Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 1, issue 4, 1981
- Jacob Marschak's contributions to the economics of decision and information pp. 335-338

- Kenneth Arrow
- Understanding by semantic language, operation logic and formularies pp. 339-373

- V. Polak and N. Polakova
- Preplay negotiations and the prisoner's dilemma pp. 375-379

- Ehud Kalai
- Structures induced by collections of subsets: a hypergraph approach pp. 381-396

- Stephen B. Seidman
- Multivalent preference structures pp. 397-408

- Peter H. Farquhar
- Generalized gini inequality indices pp. 409-430

- John Weymark
- Axiomatic models of bargaining: Alvin E. Roth, New York: Springer, 1979. (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems.) pp. 437-438

- Fred W. Roush
- Applied operations/systems analysis in Hierarchical Decision-making: George K. Chacko Vols. I, II. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company pp. 438-438

- Fred W. Roush
- Theory and measurement of consumer demand: Henri Theil, Vols. I, II. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company pp. 439-440

- Fred W. Roush
Volume 1, issue 3, 1981
- An information theoretic approach to large economic organizations pp. 223-233

- Hans W. Gottinger
- The median procedure in cluster analysis and social choice theory pp. 235-267

- Jean Pierre Barthelemy and Bernard Monjardet
- The complexity of computing metric distances between partitions pp. 269-287

- William H. E. Day
- Continuity properties of majority rule with intermediate preferences pp. 289-296

- Peter Coughlin and Kuan-Pin Lin
- Combined stress and human performance: a weighted digraph model pp. 297-305

- Richard D. Ringeisen and Clark A. Shingledecker
- Sulfur dioxide and mortality damage: a benefit/cost analysis pp. 307-322

- Ben-Chieh Liu
- Frontiers of quantitative economics.: Michael D. Intriligator, ed., Papers invited for presentation at the Econometric Society Winter Meetings, New York, 1969. Amsterdam: North-Holland pp. 325-326

- K. H. Kim
- Elements of statistical analysis.: Hans Gottinger, Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1980. $37.50 pp. 325-325

- F. W. Roush
- Frontiers of Quantitative Research in Economics, Volume A.: Michael D. Intriligator, ed., Papers invited for presentation of the Economic Third World Congress, Toronto, 1975 pp. 327-328

- K. H. Kim
- Indirect management in a centrally planned economy: Witold Trzeciakowski, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1978 pp. 328-329

- F. W. Roush
- Toward a theory of economic development.: Paul Zarembka, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1972 pp. 329-330

- F. W. Roush
- Economic analysis and operations research: Optimization techniques in quantitative economic models.: Jati K. Sengupta and Karl A. Fox, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1969 pp. 330-331

- F. W. Roush
- Technological forecontrol: prospects, problems, and policy.: George D. Chacko, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1975 pp. 331-332

- F. W. Roush
- Production functions and aggregation.: Kazuo Sato, Amsterdam: North- Holland, 1975 pp. 332-333

- F. W. Roush
Volume 1, issue 2, 1981
- Axioms for the averaging and adding representations of functional measurement pp. 139-144

- R. Duncan Luce
- Uniqueness properties in finite-continuous additive measurement pp. 145-153

- Peter C. Fishburn
- General conditions for non-normality of risk areas pp. 155-168

- Maria Nowakowska
- Individual strategy and manipulation of issues pp. 169-176

- Bhaskar Dutta
- The categorical approach to social choice theory pp. 177-191

- Hans Keiding
- Economic planning based on social preference functions pp. 193-200

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- An integrated model for earthquake risk and damage assessment pp. 201-214

- Ben-Chieh Liu and Chang-Tseh Hsieh
- Discrete statistical models with social science applications: Erling B. Andersen, Amsterdam: North-Holland pp. 215-216

- Fred W. Roush
- Spieltheorie (game theory): B. Rauhut, N. Schmitz and E.W. Zachow. Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner, 1979. DM 28.80 pp. 217-217

- Fred W. Roush
- Measurement theory with applications to decision-making, utility and the social sciences: Fred S. Robert Reading, MA 01867: Addison-Wesley, 1979. $24.50 pp. 218-219

- Ki Hang Kim
- Mathematical models in the social, management, and life sciences: D.N. Burghes and A.D. Wood New York: Halsted Press, 1980. $ 13.50 pp. 219-219

- Fred W. Roush
- Graph theory and its applications to problems of society: Fred S. Roberts, Philadelphia, PA: Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 1978. $ 11.50 pp. 219-221

- K. H. Kim
Volume 1, issue 1, 1980
- Symmetric social choices and collective rationality pp. 1-9

- Peter C. Fishburn
- Coalition formation in the triad when two are weak and one is strong pp. 11-37

- James P. Kahan and Amnon Rapoport
- Restricted preferences and strategyproofness of singlevalued social decision functions pp. 39-49

- Bhaskar Dutta
- Toward eudaimonology: notes on a quantitative framework for the study of happiness pp. 51-68

- Yew-Kwang Ng
- An introduction to the axiomatics of procedures of aggregation pp. 69-83

- Oleg Arkhipoff
- Special domains and nonmanipulability pp. 85-92

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- Transitive permutation groups and equipotent voting rules pp. 93-100

- Edward W. Packel
- The complexity of social groups and social systems described by graph structures pp. 101-129

- Peter S. Albin
- A simple algorithm to detect balance in signed graphs pp. 131-136

- Frank Harary and Jerald A. Kabell
- Mathematics for social scientists: Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush, Amsterdam: North-Holland pp. 137-137

- Ehud Kalai
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