Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 5, issue 3, 1983
- Externalities and the possibility of pareto- satisfactory decentralization pp. 241-251

- Jerry S. Kelly
- Structure and complexity in economic and social systems pp. 253-268

- Peter S. Albin and Hans W. Gottinger
- Evolutionary stability in extensive two-person games pp. 269-363

- Reinhard Selten
Volume 5, issue 2, 1983
- Research in decision theory: A personal perspective pp. 129-148

- Peter C. Fishburn
- A theory, implementation and applications of human-like understanding pp. 149-231

- V. Polak
Volume 5, issue 1, 1983
- Convex geometry and group choice pp. 1-16

- S. V. Ovchinnikov
- Socioeconomic factors and consumption theories pp. 17-32

- Maw Lin Lee and Teh-Wei Hu
- Demilitarized zone planning: A multiobjective approach pp. 33-46

- Sang M. Lee, Hans Brisch and Charles A. Snyder
- Truthful revelation of preferences for a public good pp. 47-54

- Mikio Nakayama
- The aggregation of risk aversions pp. 55-59

- George G. Szpiro
- On incomplete preference structures pp. 61-72

- Claude Flament
- Existence of vote maximizing equilibrium in one dimension pp. 73-87

- David Salant
- Structural stability of market models pp. 89-95

- Kose John and Antal Majthay
- Binariness and rational choice pp. 97-105

- Rajat Deb
- Variations in economic quality of life indicators in the U.S.A.: An interstate observation over time pp. 107-120

- Ben-chieh Liu
- The theory of subgradients and its applications to problems of optimization: Convex and nonconvex functions: R.T. Rockafeller, Berlin: Heldermann Verlag, 1981. pp. 107, DM 28.00/$12.00 pp. 125-125

- K. H. Kim
- The foundations of expected utility: P.C. Fishburn, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982. pp. 176, $39.50 pp. 126-126

- K. H. Kim
- Multiple statistical decision theory: Recent developments: Shanti S. Gupta and Deng-Yuan Huang, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1981. (Lecture Notes in Statistics) pp. 127-128

- Hagen Scherb
Volume 4, issue 3, 1983
- Iterative behaviour of generalized majority functions pp. 197-204

- E. Goles and M. Tchuente
- Guarantee structures for problems of fair division pp. 205-218

- William Thomson and Terje Lensberg
- On the information about individual utilities used in social choice pp. 219-228

- Peter Gardenfors
- Characterization results for aspirations in games with sidepayments pp. 229-241

- Elaine Bennett
- The political business cycle if the government is not myopic: An integration of the long-run and short-run models of the political business cycle pp. 243-260

- Gebhard Kirchgässner
- Approximating minimum-length-sequence metrics: a cautionary note pp. 261-270

- Ralph P. Boland, Edward K. Brown and William H. E. Day
- Counterexamples in measuring the distance between binary trees pp. 271-274

- J. P. Jarvis, J. K. Luedeman and D. R. Shier
- Social utility functions for strategic decisions in probabilistic voting models pp. 275-293

- Peter Coughlin
- Risk sensitivity, independence of irrelevant alternatives and continuity of bargaining solutions pp. 295-300

- R. de Koster, Hans Peters, S. H. Tijs and Peter Wakker
- Hare's voting scheme and negative responsiveness pp. 301-303

- Dipankar Ray
- Individualistic social welfare functions under ordinalism: a reply to Mayston pp. 305-307

- Murray Kemp and Yew-Kwang Ng
- Detection of revolution pp. 309-315

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- Measurement theory for the behavioral sciences: Edwin E. Ghiselli, J.P. Campbell and S. Zedeck, San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1981, pp.491, $27.95 pp. 319-320

- P. Potthoff
- Fair representation: M.L. Balinski and H.P. Young, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982, pp. 191, $27.50 pp. 324-325

- F. W. Roush
- Economic theory of natural resources: W. Eichhorn, R. Henn, K. Neumann and R.W. Shepard, eds., Wurzburg: Physica-Verlag, 1982, pp. 695 pp. 325-327

- F. W. Roush
Volume 4, issue 2, 1983
- Social systems analysis II pp. 87-102

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- The design of a Tort law to control accidents pp. 103-115

- Irwin Lipnowski and Yuval Shilony
- Sequential auctions on Bohm-Bawerk's horse market pp. 117-130

- Shigeo Muto
- Consensus functions defined on trees pp. 131-136

- F. R. McMorris and Dean Neumann
- Equity-and inequity-type Borda rules pp. 137-154

- Wulf Gaertner
- Restricted domains, arrow-social welfare functions and noncorruptible and non-manipulable social choice correspondences: The case of private alternatives pp. 155-179

- Zvi Ritz
- When is random random? pp. 181-182

- Mark Kac
- Prehistoric archaeology: The reluctant quantifiers pp. 182-183

- Albert C. Spaulding
- Cognitive semantics: Some recent developments pp. 183-184

- Goerge Lakoff
- Measuring the political consequences of electoral laws pp. 184-186

- Bernard Grofman
- Spanning and arbitrage in securities markets with options: A state preference aproach pp. 186-186

- Donald Brown and Stephen Ross
- Extinction and the coevolution of competing species pp. 186-188

- Jonathan Roughgarden
- Interactive models of evaluating decisions: A.N. Borisev and A.S. Levchenko, Riga: Riga Polytechnic Institute, 1982, 139 pp. (in Russian) pp. 189-189

- F. W. Roush
- Analyse et agregation of preferences: Pierre Bulleau, Eric Jacquet-Lagreze and Bernard Monjardet, eds., Paris: Economica, 1981, 305 pp. (in French) pp. 190-191

- F. W. Roush
- The cybernetic laws of social progress: Arvid Aulin. Oxford: Pergamon, 1982, 218 pp., $45.00 pp. 191-191

- F. W. Roush
- Game theory for the social sciences: Herve Moulin, New York: New York University, 1982, 204 pp., $39.00 pp. 191-192

- K. H. Kim
- Psychological decision theory: Jozef Kozielecki, Boston: D. Reidel, 1981, 403 pp., $54.50 pp. 192-193

- K. H. Kim
- Future cities: Spatial analysis of energy isues: John R. Beaumont and Paul Keys, Chicester, England: Research Studies Press and John Wiley, 1982, 198 pp., $18.50 pp. 193-194

- F. W. Roush
- Manpower planning models: Richard C. Grinold and Kneale T. Marshall, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977, xxx + 267 pp., $36.00/Dfl. 90.00 pp. 194-194

- F. W. Roush
Volume 4, issue 1, 1983
- Some problems of observability theory and its applications pp. 1-23

- Maria Nowakowska
- Mathematical models of recognition and confusion in psychology pp. 25-71

- James T. Townsend and Douglas E. Landon
- On non-binary social choice pp. 73-78

- Santosh Panda
- On a class of strictly nonmanipulable collective choice rules pp. 79-86

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay
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