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Mathematical Social Sciences

1980 - 2025

Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier

From Elsevier
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Volume 9, issue 3, 1985

Loeb-measurable solutions to *finite games pp. 197-247 Downloads
Alain A. Lewis
An economic theory of public facilities in space pp. 249-262 Downloads
Helmuth Cremer, Anne-Marie de Kerchove and Jacques Thisse
Socio-economic interface and social income pp. 263-273 Downloads
Paul Van Moeseke
Can the Friedman-Savage case be due to the cost of information? pp. 275-285 Downloads
Dipankar Ray
Voting power in a system of compound majority rule pp. 287-291 Downloads
Fred M. Shelley
Nonlinear generalizations of the Hawkins-Simon conditions: Some comparisons pp. 293-297 Downloads
Sajal Lahiri

Volume 9, issue 2, 1985

Fundamentals of expert systems: I. Judgements formation and problems of description pp. 93-171 Downloads
Maria Nowakowska
An axiomatization of the egalitarian solutions pp. 173-181 Downloads
Dov Samet
Factor-supply responses and the gross-substitute system pp. 183-187 Downloads
Tapan Biswas
Hyperfinite Von Neumann games pp. 189-194 Downloads
Alain A. Lewis
Commonsense decision analysis pp. 195-195 Downloads
LotaA. Zadeh
Control for dual forms of market interfaces pp. 196-196 Downloads
Harrison C. White

Volume 9, issue 1, 1985

From social welfare ordering to acyclic aggregation of preferences pp. 1-17 Downloads
Herve Moulin
Social welfare and the gini coefficient revisited pp. 19-26 Downloads
Peter J. Lambert
Consistent social choice functions and systems of distinct representatives pp. 27-34 Downloads
Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
Algebraic structure of games pp. 35-44 Downloads
Norman L. Kleinberg and Jeffrey H. Weiss
The liberal paradox and the pareto set pp. 45-51 Downloads
Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
On the stochastic geometrical foundations of metric multidimensional scaling pp. 53-62 Downloads
Robert L. Manicke
Heterogeneous time preferences and the distribution of wealth pp. 63-76 Downloads
Harl E. Ryder
Complexity of the pipeline computation of a family of inner products pp. 77-82 Downloads
Maurice Tchuente
Linear programming and related techniques: C. van de Panne, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, 360 pages, Dfl. 90.00 pp. 83-83 Downloads
F. W. Roush
World modelling: A dialogue, vol. 2: C. West Churchman and Richard O. Mason, Editors, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, 164 pages, Dfl. 90.00 pp. 83-84 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Frontiers in social thought: Essays in honor of Kenneth E. Boulding: Martin Pfaff, Editor, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, 386 pages, Dfl. 130.00 pp. 85-86 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Economic modelling for water policy evaluation, vol. 3: R.M. Thrall, E. Heady, T. Schad, A.K. Schwartz, and R.G. Thompson, Editors, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, 262 pages, Dfl. 80.00 pp. 86-87 Downloads
F. W. Roush
The econometrics of structural change: D.J. Poirier, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, 206 pages, Dfl. 100.00 pp. 87-88 Downloads
K. H. Kim
The models of project LINK: J.L. Waelbroeck, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, 410 pages, Dfl. 140.00 pp. 89-89 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Frontiers of quantitative economics, volume B: M.D. Intriligator, editor, (Papers invited for presentation at the economici society Third World Congress, Toronto, 1975). Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977, 580 pages, Dfl. 165.00 pp. 89-91 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Applications of control theory to economic analysis: J.D. Pitchford and S.J. Turnovsky, Editors, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977, 364 pages, Dfl. 155.00 pp. 91-92 Downloads
F. W. Roush

Volume 8, issue 3, 1984

Unbounded expected utility and continuity pp. 201-216 Downloads
Lars Nielsen
Potential variability of decisional skills in uncertain dichotomous choice situations pp. 217-227 Downloads
Shmuel Nitzan and Jacob Paroush
On the semilattice of weak orders of a set pp. 229-239 Downloads
M. F. Janowitz
The structure of social decision functions pp. 241-252 Downloads
David Kelsey
SSB utility theory and decision-making under uncertainty pp. 253-285 Downloads
P. C. Fishburn
The Sertel and Van der Bellen problems pp. 287-290 Downloads
Jerry S. Kelly
Conflict processes and the breakdown of international systems: D.A. Zinnes, ed., Denver: University of Denver Press, 1983, 160 pages, $6.95 pp. 291-292 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Quantitative psychology: Some chosen problems and new ideas: Maria Nowakowska, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, 944 pages, $78.75 pp. 291-291 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Algebra of conscience. A comparative analysis of Western and Soviet ethical systems. (Theory and Decision Library, Vol. 26.): Vladimir A. Lefebvre, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982, pp. xxvii-194, $37.00 pp. 293-297 Downloads
Jacob F. Schultz and Boris M. Schein

Volume 8, issue 2, 1984

Myopia, amnesia, and consistent intertemporal choice pp. 95-109 Downloads
Gregory Dow
Information patterns and Nash equilibria in extensive games: 1 pp. 111-139 Downloads
Pradeep Dubey and Mamoru Kaneko
A test of the core solution in finite strategy non-sidepayment games pp. 141-168 Downloads
H. A. Michener, K. Potter, C. G. Depies and G. B. Macheel
Information structure and the transmission of inflationary expectations pp. 169-193 Downloads
Richard T. Freeman
The Representations of Internal Migration Flows and Related Topics: Paul B. Slater, Santa Barbara, California: Community and Organization Research Institute of University of California at Santa Barbara, 1984 pp. 195-196 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Migration Regions of the United States: Two Country Level 1965-1970 Analysis: Paul B. Slater, Santa Barbara, California: Community and Organization Research Institute of the University of California at Santa Barbara. 1983. 170 pages pp. 195-195 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Coalitions and Collective Action: Manfred J. Holler, ed., Vienna: Physica Verlag, 1984, 350 pages, DM 120 pp. 196-198 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Network Models and Associated Applications: D. Klingman and J.M. Mulrey, eds., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1981, 176 pages, Dfl. 60.00 pp. 198-199 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Traffic, Operational Research, and Futurology: Arne Jensen, Amsterdam: North- Holland, 1980, 322 pages, Dfl. 125.00 pp. 198-198 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Activity Analysis and General Equilibrium Modelling: Victor A. Ginsburgh and Jean L. Waelbroeck, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 374 pages, 1981, Dfl. 145.00 pp. 199-200 Downloads
K. H. Kim

Volume 8, issue 1, 1984

Common knowledge, communication, and convergence of beliefs pp. 1-14 Downloads
Lars Nielsen
Monotonicity, stability and egalitarianism pp. 15-28 Downloads
William Thomson
Nonmanipulability in two dimensions pp. 29-43 Downloads
K.H. Kim and F.W. Roush
Efficient and binary consensus functions on transitively valued relations pp. 45-61 Downloads
B. Leclerc
SSB Utility theory: an economic perspective pp. 63-94 Downloads
P.C. Fishburn
Page updated 2025-03-31