. 574-577 Downloads
David W. Pentico, Matthew J. Drake and Carl Toews
Changes in productivity of Spanish university libraries pp. 578-588 Downloads
Jose Simon, Clara Simon and Alicia Arias

Volume 39, issue 4, 2011

An extension of the Electre I method for group decision-making under a fuzzy environment pp. 373-386 Downloads
Adel Hatami-Marbini and Madjid Tavana
Stochastic simulation based genetic algorithm for chance constrained data envelopment analysis problems pp. 387-397 Downloads
A. Udhayakumar, V. Charles and Mukesh Kumar
Evaluation of performance of European cities with the aim to promote quality of life improvements pp. 398-409 Downloads
Paulo Morais and Ana S. Camanho
The cost of using stationary inventory policies when demand is non-stationary pp. 410-415 Downloads
Huseyin Tunc, Onur A. Kilic, S. Armagan Tarim and Burak Eksioglu
On the dynamic use of project performance and schedule risk information during projecttracking pp. 416-426 Downloads
Mario Vanhoucke
ScriptsMap: A tool for designing multi-method policy-making workshops pp. 427-434 Downloads
Fran Ackermann, David F. Andersen, Colin Eden and George P. Richardson
Knowledge dissemination in operations management: Published perceptions versus academic reality pp. 435-446 Downloads
Jack R. Meredith, Michelle D. Steward and Bruce R. Lewis
The performance evaluation of regional R&D investments in China: An application of DEA based on the first official China economic census data pp. 447-455 Downloads
Wei Zhong, Wei Yuan, Susan X. Li and Zhimin Huang
Mitigating Hi-tech products risks due to rapid technological innovation pp. 456-463 Downloads
P.C. Yang, H.M. Wee, B.S. Liu and O.K. Fong
A technical note on "A fuzzy set approach for R&D portfolio selection using a real options valuation model" by Wang and Hwang (2007) pp. 464-465 Downloads
Farhad Hassanzadeh, Mikael Collan and Mohammad Modarres

Volume 39, issue 3, 2011

A review of representation issues and modeling challenges with influence diagrams pp. 227-241 Downloads
Concha Bielza, Manuel Gómez and Prakash P. Shenoy
Restrictiveness and guidance in support systems pp. 242-253 Downloads
Paul Goodwin, Robert Fildes, Michael Lawrence and Greg Stephens
Optimal design of supply chain networks under uncertain transient demand variations pp. 254-272 Downloads
Michael C. Georgiadis, Panagiotis Tsiakis, Pantelis Longinidis and Maria K. Sofioglou
Makespan and workstation utilization minimization in a flowshop with operations flexibility pp. 273-282 Downloads
Alex J. Ruiz-Torres, Johnny C. Ho and José H. Ablanedo-Rosas
Efficiency determinants in retail stores: a Bayesian framework pp. 283-292 Downloads
A. George Assaf, Carlos Barros and Ricardo Sellers-Rubio
An iterated greedy algorithm for the flowshop scheduling problem with blocking pp. 293-301 Downloads
Imma Ribas, Ramon Companys and Xavier Tort-Martorell
A competitive multiple-product newsboy problem with partial product substitution pp. 302-312 Downloads
Di Huang, Hong Zhou and Qiu-Hong Zhao
Supply chain configuration for diffusion of new products: An integrated optimization approach pp. 313-322 Downloads
Mehdi Amini and Haitao Li
Association of DEA super-efficiency estimates with financial ratios: Investigating the case for Chinese banks pp. 323-334 Downloads
Necmi K. Avkiran
The facility location problem with Bernoulli demands pp. 335-345 Downloads
Maria Albareda-Sambola, Elena Fernández and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama
The exact fill rate in a periodic review base stock system under normally distributed demand pp. 346-349 Downloads
Edward A. Silver and Diane P. Bischak
On the benefits of operational flexibility in a distribution network with transshipment pp. 350-361 Downloads
Dennis Z. Yu, Sammi Y. Tang and Julie Niederhoff
Understanding multi-methodology: Evaluating the perceived impact of mixing methods for group budgetary decisions pp. 362-372 Downloads
L. Alberto Franco and Ewan Lord

Volume 39, issue 2, 2011

OR of the people, by the people, for the people pp. 119-119 Downloads
Heiner Muller-Merbach
A survey of scheduling problems with late work criteria pp. 120-129 Downloads
Malgorzata Sterna
Demand switching criteria for multiple products: An inventory cost analysis pp. 130-137 Downloads
Ying-Jiun Hsieh
Expanding the Spanish high-speed railway network pp. 138-150 Downloads
Víctor Blanco, Justo Puerto and Ana B. Ramos
Location optimization of strategic alert sites for homeland defense pp. 151-158 Downloads
John E. Bell, Stanley E. Griffis, William A. Cunningham and Jon A. Eberlan
Axial solutions for multiple objective linear problems. An application to target setting in DEA models with preferences pp. 159-167 Downloads
M.A. Hinojosa and A.M. Mármol
Outsourcing vs. in-house production: a comparison of supply chain contracts with effort dependent demand pp. 168-178 Downloads
Onur Kaya
The design of socially optimal decisions in a consensus scenario pp. 179-185 Downloads
Jacinto González-Pachón and Carlos Romero
Pricing decisions in a multi-criteria setting for product recovery facilities pp. 186-193 Downloads
Srikanth Vadde, Abe Zeid and Sagar V. Kamarthi
Selection of supply portfolio under disruption risks pp. 194-208 Downloads
Tadeusz Sawik
The planning of cycle trips in the province of East Flanders pp. 209-213 Downloads
Wouter Souffriau, Pieter Vansteenwegen, Greet Vanden Berghe and Dirk Van Oudheusden
Establishing best practice university research funding strategies using mixed-mode modelling pp. 214-225 Downloads
Miles G. Nicholls and Barbara J. Cargill

Volume 39, issue 1, 2011

Five notions of OR/MS problems pp. 1-2 Downloads
Heiner Muller-Merbach
Two-level network design with intermediate facilities: An application to electrical distribution systems pp. 3-13 Downloads
Alysson M. Costa, Paulo M. França and Christiano Lyra Filho
Taiwan quality indicator project and hospital productivity growth pp. 14-22 Downloads
Shyr-Juh Chang, Hsing-Chin Hsiao, Li-Hua Huang and Hsihui Chang
Product design strategies in a manufacturer-retailer distribution channel pp. 23-32 Downloads
Zhongsheng Hua, Xuemei Zhang and Xiaoyan Xu
On linear bilevel problems with multiple objectives at the lower level pp. 33-40 Downloads
Herminia I. Calvete and Carmen Galé
Decision making in the newsvendor problem: A cross-national laboratory study pp. 41-50 Downloads
Tianjun Feng, L. Robin Keller and Xiaona Zheng
TSP in spreadsheets--A fast and flexible tool pp. 51-63 Downloads
Rasmus Rasmussen
Crossdocking distribution networks with setup cost and time window constraint pp. 64-72 Downloads
Hong Ma, Zhaowei Miao, Andrew Lim and Brian Rodrigues
Capacity rationing in rental systems with two customer classes and batch arrivals pp. 73-85 Downloads
Felix Papier and Ulrich W. Thonemann
Trip packing in petrol stations replenishment pp. 86-98 Downloads
Fayez F. Boctor, Jacques Renaud and Fabien Cornillier
Two-stage evaluation of bank branch efficiency using data envelopment analysis pp. 99-109 Downloads
Joseph C. Paradi, Stephen Rouatt and Haiyan Zhu
Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a target oriented newsvendor pp. 110-115 Downloads
Shilei Yang, Chunming Victor Shi and Xuan Zhao
Page updated 2025-03-28