1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev
From Elsevier
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Volume 8, issue 6, 1980
- Energy modelling: A new challenge for management science pp. 609-621

- Je Samouilidis
- Optimizing multi-stage production with constant lot size and varying numbers of batches pp. 623-629

- Andrew Z Szendrovits and Zvi Drezner
- Style complementarity as a design criterion for decision aids pp. 631-637

- Martin De Waele
- A review of mathematical models in human resource planning pp. 639-645

- Wl Price, A Martel and Ka Lewis
- The indifference band in multiple criteria decision problems pp. 647-654

- Y Levanon and U Passy
- Improving computational efficiency in tree search methods for scheduling: A statistical approach pp. 655-660

- King, JR and As Spachis
- Strategic adaptation as a partially rational process pp. 661-670

- Luciano Ronchi
- Optimal loan periods for undergraduate recommended reading pp. 671-679

- Jonathan Warwick and Paul Barrington Taylor
- Optical services in the UK: A study of a professional labour market pp. 681-689

- Ab Jack and Rlw Alpine
- Characteristics of the Pareto sales curve pp. 693-694

- Sh Arcade
- Internal rates of return derived from the pay-back period pp. 695-696

- Yaaqov Goldschmidt and Leon Shashua
- Accounting control systems for MOLP models pp. 697-698

- Jsh Kornbluth
- A note on pricing and promotional strategies for a firm operating in dual markets pp. 699-700

- David Morris
- Comments on the lognormal approximation of lead time demand pp. 701-702

- Edward A Silver
Volume 8, issue 5, 1980
- On the adoption of technological innovations in industry: Superficial models and complex decision processes pp. 505-516

- Bela Gold
- Evaluating input changes in a given facility--Iron making pp. 517-531

- Myles G Boylan
- Comparing a new technology with its predecessor--Steel making pp. 533-543

- Gerhard Rosegger
- Determining the capacity of a transportation system--Passenger airlines pp. 545-552

- David J Nicol
- Expected and emerging actual results of a major technological innovation--Float glass pp. 553-567

- R. W. Skeddle
- Evaluating and regulating successive major technological advances--International telecommunications pp. 569-581

- S Khanna
- Strengthening the technological capabilities of domestic industries: Pressures, deterrents and policy alternatives pp. 583-599

- Bela Gold
Volume 8, issue 4, 1980
- What influences a decision? Some results from a highly controlled defence game pp. 409-419

- D. W. Daniel
- Analysis of a complex decision situation -- The Simpsons/Simpsons-Sears merger proposal pp. 421-431

- K. J. Radford and B. Fingerhut
- Reliability: Its implications in production systems design pp. 433-440

- D. J. Bennett and B. W. Jenney
- Characteristics of technically progressive firms pp. 441-450

- Steven F Cohn
- Manpower implications of capital investment in Sweden pp. 451-457

- H. G. Jones
- A computerized cash concentration system pp. 459-464

- M. Anvari and N. Mohan
- A simplified algorithm for the depot location problem pp. 465-472

- Andreas G Gizelis and Jesus-Emmanuel Samouilidis
- Experiments in mixed integer linear programming in a manufacturing system pp. 473-484

- Patrick G Falk
- A comparison of several adaptive forecasting procedures pp. 485-491

- Derek W Bunn
- Planning a crude oil supply system through simulation pp. 493-497

- Pradeep Batra
Volume 8, issue 3, 1980
- The status of the systems approach: Reply to Bryer pp. 277-279

- C West Churchman and Werner Ulrich
- Some comments on Churchman and Ulrich's 'reply' to the status of the systems approach pp. 280-280

- R. A. Bryer
- The status of the systems approach pp. 280-280

- Ian I. Mitroff
- Is the work society running out of work? pp. 281-285

- Ralf Dahrendorf
- Communication and its constraints on the structure of organisations pp. 287-301

- Gordon J Laing
- Socio-political forecasting and management information systems pp. 303-309

- Jc Higgins and Dj Romano
- Measurement for evaluation pp. 311-321

- Rg Bevan
- Aggregate planning in decentralized organizations pp. 323-332

- Je Van Aken
- System dynamics modeling pp. 333-344

- Ke Sahin
- Improving bank operations: A case study at BancOhio/Ohio National Bank pp. 345-354

- Vincent A Mabert and J Phil McKenzie
- Solution of a single stage machine load planning problem pp. 355-360

- J Caie, J Linden and W Maxwell
- Business forecasting: the good news and the bad pp. 361-374

- Dp Gregg
- An accounting control system structured on multiple objective planning models pp. 375-382

- W Thomas Lin
- An easy lower bound on the number of trucks needed to service a set of destinations pp. 385-387

- Gp White
- Appraisal of industrial projects in a developing country--a quantiative approach pp. 388-392

- Jcs Tang, P Adulbhan and Kt Yeap
- Correlation coefficients of linear regression models of human decision making pp. 393-394

- Aimo A Törn
Volume 8, issue 2, 1980
- A process for hierarchical decision making with multiple objectives pp. 137-149

- Robert L Banker and Shiv K Gupta
- Policies as theories pp. 151-162

- Giandomenico Majone
- Comparing methods for weighting decision criteria pp. 163-172

- Paul C Nutt
- Implementing strategic plans through strategic program evaluation pp. 173-181

- William R King
- Intuitive versus optimal solutions to some problems in distribution pp. 183-192

- Paul Barrington Taylor and Robin Iwanek
- Machine-component group formation in group technology pp. 193-199

- John R King
- Locating service offices: a multicriteria approach pp. 201-206

- Gabriel R Bitran and Kenneth D Lawrence
- Financial planning using goal programming pp. 207-218

- Alan H Kvanli
- A stochastic model of industrial fluctuations: An international comparison pp. 219-226

- Evan E Anderson
- Priority dispatching rules in job shops with assembly operations and random delays pp. 227-234

- Dominic Sculli
- An implementation of visual interactive simulation using a microcomputer pp. 237-238

- Rd Hurrion
- A hybrid algorithm for independent task parallel machine scheduling pp. 239-242

- Em Dar-El and R Karni
- A sequential inventory control model with seasonal demand pp. 243-247

- Reuven R Levary
Volume 8, issue 1, 1980
- Coping with complexity pp. 11-20

- Manfred Kochen
- Office of the future -- New challenges for operational research pp. 21-28

- Cd Sadleir
- Energy interdependence in the economy of the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 29-38

- Peer E Becker
- The relative value of a management information system, a simulation study pp. 39-45

- Yrjö Seppälä
- Output planning for material requirements under uncertainty pp. 47-51

- Donald P Ballou, John C Fisk and Badr E Ismail
- Competitive strategies: a cognitive choice model pp. 53-62

- Donald P Ballou and John S Pipkin
- Stochastic models of industrial buying behaviour pp. 63-69

- G Easton
- Cybernetics and the management science process pp. 71-80

- Laurence D Richards
- Indifference mapping for multiple criteria decisions pp. 81-93

- Bhp Rivett
- A model for multinational corporate money management pp. 95-103

- Martha S Hollis
- Transient and steady state results for two parallel queues pp. 105-112

- Wk Grassmann
- A survey of goal programming applications pp. 115-117

- W Thomas Lin
- A k-partite assignment problem pp. 118-119

- Subhash Narula and Ugonnaya Ogbu
- Allocation analysis of a dynamic distribution problem pp. 120-122

- William G Truscott