Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 40, issue 3, 2000
- Cumulative prospect theory and imprecise risk pp. 237-263

- Fabrice Philippe
- The reflection effect for constant risk averse agents pp. 265-276

- Rann Smorodinsky
- Separable and additive representations of binary gambles of gains pp. 277-295

- R. Duncan Luce and A. A. J. Marley
- Characterizing properties of approximate solutions for optimization problems pp. 297-311

- Henk Norde, Fioravante Patrone and Stef Tijs
- Maximax, leximax, and the demanding criterion pp. 313-325

- Jörg Naeve
- Multi-attribute decision-making in individual and social choice pp. 327-339

- Walter Bossert and Hans Peters
- A value for multichoice games pp. 341-354

- Emilio Calvo Ramón and Juan Carlos Santos
Volume 40, issue 2, 2000
- On diversity and freedom of choice pp. 123-130

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik and Yongsheng Xu
- 'Hydraulic' rationing pp. 131-155

- Marek M. Kaminski
- Economies with a measure space of agents and a separable commodity space pp. 157-173

- Mitsunori Noguchi
- Double implementation of linear cost share equilibrium allocations pp. 175-189

- Guoqiang Tian
- Cumulative dominance and probabilistic sophistication pp. 191-196

- Rakesh Sarin and Peter Wakker
- Imitation and the dynamics of norms pp. 197-213

- John Conlisk, Jyh-Chyi Gong and Ching H. Tong
- Easy weighted majority games pp. 227-235

- Nilotpal Chakravarty, Anand Goel and Trilochan Sastry
Volume 40, issue 1, 2000
- Topological social choice pp. 1-39

- Luc Lauwers
- Entry-deterring policy differentiation by electoral candidates pp. 41-62

- Martin Osborne
- Distribution of coalitional power under probabilistic voting procedures pp. 63-84

- Shasikanta Nandeibam
- Choosing from a weighted tournament1 pp. 85-109

- Philippe De Donder, Michel Le Breton and Michel Truchon
- The egalitarian solution for convex games: some characterizations pp. 111-121

- Flip Klijn, Marco Slikker, Stef Tijs and José Zarzuelo
Volume 39, issue 3, 2000
- Consistent aggregation of simply scalable families of choice probabilities pp. 241-262

- Janos Aczel, Attila Gilanyi, Gyula Maksa and Anthony A. J. Marley
- Exact stability and its applications to strong solvability pp. 263-275

- Joseph Abdou
- Strategy-proofness, Pareto optimality and strictly convex norms pp. 277-301

- Hans van der Stel
- Fair-negotiation procedures pp. 303-322

- Matthias G. Raith
- Axioms for the outcomes of negotiation in matrix games pp. 323-348

- Stephen J. Willson
- The representative Nash solution for two-sided bargaining problems pp. 349-365

- Haruo Imai and Hannu Salonen
Volume 39, issue 2, 2000
- Becker's assortative assignments: stability and fairness pp. 109-118

- Kimmo Eriksson, Johan Karlander and Lars-Erik Oller
- Existence of stable outcomes and the lattice property for a unified matching market pp. 119-132

- Marilda Sotomayor
- Nash equilibrium in a spatial model of coalition bargaining pp. 133-174

- Norman Schofield and Robert Parks
- Stable effectivity functions and perfect graphs pp. 175-194

- Endre Boros and Vladimir Gurvich
- A finite population ESS and a long run equilibrium in an n players coordination game pp. 195-206

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- Epistemic conditions for agreement and stochastic independence of [epsi]-contaminated beliefs pp. 207-234

- Kin Chung Lo
- A generalization of Moulin's Pareto extension theorem pp. 235-240

- John Weymark
Volume 39, issue 1, 2000
- Expected utility and case-based reasoning pp. 1-12

- Akihiko Matsui
- On comparing equilibrium and optimum payoffs in a class of discrete bimatrix games pp. 13-20

- William Stanford
- Price volatility and risk with non-separability of preferences pp. 21-34

- Burkhard Drees and Bernhard Eckwert
- Representation in majority tournaments pp. 35-53

- Gilbert Laffond and Jean Lainé
- Potential maximizers and network formation pp. 55-70

- Marco Slikker, Bhaskar Dutta, Anne van den Nouweland and Stef Tijs
- On the competitive effects of divisionalization pp. 71-79

- Luis Corchon and Miguel González-Maestre
- Explicit form of neutral social decision rules for basic rationality conditions pp. 81-107

- Lev A. Sholomov
Volume 38, issue 3, 1999
- Foreword pp. 241-246

- A. Author
- A theorem on parallel processing models with a generalized stopping rule pp. 247-258

- Hans Colonius
- Assessing dependence among subjects' responses pp. 259-274

- Francesca Cristante and Egidio Robusto
- A Boolean approach to the measurement of group processes and attitudes: The concept of integration as an example pp. 275-293

- Rudi Janssens
- Modelling the dynamics of visual classification learning pp. 295-313

- Alexander Unzicker, Martin Juttner and Ingo Rentschler
- Constraints in vision: Outline of a set-theoretic approach pp. 315-341

- Luigi Burigana
- Prior expectations in cross-modality matching pp. 343-359

- Donald Laming
- On the empirical construction of implications between bi-valued test items pp. 361-375

- Martin Schrepp
- Global structure of visual space as a united entity pp. 377-392

- Tarow Indow
Volume 38, issue 2, 1999
- Introduction pp. 103-103

- A. Author
- Epistemic considerations of decision making in games pp. 105-137

- Mamoru Kaneko
- Non-Archimedean subjective probabilities in decision theory and games pp. 139-156

- Peter Hammond
- Hierarchies of knowledge: an unbounded stairway pp. 157-170

- Aviad Heifetz and Dov Samet
- A modal logic of intentional communication pp. 171-196

- Marco Colombetti
- Capacities and probabilistic beliefs: a precarious coexistence pp. 197-213

- Klaus Nehring
- Group knowledge is not always distributed (neither is it always implicit) pp. 215-240

- Wiebe van der Hoek, Bernd van Linder and John-Jules Meyer
Volume 38, issue 1, 1999
- Optimal job search in a changing world pp. 1-9

- Lones Smith
- Qualitative probabilities on [lambda]-systems pp. 11-20

- Jiankang Zhang
- Variable intervals model pp. 21-33

- Marc-Arthur Diaye
- Choice functions and abstract convex geometries pp. 35-44

- Gleb A. Koshevoy
- Marginalist and efficient values for TU games pp. 45-54

- Anna B. Khmelnitskaya
- Three remarks on the many-to-many stable matching problem pp. 55-70

- Marilda Sotomayor
- Slot allocation: A model of competition between firms when consumers are procedurally rational pp. 71-81

- Gianni De Fraja and Indrajit Ray
- Airport problems and consistent allocation rules pp. 83-102

- Jos Potters and Peter Sudhölter
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