Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 12, issue 3, 1986
- The role of reconstructability analysis in social science research pp. 205-225

- George J. Klir
- Cybernetic causality II: Causal recursion in goal-directed systems, with applications to evolution dynamics and economics pp. 227-264

- Arvid Aulin
- Strategic market game: A dynamic programming application to money, banking and insurance pp. 265-278

- Martin Shubik
- Bilateral price-setting in a bilateral monopoly model pp. 279-301

- Haruo Imai
Volume 12, issue 2, 1986
- The core of a game with a continuum of players and finite coalitions: The model and some results pp. 105-137

- Mamoru Kaneko and Myrna Wooders
- The capacity of a committee pp. 139-157

- Ron Holzman
- Taxonomy approach to a cabinet formation problem pp. 159-167

- Jacek Mercik and Waldemar Kolodziejczyk
- Stability analysis for profit-responsive selection mechanisms pp. 169-183

- Gregory Dow
- Axioms for consensus functions based on lower bounds in posets pp. 185-190

- William H. E. Day, F. R. McMorris and David B. Meronk
- United States policy toward Latin America: A study of proactive versus reactive hypotheses pp. 191-198

- Hector Correa and W. Vassar
Volume 12, issue 1, 1986
- Noncooperative games and nontransitive preferences pp. 1-7

- Peter C. Fishburn and Robert Rosenthal
- Extensions of solution concepts by means of multiplicative [var epsilon]-tax games pp. 9-20

- Stef H. Tijs and Theo S. H. Driessen
- Weak values, the core, and new axioms for the Shapley value pp. 21-30

- Norman L. Kleinberg and Jeffrey H. Weiss
- Performance evaluation of some special classes of weighted majority rules pp. 31-46

- Mark Gradstein and Shmuel Nitzan
- On nonlinear theories of economic cycles and the persistence of business cycles pp. 47-76

- Willi Semmler
- Scale type, meaningfulness, and the possible psychophysical laws pp. 77-95

- Fred S. Roberts and Zangwill Rosenbaum
- Game theory in the social sciences: Martin Shubik, Boston & London: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1984, 514 pages, $17.50 pp. 101-101

- K. H. Kim
- Social system accounts: Karl A. Fox, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985, 221 pages, $29.00 pp. 101-102

- F. W. Roush
Volume 11, issue 3, 1986
- Voting operators in the space of choice functions pp. 201-242

- M. A. Aizerman and Fuad Aleskerov
- What can lattices do for experimental designs? pp. 243-281

- V. Duquenne
- Auctions, public tenders, and fair division games: An axiomatic approach pp. 283-294

- Werner Guth
- Ordinal ranking and preference strength pp. 295-306

- Wade D. Cook and Moshe Kress
Volume 11, issue 2, 1986
- Generalized Nash's choice pp. 101-107

- Algis Morkeliunas
- General, direct and self-implementation of social choice functions via protective equilibria pp. 109-127

- Salvador Barberà and Bhaskar Dutta
- Time and cost budgets pp. 129-138

- Paul Van Moeseke
- A strategic market game with transactions costs pp. 139-160

- J. Rogawski and Martin Shubik
- New measures of association for numerical variables pp. 161-182

- Michael Smithson and Kenneth Knibb
- On the practical possibility of a `no show paradox' under the single transferable vote pp. 183-189

- Depankar Ray
- On Thon's axiomatization of the Gini index pp. 191-194

- Alain Trannoy
- On lexicographic probability relations pp. 195-199

- Uzi Segal
Volume 11, issue 1, 1986
- Modeling eco-behavioral systems pp. 1-31

- Jati K. Sengupta
- Complete ignorance and independence axiom: Optimism, pessimism, indecisiveness pp. 33-51

- Claude Toulet
- Exact choice and fuzzy preferences pp. 53-68

- Bhaskar Dutta, Santosh Panda and Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- Properties of the expected value of the leontief inverse: Some further results pp. 69-82

- Sajal Lahiri and Steve Satchell
- A proof that the core of an ordinal convex game is a von Neumann-Morgenstern solution pp. 83-87

- Bezalel Peleg
- A note on nondictatorial conditions for choice mechanisms pp. 89-92

- Zvi Ritz
- Computational group theory: M. Atkinson, ed., New York: Academic Press, 1984, 375 pages, $60.00 pp. 93-94

- F. W. Roush
- The Umbral Calculus: Steven Roman, Orlando: Academic Press, 1983, 193 pages, $39.00 pp. 94-95

- K. H. Kim
- Mathematical ideas and sociological theory: I.J. Fararo, ed., New York: Gordon and Breach, 1984, 185 pages, $24.00 pp. 95-96

- F. W. Roush
- Polyhedral combinatorics and the acyclic subdigraph problem: M. Junger, Berlin: Heldermann Verlag, 1985, 128 pages, $36.00 pp. 96-97

- F. W. Roush
- Competitive economics: Equilibrium and Arbitration: Al Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, 300 pages, DFl.160 pp. 97-98

- David Mayston
Volume 10, issue 3, 1985
- The Condorcet criterion and committee selection pp. 199-209

- William V. Gehrlein
- Complex structures and composite models -- An essay on methodology pp. 211-246

- Alain A. Lewis
- Information patterns and Nash equilibria in extensive games -- II pp. 247-262

- Pradeep Dubey and Mamoru Kaneko
- Price adjustment in an economy with Markov disturbance pp. 263-267

- K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush
- Fitting the lognormal distribution to censored labour wastage data pp. 269-274

- G. K. Agrafiotis
- Hedonic price functions and progressive neighborhood improvement: A theoretical exploration pp. 275-279

- Diane Whalley
- Management of inexact reasoning and uncertainty in expert systems pp. 281-282

- Edward H. Shortliffe
- Thermodynamic theory as mathematical economics could have discovered it pp. 281-281

- Paul Samuelson
- The super-additive solution and the concession rate solution for the nash bargaining game pp. 282-282

- Michael Maschler
- New methods for the analysis of two-way contigency tables: An alternative to Diaconis and Efron pp. 283-290

- Leo A. Goodman
- Strategy, structure and procedure in legislatures pp. 283-283

- Kenneth A. Shepsle
- Statistical assessments as evidence in the courts pp. 290-291

- Stephen E. Fienberg
- The analysis of discrete public goods problems within a social dilemma and half-dilemma framework pp. 291-292

- Robyn M. Dawes
- Weakness of will and the free-rider problem pp. 293-294

- Jon Elster
Volume 10, issue 2, 1985
- Cybernetic causality: A unitary theory of causal recursion in natural and social systems pp. 103-130

- Arvid Aulin
- Statistical issues in measurement pp. 131-153

- G. Iverson and J. -C. Falmagne
- The desirability relation of simple games pp. 155-168

- Ezra Einy
- Characterization and statistical test using truncated expectations for a class of skew distributions pp. 169-178

- Andras Telcs, W. Glanzel and A. Schubert
- The minimum degree of recursively representable choice functions pp. 179-188

- Alain A. Lewis
- Social influence models with ranking alternatives and local election rules pp. 189-198

- Svatoplukk Poljak and Daniel Turzik
Volume 10, issue 1, 1985
- Fundamentals of expertise: II. Communication pp. 1-42

- Maria Nowakowska
- On effectively computable realizations of choice functions: Dedicated to Professors Kenneth J. Arrow and Anil Nerode pp. 43-80

- Alain A. Lewis
- Tax evasion and the prisoner's dilemma pp. 81-89

- Daniel Gottlieb
- A problem in poverty measurement pp. 91-97

- Michael Lipton
- Rational Consensus in Science and Society: A Philosophical and Mathematical Study: Keith Lehrer and Carl Wagner London: Reidel, 1981, 165 pages, $26 pp. 99-99

- H. K. Kim
- Topoi: Robert Goldblatt, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984, 552 pages, $69.25 pp. 99-101

- F. W. Roush
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