Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 7, issue 3, 1984
- Matching relations and the dimensional structure of social choices pp. 211-229

- Jean-Paul Doignon and Jean-Claude Falmagne
- Multivariate analysis using `and' and `or' pp. 231-251

- M. Smithson
- Arms races as iterated prisoner's dilemma games pp. 253-266

- Stephen J. Majeski
- Stability of command economies pp. 267-274

- K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush
- Time allocation to topics in a course of study pp. 275-288

- Maria Nowakowska, James Cox and Manfred Kochen
- Decision making under uncertainty: R.W. Scholz, Ed., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, 446 pages, $57.50 pp. 291-292

- F. W. Roush
- Structural models in antropology: P. Hage and Frank Harary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, 201 pages pp. 292-292

- K. H. Kim
- Quantitative studies on production and prices: W. Eichhorn, R. Henn, K. Neumann, and R.W. Shepard, Eds., Wurzburg: Physica Verlag, 1983, 288 pages pp. 293-294

- F. W. Roush
- Power, voting, and voting power: M.J. Holler, Ed., Wurzburg: Physica-Verlag, 1982, 338 pages, $69.95 pp. 294-295

- F. W. Roush
- Social choice and welfare: Pransanta K. Pattanaik and Maurice Salles, Ed., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, 323 pages, $63.75 pp. 295-296

- K. H. Kim
- Introduction to stochastic integration: K.L. Chung and R.J. Williams, Boston: Birkhauser, 1983, 191 pages, $19.95 pp. 296-297

- F. W. Roush
- Game theory and experimental games: A. Coleman, Oxford: Pergamon, 1982, 301 pages, $17.95 pp. 297-298

- F. W. Roush
- Numerical treatment of inverse problems in differential and integral equations: P. Deuflhard and E. Hairer, Ed., Boston: Birkhauser, 1983, 357 pages, $27.50 pp. 298-300

- F. W. Roush
- Branching processes: S. Asmussen and H. Hering, Boston: Birkhauser, 1983, $34.95 pp. 300-301

- F. W. Roush
- Operations research in progress: G. Feichtinger and P. Kall, Eds., London: Reidel, 1982, 520 pages pp. 301-302

- F. W. Roush
- Applied stochastic control in econometrics and management science: A. Bensoussan, P.K. Dorfer, and C. Tapiero, Eds., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1978, 304 pages, $26.75 pp. 302-304

- K. H. Kim
- Forecasting: S. Makridis and S.C. Wheelwright, Eds., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1979, 392 pages, $29.25 pp. 304-305

- F. W. Roush
- General systems thinking: T. Downing Bowler, New York: North-Holland, 1981 pp. 305-306

- F. W. Roush
- Autopoiesis: A theory of living organization: M. Zeleny, New York: North-Holland, 1981 pp. 306-307

- F. W. Roush
- Societal systems: Methodology, modeling, and management: John W. Southerland, New York: North-Holland, 1978 pp. 308-309

- K. H. Kim
- Incentives in public decision-making: Jerry R. Green and Jean-Jacques Laffont, New York: North Holland, 1979 pp. 309-311

- F. W. Roush
- Multivariate statistiche verfahren (in German): Ludwig Fahrmeir and Alfred Hamerle, Eds., Berlin-New York: Verlag W. de Gruyter, 1984 pp. 311-312

- Johannes Tritschler
Volume 7, issue 2, 1984
- Behavior settings and eco-behavioral science: a new arena for mathematical social science permitting a richer and more coherent view of human activities in social systems, part I: Concepts, measurements, and linkages to economic data systems, time-allocation matrices, and social system accounts pp. 117-138

- Karl A. Fox
- Behavior settings and eco-behavioral science: a new arena for mathematical social science permitting a richer and more coherent view of human activities in social systems, part II: Relationships to established disciplines, and needs for mathematical development pp. 139-165

- Karl A. Fox
- Demographic variables in medical care demand analysis pp. 167-175

- Maw Lin Lee
- Two-party competition with many constituences pp. 177-198

- David Austen-Smith
- Estimates of the horizon in mathematical models of marketing pp. 199-204

- Joseph Neggers and Ketill Ingolfsson
Volume 7, issue 1, 1984
- The so-called expected utility theory is inadequate pp. 1-12

- Yo Fukuba and Komayuki Ito
- Simple majority voting isn't special pp. 13-20

- Jerry S. Kelly
- Origin and destination entropies of U.S. 1965-70 age-sex-specific intercounty migration flows pp. 21-32

- Paul B. Slater
- Intertemporal incentive allocation in simple hierarchies pp. 33-57

- David Nickerson and Todd Sandler
- Noncooperative exchange using money and broker-dealers pp. 59-82

- Kofi O. Nti and Martin Shubik
- Dominance solvability and cournot stability pp. 83-102

- Herve Moulin
- Forecasting the partisan composition of the house as a function of seniority pp. 103-109

- F. J. Arcelus
- New trends in data analysis and applications: J. Jannssen, J. Marcotorchino and J.M. Proth, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, 272 pages, $51.00 pp. 115-116

- F. W. Roush
- On the interaction between State and Private Sector: F. Von Winden. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, 288 pages, $40.50 pp. 116-116

- F. W. Roush
Volume 6, issue 3, 1983
- Approximate cores of replica games and economies: Part II: Set-up costs and firm formation in coalition production economies pp. 285-306

- Martin Shubik and Myrna Wooders
- A new index of poverty pp. 307-313

- Satya Chakravarty
- Optimal adjustment of manpower-requirement forecasts: A case study of Iran pp. 315-323

- Hossein Razavi
- Asymptotic inequality of the market system pp. 325-335

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- Coalition formation of oligopolistic firms for information exchange pp. 337-351

- Akira Okada
- Understanding computer understanding of narrative text pp. 353-395

- Michael G. Dyer
- Qualitatively invertible matrices pp. 397-407

- George Lady and John S. Maybee
- Interconnected dynamical systems, stability, decomposition, and control: J. Bernoussor and A. Titli Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1982, 330 pages, $59.50 pp. 409-409

- F. W. Roush
- Dimensions of helping behavior: M. Smithson, P.R. Amato, and P. Pearce Oxford: Pergamon, 1983, 164 pages, $22.50 pp. 410-410

- F. W. Roush
- Modules in applied mathematics. Vol 2: Political and related models: S.J. Brams, W.F. Lucas and P.D. Straffin (Editors) Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag 1983, 396 pages, D.M. 72 pp. 410-412

- Johannes Tritschler
Volume 6, issue 2, 1983
- Structural theory and structural formations pp. 133-152

- Peter S. Albin
- Paternalism, buyers' and sellers' market pp. 153-169

- János Kornai and Jörgen Weibull
- Financial systems: a few theoretical and algebraic considerations for their modeling pp. 171-193

- Ivan Christin
- Tiebout and sympathy pp. 195-214

- Harold M. Hochman and Shmuel Nitzan
- Price and incomes policy: a `Sraffian' perspective pp. 215-225

- A. L. Levine
- An information theoretic model of bounded rationality pp. 227-246

- Larry A. Chenault and Gerald E. Flueckiger
- Automation and group structures in certain economic adjustment mechanisms pp. 247-260

- Edward Ames
- Theoretical reconciliation of equilibrium and structural approaches pp. 261-284

- Peter S. Albin and Farrokh Z. Hormozi
Volume 6, issue 1, 1983
- Karl Menger's contributions to social thought pp. 1-11

- Thomas Cornides
- On social groups and relations pp. 13-25

- Karl Menger
- Approximate cores of replica games and economies. Part I: Replica games, externalities, and approximate cores pp. 27-48

- Martin Shubik and Myrna Wooders
- A dynamic solution in N-person cooperative game theory pp. 49-63

- K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush
- Continuos social decision procedures pp. 65-73

- John A. Ferejohn and Edward W. Packel
- Two algorithms for generating and ranking the family of solutions of a finite irreflexive relation pp. 75-86

- Emmanuel Loukakis
- LS sets as cohesive subsets of graphs and hypergraphs pp. 87-91

- Stephen B. Seidman
- Power indices in a discretely proportional representative system with a large number of voters pp. 93-98

- Shigeo Muto
- An algorithm for identifying Morishima and anti-Morishima matrices and balanced digraphs pp. 99-103

- John S. Maybee and Stuart J. Maybee
- Quasitransitive rationalization and the superset property pp. 105-108

- John Weymark
- Limited resoluteness and strategic voting: The case of linear sincere preference orderings pp. 109-117

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay
- Competitive strategies: Jean-Pierre Ponssard, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1981, 211 pages, $49 pp. 123-123

- F. W. Roush
- Approval voting: S.J. Brams and P.C. Fishburn, Boston: Birkhauser, 1983, 198 pages pp. 123-124

- F. W. Roush
- Order and classification: Algebra and combinatorics: M. Barbut and B. Monjardet, (in French). Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1970, vol.1, 176 pages, and vol. 2, 173 pages pp. 124-125

- F. W. Roush
- Cybernetics and systems: R. Trappl (editor), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1982, 986 pages, $139 pp. 125-126

- K. H. Kim
- Hankel and Toeplitz matrices and forms: Algebraic theory: I.S. Iohvidov, Boston: Birkhauser, 1982, 231 pages pp. 126-127

- K. H. Kim
- Seminar on stochastic processes: K.L. Chung and R.K. Getoor, edited by E. Cinlar Boston: Birkhauser, 1981, 242 pages pp. 127-128

- K. H. Kim
- Managing technological accidents: Two blowouts in the North Sea: D.W. Fischer (editor); IIASA Proceeding Series. Pergamon Press, 1982, 234 pages, DM 133 pp. 128-130

- Johannes Tritschler
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