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Mathematical Social Sciences

1980 - 2025

Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier

From Elsevier
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Volume 43, issue 3, 2002

Random utility models and their applications: recent developments pp. 289-302 Downloads
A. A. J. Marley
Generalized random utility model pp. 303-343 Downloads
Joan Walker and Moshe Ben-Akiva
Survey of decision field theory pp. 345-370 Downloads
Jerome R. Busemeyer and Adele Diederich
Independent random utility representations pp. 371-389 Downloads
Reinhard Suck
Stochastic orderings in random utility models pp. 391-404 Downloads
Harry Joe
A general concept of majority rule pp. 405-428 Downloads
Michel Regenwetter, A. A. J. Marley and Bernard Grofman
Two-level linear paired comparison models: estimation and identifiability issues pp. 429-449 Downloads
Rung-Ching Tsai and Ulf Bockenholt
On the model dependence of majority preference relations reconstructed from ballot or survey data pp. 451-466 Downloads
Michel Regenwetter, Bernard Grofman and A. A. J. Marley
Limited information estimation and testing of Thurstonian models for preference data pp. 467-483 Downloads
Alberto Maydeu-Olivares
Enumerating and testing conjoint measurement models pp. 485-504 Downloads
George Karabatsos and James R. Ullrich

Volume 43, issue 2, 2002

On the continuous analogue of the Szpilrajn Theorem I pp. 115-134 Downloads
Gerhard Herden and Andreas Pallack
Dutch books: avoiding strategic and dynamic complications, and a comonotonic extension pp. 135-149 Downloads
Enrico Diecidue and Peter Wakker
Scoring rules cannot respect majority in choice and elimination simultaneously pp. 151-155 Downloads
Remzi Sanver
The relationship between group size and the private provision of public goods pp. 157-163 Downloads
Xiaopeng Xu
Stable agreements in infinitely repeated games pp. 165-176 Downloads
Licun Xue
Binary representation of choice rationalizable by a utility function with an additive non-negative error function pp. 177-185 Downloads
Fuad Aleskerov
Oligopoly games with and without transferable technologies pp. 187-207 Downloads
Henk Norde, Kim Hang Pham Do and Stef Tijs
Welfare asymptotics of the pivotal mechanism for excludable public goods pp. 209-224 Downloads
Rajat Deb, Indranil K. Ghosh and Tae Kun Seo
The proportional rule for problems with constraints and claims pp. 225-249 Downloads
Gustavo Bergantinos and Estela Sanchez
Hierarchical constrained egalitarianism in TU-games pp. 251-265 Downloads
Maurice Koster
Nash consistent representation of constitutions: a reaction to the Gibbard paradox pp. 267-287 Downloads
Bezalel Peleg, Hans Peters and Ton Storcken

Volume 43, issue 1, 2002

Nonsymmetric equal sacrifice solutions for claim problem pp. 1-18 Downloads
N. I. Naumova
Arbitration using the closest offer principle of arbitrator behavior pp. 19-26 Downloads
Michael J. Armstrong and W. J. Hurley
Coalitional stability with a credibility constraint pp. 27-44 Downloads
Anindya Bhattacharya
The modified Banzhaf value for games with coalition structure: an axiomatic characterization pp. 45-54 Downloads
Rafael Amer, Francese Carreras and Jose Miguel Gimenez
Maximal elements for irreflexive binary relations on compact sets pp. 55-60 Downloads
Carlos Rodriguez-Palmero and José Luis García-Lapresta
Numerical representability of semiorders pp. 61-77 Downloads
Juan Carlos Candeal, Esteban Indurain and Margarita Zudaire
Consistency in ordinal data analysis I pp. 79-113 Downloads
Gerhard Herden and Andreas Pallack

Volume 42, issue 3, 2001

Nash social welfare orderings pp. 203-231 Downloads
Natalia Naumova and Elena Yanovskaya
Measuring multidimensional deprivation pp. 233-251 Downloads
Diganta Mukherjee
Dominance solvable English matching auctions pp. 253-269 Downloads
Ulrich Kamecke
Learning correlated equilibria in population games pp. 271-294 Downloads
Antonella Ianni
Totally convex preferences for gambles pp. 295-305 Downloads
Yutaka Nakamura
The three musketeers: four classical solutions to bankruptcy problems pp. 307-328 Downloads
Carmen Herrero and Antonio Villar

Volume 42, issue 2, 2001

Cooperation and computability in n-player games pp. 99-137 Downloads
Luca Anderlini and Hamid Sabourian
Common knowledge and consensus with noisy communication pp. 139-159 Downloads
Frederic Koessler
On expressing maximum information in extensive games pp. 161-167 Downloads
Antonio Quesada
On the axiomatic approach to freedom as opportunity: a general characterization result pp. 169-177 Downloads
Ruvin Gekker
The life-cycle model of saving with uncertain lifetime and borrowing constraint;: characterization and sensitivity analysis pp. 179-201 Downloads
Siu Leung

Volume 42, issue 1, 2001

Transfer principles and inequality aversion, with an application to optimal growth pp. 1-11 Downloads
Marc Fleurbaey and Philippe Michel
Numerical measures of segregation: desirable properties and their implications pp. 13-29 Downloads
Robert Hutchens
Two-sided search and perfect segregation with fixed search costs pp. 31-51 Downloads
Hector Chade
Locally complete path independent choice functions and their lattices pp. 53-87 Downloads
Mark R. Johnson and Richard A. Dean
Continuous linear utility for preferences on convex sets in normed real vector spaces pp. 89-98 Downloads
Dirk Bultel

Volume 41, issue 3, 2001

Discrete convexity and equilibria in economies with indivisible goods and money pp. 251-273 Downloads
Vladimir Danilov, Gleb Koshevoy and Kazuo Murota
The role assignment model nearly fits most social networks pp. 275-293 Downloads
Aleksandar Pekec and Fred S. Roberts
Ordering Pareto-optima through majority voting pp. 295-325 Downloads
Hervé Crès and Mich Tvede
Fair division of indivisible items among people with similar preferences pp. 327-347 Downloads
Paul Edelman and Peter Fishburn
Optimal collective dichotomous choice under partial order constraints pp. 349-364 Downloads
Ruth Ben-Yashar, Samir Khuller and Sarit Kraus
Continuous representation by a money-metric function pp. 365-373 Downloads
José Alcantud and A. Manrique

Volume 41, issue 2, 2001

The duality between the anti-exchange closure operators and the path independent choice operators on a finite set pp. 131-150 Downloads
Bernard Monjardet and Vololonirina Raderanirina
Incomplete preferences and the preference for flexibility pp. 151-165 Downloads
Ricardo Arlegi and Jorge Nieto
Third-degree stochastic dominance and axioms for a convex marginal utility function pp. 167-199 Downloads
Lars Thorlund-Petersen
Coalition strategy-proofness and monotonicity in Shapley-Scarf housing markets pp. 201-213 Downloads
Koji Takamiya
On the core of transportation games pp. 215-225 Downloads
Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano, Marco A. Lopez and Ignacio Garcia-Jurado
Axiomatic characterizations of voting operators pp. 227-238 Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri
Independence axioms for the provision of multiple public goods as options pp. 239-250 Downloads
Lars Ehlers

Volume 41, issue 1, 2001

Understanding pooled subjective probability estimates pp. 1-18 Downloads
Thomas S. Wallsten and Adele Diederich
Learning to make risk neutral choices in a symmetric world pp. 19-37 Downloads
Stefano DellaVigna and Marco LiCalzi
The Condorcet efficiency of Borda Rule with anonymous voters pp. 39-50 Downloads
William V. Gehrlein and Dominique Lepelley
Mixed serial cost sharing pp. 51-68 Downloads
Jens Hougaard and Lars Thorlund-Petersen
Bargaining power in communication networks pp. 69-87 Downloads
Antoni Calvó-Armengol
The core of endo-status games and one-to-one ordinal preference games pp. 89-102 Downloads
Thomas Quint and Martin Shubik
An algorithm for verifying double implementability in Nash and strong Nash equilibria pp. 103-110 Downloads
Sang-Chul Suh
Invariance properties of persistent equilibria and related solution concepts pp. 111-130 Downloads
Dieter Balkenborg, Mathijs Jansen and Dries Vermeulen
Page updated 2025-03-31