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Mathematical Social Sciences

1980 - 2025

Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier

From Elsevier
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Volume 25, issue 3, 1993

An alternative solution to bargaining problems with claims pp. 205-220 Downloads
Walter Bossert
Equilibria in non-cooperative competition of political parties having a common rate of morality pp. 221-230 Downloads
I. Petersen
Neutral consensus functions pp. 231-250 Downloads
Gary D. Crown, Melvin F. Janowitz and Robert C. Powers
Compatibility in a graph-theoretic setting pp. 251-279 Downloads
M. F. Janowitz and Ralph Stinebrickner
Arrow and Gibbard-Satterthwaite revisited: Extended domains and shorter proofs pp. 281-286 Downloads
Avraham Beja
Mixed diamond goods and anomalies in consumer theory: Upward-sloping compensated demand curves with unchanged diamondness pp. 287-293 Downloads
Yew-Kwang Ng
Market mechanism for state-owned enterprises and government taxation: A game theoretical analysis of the situation in China pp. 295-301 Downloads
Shuntian Yao

Volume 25, issue 2, 1993

On the probability of electing the Condorcet pp. 105-116 Downloads
Dominique Lepelley
The fair allocation of an indivisible good when monetary compensations are possible pp. 117-132 Downloads
Koichi Tadenuma and William Thomson
Non-computable rational expectations equilibria pp. 133-142 Downloads
Jonathan Thomas
The expected likelihood of transitivity for probabilistic choosers with single-peaked preferences pp. 143-155 Downloads
William V. Gehrlein
Imperfect competition and product differentiation: Some further results pp. 157-171 Downloads
Ben Heijdra and Xiaokai Yang
On the controversy over Huntington's equations: When are such equations meaningful? pp. 173-180 Downloads
Rudolf Wille and Uta Wille
Preservation of weak order equivalence pp. 181-197 Downloads
Melvin F. Janowitz and Ralph Stinebrickner
Clarification of some mathematical misunderstandings about Savage's foundations of statistics, 1954 pp. 199-202 Downloads
Peter Wakker
Sequential data in biological experiments: an introduction for research workers.: E.A. Roberts, New York: Chapman & Hall, 1992, 240 pages, $69.95 pp. 203-203 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Finite mathematics with applications for business and social science.: Abe Mizrahi and Michael Sullivan, New York: John Wiley, 1992, 687 pages, [UK pound]19.95 pp. 203-203 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Multicriteria decision-aid.: Philippe Vincke, Chichester: John Wiley, 1992, 154 pages, [UK pound]29.95 pp. 204-204 Downloads
F. W. Roush

Volume 25, issue 1, 1992

Matching and a technology-induced skewness in income distributions pp. 1-13 Downloads
Y. Lin and Francis Lui
Abelian symmetry groups in social choice pp. 15-25 Downloads
Jerry S. Kelly
Coalitional fair allocations in smooth mixed markets with an atomless sector pp. 27-40 Downloads
Benjamin Shitovitz
The maximum entropy approach in production frontier estimation pp. 41-57 Downloads
Jati K. Sengupta
Dictatorial consensus functions on n-trees pp. 59-64 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Barthelemy, F. R. McMorris and R. C. Powers
Business confidence and depression prevention: A micro-macroeconomic perspective pp. 65-86 Downloads
Yew-Kwang Ng
The bound of the kernel pp. 87-93 Downloads
Chih Chang and Ching Yu Kan
An elementary proof of Blackwell's theorem pp. 95-98 Downloads
Moshe Leshno and Yishay Spector
Trees and Proximity Representations.: Jean-Pierre Barthelemy and Alain Guenoche, Wiley, New York: 1991, 238 pages, $35.00 pp. 103-103 Downloads
F. W. Roush

Volume 24, issue 2-3, 1992

Recursively presented games and strategies pp. 117-139 Downloads
Douglas Cenzer and Jeffrey Remmel
On turing degrees of Walrasian models and a general impossibility result in the theory of decision-making pp. 141-171 Downloads
Alain A. Lewis
Some economic applications of Scott domains pp. 173-208 Downloads
Spyros Vassilakis
Some aspects of effectively constructive mathematics that are relevant to the foundations of neoclassical mathematical economics and theory of games pp. 209-235 Downloads
Alain A. Lewis
What do numbers measure?: A new approach to fundamental measurement pp. 237-276 Downloads
Reinhard Niederee
Cores of dense exchange economies pp. 277-292 Downloads
Louis Narens
Approximations of cooperative equilibria in multi-person Prisoners' dilemma played by cellular automata pp. 293-319 Downloads
Peter Albin
Predicting the effects of intervention and sabotage in a bounded complex game pp. 321-342 Downloads
Hakan Holm

Volume 24, issue 1, 1992

The maximum incentive solutions in bargaining problems pp. 1-18 Downloads
Vladimir I. Rotar and Eugene N. Smirnov
Bargaining problems with claims pp. 19-33 Downloads
Youngsub Chun and William Thomson
Players' information in extensive games pp. 35-48 Downloads
Giacomo Bonanno
Validated equilibrium and sequential spatial competition games pp. 49-57 Downloads
Michael Spagat
The through-time redistributive effect of income taxation: The intermediate inequality view pp. 59-71 Downloads
Patrick Moyes
Walrasian social choice in a large economy pp. 73-78 Downloads
Ryo-ichi Nagahisa
Singular points in generalized concatenation structures that otherwise are homogeneous pp. 79-103 Downloads
R. Duncan Luce
The Becker--Brock efficient matching theorem with a supermodular technology defined on an n-lattice pp. 105-109 Downloads
Y. Lin

Volume 23, issue 3, 1992

Stochastic models of choice and reaction time: New developments pp. 251-253 Downloads
A. A. J. Marley
Fundamental derivations from decision field theory pp. 255-282 Downloads
Jerome R. Busemeyer and James T. Townsend
A general nonstationary diffusion model for two-choice decision-making pp. 283-309 Downloads
Richard A. Heath
The Additive Random Feature model for Unfolding and the feature structure of choice objects pp. 311-342 Downloads
M. J. J. M. Candel
Constructing a stochastic critical path network given the slacks: Representation pp. 343-366 Downloads
Richard Schweickert

Volume 23, issue 2, 1992

Stochastic models of choice and reaction time: New developments pp. 147-149 Downloads
A. A. J. Marley
Characterizing random variables in the context of signal detection theory pp. 151-174 Downloads
Geoffrey J. Iverson and Ching-Fan Sheu
Comparing the biased choice model and multidimensional decision bound models of identification pp. 175-197 Downloads
F. Gregory Ashby, W. William Lee and J. D. Balakrishnan
Alternative biased choice models pp. 199-219 Downloads
J. E. Keith Smith
Probabilistic psychophysics with noisy stimuli pp. 221-234 Downloads
Daniel M. Ennis and Kenneth Mullen
Loglinear representation for multivariate choice data pp. 235-250 Downloads
Ulf Bockenholt

Volume 23, issue 1, 1992

Stochastic models of choice and reaction time: new developments pp. 1-3 Downloads
A. A. J. Marley
A selective review of recent characterizations of stochastic choice models using distribution and functional equation techniques pp. 5-29 Downloads
A. A. J. Marley
Generalizing the concept of binary choice systems induced by rankings: one way of probabilizing deterministic measurement structures pp. 31-44 Downloads
Dieter Heyer and Reinhard Niederee
The representative agent model of probabilistic social choice pp. 45-66 Downloads
Stephen A. Clark
Induced binary probabilities and the linear ordering polytope: a status report pp. 67-80 Downloads
Peter C. Fishburn
Geometric and combinatorial properties of the polytope of binary choice probabilities pp. 81-102 Downloads
Reinhard Suck
Are all linear paired comparison models empirically equivalent? pp. 103-117 Downloads
Hal Stern
On min-stable horse races with infinitely many horses pp. 119-145 Downloads
Sidney I. Resnick and Rishin Roy
Page updated 2025-03-31