Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 95, issue C, 2018
- Decomposing bivariate dominance for social welfare comparisons pp. 1-8

- Tina Gottschalk Marling, Troels Martin Range, Peter Sudhölter and Lars Peter Østerdal
- Symmetric games revisited pp. 9-18

- Zhigang Cao and Xiaoguang Yang
- Resource-monotonicity and population-monotonicity in connected cake-cutting pp. 19-30

- Erel Segal-Halevi and Balázs Sziklai
- Sustainability with endogenous discounting when utility depends on consumption and amenities pp. 31-36

- John M. Hartwick and Ngo Long
- Judgments aggregation by a sequential majority procedure pp. 37-46

- Bezalel Peleg and Shmuel Zamir
- Non-deterministic group contest with private information pp. 47-53

- Jean-François Mercier
- Bifurcation analysis of the rock–paper–scissors game with discrete-time logit dynamics pp. 54-65

- Yosuke Umezuki
Volume 94, issue C, 2018
- von Neumann–Morgenstern stable sets of a patent licensing game: The existence proof pp. 1-12

- Toshiyuki Hirai and Naoki Watanabe
- Efficiency analysis with respect to the unit cost objectives in scheduling games pp. 13-18

- Song-Song Li
- Sustainable social choice under risk pp. 19-31

- Mitri Kitti
- Which dictatorial domains are superdictatorial? A complete characterization for the Gibbard–Satterthwaite impossibility pp. 32-34

- Justin Kruger and Remzi Sanver
- Fairness in group identification pp. 35-40

- Wonki Cho
- When do utilitarianism and egalitarianism agree on evaluation? An intersection approach pp. 41-48

- Kohei Kamaga
- Economic growth and factor substitution with elastic labor supply pp. 49-57

- Manuel Gómez
- Incomplete decision-making and Arrow’s impossibility theorem pp. 58-64

- Sususmu Cato
- Education choices, longevity and optimal policy in a Ben-Porath economy pp. 65-81

- Yukihiro Nishimura, Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere
- Malice in the Rubinstein bargaining game pp. 82-86

- Brishti Guha
- Voting and conformity: Russia, 1993–2016 pp. 87-95

- Stephen Coleman
Volume 93, issue C, 2018
- On random exchange-stable matchings pp. 1-13

- Boris Pittel
- Expected utility without parsimony pp. 14-21

- Antoine Billot and Vassili Vergopoulos
- Longevity and welfare in general equilibrium pp. 22-36

- Laurent Brembilla
- Convergence of VCG mechanism to ex-post budget balance in a model of land acquisition pp. 37-46

- Soumendu Sarkar
- Null preference and the resolution of the topological social choice paradox pp. 47-51

- Mark Greenfield and Jun Zhang
- Luce rule with limited consideration pp. 52-56

- Alonso Ahumada and Levent Ülkü
- A social choice approach to ordinal group activity selection pp. 57-66

- Andreas Darmann
- The perception-adjusted Luce model pp. 67-76

- Federico Echenique, Kota Saito and Gerelt Tserenjigmid
- Studying malapportionment using α-divergence pp. 77-89

- Junichiro Wada and Yuta Kamahara
- Partially cooperative games pp. 90-100

- Tomohiko Kawamori
- Testing a mixture model of single-peaked preferences pp. 101-113

- B. Smeulders
- Graphs and (levels of) cooperation in games: Two ways how to allocate the surplus pp. 114-122

- Oriol Tejada and Mikel Álvarez-Mozos
- Oligopolistic price competition with a continuous demand pp. 123-131

- Pavlo Blavatskyy
- Axiomatization of an allocation rule for ordered tree TU-games pp. 132-140

- Sylvain Béal, Sylvain Ferrières, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- Continuity and completeness of strongly independent preorders pp. 141-145

- David McCarthy and Kalle Mikkola
- Beyond neutrality: Extended difference of votes rules pp. 146-152

- Sarah Schulz King and Robert C. Powers
- Gaming the deferred acceptance when message spaces are restricted pp. 153-158

- Kyohei Marutani
- Collective identity functions with status quo pp. 159-166

- José Alcantud and Annick Laruelle
Volume 92, issue C, 2018
- Affirmative action in school choice: A new solution pp. 1-9

- Yan Ju, Deguang Lin and Dazhong Wang
- Folk theorems in a class of additively separable games pp. 10-15

- Flavio Delbono and Luca Lambertini
- Bankruptcy games with nontransferable utility pp. 16-21

- Bas Dietzenbacher
- A comparison of simple action-based and outcome-based policies for emergency-like situations pp. 22-34

- Tim Friehe and Avraham Tabbach
- All-pay contests with performance spillovers pp. 35-39

- Jun Xiao
- Approximate maximin shares for groups of agents pp. 40-47

- Warut Suksompong
- Competition for the access to and use of information in networks pp. 48-63

- Philipp Möhlmeier, Agnieszka Rusinowska and Emily Tanimura
- Monotone decomposition of 2-additive Generalized Additive Independence models pp. 64-73

- Michel Grabisch and Christophe Labreuche
- Risk apportionment and multiply monotone targets pp. 74-77

- Michel M. Denuit
Volume 91, issue C, 2018
- Robustness to strategic uncertainty in the Nash demand game pp. 1-5

- Ola Andersson, Cédric Argenton and Jörgen Weibull
- Common belief in approximate rationality pp. 6-16

- Angie Mounir, Andrés Perea and Elias Tsakas
- A new methodology for surveys and its application to forced response pp. 17-24

- Timothy Flannery
- What is an appropriate welfare measure for efficiency of local public policies inducing migration? pp. 25-35

- Tatsuhito Kono and Akio Kishi
- A Simple optimality-based no-bubble theorem for deterministic sequential economies with strictly monotone preferences pp. 36-41

- Takashi Kamihigashi
- Mutually best matches pp. 42-50

- Hannu Salonen and Mikko A.A. Salonen
- Prebidding first-price auctions with and without head starts pp. 51-55

- Yizhaq Minchuk and Aner Sela
- Mechanism design when players’ preferences and information coincide pp. 56-61

- Marcelo Caffera, Juan Dubra and Nicolás Figueroa
- Inferring probability comparisons pp. 62-70

- Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Wesley H. Holliday and Thomas F. Icard
- An improvement to Jensen’s inequality and its application to mating market clearing when paternity is uncertain pp. 71-74

- Dirk Bethmann
- Equity, hierarchy, and ordinal social choice pp. 75-84

- Kui Ou-Yang
- Invariance axioms and functional form restrictions in structural models pp. 85-95

- John K. Dagsvik
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