1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): B. Lev From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 24, issue 6, 1996
- An environmental life cycle optimization model for the European pulp and paper industry pp. 615-629

- Jacqueline Bloemhof-Ruwaard, L. N. Van Wassenhove, H. L. Gabel and P. M. Weaver
- Organizational innovativeness: Exploring the relationship between organizational determinants of innovation, types of innovations, and measures of organizational performance pp. 631-647

- A. Subramanian and S. Nilakanta
- Sequencing heuristics for dependent setups in a continuous process industry pp. 649-659

- C. J. Liao and W. C. Yu
- Development of measures to assess dimensions of IS operation transactions pp. 661-680

- B. A. Aubert, S. Rivard and M. Patry
- Integer programming formulations of statistical classification problems pp. 681-688

- J. M. Wilson
- A managerial assessment of the waiting-time performance for alternative service process designs pp. 689-703

- C. Sheu and S. Babbar
- Simulation and optimization of a new waste remediation process pp. 705-714

- T. P. White, R. Toland, J. A. Jackson and J. M. Kloeber
- The competitive advantage potential of vertical integration pp. 715-726

- M. P. Fronmueller and R. Reed
- The optimum targeting for a single filling operation with rectifying inspection pp. 727-733

- M. F. S. Pulak and K. S. Al-Sultan
Volume 24, issue 5, 1996
- Manufacturing flexibility at the plant level pp. 495-510

- Kenneth K. Boyer and G. Keong Leong
- An optimization model for planning natural gas purchases, transportation, storage and deliverability pp. 511-522

- A. E. Bopp, V. R. Kannan, S. W. Palocsay and S. P. Stevens
- A group decision support framework for consensus ranking of technical manager candidates pp. 523-538

- M. Tavana, D. T. Kennedy and P. Joglekar
- An empirical study for mines safety management through analysis on potential for accident reduction pp. 539-550

- S. Mallick and K. Mukherjee
- Statistical correction of judgmental point forecasts and decisions pp. 551-559

- P. Goodwin
- Forecasting army housing supply with a DSS-delivered econometric model pp. 561-576

- G. A. Forgionne
- Optimal advance payment scheme involving fixed per-payment costs pp. 577-582

- Alex X. Zhang
- A computer based heuristic methodology for the development of salary administration guidelines pp. 583-595

- A. Garcia-Diaz, B. E. Flores and R. Noce
- Judging the quality of research in business schools: A comment from accounting pp. 597-602

- M. J. Jones, T. Brinn and M. Pendlebury
- Citation as effortful voting: A reply to ones, Brinn and Pendlebury pp. 603-606

- J. R. Doyle, A. J. Arthurs, L. Mcaulay and P. G. Osborne
- Journal evaluation methodologies: A balanced response pp. 607-612

- M. J. Jones, T. Brinn and M. Pendlebury
- Judging research quality and journals: A call for debate pp. 613-613

- George Mitchell
Volume 24, issue 4, 1996
- Planning or organizing: The implications of theories of activity for management of operations pp. 367-384

- R. B. Johnston and M. Brennan
- Effect of data standardization on neural network training pp. 385-397

- M. Shanker, M. Y. Hu and M. S. Hung
- Refocusing where and how IT value is realized: An empirical investigation pp. 399-412

- A. Rai, R. Patnayakuni and N. Patnayakuni
- On the risk of premature transfer from coronary care units pp. 413-423

- Frank Wharton
- Reengineering the new product development process: A framework for innovation and flexibility in high technology firms pp. 425-441

- M. K. Malhotra, V. Grover and M. Desilvio
- Comparing pilot-error accident rates of male and female airline pilots pp. 443-450

- K. L. McFadden
- A multivariate study of spanish bond ratings pp. 451-462

- C. Mar Molinero, P. Apellaniz Gomez and C. Serrano Cinca
- A data envelopment analysis approach to clustering operating units for resource allocation purposes pp. 463-476

- E. Thanassoulis
- The organization of the investor relations function by large UK Quoted companies pp. 477-488

- C. Marston
- DIY DEA: Implementing data envelopment analysis in the mathematical programming language AMPL pp. 489-494

- R. H. Green
Volume 24, issue 3, 1996
- A comparison of data envelopment analysis and ratio analysis as tools for performance assessment pp. 229-244

- E. Thanassoulis, A. Boussofiane and R. G. Dyson
- Judgement or models: The importance of task differences pp. 245-254

- M. Lawrence and M. O'Connor
- Broadening visions of business process re-engineering pp. 255-270

- J. Peppard
- Developing strategic perspectives on business process reengineering: From process reconfiguration to organizational change pp. 271-294

- J. T. C. Teng, V. Grover and K. D. Fiedler
- The road to integration. Reflections on the development of organizational evaluation theory and practice pp. 295-307

- A. Gregory
- Productivity diagnosis via fuzzy clustering and classification: An application to machinery industry pp. 309-319

- L. -H. Chen, C. Kao, S. Kuo, T. -Y. Wang and Y. -C. Jang
- A matched plant comparison of productivity in East and West Germany: Transition to the market economy pp. 321-335

- D. M. W. N. Hitchens, J. E. Birnie and K. Wagner
- An empirical assessment of influences on POM research pp. 337-345

- C. H. Goh, C. W. Holsapple, L. E. Johnson and J. Tanner
- Intelligent decision support for flexible manufacturing: Design and implementation of a knowledge-based simulator pp. 347-360

- K. A. Pflughoeft, G. K. Hutchinson and D. L. Nazareth
- Improving discernment in DEA using profiling pp. 361-364

- C. Tofallis
- Improving discernment in DEA using profiling: A comment pp. 365-366

- Rodney Green and John Doyle
Volume 24, issue 2, 1996
- On the concept of flexibility: A dual control perspective pp. 121-139

- A. C. J. De Leeuw and H. W. Volberda
- Random effects meta analysis of military recruiting pp. 141-151

- S. Y. Sohn
- A prototype intelligent model management system for inventory decision support pp. 153-166

- S. Prasad, V. Shah and J. Hasan
- Multi-criterion models for higher education administration pp. 167-178

- A. Mustafa and M. Goh
- Envisioning management of information pp. 179-193

- A. Ramaprasad and A. Rai
- A field service support system using a queueing network model and the priority MVA algorithm pp. 195-203

- H. T. Papadopoulos
- A neural network approach to mutual fund net asset value forecasting pp. 205-215

- W. -C. Chiang, T. L. Urban and G. W. Baldridge
- A linear programming model to manage the maintenance backlog pp. 217-227

- R. W. Taylor
Volume 24, issue 1, 1996
- Combining management consultancy and research pp. 1-12

- R. J. Ormerod
- The judge, the model of the judge, and the model of the judged as judge: Analyses of the UK 1992 research assessment exercise data for business and management studies pp. 13-28

- J. R. Doyle, A. J. Arthurs, R. H. Green, L. McAulay, M. R. Pitt, P. A. Bottomley and W. Evans
- Optimal market segmentation of hotel rooms--the non-linear case pp. 29-36

- S. P. Ladany
- Identifying critical activities in stochastic resource constrained networks pp. 37-46

- J. Bowers
- The end of theory? pp. 47-56

- L. White and A. Taket
- An integrated analysis of nurse staffing and scheduling policies pp. 57-71

- R. Venkataraman and M. J. Brusco
- Combinatorial evaluation of six dispatching rules in a dynamic two-machine flow shop pp. 73-81

- H. Sarper and M. C. Henry
- Total quality management in SMEs pp. 83-106

- A. Ghobadian and D. N. Gallear
- Extensions of bidding theory: Concealed bidding, optimal number of bidders, and follow-on contracts pp. 107-114

- Z. F. Lansdowne
- Small firms and bank relationships: a study of cultural differences between English and Scottish banks pp. 115-120

- N. Clay and Marc Cowling
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